Tao Yao’s Free and Fast Life

Chapter 30

Chapter 29: Age Girl 3

Comrade Public Security raised his hand to interrupt Father Xi: “If I ask you anything, you can answer it, don’t judge him, just answer ‘yes’ or ‘no’.”

“Ask you again, did you put the drug on Xi Xiaofan’s body? You tied the rope on Xi Xiaofan? And you gave her away, right?”

“Yes.” After Father Xi answered, he felt a little nervous and felt a little unsafe. Although he didn’t know that he had violated the law, he still habitually defended himself. “Comrade Public Security , we can’t do anything about it, if you don’t believe me, go and ask around…”

The police were too lazy to listen to his explanation, and after getting the answer they wanted, they said: “Okay, we all know, now to inform you two that Xi Xiaofan sued your husband and wife for an arranged marriage against her will, You have also confessed to this fact just now, this behavior has been suspected of breaking the law, please come with us to the Public Security Bureau.”



The Xi family’s eyes stared like copper bells, and Xi’s mother pulled one of the police’s sleeves and said, “Comrade police, are you right? We just chose a son-in-law for our daughter, Why is it illegal?”

“Captain, please help us explain.”

The captain also hated the Xi family and his wife. Who would be so extreme that their daughter didn’t want to marry and even gave them away.

The captain can’t help with this, so he can only wave his hand and say: “The state law has expressly stipulated that I can’t do anything about it. At most, I will help you in and help take care of the house.”

The team leader doesn’t want two prisoners in the village, it’s not good for the team, so he gave the Xi’s parents a tip: “Don’t worry, it’s not that there is no room for manoeuvre, After you go to the Public Security Bureau, you two must not be angry with Xiaofan, tell her well, it is best to seek her understanding, as long as the person who complained is willing to forgive, you will not be imprisoned.”

After all, this matter did not cause too much trouble, Xiaofan did not suffer, so it can be classified as a family conflict.

? It will definitely be drowned by the spittle of the villagers.

The relationship between the people involved in the Xi family’s case is too complicated. In the end, the whole thing was picked up high and put down gently, so as long as the Xi family’s husband and wife were clear-headed, it would be no problem to stabilize Xiaofan.

Now that their husband and wife are helpless, they can’t care to blame their daughter for making things worse. They can only listen to the captain first and save the jail time.

The two of the Xi family were taken away in handcuffs. The captain looked at their backs and couldn’t help sighing.

That set of laws governing the country with filial piety.

The Xi family and his wife were taken to the Public Security Bureau. As soon as they saw the peach demon, Xi’s mother forgot all the warnings from the captain and cried: “Xiaofan, why are you so cruel? , sue me and your father!”

Peach Yao pouted: “Didn’t you learn it from your parents? You can all drug me so cruelly, I’m just fighting back.”

“This is a right granted to me by the law. As a law-abiding citizen, I am naturally obliged to fight crimes, clean up the social atmosphere, and restore the country’s prosperity. Even if you are my parents, I will We want to kill relatives righteously.” Tao Yao’s righteousness Ling Ran said.

It doesn’t like the couple who can’t handle it. Although they are not human, Tao Yao knows that there is a saying in human beings that tiger poison does not eat children, but the two of them are the murderers who killed their daughter , I don’t know how to reflect on it later, and to do something to help the enemy is simply inferior to a beast.

Peach Demon’s live broadcast room has been open, and the audience who saw the source plane here applauded its actions. Too many people have experienced parents cheating their children, but they are bound by blood , and the eyes of the people around me, I can’t resist. Now I rarely see a cool drama, and I feel that I am also out of anger, so the reward comes flying like snowflakes.

The viewers of Chili TV are also a little concerned, but because they are still watching, they only post a barrage and do not give a reward.

The audience was delighted, the Xi family almost vomited blood, mother Xi looked at Tao Yao in disappointment, and said in a slightly crying voice: “Xiaofan, my parents are also for your own good, you say You have lost your reputation because of Fan Zhiqing’s affairs. It’s rare that a man with an iron job takes a fancy to you, why are you so stubborn? Is it possible that my father and I will hurt you?

Tao Yao covered her ears and said, “Don’t listen, don’t listen, **** chanting.”

It didn’t want to be entangled with the couple anymore, turned to the police and said, “Comrade Public Security, you quickly detain them, don’t think about mediation, I won’t ask for forgiveness, Even if I struggle to make a living in the village, I have to make my parents realize the mistakes they made.”

“I know the current situation, because the victim has not been hurt too much, it is estimated that the detention will be at most seven days, so I will not feel sorry for my parents at all. Compared with their loss of freedom for a few days, I am But it almost ruined the rest of my life.”

“Okay, then everything will be done in accordance with laws and regulations.”

, they don’t have to think too much about the relationship of the Xi family.

Several police officers turned to the Xi family and said, “You two, get up and come with us.”

Father Xi was led away by the police, but Tao Yao’s expression did not change. Seeing his daughter’s determination to sue him, his heart aches beyond measure. Is this the child they have loved since childhood? How did it get so bad?

“Xiao Fan, how did you become like this?”

Xi’s mother was also hurt by the indifferent attitude of the peach demon. Tears flowed down her cheeks and she couldn’t help herself, crying and saying, “It’s all because of that Fan Zhiqing, he didn’t come to cut the queue. The former Xiaofan has always been fine, how obedient and obedient, and I don’t know what medicine Fan Zhiqing gave Xiaofan to make her like this.”

Peach Demon: “…”

How come this mother’s words are similar to those of the wealthy and evil mother-in-law in some TV dramas?

Although this all depends on the character of the original owner and has nothing to do with Fan Zhiqing, Tao Yao is too lazy to explain to the Xi family and his wife.

At the moment, people are getting angry, and the more they explain, the more they discredit Fan Zhiqing, so forget it, let them go to the detention center to wake up.

Li Zhiguo and the Xi family were both detained, Tao Yaocai thanked the police and a few passers-by on the road, and asked where the passers-by were, if there was a work unit, and if there was a work unit, It’s going to write a thank you note praising them.

One of them happened to have a work unit. He asked for leave today to play with his friends.

A letter of thanks may make the leader improve his impression, which is very beneficial to his future.

After getting their addresses, Tao Yao said, “I’ll send you a thank you gift in two days. There are too many things today, and it’s too late. I hope you don’t mind.”

“I don’t mind, I don’t mind.” Although they wanted to say that they were in trouble, they didn’t think about getting paid, but when Tao Yao said it, they were shamefully moved.

“Okay, then thank you, I’ll go back first.”


After saying goodbye to a few kind passers-by, Tao Yao left the Public Security Bureau and walked back to Xijia Village following the memory of the original owner.

The original owner’s most troublesome thing was solved, and it was finally free to chat with the audience in the live broadcast room.

“Alas, I was a educated youth in the last world, and a farmer in this world. It seems that I really have a relationship with the land.”

It seems to be the case, its body is a peach tree, it can only take root in the land, and it is also in the countryside after crossing twice. Is the field spinning? If that’s the case, it has to go and learn serious agricultural knowledge.

The audience of the source plane was amused by the words of the peach demon, but they had the background of the previous world and knew that the peach demon did not need to farm at all, so they said: “Daxian, you can keep up with the next one. It’s the same as the world, go to manage the pigs in the village and become a pig herd.”

Peach Yao shook her head and said, “No, in the last world there was no way, so I chose to be a pig herd, this time my identity is so good, I have a pair of parents who dote on their children, and I don’t need to do anything at all, so I decided to study hard and improve every day.”

After graduating from university, and the state assigns work, Xi Xiaofan should be worthy of Fan Zhiqing.

When Tao Yao interacted with the audience on the source plane, she did not forget the audience of Chili TV. After talking about her next plan, she asked Chili TV: “Now there are colleagues from the Supernatural Research Institute. Are you watching the live broadcast? If so, chat with me privately, and I’ll tell you what the bead is for after I die.”

The audience of Chili TV suddenly boiled: “Are you really Tao Daxian?”

“Tao Daxian, you caught fire when you died, what kind of fire was that fire, and why is it so magical?”

“Tao Daxian, do you belong to Buddhism or Taoism, why do you leave relics after death?”

Peach Yao pondered for a while and said, “I should be a double cultivation of Buddhism and Taoism, I wonder if the country over there has released my detailed information? But now I am not in the same time and space as you, this information Shouldn’t it be a secret?”

“To tell you the truth, before I became Wei Panxia, I lived in a temple. Although I didn’t convert to Buddha, I was always inspired by Buddhism. Later, the way of practice I stepped into by chance should belong to Taoism. .”

It’s a spirit bead.”

Although peach demons often drink nectar to condition their bodies in the previous world, the nectar content in the nectar is not enough for the corpse to be burned to leave ninjas, so those nectars are peaches The demon bought it in the mall to pretend.

Lingzhu is a very low-level cultivation resource in the world of self-cultivation. It is written in the instruction manual that it contains a very small amount of spiritual energy and can be used as a high-level resource in some low-level worlds. The price is also very cheap. The price of those beads is exactly the price of a piece of ordinary talisman paper, which shows the low grade of the spirit beads.

“The spirit beads are produced because of the aura, and the process of production should be similar to the reason for the formation of a kind of submarine fuel in your science, so the spirit beads can be used as energy, I guess those few The Lingzhu should be taken away by the people of the research institute now.”

Tao Yao’s words were so rich in content that the audience of Chili TV fell into silence. Woolen cloth?

But one thing is certain, that is Tao Daxian is not in the same world now.


The audience reacted with hindsight, so is Daxian really successful and successful?

Just as the audience was stunned, the people from the Supernatural Research Institute finally received news that there was a suspected reincarnation of Wei Panxia live on the Internet, mentioning those Liuli left behind after her death As for the beads, let them quickly open the live broadcast to see.

Researchers have never been able to figure out what these beads are. I heard others say that Tao Yao’s live broadcast room can be revealed, so I quickly opened the live broadcast and privately chatted with Tao Yao.

Their account IDs all use their real names, so it is obvious that Tao Yao found them as soon as they entered the live broadcast room. It smiled and said hello to a few of the people who had been close before.

Those people are verifying the identity of Tao Yao, Tao Yao also chatted with them privately, fearing that they would think that these contents were stolen by spies, it said: “Just as I am going back to the village soon Well, I’ll show you the most intuitive proof later.”

Entering the entrance of the village, Tao Yao was about to run back to Xi’s house in three steps and two steps, but was caught by the captain who was waiting outside early.

The captain stopped it and said, “Xiaofan is back?”

“Oh, yes, hello Captain.” Tao Yao greeted him obediently.

“Where are your parents?” The captain looked at his head and didn’t see the Xi family and his wife, feeling a little strange.

Tao Yao said: “Oh, they committed something, they were locked up by the police comrades, and they will come back in a few days.”

It was said lightly, and the captain wondered if the Xi family and his wife did not say what they said, did not get the daughter’s understanding, and couldn’t help asking: “You don’t understand Are they?”

Who knew that Tao Yao said, “Why should I forgive them? If they break the law, they should be punished by the law. After all, our country is a country governed by law.”

“This…” The captain couldn’t refute this sentence, he could only say weakly, “But Xiaofan, legal principles are nothing more than human feelings, they are your own parents, it hurts Your biological parents of twenty years, how can you bear it?”

Looking at Xi Xiaofan’s sweet appearance, the captain felt a chill in his heart, such a cute girl, how can she be so cruel, she actually sent her parents in.

What does this captain want to do? Want to use blood ties to morally suppress it?

Thinking of this, Tao Yao said: “But they didn’t care about human feelings, they all pushed me into the fire pit in person, I still have to care what they do, anyway, I can’t bear the hardship in the detention center. Captain, just take a hundred hearts. I have understood it clearly with the public security comrades. They thought that my parents were the first offenders, and there were no bad consequences, so this time I took it lightly and only detained for one week. I will go after a week. Pick them up, as long as they are remodeled, they are still my good parents.”

“I don’t have any other advantages, except that I am broad-minded. Although they hurt me, they are also punished. As long as they don’t make mistakes, I will not pursue their past.”

“You… ah!” The captain was almost told by Tao Yao that his blood pressure rose.

This Xi Xiaofan is doing evil, why is it more and more outrageous, I used to think that her brain was unclear, but now I realize that she is so cold-blooded and ruthless, no wonder she disregarded the opposition of her parents and insisted on chasing Fan Zhiqing, It turned out that there were no parents at all.

Seeing that the captain was about to faint, Tao Yao quickly supported him and said, “What’s the matter? Captain, are you too happy? Don’t do this, I will be shy, I just do In order to help parents correct their mistakes and strive for progress, I will not be eliminated by society. Am I particularly high-minded?”

The captain is going to vomit blood, how is he happy, he is going to die of anger.

Tao Yao was afraid that he would not get angry, and said: “Captain, this incident is very suitable for setting a model. In fact, I am not the only girl who has been victimized in our brigade. General Assembly, tell all young girls about my heroic deeds. When facing injustice in the family, stand up bravely. We don’t need to be wronged, because it is the laws of the country that stand behind us and support us. Girls must be allowed to stand up. Knowing that our backing is the state.”

The captain’s blood vessels are really going to burst this time. If every child is as rebellious as the peach demon, wouldn’t it make the house restless?

If everyone learns the same way, don’t think about the unity of the brigade, there will be lawsuits every day, and let people not work?

But before he said his refusal, Tao Yao helped him make a decision: “Captain, don’t you want to have a meeting? When the police came to my house to arrest people, they should have been seen, right? If others I saw it and ran to ask me out of curiosity, I don’t know what to say.”

The captain understood, Tao Yao must make things bigger.

But this is really not a good example, he persuaded hard: “Xiaofan, you don’t understand, things are not that simple, you see your parents are in the game, but they come out. A person with a criminal record, how bad it will affect you, of course, the less people know about this matter, the better, especially if this is a scandal in your family, as the so-called family scandal is nothing but exaggeration…”

The Tao Yao waved her hand and said, “What kind of scandal is this, haven’t I had enough things in the past two years? Anyway, I don’t have to worry about too much debt, and I don’t care if I have too many lice. one thing.”

“But…” The captain still wanted to rescue him, “After all, you were stunned and sent away. This will affect your reputation. You will marry in the future.”

Peach Yao said: “I thought everyone knew that I liked Fan Zhiqing, but I couldn’t get married long ago. Is it possible that you have a good person to introduce to me?”

Captain: “…”

How dare he introduce a man to Tao Yao, isn’t this harmful? When Xiaofan wears a cuckold, he will be stabbed in the spine.

In order to prevent Tao Yao from saying anything terrible, the captain can only say: “Forget it, since you don’t mind, then I will tell everyone about this, if it is because of If something is wrong with you, don’t blame me.”

Tao Yao said: “Don’t worry, I can’t blame you for something, it’s all my own disappointment.”

“Alright, alright, you can go back, I have nothing to say to you.” After that, the captain suspects that he will lose ten years of life.

“Hee hee~” Tao Yao smiled and waved to the captain, “Then I’ll go home and rest first.”

When I got home, Tao Yao closed the door and entered the main room, and when she saw the screen, she was complimenting herself, saying that it was too sophistry, and she laughed when she saw the captain being rendered speechless by it. died.

Some people also asked Tao Yao: “Daxian, why do you want to make this big? How bad for you.”

Peach Yao explained to them: “The Xi family’s parents have been sent in, plus Xi Xiaofan’s reputation as a nympho, what else should I pay attention to? Everyone’s impression of her It’s just a nympho, shameless and licking a man’s dog, is this a good reputation?”

Audience: “It’s a **** of a counter-attack, it’s a devilish start, Daxian, this plot is really true, how can you make your body like this.”

“It’s not a **** start. In fact, it’s very simple to wash the white. It’s just like the so-called “no breaking, no standing.” After thinking about my new character, being beaten by life, betrayed by relatives, awakening from desperation, determined to abandon the unbearable past, start over, and be a good person.”

“What do you think of the prodigal son’s return route?”

Audience: “…”

The screen was silent for a while, then began to refresh.

“Fuck, Master Niubi!”

“The Masters is high, how did things become easier in your hands?”

Tao Yao said: “I didn’t learn this from you in the entertainment industry. In the later stage of the last world, everyday life was very boring. Except for cultivation, I was surfing the Internet, and occasionally I would broadcast live broadcasts for you. I found out on the Internet. A very interesting industry is the entertainment industry.”

In Qixia Temple, the peach demon could not move and had limited understanding of the world, so he didn’t understand many things, but since stepping into the bizarre entertainment circle, the peach demon felt that a new world had opened up in front of him door.

When it gave itself the master status of An Feisheng experience, it didn’t know about the establishment of Renren, and when it came into contact with entertainment, it found out that it was in a random direction, and it made a mistake. Find the right direction.

Later, I found out that the entertainment company’s various sham operations are simply amazing.

Seriously, if it didn’t go to farm in the 1970s at first, but was thrown into the entertainment industry, it is estimated that it may not be able to complete the first mission.

The entertainment industry is really a complicated place, and the people in it are also very dark, even darker than it is.

The author has something to say:  The update is finished today, and the double update will be integrated. Tomorrow will be nine in the morning and six in the evening, two per day.

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