Tao Yao’s Free and Fast Life

Chapter 21

Chapter 20: Reborn Educated Youth 19

Tao Yao is too lazy to ponder the minds of the group of people, anyway, his own layout will be effective.

Although this group of customers have not yet consumed at it, they have already started to contribute their Faith Points like crazy.

No wonder no matter how the state suppresses feudal superstition, it will eventually resurface. It is estimated that the people have already engraved this fear of the unknown in their DNA.

The Tao Yao has no time to subdue this group of people for the time being, and she thought that when it returns from Maozi, she will give the believers a little sweetness.

This time I went to Maozi Country, Tao Yao is going to live broadcast, such a good opportunity to brush faith cannot be wasted.

On the day they went out, the puppet closed the courtyard door early according to Tao Yao’s instructions.

Tao Yao opened the live broadcast and sat on the sedan chair carried by the paper stick. When the audience came in, they were dumbfounded and almost cried.

“Da Xian, what are you doing? It’s scary to do this in the middle of the night.”

The world on the other side happened to be night at this time. Most of the audience who had turned off the lights and were going to sleep were unprepared. As soon as they entered the live broadcast room, they saw a few grim faces. They are very courageous, and they don’t know why Daxian put the paper into sacrifice again.

Tao Yao smiled and explained to the audience: “Not long ago, I sent people to Maozi country to do publicity, and I wanted to develop some international friends as customers. I didn’t expect Maozi to not talk about martial arts. I kidnapped and worked for them, and now I’m ready to take revenge.”

The audience gasped, how dare Maozi? Isn’t this touching a tiger’s butt? I didn’t see that Daxian had so many strange talisman papers in his hand, and it was enough to be messed with.

But they were also very concerned about how Tao Yao wanted to take revenge, and they all asked: “Is Daxian going to scare Maozi to death now? It’s probably a bit difficult, after all Maozi is famous. The fighting nation should not be scared to death.”

Tao Yao said: “Of course not, I just want to use a more national style of appearance.”

The audience said: “It’s really unique. There is only one country in the world that has a paper culture.”

After introducing the theme of this live broadcast, Tao Yao said: “Okay, don’t talk too much, I’m going on the road, Maozi doesn’t talk about martial arts, but I’m still very disciplined, no Bullying others, I have given them half a month to hide in advance, as long as they hide well and don’t find me, I will let them go, now everyone go with me.”

After speaking, Tao Yao directed the two puppets and said, “A Qing, A Hong, carry the sedan chair.”

The original paper puppets can only walk on land and can’t fly, and the peach demon does not want to buy any props such as flying boats, too expensive and useless, just two puppets have flying skills, Let them carry themselves.

Before taking off, Tao Yao had already taken protective measures for herself, so as not to be killed by the cold wind in the sky.

The puppets lifted the sedan chairs into the air, and the audience couldn’t help but marvel: “The top puppet charms are really powerful.”

When Taoyao was not live, and the world over there was a few days ago, the low-level puppet charms purchased by the state were not only used for experiments, but also used in all walks of life.

In a fire operation with a very serious fire, Zhizhe people flew over the eaves and walls under the control of firefighters, climbed a hundred meters high building in a few seconds, and successfully rescued many victims dozens of times. It not only avoids the loss of firefighters, but also saves rescue time.

Although the rescued people were almost scared to death, it is better to be scared than to be burned to death. Because of this fire, many people have come to know Tao Yao’s talisman.

Recently, many foreigners realize that they have new discoveries and start to inquire about Tao Yao.

Although puppets are only used in rescue and some more dangerous industries in China, they are not allowed to use talismans in wars.

This is a new power system, and no one can crack it for the time being. Western countries are very insecure when they know it, and they keep on conspiracy theories, thinking that domestic talismans will be used in wars.

Therefore, the number of Taoyao’s live broadcast room has reached a new high. Now many countries are staring at it, waiting for it to start broadcasting and want to do business with it.

On the way, people kept sending private messages to Taoyao, wanting to cooperate with it, but Taoyao didn’t care, it is now a person with status, and it is no longer something that can be bought with a little money of.

There were no restrictions on selling talismans earlier, because the audience who traded with it at that time lived under the same sky with themselves. Although it is a demon, a demon with a nationality is naturally more partial to himself people.

What are these tadpoles looking for now? Don’t you know what it looks like to beg someone? Send some text that it doesn’t understand, and it doesn’t bother to take care of it.

Tao Yao blocked all these people, so that they could not enter the live broadcast room.

The puppets are flying very fast, and by the time Tao Yao finished the trivia in the live broadcast room, they had already flown over Maozi Country.

Peach demon first let the puppet carry him to the headquarters of the Elephant Gang to see if they listened to him and hid well.

When the demon flew over their headquarters, they were still deploying a kidnapping plan to China.

Seeing this situation, Tao Yao sneered, compared the information of the Elephant Gang, and confirmed that those high-level executives were all in this building, and said to the audience in the live broadcast room: “You guys Look at it, this is the fate of offending me.”

Just take this opportunity to let the ghosts who watch the live broadcast know that it is not to be messed with.

Tao Yao took out a formation plate and told the audience: “This is a formation plate with a trapped formation. After activation, a circle of air walls will appear. People locked in the air wall cannot Going out, I’m going to close the door and beat the dog now, and using the array plate can not only trap people, but also ensure that people outside the array plate will not be harmed, I’m more reasonable to ensure that innocent people will not be hurt.”

After the popular science, the peach demon activated the array plate and threw it above the headquarters of the Elephant Gang. The audience could not see the air wall, but they were surprised to see the array plate flying in the air.

Some people asked Tao Yao if they could give him an array to experiment with, it looked very interesting, but Tao Yao ignored them.

After surrounding the Elephant Gang, Tao Yao took out a loudspeaker and shouted to the building: “Bold hair, come out and die.”


The people from the Elephant Gang were stunned. They didn’t know why the peach demon could fly in the sky.

It’s not here to chat, so whatever they say won’t change its purpose.

Tao Yao is still very reasonable. Before hitting someone, she shouts and says to the people below, “Do you understand Chinese?”

The people below were chattering for a while, Tao Yao frowned and said, “Forget it if you don’t understand.”

It unilaterally announced its intention, and then used a water spell, a water dragon fell from the sky, rushing the underground people to the east.

Peach Demon’s drawing skills are average, but because of its abundant mana, the effect of using spells is amazing.

Maozi can’t speak Chinese and can’t communicate with Tao Yao, so they can only yell in exasperation and struggle desperately in the water.

The viewers who watched the live broadcast were also frightened by this scene. Usually, Taoyao was friendly with them during the live broadcast, and even joked. At first, some people spoke badly to Taoyao, but fortunately at that time, it did not Investigate it, otherwise it will be them who are now flooded.

While some people are glad they are alive, others have other thoughts in mind.

Seeing Tao Yao’s methods, a fire burst into their hearts.

People from the Academy of Sciences also saw it, Tao Yao hadn’t started to practice when it was broadcast live, and all used skills that were not lethal, but now they also know that Tao Yao is not without aggression, it’s just It didn’t show up before.

They are also thankful in their hearts that no one has angered the Tao Yao before, otherwise they will only think it is a natural disaster if these methods are used, and they will not speculate in the place of man-made disasters.

But…they also want to study that array, it seems that they will be able to make a deal with Tao Yao later.

As for the water spell, they are also jealous, but I don’t know if Tao Yao is willing to teach them the method.

The audience in the live broadcast room was thinking a thousand times, and the peach demon was still increasing the casting of spells. Although the group of hairy boys could swim, the water flow kept stirring. They were shocked and could not drink it. Less water entered the stomach, and it almost burst. After finally touching the edge, I found that there was no invisible air wall around it. No wonder the water level kept rising.

The means displayed by Tao Yao are amazing. Even if the people of the Elephant Gang have the backbone, they have to admit defeat and beg for mercy, and want Tao Yao to let them go.

It’s a pity that Tao Yao couldn’t understand Mao Zi’s words, and kept releasing water spells, drowning them.


Tao Yao plans to go back and learn ice and fire spells again. No matter how afraid of fire, she has to overcome it. Next time, let people who don’t have long eyes try ice and fire.

After speaking, it did not stay in place to see the fate of the Maozi, the formation in the array can last for three days, if they are not drowned by water after three days, the Tao Yao is not ready to continue to take revenge .

Many people can’t believe the news.

But after seeing the tragic scene at the scene, they had to believe it.

The peach demon did not hide its whereabouts. Its image of a paper-wrapped sedan chair was photographed by a passing reporter. The photo was published in the newspaper and sent back to China, causing a shock in the country.

I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw the newspaper in China, because the title was very UC shocking – an incredible fact, the oriental magic that makes all mankind crazy!

Subtitle “The sleeping dragon has awakened, will the eastern unified world be far away?”

The author has something to say:  The pre-received article “When the Big Brother Binds the Sadomasochism System [Quick Pass]”

Lotus was bound by a system called “Send warmth to the male protagonist of sadomasochism”, and traveled through sadomasochistic articles, instead of the female protagonists who were not controlled by the love mind to abuse the male protagonist.

Lotus: “I love the male protagonist of the text? No problem, I guarantee that the male protagonist will suffer from liver pain. I am the most professional when it comes to tasks.”

World One: The White Moonlight Double

After the avatar was asked for trouble by Mr. Ba’s relatives and friends for the first time, he knew his identity as a surrogate and ran away. As a result, the map of the country was too large, and Mr. Boss couldn’t find the avatar to engage in sadomasochism, and the plot collapsed .

System (respectful teaching): The host must not hide too deep when running, and must leave a clue for the boss to find you.

Lotus: Running? Why run away? I like playing with this boss the most.

Then Mr. Ba got a message that he turned out to be the substitute that the substitute was looking for.

The system is vomiting blood

World II

The future queen accidentally broke through the conspiracy of her sweetheart to use her own, and directly supported another person to fight with the male protagonist in anger, and the plot collapsed.

System (respect teaching): Host, you must not support another person like the original owner.

Lotus: Support another person? Why support another person? Wouldn’t it be nice for me to be the emperor myself?

The system is crashing.

System: This host can’t take it, the Lord of Qiuqiu can change me a host!

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