Tamed so Easily

Getting busy

As I slipped into class I was so relieved to see that Wendy wasn’t sitting at the back. I saddled up next to her and did my best not to disturb class as I settled in and tried to calm down. My face was flushed and hot and the thought of what I just did. I knew what was coming next though, Wendy wanted that video. She touched my thigh gently and nowhere near my crotch to get my attention. I looked over as she produced an iphone cord and motioned for me to fork over my phone.

I slipped it to her and felt myself burn with embarrassment as I prayed to god she wouldn’t make some mistake and play my video out loud to the class. I sat there worried as she plugged my phone in. I had to reach over and plug in my apple password and watched as she downloaded all of my photos and videos. Taking over my private life in one fell swoop. As the data transferred over to her computer I could see her long skirt tent a little in her excitement as she got off on controlling me.

Soon enough though she transferred two audio files to my phone and smiled at me benevolently. “They’re the recordings of our first two classes. I’ll give you the last one later. Since you were such a good boy and listened.” She handed back my phone and smiled at me.

I still burned with embarrassment at almost being caught but at the same time I was so excited. Wendy kept her hands to herself for the rest of the class as she focused and took notes throughout the class. Even though she was recording it her mind seemed so smug and happy with herself for her small corruption. Getting me to do something I had never thought of doing on my own.

As class wrapped up Wendy held my leg in place as lunch started. She looked at me and leaned in kissing me gently, “Send me a friend request on facebook. I’m so curious about what your life has been before me. Don’t forget you have to write up that report for me. I look forward to reading it. When I watch that video later I’m going to enjoy every moment.” She kissed me once more and I closed my eyes, melting into the kiss before she pulled away just as I was truly sinking into it. With one final stroke across my cheek she stood up and walked away. I watched her swaying hips and imagined what she would be doing when she watched the video.

My phone dinged, pulling it up I looked at it.

“Hey Tim, what’re you up to this weekend?” Veronica’s text said.

“I’m not sure, I’ve kinda been sucked up into something exciting.” I responded. I needed to be open and honest with Veronica about what had happened between Wendy and I.

“Really? Well, I know you’re busy with school but why don’t I come visit you tomorrow night after dinner and we can just chat and hang out. I know my place is a little far away but I can just come by your dorm after work since it is pretty close. Then we can chat.” Veronica continued typing, “I have been thinking about our little arrangement and I have to come clean about something when we meet up. Just keep an open mind ok?”

“I’ll always have an open mind for you Wendy. I have something to talk about as well.” I typed fast and had my fingers dancing across the screen.

“Sounds like we both want to meet up then. I’ll see you after dinner tomorrow night. XOXO.” The little typing bubble went away as I remembered how great a kisser Veronica was. I also remembered her box of toys and wondered just what else she had in there that would be so nice to enjoy. Would Wendy be into a little bondage? With how she wanted to control me I couldn’t imagine that she wouldn’t be into it.

“XOXO,” I responded real quick and tucked my phone away. A great rumbling in my stomach interrupted my thoughts as I remembered I had lunch to get to and then arrange a dinner with Greg.

I returned to the dorm and grabbed a tupperware that held my meager lunch. I had been having too many cheat meals and needed to return to my disciplined diet. I heated up the rice, boiled chicken, and broccoli. As I sat down at the table Jose wandered in heading to the fridge.

His eyes fell on me and he smiled, “Hey, for a chef that looks like one hell of a boring meal.” Jose rubbed between my shoulders for a second as he passed and grabbed a huge sandwich from the fridge and sat down across from me. “Heard about your hazing, how’s your ass doing?”

“Overall its gotten a lot better. Kinda bruised still but I’ll live. Sleeping on the stomach is a little difficult but it beats being in pain all night.

I forked the plain food into my mouth as I looked at the sandwich with jealousy. Cold cuts, salami, cheddar and pepperjack, lettuce, green peppers, banana peppers, jalapenos and olives. I could smell how thick the sandwich was and did some quick math on just how many calories that would eat up in my diet. I could smell some sort of spicy sauce that the whole sandwich wafted into the air. I looked down disappointed at my meal and sighed heavily.

“I swear I’ll earn my next cheat day.” I said as I continued eating.

Jose smiled at me, “Don’t worry Tim. You tell me when your cheat day is and I’ll spend some time with you. Unless it is coming next week. I have a competition to go to. Then when I get back victorious I’m going to go to a party and celebrate.” He flexed his arm straining the fabric of his shirt with his bulging muscles.

“That is pretty early in the year for competition. That seems surprising.” I finished my food as Jose continued into his colossal meal.

“It is a strongman competition that me and the group go to. I’ll be aiming to be number one even though I have a tough job against some of my team. Powerlifting is nothing like strongman stuff but I am excited. You interested in coming and cheering me on?” He waggled his eyebrows and I could see that he just wanted some fans there with him. My assessment that he wanted someone to praise him constantly seemed to hold weight.

“I have a lot of practice to go through but maybe if it ever lines up that I can come and watch you compete I will.” Washing my tupperware I tucked it onto the drying rack and leaned on the counter watching Jose enjoy his sandwich. “Man, what is it like to eat whatever you want?”

“Delicious,” He said through a mouthful of sandwich and watched me closely as he looked at my build. “I could always help you bulk up a little. If you even want to bulk or something. I know with your small frame that we could at least do a little bit to make you buff. It would give me personal trainer practice.”

“No thanks, I’ll stick with diving so that I can stay in college and not rack up a lot of debt. I appreciate the offer though. What else do you do besides lift weights and go to competitions?” I sat down knowing that I had some time to kill and I was still trying to wind down from such a powerful morning.

Jose wiped his mouth clean as he put down the second half of his sandwich and smiled at me, “Well I do like watching some sports but I am also pretty into hiking. There are some nice trails a few hours out of town that head out into nature. Being out there away from it all is so relaxing. Some day I imagine going and living out in the wilderness and using nature to work out. Like Rocky four, haul logs and chop wood.” He sighed looking wistfully out the window. “Though maybe I have to wait a few years. I heard there is this camp that you can go to and learn primitive survival skills. I want to sign up for it when I graduate before I start working.”

“That sounds exciting. There were some nice hiking trails back home that I liked to go on when I wasn’t working on diving. My dad thought it was always good to take a break from everything and wander around in nature. If we both have time I would love to go hiking together.” I smiled, Jose was such a friendly guy that I couldn’t imagine that hanging out with him wouldn’t be pleasant.

“Hell yeah, that sounds awesome to me. Maybe during spring break we could go camping or something. I’m not too into traveling out and drinking yourself out of your own mind. Hey, I know you’re a little young but maybe you can come to that party and hang out. You can be my wingman. We can find you a good guy, what do you say?” Jose tucked into the rest of the sandwich while I thought and watched him closely. I wondered if he was lonely or something.

“I’m not much into the party scene but if I feel like it I’ll tag along. Plus, it doesn’t have to be a guy you know. I can always find a nice girl to have fun with.” I looked at the clock and sighed. It was time to head to the rest of my classes. My phone dinged and it looked like Wendy emailed me the third class recording. “Well, you have a good day Jose. Just text me some details about any parties or when you want to go hiking.”

I grabbed my bag and slung it over my shoulder. I hoped my day wouldn’t make me more exhausted.

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