Tamed so Easily

First day of Class

I woke up a little tired from the intense dream and need to relieve myself of my pent up desire. My ass was still extremely tender from the beating it took yesterday so after another application of aloe that stung and sent shivers of pain through my body I slid on my loosest boxers and put back on my baggy pants and belt. I sat there in front of the mirror and touched my face in the vague hope that there would be stubble to shave but alas I didn’t have it in me to grow hair.

I grabbed some pomade and got some hot water to wet it and get ready to style my hair. I wanted to look good for my first day in class and be as presentable as possible. I teased and shaped my wolf cut hair and had it stylishly messy and framing my face. I smiled at myself before the scent of my morning breath caught my nose. I grabbed my toothbrush and the taste of peroxide and baking soda filled my mouth as I brushed aggressively, aiming to keep my white smile.

I stepped out into the communal area and saw Greg eating his sad Eggos again as he looked over a class book as thick as two novels. His reading speed must have been impressive as he flipped the page every few seconds. The other hand kept scribbling notes in an empty book as his talented mind balanced the two tasks. I grabbed the frozen hashbrowns and instant eggs and went about cooking a simple breakfast focused on protein and carbs. A little salt and pepper made the food perfect as I scarfed it down.

“Morning Greg,” I called as I poured a cup of black coffee and took in a deep whiff of the pleasant smell of wakefulness. As I sipped it, he looked up and smiled.

“I’m looking forward to dinner. I was hoping maybe we could talk about you setting up a menu for the meals so I know what to shop for. Instead of me making you wing a meal every night.” His smile was shining as he considered the implications of my agreement and that he would be getting at least one great meal a day.

I sighed to myself as I sipped again. “I’ll put together a list. I’m eating at the cafeteria for lunch. I won’t have time to come back and cook. Meet me there and I’ll hand it over to you. How much room in the fridge do you have?”

“Ohhh I’ll just shop between my last class and dinner. I have just a few classes a semester so I have plenty of time to shop.” He glanced back at the book and growled, “Shoot I lost my spot.”

“Hey, do you have the money to do all this studying and buying groceries?” I was curious about how he could sustain this way of life and not sink into unending debt. I got that he must be lonely and wanted to spend time around a community that was always bustling. Still, college wasn’t cheap.

“Oh, I have a patent on a cellphone design that was adopted. I got a very hefty settlement for my design. I invest all of it in high return stocks and earn enough to sustain this way of life while it builds up into a good retirement amount. Well I guess this is my retirement. I’m working on inventing a couple things as well that might just change the world.” His attention was slowly sinking back into the book as he tried to find his place once more.

“What version of phone did you invent?” I was burning with curiosity and wanted to delve into his life suddenly.

“Oooh I signed an NDA. Can’t talk about it.” He looked at his watch, “You’re gonna be late. Better scurry off Tim.”

I looked at the time and sighed. Chugging my morning savior and let it clear the cobwebs that were in my head. I rinsed the cup and set it aside for a deeper cleaning later today. I made my way to my first class of college. I had to cross campus to the proper building and found the classroom that I would get to enjoy three times a week for the next half year.

I stepped into class and scanned around. About half the seats were already taken. It was a general class that almost everyone needed in order to get the degree they needed. That is when I spotted someone that I just met. Someone that made my heart skip a beat when I met eyes with her. A girl that I dreamed of.

Wendy’s green eyes gazed at me and her smile was warm and inviting. She waved and motioned towards the seat next to her. It was a little demanding of her but I didn’t mind. I moved through the class and settled in next to her. The pain of my backside was forgotten in the presence of someone I was already falling for.

Her voice was still a little sleepy this morning as she leaned on one hand and drank me in with her eyes. “What a wonderful little coincidence. I did want to talk to you a little more after meeting you. Something about you just draws me in.”

I blushed heavily as my cheeks reddened. “Uhhh, I wanted to talk to you more too. I wanted to see what kind of major you were going towards and some other things. Do you have some time to talk after class?”

She shook her head, “No I have to get straight to my next class. It is across campus. I’m stuck running around all day. I kinda gave myself quite the heavy load of classes for my first year.”

“Oh it’s your first year too? I’m a freshman too.” I smiled as she looked at me like I was the most interesting person in the world. I felt a whole wave of interest as she seemed so attentive to whoever she was speaking to.

She tilted her head, “Well, that puts us in the same boat. Hmmm, instead of in between classes how about we meet up later after everything is done for the day. There is this small bistro I saw on google maps with a great yelp rating. You can treat me to that.” She bumped me with her shoulder as she pumped her eyebrows. “Will you help feed this poor little lady?”

“Uhhh, I have a prior commitment. I am cooking for a guy in my dorm in payment for some of his old study notes. They’re pretty awesome. How about you come and enjoy that with us? I’m in the Kennedy Dorm on the third floor.” I felt hope blossom in my chest as my mind raced to try a way to spend some time with Wendy later today.

“Well… I guess that will work. If there will be enough food for little old me.” She pouted a little and tugged at my heartstrings.

“I’ll make sure there is enough for all three of us.” My heart was already pounding as I seemed to be stuck in her eyes. I couldn’t bring myself to look away.

She looked sideways a couple times as if trying to direct my attention elsewhere. “Tim, it's time to pay attention. Don’t let your grades slip so early in the year.”

I shook my head trying to clear it of thoughts of Wendy. I pulled out a notebook real quick and got ready to write up my notes. Wendy instead whipped out a laptop and looked at my pen and paper. “It's a little archaic there. Bet my notes will be better than yours.”

“You’re on. We will have to compare notes sometime and see who is better.” I winked at her as the teacher started his lecture. My hand flew across the page writing in shorthand so that I could absorb as much information that he was saying as possible while Wendy’s hands danced across the keyboard like lightning. Our focus was razor sharp as we competed in silence. I fought off the urge to keep glancing at her writing as a way to see what I was up against and instead do my best.

Class flew by as we wrapped up the note taking and I smiled smugly at her but she returned it. I couldn’t help it, “I’m so gonna win. Too bad we don’t have more classes so that we have even more to compete against. Such a small sample size.”

I wrapped up my stuff and stood up going to leave and head to my next class. Wendy packed up and was walking beside me as we made our way. There was a comfortable silence between us until I began to notice we were taking the same turns. “Are you following me?” I joked.

“You wouldn’t know if I was following you. I’m stealthy like that.“ She adjusted her strap and I got a whiff of her rose perfume. “I’m just headed to my next class.” Wendy smiled as we walked locked instep with each other. “It would be funny if we had the same class. Since you just mentioned that.”

Or troublesome. I don’t know if I could survive with her distracting me all day.

Much to my chagrin we arrived at the same door and stopped. We both looked at the door and then each other. Wendy’s smile slid onto her face as she motioned for me to go in first. “After you.”

“Isn’t it supposed to be ladies first?” I jested as I motioned for her to go first.

“Age before beauty. I insist.” She pushed me gently on the shoulder and I was surprised by her strength.

“How would you even know that I am older than you? I’m only nineteen. How old are you?”

She winked at me and shoved me towards the door. “Never ask a lady her age. Naughty boy.”

I laughed and made my way into class and looked at where to sit. We settled down next to each other again and eyed one another competitively. “May the best win.”

Surprisingly, almost as if fate spun us together. We went to every class that morning together. I sighed rolling my wrist at the end of the third class that morning. “I’m so gonna win. There is no way you’re more thorough than me.”

She smiled and clicked her laptop closed. “You’re awfully cocky, you should know I got in on a scholarship for my grades. Valedictorian.” She stretched and her shirt strained over her large breasts. A groan slipped from her throat and she sighed heavily. “I’m so hungry, but do I keep my appetite for tonight or not.” She put a finger to her lips and tapped them. They looked pillow soft and pleasant to touch. I wondered how they would feel to nibble on during a moment of passion.

“We are sharing between three people. I know I am on a diet but I wouldn’t want you starving yourself.” I looked at the time, “Speaking of which. I have to meet our benefactor and tell him what we’re eating tonight.”

“You’re gonna make me parmesan chicken,” Her tone cut through my mind and I immediately wanted to follow what she said before a small bit of defiance filled me. “That is, if you’re a gentleman and listen to your guest.”

I looked at her with curiosity at the sudden fierceness in her voice and how I responded to it. “I’ll think about it.”

“Think quickly,” She walked away, hips swaying as she looked over her shoulder and smiled knowingly.

Guess I’m making Chicken Parm.

I pulled out my phone and started to put together a shopping list I would need to make such a meal. I hoped that the communal kitchen would have everything I would need in order to make such an involved dish. I’m sure that Greg was going to be happy with the choice. “I’m gonna need Greg’s number.”

I looked at the retreating behind of Wendy. Her juicy bottom looked like it would be such a delight to fondle. I hoped deep down that she was single.

I wouldn’t mind Wendy’s number too.

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