Tales of Death´s Daughter

Chapter 86

“I told you to wait twenty minutes. Twenty! One thousand two hundred seconds! Not twenty-five minutes you idiot.” The cooking spoon flew through the whole kitchen, just after I looked at the clock. It flew perfectly through the hanging pans, hitting Tom exactly at his head even though he was already ducking behind the counter. Instantly, I ran to the oven and opened it swiftly. They were brown … not golden brown … just brown …

“Mary … look how he massacred my boys …” I scratched my scalp in frustration, put baking gloves on, grabbed the baking tray and threw it completely, obviously with all the failed cookies on it, towards Tom who ducked underneath the counter once more. It was so sad to see my hard work resulting in nothing because this idiot couldn’t look at the clock.

“Boss, did you take drugs again? You look like you are close to crying.” Tom said as he cautiously looked above the counter again, fully expecting to get struck by a flying pan.

“Again?” Asked Mary before I could answer. Was this developing into the first family argument?

“I can explain.” I waited until I found an appropriate excuse and pointed towards Tom. “He forced me to take them!” I took my share of the cookies quickly, put them in a bowl and scooted around the counter, tackled Tom to the ground because I thought he wanted to stop me and left the kitchen in a hurry.

Happily, I walked down the hallway, munching on my cookies. I threw one of them in the air, caught it with my mouth and savoured the taste of each end every one of them. The ingredients were mediocre, but the execution was fabulous. Two hundred years of cooking and baking experienced all accumulated in these cookies, the pinnacle of creation so to speak.

And yet, I could only taste them for so long as I froze in the hallway and slowly but surely went backwards while cramming as many cookies in my mouth as possible. A few seconds later, I opened the door again and walked backwards into the kitchen.

“Cwan ywu ewean rwr-“ I said, the cookies still in my mouth until Mary interrupted me.

“Lucinda, maybe you should chew first. These cookies are the best I ever ate, don’t get me wrong, but we really cannot understand you like this.” Angrily, I munched on all the cookies, threw three more into my mouth just because they fitted and then started a long process of gulping them down. After a minute and a mouthful of wine later, I screamed at Tom once again.

“Can you even read the clock you dumbass? The long clock hand shows the minute, so what does the shorter one tell us??” Now I took a pan and dangerously held it above my head.

“That would be the hours then … oh fuck.” It was already midnight and too engrossed in my baking adventure, I completely missed the time. I did give Tom the task of watching out for nightfall, and yet he seriously messed that one up as well. Angry, I slammed my bowl of innocent cookies on the counter and stormed out of the kitchen.

“That’s the wrong direction!” Mary screamed as she rushed out of the door hot on my heels.

“FUUUUCK!” I turned around and let her run before me. In all honestly, I was worried about Arthur. Well, not exactly about him as he would be fine, but I had to wonder what he did while I was six hours away. Luckily, we did lock the door so he should be incapable of escaping the room … at least until there was no sunshine anymore and he could escape through the window.

The door seemed to be fine from the outside and I didn’t hear any screaming so far, meaning that he either already massacred everyone, or he didn’t escape. Mary fumbled with the keys for some time until she finally found the right one and opened the door.

I breathed out in relief as I saw Arthur still cowering on the mattress, but quickly had to realize that his hunger overrode all the orders I gave him as soon as he saw me. I didn’t think this was possible as my blood pact with him was already formed, but he behaved more like a ghoul in the first place and to my knowledge, these creatures weren’t controllable at all as none of them regained their intelligence after being turned by a vampire.

I could only push Mary away in time before this wild animal pounced into me. We both flew for a second or so until I hit the wall behind me and he could sink his teeth into my neck. I gasped as the usual feelings flooded my body and I sank to the ground happily, grabbed the back of Arthur´s head and pushed his teeth even deeper.

For one last time, I wanted to feel how my blood left my body and was sucked up by the vampire I created. The warm feeling it provided me concentrated around the two canine that sank the deepest into my flesh and spread around my whole body, giving me a nice and relaxed feeling. It felt like being on drugs, but the good kind of drugs without any side effects. I could think crystal clear, I could even see how Mary stared at the scene in shock and I just had to smile at her. This moment was beautiful.

As soon as his teeth left my body and the wound started to heal, the great feeling that flooded me vanished instantly and a sense of tiredness kicked in. Luckily, the bottle of blood still stood on a nearby table. After peeling Arthur of me who apparently still hadn’t enough, I drank the whole bottle in one go.

“What? Are you worried that some kind of gossip will spread about your daughter?” I asked, full of curiosity.

“No. No. I am just wondering …”

“Hey, I am two hundred and nine. I think some kinks are allowed at that age.” I tried to justify my behaviour with all I got in front of my mother.

“Great, my daughter is seven times older than me.” I shouldn’t have said that. It made me feel bad to see her a bit saddened like this.

“Age is but a number.”

“That’s what all paedophiles say.” And once again, I messed up. I apparently couldn’t hold a conversation with a normal person at all. Considering I spent my whole life with a bunch of assholes and a few children so far, this wasn’t entirely unexpected. “I think I am going now. Come down in a few minutes.”

“Alright.” I waved as she went out of the door to gather all the servants in one place. Frustrated, I even talked to Arthur. “Having a mum is seriously challenging. I kind of expected some kind of emotional torture, but she just ignores my weird antics for the most part. She didn’t even say anything as I threw a hot tray at Tom.”

Arthur grunted as an answer. I appreciated his support.

“I wonder how life will be in the future … I mean, I kind of want to know what a normal life is like.”

Another supportive grunt from Arthur. A bit of spit fell on my hand though.

“Did you know there are institutions that are called schools? They apparently teach all kinds of stuff! I wonder what torture methods I could learn from them … that’s also where a lot of novels take place! The heroes meet their antagonist for the first time and in the end, it all develops into chaos from then until the antagonist is brutally murdered … well … I get resurrected anyway.”

And yet another supportive grunt. What a nice vampire I created.

“Alright, I think it is time to get you dressed.” I said and rummaged through the drawers until I found the usual attire he wore. I helped him to wear disgustingly white trousers, a nauseating white shirt … and much more puke worthy stuff. I somehow got the desire to hang myself because I would be damned to wear this white stuff whenever I played the role of Mary´s daughter.

Frustrated, I grabbed Arthur by his collar and dragged him out of the room with me, only to stop in the hallway.

“I seriously need to improve my orientation. Left or right?” I asked myself more than anyone else.

Arthur growled as an answer. What did I expect in the first place?

“All right, Mary did mention it is on the ground floor.” I shrugged, stepped closer to the opposite side of the hallway and threw Arthur out in one go. He didn’t fall far, but that wasn’t my intention in the first place. Gracefully, I stepped on the windowsill and jumped down after him. I rolled down on the gravel and picked up Arthur after I balanced myself. Whistling, I went through the front door and listened to the sounds of bickering woman. Satisfied about finding them, I went through multiple hallways while holding Arthur by the hand and soon entered a large room. Forty humans stood around here, some guards clad in armour while most of the maids wore their regular working clothing, although they must have dressed rather quickly.

“Shoo shoo.” I pushed Arthur towards Mary and stood near the door which was to my knowledge the only exit there was. Satisfied, I listened to this farce of a speech Mary held. She was trembling and scared, but didn’t want to stop talking at all. Because right then, Arthur would start the only work he was good for at the moment.

Some of the attendants grew bored of her speech, although they all gave their best to hide the fact. Some also noticed how Arthur was swaying back and forth as if an invisible force held him back from running forward. And some grew restless as they noticed my arrival.

“Mary! Now or never.” I shouted and reluctantly, she stopped talking and turned around. She couldn’t look at the massacre Arthur committed, even as she already approved of the plan I told while baking cookies.

We had polls, likes and feedback. What about the holy grail? I want cookies!


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