Tales of Death´s Daughter

Chapter 2.214

“Fuck, fuck, fuck, FUCK!” I stomped onto the ground angrily while the demon king still fought against Hannah. My weapon slowly attempted to coil its way upwards between his skin and attire which he frantically attempted to stop.

Going on my knees in fury at everything, I dug my nails into my knees, hoping the pain would help me fight my own emotional turmoil. It did help – to a certain degree at least.

“YOU!” It must have been the holy silver hurting me, otherwise I couldn’t explain all that happened myself. Ignoring the silhouette of myself by my side, I stood up once more and glared at the demon king. He … ruined everything.

While he was brandishing his sword at Hannah, my snake finally reached his neck and coiled itself around it. Frantically, he was trying to get rid of it, but he still had to fight off Hannah who used that opportunity to ram her shoulder into him.

Sure about victory at this point, I walked through the illusion attempting to stop me and knelt on his belly. His left hand was still at my weapon, but he couldn’t get rid of it at all. But he did manage to lengthen the time needed it would take for me to choke him to death, that was for sure.

“Did Aska tell you to do this? DID HE?”

“I have made a pact with him, but none with you. So just die already!” So I was too much of a risk for him? Was it that? Well, good for him because at that point I was a liability for everyone. Biting on my lower lip, I smashed my forehead onto his and enjoyed the nice feeling of pain in stark contrast to my aching heart. He apparently attempted to stab me, but Hannah blocked for me and kicked his sword away shortly afterwards.

Just to make matters a bit worse for him, I erased the system around myself again, taking all the strength he had gained because of it with him.

“You know …” I giggled a little uncontrollably, which seemed to make Hannah a lot more wary about me. “I didn’t want to kill you … I wanted these fucking heroes to do the job for me.” If they killed him, I wouldn’t have to justify my actions in front of Aska, that was for sure. “But you ruined our great reunion … so thank you!” Furious, I forced my way into his mouth by overcoming his weakened jaw muscles and pinched his tongue in between my thumb and index finger. Then, I pulled his tongue out and dug my two nails into it. Breathing out loudly, I let go of his bleeding tongue and looked towards the sky.

“You know, it didn’t have to end that way. Work for me. Tell me everything Aska is doing when we are back and we’ll be fine.” My fury was still raging, but I had yet to loose control over my actions which was a good sign. It meant my soul could be fixed, at least temporarily.

“He … told me you … we’re going to bribe me.” The demon king admitted with a lot of struggle which his hand crawling towards his left pocket, at least until Hannah stepped onto his fingers.

“He talks a lot when the day is long. What’s your answer?” I smiled nicely for him and closed my eyes once more as the silhouette stepped in front of me.

“It doesn’t look … as if I have another choice anyways, do I?” Well, no he didn’t. In fact, I didn’t give him one anyways as I had already made up my mind.

“No. If you don’t mind.” Grabbing into his left pocket, I retrieved the gun he had and stood up. Opening my eyes, I pointed the long pipe to him and did exactly what he did to me.

With satisfaction, I pulled the trigger, shooting him into the chest once.

“Someone has to clean up the rats around Aska …” I told the shocked demon king and bent down again, the gun still pointed at his chest. “And that’s for shooting me.” Once more, I shot him in the chest with glee all over my face. His body shook violently once more and he attempted to grab my ankles to throw me off balance, which was kind of futile thanks to Hannah’s magic.

“And that’s for bringing Aska into this world.” Once more I pulled the trigger accompanied by a loud bang and watched in satisfaction how a new wound appeared on his belly. “But worst of all, your actions were responsible for Luna’s death. She did nothing to you. But you had to sent out this guy to murder her.” I bent down a little and shoved the muzzle into his bleeding mouth. And then, I fired once, twice, until there were no bullets left in that rotating cylinder. Brain matter flew out of his head, sprayed onto the grass above me through the hallucination that was attempting to stop me. But I didn’t stop. Even as I the gun clicking several times already, I continued to pull the trigger for a little while.

It was just too satisfying to do so, to breathe his death in and mend my soul with it. Smiling brightly, I stood up and kicked the demon kings corpse with all my might. But it wasn’t enough. Throwing that cursed weapon over to Hannah, I dove down again, grabbed his dagger and cut his skin open several times. With pure force and a bit of Hannah’s help, I destroyed his ribcage and emptied all his organs around his corpse.

Giggling loudly, I cut of every single one of his fingers and toes, only to work myself upwards through every joint he had. I was cutting the person I abhorred to pieces and it honestly did me some good. My soul healed up a little, largely thanks to his death, but also because it felt way too good to gut him. There was just something irreplaceable which couldn’t be gifted to me except by the ones I hated the most. And he had certainly been amongst them.

My head swayed to the sides a little as I enjoyed the scent of his blood a little while composing my eyes. Suddenly, it was very peaceful again. The birds were chirping, the wind was blowing gently and I couldn’t help but to feel happy.

“Destroy that weapon.” But I also couldn’t stick around there forever. Surely someone would come by eventually and see me in that crazed state of mine. Standing up, I eyed the mess I made and nodded towards Hannah.

“Are you sure you are thinking straight right now?” She asked a little meekly, but didn’t hesitate to face me directly.

“Yes. Don’t worry about the manifestation of a part of my soul …” I told her, strangely hopeful that I wasn’t the only one witness to this strange phenomenon.

“What are you talking about?” Hannah asked confused.

“… so I’m really mentally unstable.” There was no way I could deny it any longer, was there? My unstable emotions coupled with hallucinating … that was kind of fucked up.

“That’s nothing new, is it?” Somehow, that made me very angry. Glaring at her, I balled my hands to fists until she lifted up her hands in front of her chest soothingly. “That was inappropriate, sorry.”

“It’s okay … it’s okay.” Rubbing my hurting head, I looked back to where we came from and made the first step right away.

“Lucinda … I don’t know if you are fit to make decisions right now.” Hannah commented by my side while cleaning up bits of flesh on her attire.

“Me neither … I’m sticking to the plan I worked out weeks ago.” I told her reluctantly, but also quite angry at her for implying that I was completely crazy.

“If you say so … but please don’t act rash.” Fury engulfed my chest, but I managed to calm myself down enough to continue walking instead of pouncing at her.

“I’m fine Hannah, I’m fine.” I told her annoyed by the questions she were stating.

“… you are seeing things, right?” I nearly exploded in anger. Sure, I was hallucinating, but she didn’t need to spell it out, did she?

“So what? Everyone imagined things that aren’t there! I’m not that fucked up to know what’s real and what isn’t, okay? So don’t talk about this anymore.” I growled angrily, my happiness from murdering the demon king nearly washed away at this point.

“I’m just worried about you.” And that was the last straw. I threw myself into her side, toppling her over and flying with her to the ground. Landing on top of her, I balled my right hand into a fist and tried punching her face, but only hit the mud as she twisted her head away. “Lucinda, stop!”

I wasn’t listening. I pressed my knee into her belly, but was quickly thrown off by her as she buckled up beneath me. The fist hitting my chin also came at a surprise to me, mostly because I just didn’t see it coming.

“Shitty sun.” I growled while my upper lip bled a little. Hannah grabbed my shoulders and pushed me down onto the ground, only to headbutt me with all her might shortly afterwards. My vision was spinning a little as I punched into her side aggressively, making her flinch in pain.

“Lucinda! Get a gr-“ I grabbed her hair and pulled on them violently. She screamed out a little, but she didn’t lose her grip on me at all. Instead, she punched my face once more, breaking my nose and turning it into a bloody mess.

“SHUT UP!” I was really angry at her for belittling me. Blood ran into my eyes, but that didn’t stop me from jamming her hair to the side, forcing her to let go of my left shoulder. But even then, I had no chance against her during the day. With a simple thought of her, I felt my whole body being pressed onto the ground by an invisible wind barrier, only to have her crawl away from me once I was forced to let go of her hair.

“I’ll fix you … just give me a minute to think.” She didn’t need a minute. While I was struggling below the barrier she got close again, laid down to my side and pulled me onto her. A strange calmness settled in right away and finally I was able to subdue my raging emotions. It was her calming heartbeat, tethering at the edge of my consciousness that dragged me out of this anger, this all consuming fury.

“I’m sorry.” I admitted and continued to listen to her heartbeat. Her hands soon found the way around my belly, hugging me tightly while I noticed lonely tears escaping my eyes. “Ahh … and now I’m depressed.” It had gotten to the point where I wouldn’t know for sure if I could continue on like this. My emotions were a mess, sawing from one extreme to the other and I hallucinated … which were not good signs for the future.

“You aren’t alone … let me help you.” Yeah … I needed someone to do some therapy with me, that was for sure. Nodding laying on her chest, I soon pushed myself off her and rolled onto my back. The wheat stood tall around us, painting a very mesmerising picture of a blue sky.

“All things considered … it’s not going too badly, isn’t it?” I asked

“Yeah … if I should measure it on a scale between good and bad, I would put our situation at ‘we are fucked … probably’.”

“I think we need some success … let’s go for the low hanging fruits.” 

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