Tales of Death´s Daughter

Chapter 2.190 (Clarice)

“Hey, Hey Clara!” I whispered over my shoulder, trying to keep my voice down so that Lucy couldn’t hear us.

“Yeah! I can see it as well. Do you want to?” She asked and bit her lower lip.

“I always wanted to!” I said and stood up from the seat quietly while Lucy watched both of us a little tired.

“But me too. Together?” Clara grabbed my shoulders and stood up. Together, we pointed northeast and giggled a little.

“Land ahoy!” We said in unison and woke up everyone on this small boat. “Lucy, can we be pirates?” I asked hopefully.

“Pirates? Who do you want to … oh.” She turned around and noticed the small lamps in the ship as well, parking at a medium sized tropical island with its sails reefed. “Ellie?”

“I don’t want to engage them as long as they leave us alone.” She answered a bit groggy from her interrupted sleep.

“Wait wait wait!” Clara interrupted before anyone could say anything.

“That’s not how pirates operate?” I asked and puffed my cheeks angrily.

“Because we aren’t going to be pirates.” Ellie explained while rolling her eyes. She was kind of looking down on us and probably regretted taking her with us, but she didn’t have anything to say anyway. We all knew Lucy was calling the shots.

“But we are thirsty!” Clarice said, sat back on the bench and pouted unhappily while I joined her a split second afterwards.

“We offered you animals time and time again.” A but angrily, I took the paddles back in my hand and rowed as hard as I could with Clara joining in right away. Lucy was massaging her forehead a little but didn’t move as Ellie wanted to stop us from getting any closer to the boat. I knew she was on our side.

“We can sing, right?” I asked right away and looked at the four heroes which had disbelief written all over their faces.

“No?” Ellie asked stunned.

“What will we do with a drunken sailor?” I stated loudly, still rowing towards their boat eagerly.

“What will we do with a drunken sailor?” Clara continued happily.

“What will we do with a drunken sailor? Early in the morning?” I said and together we continued to sing for a little while.

“Lucy, make them stop!” Ellie said, attempting to get past Lucy but she still refused to move.

“I kind of promised we would sing a song.” She said, a rather faint smile my sister and I were dying to see in her lips.

“Way hay and up she rises!” Louder than ever before, we sang to our hearts content until the people on the boat rang bells as they finally had noticed us.

“Oh no! They have seen us!” My sis shouted out, stoping singing alongside with me.

“What are we going to do now? We have to defend ourselves!” I said, still rowing as fast as I could while Ellie resigned to her fate and protected the small boat with a shield.

Arrows where fired at us which harmlessly hit our shield. I could have told her from the very beginning that the humans were kept weak the whole time, but where would be a fun in that. Looking to my sister, she nodded happily while staring at Ellie as well. Shortly afterwards, our little row boat bumped into the enemies boat and both Clara and I jumped towards their railing, grabbing onto it and pulled ourselves on board.

“Arr~ we are here for your treasures!” Clara said which made us both giggle a little. Dodging the few arrows being fired at us effortlessly, I immediately ran towards the next person, grabbed him and used him as a shield against other projectiles while digging my teeth into him.

Sweet, sweet blood dripped into my mouth, revitalising my body in an instant. Throwing the corpse away happily, I turned around towards Clara, grabbed an approaching blade and rammed it someone else into the belly. Enviously, I stared at the hat she placed on her head and searched for one myself.

I quickly found one, dashed towards the poor guy and grabbed his neck. My other hand raced towards his hat right away and as I had it in my hand, I threw him over to Lucy who was slowly climbing onto the boat as well.

“Lucy?” I asked a little bit stunned.

“Come on! Don’t stand around there! Take a hat yourself and let’s have some fun.” Clara said from behind her. Lucy’s hand wandered towards her trousers where she touched the glass flask affectionately. But on the other hand, her mouth was slightly opened which was a good sign. She was thirsting for blood as well.

A bit bummed out, I raced towards Lucy alongside my sister and was first to place my pirate hat on top of her head.

“Arr~” She said saddened while we both immediately turned around to defend against the approaching crew.

“That’s the spirit!” Clara shouted out, rammed her fist into a nearby man and threw him over board.

“Give us your riches!” I said, stepped on top of a corpse with one foot and lifted up the stolen sword.

I would say our pirate attack was quite the success. Us two alone were more than enough to slaughter everyone in the most bloodiest way possible.

But sadly, Lucy still hadn’t given way for her instincts. She was merely kneeling on the last surviving man, her mouth slightly open, but not yet ready to drink his blood. Both of us knelt beside her as the other living people of our group climbed on top of the boat as well.

“It’s okay Lucy.” My sister said and patted her back while I rubbed my cheek against Lucy’s.

“That’s not what Luna would have wanted.” For a second, the image of my mother in my head overlapped with Lucy’s. Protective of something even though she has to fight against her very urges to do so. And yet. The situation was completely different.

“I’m sure she would have wanted you to live a fulfilling life.” I said and kissed her cheek lightly. Clara joined in as well, hugging her from the side until Lucy finally dove down and rammed her fangs into the man beneath her until there was not a single drop of blood left in him. Clara and I both felt a little bad for manipulating her, but nobody stopped us. Not Hannah who saw what we were doing, nor Lucy who must have known it herself. Only the four so called heroes had something to say, but quickly shut their mouths as we gave them a deathly glare.

Neither sis nor I understood why they were even with us, but we had no intention of prying them apart. But still, their weird sense of justice was … concerning to say the least.

“Only bad people from now on, okay?” While I wasn’t agreeing with Lucy’s view fully, both sis and I could get behind the idea quickly.

“Okay.” I said leisurely and stood up alongside my sister.

“Sure thing.” She added, following me in extending a hand to Lucy. She took none of our hands, but rather stood up herself and looked at everyone on the boat.

“We have lost contact with this island years ago. Nobody knows what happened here … so be wary.” Finally, she was somewhat back to the person that had beaten us in the best fight we had for years.

“We are always wary!” I said loudly while watching the despairing heroes with glee. And once again, Lucy’s fist found their way to top of our head, even though Clara didn’t actually say anything this time.

“Seriously, don’t die.” Her fist loosened up considerably and she went thorough our head, messing our hair up slowly.

“Aye aye!” Clara said in her most pirate like voice ever.

“Not fair! I won the pirate competition.” I claimed and placed my fists on my hips.

“No you didn’t?” Clara asked a bit stunned, saw the fist coming from miles away and still accepted the broken nose like the sister I loved. She retaliated right away, threw herself onto me while punching my side as hard as she could. We both fell over near Lucy’s feet and hammered our forehead against each other.

“This is not what I understand as being wary.” Lucy growled angrily, but Clara and I stopped out fighting at the same time, grabbed her feet and pulled them towards us making her fall to the ground right away.

“Your not wary.” I claimed and was quickly met by her shoe in my face.

“Expect the unexpectable!” Clara said, thew herself onto Lucy and dug her knee into her back. She was quickly thrown off though, but that didn’t stop me from trying my luck as well.

“Aren’t we going to do anything about this?” Sofie asked, slightly despairing about the current situation.

“No … I’d rather watch this. Is there any mud around?” Schwarz asked and looked around. All of us glared at him for a second before I used that opportunity to dig my canines into Clara’s nape. Going limp quickly, she resigned to her fate while Lucy threw me off her, turned around and bit into my upper arm right away.

“Let’s go ahead …” Hannah mumbled and jumped off the ship into the shallow water. The other four followed suit, some of them reluctantly though. And in the meantime, we were enjoying sharing our blood with each other … well, everyone except Clara who panted roughly until Lucy shoved her arm into Clara’s open mouth.

A lot of blood spilt onto the ground, making us all thirstier for more. We renewed our attempt to draw as much blood from each other as possible, at least until Lucy let go of me, and pulled her arm out of Clara.

“That was … not what I wanted to do.” She certainly had more willpower than we did. Without her interruption, I would have continued sucking on my sisters nape all day until she collapsed.

But that didn’t happen and instead, each of us moved over to a corpse on the ground and sank our teeth into it to replenish our lost blood.

“Are you two satisfied now?” Lucy asked and threw her blood bag over the railing into the water.

“Yup yup!” The sorrow in her heart wasn’t away at all. In fact we hadn’t managed to reduce it by the tiniest amount. But her mind was occupied by something else … which was exactly what we wanted. Laughing happily, sis and I jumped over the railing towards a waiting Hannah. While we splashed each other in salt water, Lucy floated past us and only touched the ground right next to Hannah.

Both of them didn’t give us any attention whatsoever and rather walked towards the jungle where the others stood right away.

“Jeeez …” Clara said, thinking exactly what I did. All of them were taking this whole thing way to seriously.

“I won!” I said and dashed after them. Clara was obviously way wetter than I was.

“No?” Clara said indignantly.

“Tie?” As usual, none of us were willing to admit defeat which only left one solution.


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