Tales of Death´s Daughter

Chapter 2.179

“Look at this! Isn’t that a cute animal?” I asked, hugging a rather small elephant which didn’t seem to be aggressive in any way. It was barely the size of a cat and trumpeted happily each time I swung it around a little.

“It surely is …. but shouldn’t we be more on lookout? They could attack any time.” Luna asked concerned, even though the demons left us alone for the time being. We had already travelled two days and were already close to the merchant city in the north but the demons didn’t seem to be interested in attacking us. They either struggled with gathering another army, or they netted everything on one card which wouldn’t be that bad of a decision either.

If the maps were to be trusted, the city along with the fort laid on a peninsula, the perfect place to entrap us.

Because the demons didn’t bother with us, we were able to head over there rather quickly so far, with just the hostile environment against us. But thanks to Gregory’s weird knowledge, there was very little which actually surprised us … except for the small elephant. That one was really cute though.

As we also weren’t fighting any battle of attrition, we didn’t have much problems with meals either even though there was very little we could forage. But we had more than enough from our dead comrades which was why I surprisingly didn’t have to worry about supplies at all.

There was just one person worrying me. Slightly. It did seem as if Schwarz forgot what I told him entirely as he walked towards me on the second night while I was laying in grass beside a sleeping Luna.

“I need to talk with you.” He whispered, took my hand and helped me to stand up right away, or rather forced me to. Then, he pulled me a bit beside the others and basically forced himself onto me by pushing me onto the ground and pinning my shoulders down.

“Schwarz, stop this.” I hissed a bit angrily, even though I was thoroughly impressed by his forcefulness.

“Then stop giving me this look.” Oh? Now he was justifying assaulting me because I checked up on him from time to time? Didn’t he realise I was nice to everyone as the saint?

“What look?” I asked and pressed against his chest while he looked down on me with desire and lust in his eyes. Sadly, I was in no way interested in giving in to his demands at all. I just couldn’t see the benefit.

“This! Exactly this!” Just because I looked at him in confusion? I really wanted to look into his fucked up brain for a second or so, but looking at the effects my sword had on him was also interesting. It was like watching a house full of people burning down in slow motion … a thrilling adventure so to speak. But he still had to hold onto a bit of sanity for … let’s say two days. And that was exactly the reason why I attempted to push him off me.

Interestingly enough though, I didn’t succeed at all. He simply gripped my shoulders and countered every attempt I made. He must have levelled up an absurd amount of times thanks to slaying all these demons alone, which was why he could easily overcome my defence.

“Schwarz. Stop this at once.” I growled angrily as I didn’t want to use my other powers against him in this situation.

“I won’t.” He said and pressed his hands onto my chest.

“I’ll scream.” I threatened angrily. Well, he did get my warning but decided to ignore my disapproval of the current situation. Instead, he placed his hand onto my mouth while I squirmed beneath him. Annoyed, I grabbed his hand and forced him a bit away from me.

“This is my last warning. Stop it.” I hissed angrily, not even bothering to look at the person scooting at us with breakneck speed.

“No.” Well, if he wanted to work on his undiscovered masochism, I wouldn’t say no. Hannah’s boot met his side, flinging him off me right away. As he rolled on the ground for several metres, I stood up slowly and looked at Schwarz.

“Get a grip on yourself. I don’t know what’s gotten into you, but it’s not good. In all friendship, if you do this one more time, I will make sure to stay as far away from you as possible.” I growled a little, ready to bash some sense into him. Surprisingly, he merely clicked his tongue, looked at Hannah with a hate filled gaze and went back to the camp shortly afterwards.

“Why don’t you just take that sword away from him? It’s not doing any good.” Well, he could cut others with it that was for sure. And it was quite useless for me at the time so I didn’t need it that much.

“Maybe in a few days … when the head of the demon king is in my hands.” I concluded and looked at him how he laid down in silence.

“At least make sure he isn’t anywhere near me in a fight.” Hannah said and strolled back towards the camp right away. For a few minutes, I was out there alone, just watched by a few guards until I sighed quietly and went back as well. Laying down on my arms right next to Luna once more, I continued to plan for all eventualities. I was planning to give Luna complete command over the army because if we were going against Aska’s strategies, I had no chance of winning. He had more intel than I did, meaning he would know for sure what I would do. And as such, I didn’t plan to step in at all.

But there was still much I needed to plan for. What if we couldn’t win? Was I ready to give up my rather pleasant life for a few rays of death? Or would I need to slaughter everyone after I did that, excluding Luna and Sofie of course … I didn’t know what I needed to tell them in that case, but I was sure we could remain friends in that case … hopefully. Or should I rather reveal my true nature to everyone … without the personality stuff of course. Would the citizens accept an half goddess of death as their saint? I wasn’t so sure about that, but a little violence may help with that.

Whatever would happen the night after that, it had the potential to change the world forever. And conservative as I was, I would struggle against that change with all my might.

As the next day was approaching, I stood up quietly, took two black swords from my pile, one longer than the other and secured both of them to my hips.

“Hannah, are you awake?” I asked quietly in an attempt to let the others sleep for a little while longer.

“Certainly now.” She admitted right away and opened one of her eyes to look at me how I extended my hand towards me.

“I need you do me a favour.” I whispered into her ear once she stood up. “Don’t leave Luna’s side. Not like last time.”

“Do you think they will target her?”

“Going by their strategies so far, they will try to divide us at all costs. There are three demon generals and the king remaining. I’ll try to take on two of them and clear the way for the idiots to do their thing, but at least one of them will attack the army.” I concluded. I didn’t trust anyone of these adventurers nor the mercenaries enough to entrust Luna to them and neither could I take her with me.

“Are you sure you can handle two of them at once? You struggled against Schwarz.” That was a nice way of putting that I was overpowered by him. My techniques were still better by a wide margin, but his strength could become troublesome if I ever needed to fight against the idiots.

“As long as I can make sure my secrets don’t get revealed, I won’t mind it.” I said and smiled mischievously. “Let’s get ready, shall we?” I asked much more loudly and woke up the first adventurers with this. Waving the guards over to me, we quickly woke up those who hadn’t woken up yet, made breakfast and then began to walk our last day towards the demon king’s castle.

Right next to Luna, I even spotted some small giraffe in the distance. This world, or rather this place was truly full of wonders.

“Is that a heart shaped cloud?” I asked while looking up, my glasses being a former shell of themselves. At least they still followed me around wherever I went, so there was that.

“What? No? It’s more like a circle.” Luna answered a bit confused.

“It’s heart shaped. Maybe that’s a sign?” I asked myself more than anyone else.

“My beloved saint, would you please take my hand?” Luna asked happily.

“But my dearest follower, two woman having an affair is unheard of! Sadly, we can never be together.” I said and winked towards the  constable who had overheard our conversation. Giggling, we made sure to ease the tension around us a little bit. I mean, if two young girls could deal with the heavy atmosphere, then the others certainly as well, right?

“Hey, do you want to hear a joke? Donate one kidney, they call you a hero. Donate two, they call you a saint. But donate three or more, and suddenly you're a monster.” I told her and made some of the men chuckle around us.

“Wow, that’s dark.” Luna admitted, not laughing at all.

“We saints always have a dark side. Didn’t you know I am actually a big cuddle monster?” I asked and grinned mischievously.

“At least you aren’t tickling.” She better had stayed quiet about this. Without further ado, I slipped behind her and tickled her sides until she laughed loudly. “Why did I … why did I say that?”

“Didn’t you know there is an evil side in me?” I asked and laughed a little as I noticed Hannah’s gaze.

“No! My Lucy would never be evil!” Luna said which was what I wanted her to believe till the bitter end.

“That’s because my evil side isn’t called Lucy ~” I said and giggled happily, swung my arms over her shoulder and hugged her from behind.

“Oh, now you are having two personalities? How should I call her?” Luna asked, still quite giggly from my earlier attack.

“Lucinda.” I stated and puffed my cheeks as she started laughing loudly.

“That doesn’t sound very evil?” Really? I thought it was a rather evil name. Maybe I should change it then? But to what? Bloody … Lucinda! No, in all honesty, I liked both names I commonly used to refer myself.

“It totally is! Imagine kids screaming ‘Lucinda is coming for us!’. That’s totally evil.” I concluded happily.

“And? What would Lucinda do with these kids?” Luna asked while I tightened my hug around her neck a little.

“Isn’t that obvious? Cuddle them until they can’t take it anymore!” I said and both of us giggled happily afterwards.

“But I’m also barely a teenager?” She asked in apparent shock after a little while.

“Yeah … if you don’t watch out, I’ll cuddle you to death this night.” I explained and hugged her waist from behind which was much more difficult as we were still walking.

“But you can’t do that?” Luna asked and put her finger tip on her cheek.

“Why?” I asked a bit confused.

“Because without me, you would get lost in this place.” She said and laughed a bit, even though that joke hurt a little.

“True … hey, Luna? Let’s write our story into history! We shall be remembered under the duo name of Lulu!” I proposed, hoping to switch the topic rather swiftly.

“Lulu? I like that idea. Let’s name this book Lulu and friends!” She said while I let go of her completely. Then, she turned around and looked at me in happiness. Her eyes were radiating hope and a feeling of fulfilment. This was what she wanted the whole time. Being needed by me and fooling around together.

“Aye aye! But I don’t like writing…” I added shortly afterwards.

“Don’t worry. I’ll write while you recount everything.” Well, my memory was certainly better than hers, so I didn’t mind the separation of tasks at all.

“Is that a pinky promise?” I asked and held mine up in front of me.

“It certainly is!” She added and hooked mine with hers. 

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