Tales of Death´s Daughter

Chapter 2.176

“What is your earliest memory?” I asked the four of them, wrapped into a thin blanket Sofie apparently carried around.

“My dad holding me in his arms …” Sofie said slowly as if she wasn’t even sure herself.

“What’s his name?” I asked right away, boring deeper into that memory that only existed in her own mind.

“I … I forgot?” She admitted slowly while I just shrugged my shoulders.

“And you? Schwarz?” I could only wonder what his subconsciousness could come up with but apparently, he wasn’t in the mood to join the conversation at all and rather struck the leaves in front of us methodically. He still wasn’t over my age and race, that was for sure. “You can’t keep brooding forever.” I said with a rather concerned voice, even though I was more interested in his reaction to my words than anything else.

“Imagine that the person you love sees you as a little child.” He said angrily, cutting apart a whole tree in the process. Maybe he was indeed a bit too angry for me to tease him any further.

“Schwarz, I’m so old that nearly everyone is young in comparison.” I explained soothingly.

“Yeah and you are a vampire which is even worse. Can you even love others?” I had already given my heart to someone else and unlike him, I didn’t see myself more than one person.

“No … I cannot. Romance is … not my thing.” And there was the issue that I was seeing them more and more as blood bags the further we traveled. I had left a lot of blood in that keep behind though and because I wasn’t desperate enough to lick it up from the ground, I rather preferred fresh one.

“Some saint we have…” Elli said and sighed loudly.

“Why are you so against me, Ellie? I thought we were friends.” I asked, more worried about replacing her than anything else. I did have suitable spare parts for Gregory, but Ellie? That would be hard.

“We are … but sometimes there are things I cannot understand. And then I get suspicious. And for the most part, I was proven right, weren’t I?” Well, she was somewhat. She did smell that some things were amiss, but couldn’t tell exactly what it was. And revealing a shocking, but easily explainable secret to her did calm her curiosity. For the time being.

“Somewhat … but please don’t make me out as an evil mastermind pulling the strings in the background again, okay?” I asked and chuckled a little.

“Only if you tell us what happened to the necromancer.” The necromancer … again? She surely had some personal grudge against him for hurting Louis, that was for sure.

“I don’t know … but he is the least of our worries now, isn’t he?” I said and listened intensely as I heard the first signs of battle kilometres ahead.

“Okay … Sofie, I need my backpack.” I said and watched how she nodded approvingly. Then, she concentrated while closing her eyes.

Teleport.” Magical circles appeared on the ground and enveloped her figure. And with that, she was gone for a mere minute. Then, she reappeared in front of me with the backpack in her hands. “Here you go.” Her abilities sure came in handy, even though she still hasn’t harmed anyone with them.

“Thank you very much.” I said and happily took it in my arms. Then, I opened one of the many compartments and pulled out a short red dress right away. “What do you think?”

“Is that really suitable for war?” Sofie asked concerned.

“It’s called a battle dress!” I exclaimed happily and shooed the boys away to change attire.

“You just made that up, didn’t you?” Ellie asked and raised her eyebrows.

“… yes.” I admitted and put the dress on top of a low hanging branch. Then, I freed myself from the rags that were my attire before and eyed the nearby pond a little. For a short moment, I missed my butler a little as he had perfected the art of washing me. Sadly, his agile fingertips weren’t around anymore, so cleaning myself would take a far longer time. “I think I’m fine without you. You can go ahead.”

“You sure?” Yeah, I didn’t need them to watch while I washed myself with the rags I had. As such, I nodded happily and watched how the girls turned away from me as well. I listened to their conversation for a little while as Schwarz had apparently decided to do his own thing which actually could be a lot more effective if he followed through with that. Unlike the others though, he didn’t seem to be in a hurry to leave and rather waited in the distance while I washed myself while humming a little. Dressed in my red dress and a new set of contact lenses on my eyes, I couldn’t help but look at him a little surprised as he apparently waited for me.

“Didn’t you want to head back with the others?” I asked, eyeing his grip onto the handle of my sword with interest.

“We need to talk.” He said, his confidence strangely bolstered for some reason. He stepped towards me slowly, a deep frown on his face and grabbed my shoulders as I made no signs of backing of at all.

“Schwarz?” I asked slowly. Did he snap? Or were the emotions induced by the sword simply too much? I honestly thought it was the latter as his eyes glowed in a multitude of colours from rage over sadness to love and lust. He didn’t say anything as he pressed my back onto the next tree and placed his leg in between mine. “Stop this.” I said meekly and tried to avert my gaze, but he grabbed my chin and forced me to look at him anyways.

“You were supposed to be mine.” He said quietly and leaned downwards a little to stare into my eyes.

“Schwarz, you need to calm down.” I pressed out as he still grabbed onto my chin tightly.

“I’m perfectly calm. I was never that calm before! Because I know for sure now what I need to do.” And what was that? Kiss me? I didn’t care about that at all, but I still wished he would hurry up. There were fights going on in the distance and with any passing second, there were less kills I could make.

“Leave me be.” I said meekly and tried to wriggle myself free. In all honesty though, I stroked his feelings a bit more with that, mostly because I wanted to see how this would turn out quickly.

“I’m merely taking what should be mine since the very beginning.” Ahh … he was the possessive type. And true to his words, he did exactly that. He pressed his body against mine and dove down further, placing his lips on mine. His hands wandered downwards to my chest and and he started playing with my body while I squirmed in his grasp.

Well, at least I got some knowledge out of this endeavour. Allowing part of my soul to get in contact with another for a prolonged period destabilised them slowly, drawing out their worst emotions slowly. If I were him, I would have ripped of the attire of that weak girl in front of me already, but he didn’t do so.

“Schwarz, I told you I cannot love you.” I explained gasping for air as he let go of my mouth and kissed his way downwards to my neckline.

“Are you sure?” He asked, gripped my chin once more and forcefully kissed me. At first, it was a normal one, but then he let go of me a little only to bite his lower lip. My thirst exploded and I felt myself inching towards him slowly. By themselves, my hands moved towards his back and I pressed myself against him. Full of lust, his hands wandered towards my butt while mine were gripping onto his attire, not willing to let him go in the slightest.

I didn’t know what was wrong in his head, but he apparently mistook thirst for blood with lust which weren’t entirely separable in the vampire race, but still distinct from one of the other.

Drooling, I went on my toes which he used as an opportunity to spread my legs a little further using his thigh and dragged his clothing away from his nape. Ignoring the tongue that wanted to invade my mouth, I immediately brought my regrown canines towards his nape and took a bite.

Fresh blood flowed into my mouth. It wasn’t the one I set out to drink, but it would do as well. My thirst increased severalfold in the beginning and blood engulfed every thought of mine. I was so thrilled to drink human blood again that I didn’t even notice how he trembled a little in my arms.

Well, he wasn’t even aware of the danger he was in as he grabbed my thighs and pulled them up which I found just … nice. My prey was basically offering himself and so I couldn’t help but to lock my legs behind his waist as well.

While I was still greedily sucking his blood, he pressed me against the tree once more and caressed my butt from below.

But slowly, as the blood left his body, so did his strength. He groaned a little and had to sink onto his knees, dragging me alongside with him even though I wasn’t done yet.

I wanted to taste more of his sweet blood and so I dug my canines into his other side while he fell backwards. My thoughts were still filled with blood and blood alone while he actually started to struggle beneath me. He was too late to see me as a ferocious beast though and couldn’t put up any meaningful resistance.

But then, the striking image of another person shot through my head and I immediately let go of his nape, disgusted of myself for losing control like this.

Licking my bloodied lips a little, I let go of his nape and sat upright on his waist. Luckily his heart was still beating and his eyes were open, so the catastrophe didn’t happen yet.

Never do that again.” I said a little angrily and stood up from him. Giving him my hand, he pulled himself up weakly with trembling legs. Well, at least all the pain got some clarity in his muddled brain and the whirlwind of emotions vanished for the most part, even though I was sure it lurked just beneath the surface.

“I … I’m sorry.” He said and I nodded approvingly. Then, I strolled back to my backpack, rummaged through it and took out a small flask filled with a red liquid. Quite greedily, he took it out of my hands and drowned all of its contents right away. Even though he was still pale afterwards, he didn’t shake that much anymore and also didn’t stagger around as he tried to walk.

“You must understand that I cannot physically love you. All you do is making me thirsty and I do not want to drink human blood. Understood?” I asked angrily because now all of them knew I wasn’t a vegetarian and definitely didn’t plan to go vegan anytime soon.

“I … I didn’t know what was wrong with me either. There was just this … desire to possess you and it wouldn’t go away, no matter what.” He admitted and stared towards the ground, either ashamed of his feelings, or saddened they came to light. His apology wasn’t exactly genuine though. These feelings weren’t magically gone after I weakened him. They were just tucked away because he instinctively knew he had no chance of taking me up at that point.

“Schwarz, I know you are a good person. Do let’s pretend that never happened, alright?” On the one hand it would benefit me if he didn’t tell anyone about my slip up and on the other, I was also dying to see how much of his worst feelings this sword could draw out of him. I wanted him to continue down that path as my beloved Guinea pig.

“Okay.” He said and nodded happily right away. Patting his head a little, I looked into the direction where the sounds of battle resounded and pointed over there.

“We should go now. The others need our help.”



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