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Valentine’s Special: Ota-chan’s Valentine’s Day

Ota-chan POV

Valentine's day is a day that holds a special meaning to most people. 

To popular people, it's free chocolate.

To couples, it's a celebration.

To single people, it's a day of hope and despair.

To gacha gamers, it's a day for limited time events.

And for me, it's a special day like no other.

My name is Ota Mizuki, but people call me Ota-chan. This is because a certain friend of mine decided to call me that since I was an otaku. Since then, people have started calling me that, not that I mind it. As an otaku who wasn't popular at all, I hadn't thought of Valentine's Day as anything other than a day where the gacha games I play release Valentine's Day related events. This particular Valentine's Day, however, was inherently different. 

"Uhm, what is this?" (Ota-chan)

I asked the man with a smug look on his face.

"It's chocolate. What else could it be?"

"No, I get it. But why is it on my desk?" (Ota-chan)

"Well, it's Valentine's, isn't it?"

"And that's the thing, why is it on my desk?" (Ota-chan)

"For you to eat?"

"Isn't it supposed to be the girl giving the chocolate? So why does it say 'From Kazuya to Ota'?" (Ota-chan)

"Well, I wanted chocolate from you, but I knew that it would be near impossible for that to happen, so what I did was give you chocolate so that you'd be forced to give me things on White day." (Kazuya)

"Sigh, it's just like you to come up with such a dumb idea." (Ota-chan)

"Eeehhh, I thought it was a good idea. Could you tell me where I failed?" (Kazuya)

"Well first off, I was planning on giving you chocolate. I guess I have to throw mine away since you did it first. Such a waste~ And to think it was handmade too~" (Ota-chan)

"Nooooo! Please don't throw it away!!!" (Kazuya)

"Sure, catch." (Ota-chan)

"Woah, thank god!" (Kazuya)

"So, you like it?" (Ota-chan)

"Yeah! I didn't know you were good at this!" (Kazuya)

"Pfft, you actually thought it was handmade?" (Ota-chan)

"Eeehhh~ It's not handmade? Whatever, it's still honmei choco from Ota-chan!" (Kazuya)

"It's giri." (Ota-chan)

"Tch." (Kazuya)

It was then that the local sports junkie approached us.

"Yo, what are you guys doing this early in the morning?"

"Pfft, early my ass. There are about 10 minutes left till class starts." (Ota-chan)

"Technically, I'm about 2o minutes earlier than I usually arrive." 

"I'm still surprised how you haven't been kicked out of the soccer team. You never make it for the morning practice." (Kazuya)

"This is Tooru we're talking about after all. This is the same man who min-maxed everything into sports. Sadly, his IQ will never surpass a baby's." (Ota-chan)

"Hey! A baby can't speak!" (Tooru)

"Sorry, my bad. His IQ will never surpass a rock's." (Ota-chan)

"Hahaha, true!" (Kazuya)

"Jeez, why are you two so harsh towards me? Anyways, what were you two doing?" (Tooru)

"Ah, here's some chocolate." (Ota-chan)

"Honmei?" (Tooru)

"Giri." (Ota-chan)

"Eh, good enough." (Tooru)

"Why do you guys keep asking for honmei? It's not like you guys don't get bags of chocolate from other girls." (Ota-chan)

Surprisingly, these two are fairly popular with the girls. Kazuya is popular for his looks and flirty personality. Even before we got to know each other, I already knew about him since I often overhear people talking about him. I also personally witnessed him hitting on a lot of girls from other schools. As for Tooru, he's the ace of our soccer club. Some even say that he's basically national level. I even heard from him that he got multiple scholarships from prestigious schools from outside Japan.  

"It's cause I like you." (Kazuya)

"Sorry, I don't like 3d." (Ota-chan)

"Tch." (Kazuya)

"Hey, class is about to start." (Ota-chan)

"Shit, I didn't do my homework." (Tooru)

"Rather than 'didn't', I think it's more of a 'couldn't' situation." (Ota-chan)

"You got me there." (Tooru)

"Good luck with Sakamoto-sensei." (Kazuya)

"He'll kill you~" (Ota-chan)

After a few hours, lunch break finally started. I quickly run out of the classroom and head for the secret spot where I normally eat lunch at. Those two aren't with me since they're probably being swarmed with their fans by now. Under a tree, I see a man reading a book whilst eating his lunch.

"Happy Valentines Day Ota-chan~"

"Finally, someone who greeted." (Ota-chan)

"Heeeh~ Those two really are something huh?"

"Yeah, can't be helped though. Those two are idiots in their own way." (Ota-chan)


"I'm just thankful that not everyone around me is stupid. Oh, and here's your chocolate." (Ota-chan)


"So, what book are you reading this time Toshi?" (Ota-chan)

"I just picked this romcom up just yesterday. The cover caught my eye and it just so happened to be Valentine's Day today so I thought I'd buy it." (Toshi)

This person is Murakawa Toshiro. He's currently ranked 1st in our grade and 23rd in the national mock exams. It's safe to say that he's basically a genius. Coincidentally, he's also popular with the girls because of his looks and cold demeanor with people calling him the Ice Prince. However, as you can see, that's only a facade and he's actually an otaku like me. I only found that out recently but since we share a lot of interests, we quickly became friends. 

"So, is it any good?" (Ota-chan)

"Not at all. The only good part about this light novel is the art, but everything else is basically garbage. I don't even understand how all the heroines are attracted to the main character. There's absolutely nothing attractive about him, yet girls just so happen to fall for him for the most absurd reasons." (Toshi)

"So a third-rate?" (Ota-chan)

"Yep, a third-rate." (Toshi)

"Anyways, here's some chocolate." (Ota-chan)

"Giri?" (Toshi)

"Yep." (Ota-chan)

"Nice. No strings attached." (Toshi)

"Heeeh~ So you prefer giri over honmei?" (Ota-chan)

"Yep, it makes me feel guilty if I ate honmei chocolate even though I don't have any feelings for her." (Toshi)

"So you don't like me?" (Ota-chan)

"Do you?" (Toshi)

"Nope." (Ota-chan)

"Exactly." (Toshi)

"Anyways, is Kaito also being swarmed by girls?" (Ota-chan)

"I assume the two are in the same situation." (Toshi)

"So how did you manage to escape?" (Ota-chan)

"Sacrificial Offering." (Toshi)

"Now I feel kind of bad for Kaito." (Ota-chan)

"I feel no remorse." (Toshi)

"Pfft. Well, I guess I'm just gonna start eating now. Don't wanna be late for class." (Ota-chan)

"That is true." (Toshi)

After a few hours, class ended. 

"Happy Valentine's  Day Ota-chan. Sorry I was late. Some bastard decided to feed me to the sharks." (Kaito)

This person is Miyamura Kaito, the current student council president. Also one of his friends. Just like the other three, he's also very popular with the girls.

"At least you got a crap ton of chocolate. What is that? 5 full bags?" (Ota-chan)

"Nope, just two. And one bag is just giri chocolate I get from the juniors. Being student council president sure is something." (Kaito)

"True. So what's with those bags?" (Ota-chan)

"Oh, these are for you." (Kaito)

"Shut up." (Ota-chan)

"Hahaha, but these are technically for you. You are the only one who could give these to him." (Kaito)

"Eh, all of these for him?" (Ota-chan)

"Yeah, he was popular after all. The amount of giri chocolate he gets every year is actually surprising." (Kaito)

"That is true. Still, he kept on saying that he was average." (Ota-chan)

"Did he not understand that a lot of guys don't even get giri chocolate from other girls?" (Kaito)

"Apparently so. I'm pretty sure most girls don't even give giri chocolate. They're either too preoccupied with their honmei chocolate or they just don't care enough about Valentine's Day in the first place." (Ota-chan)

"Yeah. So, where are the other three?" (Kaito)

"They all left while making some random excuse. Well, at least they know how to read the mood. Can I assume that you're capable of doing so too?" (Ota-chan)

"Yeah, sure. And while you're at it, could you say hi to him for me? He did help me out a lot back then." (Kaito)

"Okay, I'm sure he'd like that. Oh and also, here's some chocolate." (Ota-chan)

"Honmei?" (Kaito)

"Giri." (Ota-chan)

"Works for me." (Kaito)

"Okay, see ya." (Ota-chan)

After bidding him farewell, I make my way to his place. 

Standing in front of the door to his place, I knock on it a few times until someone opened it. 

"Ah, it's you Ota-chan. Come in." 

"Thanks." (Ota-chan)

"It should be me thanking you for coming over to see my idiot Nii-san." 

"It's no bother." (Ota-chan)

"I still feel guilty knowing that you could've spent your Valentine's Day doing something else with somebody else."

"You've gotta be joking right? I wouldn't have anyone to spend Valentine's with. The only person I spend it with was with him so it isn't any different this time around." (Ota-chan)

"You're technically right. Anyways, what's with those bags you're holding?" 

"They're for him. A bunch of people handed these over to me so I could give it to him." (Ota-chan)

"I'm not surprised. I knew he was popular, but he always denied saying 'there's no way I'm popular. I've never gotten a single honmei chocolate in my entire life'." 

"He is popular though, just not in that way. When you think about it, it's kind of pitiful in its own way. But I can't really sympathize with him since he always gets a lot of them every year." (Ota-chan)

"True. Anyways, I'll be heading up to my room now. You go have some alone time with him." 

"Sure." (Ota-chan)

After she left and went up to her room, I slowly approach an altar with a picture frame on it.

"Yo, happy Valentine's. Here's more of that chocolate I give you."

"Did you know, I actually gave other people some chocolate this year. That's right, this time you're not the only one with Ota-chan's exclusive chocolate."

"Hey, here's more of that chocolate you get every year, seems like people still give a shit about you."

"Hey, did you know that the game I always talk to you about is having another Valentine's Event?"

"Last night, I rolled an SSR on my last roll."

"Did you know, I actually made friends. You should be grateful that the great Ota-chan decided to spend some time with you."

"Kaito also said hi."

"Did you know..."

"And then..."

"Then I said..."

"Then he did..."

"And I was surprised that he..."

"So we started..."


"Hey, thanks a lot. For everything. I don't know if you had fun, but I sure did. It's thanks to you that I'm not a pathetic loner anymore. So if you're worried about me, then don't cause it's a waste of time. As you can see, I'm 100% all right. Pfft, what am I saying? '100% percent all right' my ass. How could I say that when I'm crying."

"Hey, I wonder if you got isekaid or something, doesn't that always happen in manga and light novels every time? If so, then I'm guessing you have a harem by now. I'm guessing you're surrounded by beautiful women that all like you, but you're probably too dense to realize anything. Or who knows, maybe you're the demon lord who aims to conquer the entire world. Or who knows, maybe you got reincarnated as a game character. Or maybe you just got reincarnated in this world. Who knows..."

"Hey, I miss you a lot. I certainly don't like you and I also have more friends now than I had back then, but I still miss you."

"I've been ranting a lot so I'll just end it here for today. Anyways, thanks for everything. And if you did get reincarnated, I'll never forgive you if you ever forget me."

"Goodbye Touya."


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