TalentPlus!: Talent + Effort = Strongest Capture Target!!!

Chapter 39: The brown haired princess’ first encounter(s)

After a couple of minutes of aimlessly wandering around the capital, I realized that I had no idea as to what I was doing. I don't even know where to go or what to do since I just jumped into this entire "exploring the capital" thing with no plan whatsoever. I remember how mom and dad always said that I was a bit airheaded, I guess they were right. Why did I do this? Well, it's too late for me to do anything about it. Might as well just continue wandering around until something cool happens.

After a couple of hours of going in and out of random shops, I was approached by three weird men. They then brought me into an alley and started speaking to me. At first, I was a bit nervous since these three could potentially become my first friends. The shopkeepers were all kind to me, but they were so formal and polite that it didn't feel personal at all. I was also a bit concerned with their choice of words like "Let's have some adult fun" or "We'll show you what adults do" and even "We'll fuck your brains out". What does "fuck" mean? I should ask mom later. They started getting uncomfortably closer with such strange looks on their faces that I ended up unintentionally screaming. 

Just a few seconds later, a boy my age showed up and beat up the three weird men. He then spoke.

"Are you okay? Did they hurt you?" (Riel)

So they were going to do something to me! I was right! I thought that I was a bit of a bad person to assume that they'd do something weird so I instinctively called them creeps. Now that my suspicions were proven to be right, I can feel at ease. I then cheerfully responded.

"I'm fine. Thanks a lot!" (Liz)

"How'd you even end up in this situation?" (Riel)

"Well, I was just walking around by myself and then those three just dragged me into this dark alley." (Liz)

"A-ahem, you shouldn't be walking around here by yourself, it's pretty dangerous for a beautiful girl like you to be alone at these times." (Riel)

B-b-b-beautiful? M-m-m-me? It isn't the first time someone called me beautiful, but that was from my parents and the other servants. N-no, hold up Liz, you can't show that you're embarrassed by this. I don't want to look stupid in front of a potential friend. 

"Beautiful eh? It isn't the first time someone's said that to me, but since you did me a favor, I'll just take it as an honest compliment." (Liz)

Hah, witness my acting skills! But seriously though, please don't see through my act.

"Huh, what do you mean?" (Riel)

"Well, for the past few days, a bunch of guys keeps calling me beautiful just so they could 'woo' me but instead of being offended by that, I'll take it as a compliment." (Liz)

Well technically, those three did say I was beautiful, I didn't like it though. And technically today is part of the past few days so I'm not lying. 

"Well, see you I guess. I gotta go now." (Riel)

"Sure, bye~" (Liz)

Ah, wait. I don't know his name. 

Maria POV

That was... incredible! The way that boy immediately incapacitated those three with ease was simply incredible. And not to mention that those three weren't just any random scum that could be found wandering on the streets, they actually had considerable strength. Fortunately, it seems like the boy doesn't hold any ill will nor have any malicious thoughts regarding Liz-sama. If not, then I'd have to fight against that boy, and I don't think I could even beat him even with unfair tactics. I must report this to Master.


I am currently in front of the theater. Unlike yesterday, I actually planned to come here and even prepared money to buy the tickets for the famous play that was going to show today. However, there is a bit of a problem, the tickets have all sold out. I didn't know that most people buy tickets ahead of time, I thought this was gonna be a pay as you go thing. Jeez, and here I thought that things would go my way. I was a bit upset, but then something caught my eye. Well, rather than something, it was someone. It was the guy from yesterday who saved me. I quickly ran to him.

"Yooo~" (Liz)

"Huh, aren't you the girl from yesterday?" (Riel)

"Yup, that's me!" (Liz)

"Sigh, how is this possible?" (Riel)

"Hmm? I didn't catch that." (Liz)

"I said 'how is this possible'." (Riel)

"I dunno, maybe it's fate!" (Liz)

"Fate my ass, feels more like a curse." (Riel)

"Curse?! Don't you mean blessing. I mean, isn't it a blessing to spend time with a beauty of my caliber?" (Liz)

"Nope. Not at all. Especially not someone who calls themselves a beauty." (Riel)

"But it's the truth." (Liz)

"Yeah, the sad truth." (Riel)

"Jeez, would it kill you to be nicer?" (Liz)

"Sigh, whatever. So, you here to watch them play?" (RIel)

"Yeah..." (Liz)

"Isn't that a coincidence? Well, I'm gonna go now, you wanna come with?" (Riel)

"I wanna, but I don't have a ticket." (Liz)

"You don't have a ticket? Then why are you here?" (Riel)

"Well... I didn't know you had to buy the tickets in advance! And I even brought money to buy them!" (Liz)

"Well, too bad. See ya." (Riel)

"Nooo, don't leave me alone." (Liz)

"Hahaha, I'm just kidding. Here, I have a spare ticket. Now you don't have to look like a homeless person trying to sneak her way into the theater." (Riel)

"R-really?" (Liz)

"Yeah, it's a spare one anyways." (Riel)

"Thanks a lot!" (Liz)

Maria POV

Fufufu, it seems as if that young man has taken a liking to Liz-sama. But he seems to express his affection in a somewhat dangerous way. Might he be one of those so-called "tsunderes" that Master's romance novels have? I must teach Liz-sama about tsunderes so that she doesn't misunderstand the young man's feelings.


For today's event, I decided to go and visit the Ashton Woods. I heard that it was a very nice tourist spot that even has a fairy tale about it. Plus, I've never been to a forest before. I've heard a lot about forests from some of our butlers who used to be hunters. And if possible, I want to see the secret garden, but I'm not really counting on it. As I was following the tour guide, I tripped and fell to the ground. I then get back up only to find that the tour guide and the rest of the people were missing. 

"Huh, they're gone." (Liz)

After thinking for a good minute about what I should do, I decided to just wander around aimlessly. After all, I'm bound to run into another person. Who knows, maybe I'll run into Riel again, which reminds me, I should make fun of him for being a tsundere now that I know that exists. After a few more minutes of just wandering around, I notice that the area that I'm in right now feels different. I don't exactly know how it's different, but every single part of my body is telling me that this area is a completely different area compared to the one I was just in before.

I then saw tiny little things fly around me. I held one of my hands out and one of the flying things landed on my hand. As I brought it closer to my face, I noticed that these flying things were fairies. It was then that I realized that I was currently inside the secret garden. I didn't expect that the secret garden was actually real. According to the fairy tale, only those beloved by the forest's fairies is permitted to enter the secret garden. Does this mean I'm one of those chosen people? Before I could finish my thoughts, a voice came from behind me.

"Hello, child. Welcome to the fairies' paradise." 

I looked back and saw that the voice came from the tree behind me. The tree then continued speaking as it gradually started to resemble a human.

"Don't worry. Don't be frightened, we won't hurt you."

"W-what are you?" (Liz)

"Ah, forgive me. I am the Ashton Forest's guardian spirit. Please call me Lia." (Lia)

"Lia? Could you be?" (Liz)

"Yes, child. I am the dryad that helped the heroes." (Lia)

According to the fairy tale, the dryad helped the hero party defeat the demon king by letting them recuperate here in the secret garden after most of the members suffered severe injuries after a battle against one of the 4 heavenly kings. According to the fairy tale, it was a child named Ashton who was loved by the fairies that brought them here after the heroes saved his life. Most of the fairies didn't like this action, but Ashton and the guardian spirit Camellia convinced the fairies to let them stay in the secret garden. When the kingdom was found after defeating the demon king, they dubbed this forest the Ashton Woods in honor of Ashton and vowed to protect the forest until this kingdom falls.

"And I can smell a familiar scent coming from you. Ah, I know what this is. This is the scent of that eccentric lady. Child, are you a descendant of that eccentric lady?" (Lia)

"Are you talking about Violet Harmonia?" (Liz)

"Yes, that's the name of the eccentric one. Sure the rest were also lacking some common sense, but that girl, she operated on a whole other level. Yet as outlandish as she was, she was oddly the most reliable out of all of them." (Lia)

I see. So what my mom said really was true. But to think that such a beautiful place had existed for such a long time. I wish Riel were here.

"I have a question." (Liz)

"Yes, child?" (Lia)

"What if I told someone about this garden?" (Liz)

"Hmm, normally, we would ban you from ever entering this place, but considering you are her descendant, we might be able to make exceptions. It depends on who you choose to tell. For example, if you told your mother, father, or lover, we might be able to let it slide, but if you decided to tell someone random just for the sake of it, most likely you will be banned from ever entering this place. Who is it that you want to tell about the secret garden?" (Lia)

"Umm, a friend." (Liz)

"Hmm, what kind of friend? Is it a close friend? Your best friend? A new friend? A childhood friend? A not-so-close friend? Child, please be more specific. After decades or maybe even centuries of interacting with humans, I have learned that the definition of friend is very vague unless specified. So tell me, is that friend of yours someone you would die for?" (Lia)

"I, I don't know. I wouldn't know." (Liz)

"What do you mean 'you don't know'? Do you need me to clarify my question or not?" (Lia)

"No, I understand what you're trying to say. What I'm saying is that I don't know whether I'd die for him or not." (Liz)

"Continue." (Lia)

"Well, I can't really say with a straight face that I'd die for him since we've only known each other for 2 days, but I'm having a hard time deciding whether or not he's a close friend of mine. The fact that I've only known him for 2 days is difficult to evaluate because of the fact that he's the first and currently the only friend I have. I know he's that he's more likely to be a good person rather than a bad one, but I don't know much about him. I can see us being very close to each other, but I can't imagine how, when, or why. The only thing that I'm definitely sure about, is that I want to continue being his friend, and I hope that he feels the same way." (Liz)

"Interesting. You must truly understand love." (Lia)

"What? I don't understand." (Liz)

"Over the long duration of time I have spent with humans, there are a lot who don't understand love and relationships. They tend to be impatient and rash and as a result, act on their impulses and mistake momentary adoration as falling in love. Of course, there are those rare occasions where an uncountable number of factors react with each other which ends up with one person falling in love at first sight or those with great instincts who can instinctively know that this person has the qualities that suit them perfectly, but those people are outliers. You, on the other hand, know that love is something that must be built upon, something that must have both foundation and content. Unlike some rash people, instead of mistaking momentary fascination as a sign of love, you understand that that monetary fascination is merely the beginning and not the entire relationship." (Lia)

I agree with everything that she said. Having to be stuck between mom and dad made me realize something. That I too want a relationship like theirs. Something that was built over time and wasn't an impulsive decision. Someone that I truly understand and truly understands me. Someone who knows all my strengths and weaknesses, and vice-versa. I've never really understood the concept of love at first sight. It never really made sense that they immediately fell in love without knowing anything about the person. But I have seen people who fell in love at first sight and truly love each other after knowing more about each other.  

"Well, sadly, I have to say that we won't allow it. Maybe one day where you two become close enough, but as for now—hold that thought. It seems as if you aren't the only new guest. If you'd like, you can follow me. Oh, and if you'd like, I can even let the two of you talk by yourselves for a short while. I'll just transfer my consciousness into another tree just like I did with you." (Lia)

Ouch, that unnecessary consideration for a loner like me. She knows that I'd be glad to make friends. As embarrassing as it is, I'll take this chance.

"Oh, thanks for that." (Liz)

After walking for a short while, I finally saw the figure of a boy my age. I looked closer only to find out that it was Riel. Hahaha, what a coincidence! Well, time to abuse that new word that Maria-nee taught me.

Maria POV

Liz-sama disappeared, but I wasn't worried because my instincts tell me that she's safe. After a few hours, she suddenly reappeared and this time, with the young man. A third coincidental meeting in a row. How interesting. Hmm? He's telling her to go back for a while? Back where? Wait a minute, Liz-sama just disappeared again. What just hap— Hiiii, that almost hit me. Thank god I dodged in time or else I would've probably been hit in my right eye with a stone. But that stone was fast. 

"Hey! I know you're in there. I know you've been stalking us for the past few days! Come out!" (Riel)

Uh oh, he actually found me. Not only did he sense my presence, he actually found my position. Oh no, what do I do. No matter what, I can't possibly ruin Liz-sama's image.

"You got me. However, I wasn't stalking you. I was just coincidentally here." (Maria)

"Coincidence? Once or twice may make sense, but three times? Also, I don't think I'd believe you especially if you've been focused on us." (Riel)

"But aren't both of you also coincidentally here? And of course I'd have my eyes on you two, especially if the two of you have been coincidentally in the same spot as I was for the past few days. Also, both of you are pretty funny to look at so free entertainment for me." (Maria)

"Sigh, I want to say something, but nothing that you said is especially wrong. Even I admit that our conversations are dumb yet entertaining." (Riel)

"So, are we good now?" (Maria)

"Sigh, as long as you don't have any funny ideas involving the two of us." (Riel)

"Absolutely none. Well, I better get going now." (Maria)

"Sure sure, whatever." (Riel)

Woah, that young man is a scary opponent. Please, may there never be a day where I'd have to fight him.

Well, that's a long chapter. Also, I'm sleepy so I won't go into too much detail, but just know that I'll be uploading a chapter tomorrow and maybe even on Sunday as well. With that being said, good night.

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