Tale of Eldramir

CH 34: Interlude 3

Led by Allon and Sherra, Warren and Evelyn were fairly quiet as the accompanied the representatives to a separate meeting room. Warren was petting Theo, who was curled up in his arms, and was gently running a golden glowing hand up and down the various scrapes that covered Theo’s face, quickly causing them to mend.

Evelyn was walking next to him, looking both frustrated and frightened. She wanted to rage against Warren’s decision, but after witnessing the lengths that Ezekiel was willing to go to in order to get their approval to go on this expedition, she knew that going against Warren’s promise was the worst thing she could do right now.

As Allon and Sherra opened the doors to the closest meeting room to the training hall, all parties entered, taking a seat around the table in the center of the slightly smaller meeting room.

Sherra and Allon, playing the role of host to the fullest, served some tea that was available from the cabinets off to the side, placing cups in front of the Lumniances and representatives. Kettle with different teas were also placed around the table.

“Why did you leave Garrad behind?” Regional asked Gerome after they were seated. “I thought you were having him shadow you for everything.”

Gerome took a moment to sip the tea he had poured for himself before answering.

“Pride, as much as I’m ashamed to say it.” Gerome stated. “I’m certain he thinks I’m just having him watch over the children, given you and I both know his temperament, but in truth, I just don’t want to have my grandson see me shackle myself to the life of a child.”

Warren sipped his own tea, ignored the verbal jab, refusing to back down regarding his conditions for Ezekiel’s inclusion in the expedition. His son’s safety was paramount, and while he knew he couldn’t protect Ezekiel forever, he’d make damn sure that he’d be as safe as he could be.

Reginald bristled slightly at the reminder that his senior peer in the Legendary Tier was shackling himself at the will of a weaker Hunter. Even if Theo and Reya were Tier four, their bonded Hunters were not. If not for the fact that he knew he wouldn’t get away with it, Regional would have happily tried to take them down, but he knew that Gerome was likely to get involved at this point.

“Regardless, an agreement was set, and I would have the terms finalized and signed. The payment will then be given directly to Guild Leader Reginald, and the matter of debt between my family and the Roaring Ruins Guild will be settled.” Warren stated as he put his tea down, glaring at Reginald and Gerome as he did. “Much like it should have been after it was not addressed within a week of the incurring incident of the debt in question.”

Warren then turned to Naeri, who had been silent up until this point and was pondering something as her mind replayed the fight that she had just witnessed.

“Given that we have a Grand Scholar from the Church of Ten overseeing these events as well,” Warren said, pulling Naeri’s attention back to the present, “we can ensure that there will be no future issues regarding this situation either.”

“Indeed.” Naeri stated. “I would also like to say, on behalf of the Church, that we will be happy to continue supporting the Luminance family, as it is obvious that the Guilds cannot be expected to refrain from interfering in the lives of the Empire’s citizens.”

She gave both Reginald and Gerome a look that conveyed immense disappointment and frustration at how they had been behaving. Gerome just looked unrepentant and jovial, uncaring of Naeri’s accusations, while Reginald looked helpless and indignant.

“The Guilds serve a glorious purpose for not only the Empire, but the world as a whole.” Reginald stated. “We can be considered as nothing less than the vanguards when it comes to reclaiming the lands lost during the Age of Despair. You know full well that only Hunters can go toe to toe with the Cruor.”

“That may be, but don’t think that excuses the fact that many Guilds consider their Glorious purpose to be seeking glory.” Warren stated. “Now, can we please carry on. I wish to see my wife and children off before I need to return to my job. I’ll be doing a great deal of overtime tonight to make up for the hours lost to this ridiculous mess you’ve dragged my family into.”


“Enough, Reginald.” Naeri interrupted before Reginald could go off at Warren. “I agree with mister Luminance. Let's hash out the details of Gerome’s Covenant and be done with this.”

Naeri turned a glare to Reginald as she spoke.

“Don’t think I’ve forgotten what you tried to pull earlier. There is no way that either of these two’s service in your Guild is worth a mere thousand gold.” Naeri stated with vehemence in her voice.

Reginald sat down, choosing to wait until the deal was finished so he could get his pay and get out. His pride had been wounded enough for one day, but he knew there wasn’t much he could do when he was so outnumbered as he was.

It didn’t take long for the Covenant to be written up, and in the most general of terms, it basically stated that Gerome’s main priority on this excursion would be Ezekiel’s safety, and that said safety would extend from the moment they left the city limits to when they returned, and Ezekiel was once again within either the safety of the Alkena manor or was delivered directly to either Warren or Evelyn.

The agreement also took into account potential delays in returning from the Ruins, which were expected to take two weeks to get to, one month to delve, and two weeks to return. A total of two months, starting at the end of this month was how long the expedition was expected to take. With up to one extra month of leeway should there be any difficulties that occurred.

The one exception was if any traps or Void based magic was involved, as this was a Ruin with remnants and Relics of the Ancient Void. Given such possible dangers, if they were physically unable to return with the time frame provided, then the time limit would be removed. However, the moment they were free, the time limit for returning would be set for one month.

This also applied in the even that either the Alkena manor was inaccessible, or Warren and Evelyn were also otherwise unable to be met and contacted. Should such occasions occur, the Covenant would be considered fulfilled if Ezekiel was dropped off at the cathedral of the Church of Ten, specifically into the care of one of a list of Scholars provided and accepted by Naeri.

Reginald continued to look displeased at the proceedings, and no one else wanted him here either, but knew that he had to be there as a third-party witness for the Guilds, given that Gerome was the one being bound to a Covenant, so he couldn’t be considered as a Guild witness.

Evelyn looked frustrated and had tried more than once to convince Warren to back out of the deal and not let Ezekiel go, but Warren was adamant that he keep his word. So, she instead tried to ask for outrageous demands to be included in the Covenant, but Warren and Gerome shot them all down.

She finally fell silent as she put her face in her hands, nearly in tears at what was going to happen to her son. Naeri tried to console her as best she could as Warren and Gerome continued to work.

It took nearly an hour to hash out the final details of the contract to be signed, but after it was written, the exact details were transcribed onto a Spirit Covenant provided by Naeri, who signed as witness for the Church.

After all witnesses were confirmed, and the covenant was signed, a bright light flashed out from the agreement and wrapped around both Gerome, Warren, and their bonded Spirits.

The light glowed for a few seconds before forming a line between the Hunters and their bonded Spirits. This light now symbolized the bond between Spirit and Hunter. It faded away, turning invisible, but all parties involved could still feel it as if it were a noose wrapped around their necks. If the agreement was broken, then the light would reappear, only to shatter, severing the bond between them.

The Mage and their Spirit would never be able to commune with one another again, and the remnants of the Covenant would taint their aura forever, letting all Spirits know that the Mage in question was an oath breaker. Someone unworthy of the Spirit’s trust.

As soon as the Covenant was completed, Gerome took out his own Void pouch, removing ten golden cards with willow trees stamped on them, each representing one thousand gold coins within the Willowbrush Empire, and placing them on the table with a ‘clack’, before sliding them over to Warren.

“Payment has been completed.” Warren stated as he and Gerome both heard a small ‘ding’ in the back of their heads. The first portion of the Covenant, payment for services, had been completed.

“Here you go. If the Church of Ten could recognize that the debt of one thousand gold coins, as stated by Guild leader Reginald, of the Roaring Ruins Guild, has been paid in full, that would be appreciated.” Warren said as he slid one of the gold cards over to Reginald, who appeared reluctant to take it, but ultimately did so.

Naeri, witnessing Reginald take the card, nodded her head.

“As a Grand Scholar and representative of the Church of Ten, I recognize and acknowledge the payment of one thousand gold from one Warren Luminance, guard captain of the city of Harkem, to one Reginald Preston, Tier four leader and representative of the Roaring Ruins Guild.” Naeri stated in a regal and official tone of voice. “As such, I declare that the debt claimed by Reginald Preston to be paid in full.”

Warren relaxed slightly, thankful that there was one less sword being held to his family’s throat.

“Indeed.” Reginald said as he placed the card in his own Void pouch before standing up and turning around. “In that case, our business with the Luminance family is completed. Allon!”

Allon and Sherra, who had moved to a smaller side table in the corner of the room, perked up at being addressed, having essentially faded into the background as Warren and Gerome completed their business.

“... Thank you for hosting us today. Know that, regardless of the unpleasantness of your patrons,” Reginald said as he glared over his shoulder at Warren and Evelyn, who ignored him as they sipped their now cold tea, “the Roaring Ruins Guild will continue to business with the Alkena Auction House, so long as the quality of your products and service continue to remain at the standard you have always presented. My subordinates and fellow Guild members were correct regarding the stories they told me of your services.”

‘Gulp’ Allon swallowed nervously at being addressed by a man so much stronger than he was.

“I thank Guild leader Reginald for his compliment and will continue to serve the Guilds as a supplier of equipment and tools for future expeditions. As well as provide the services as a medium for the Guild’s trade of Relics and other remnants recovered from the delving of the Ancient Ruins.” Allon said as he stood and bowed to Reginald. “My apologies, but we will not be able to see you off as there are still guests we must entertain.”

Reginald nodded imperiously before leaving with his assistant. The door shut with a soft ‘click’ as they left the room.

Now alone, for the most part, and in the company of those that she felt she could trust, Evelyn rounded on Warren, giving him a slap so hard the sound of it rattled the windows. The only thing keeping him from flying from his chair and through the wall behind him was the fact that Evelyn was holding him in place with her shadows.

“How could you do this!?” She screamed. “How could you let our baby boy go off on a Guild expedition when he isn’t even an official Mage!?”

“Because there’s something wrong with him!” Warren stated, his voice calm and level as he stared at his wife, blood pooling in his mouth from having bitten his cheek when he was slapped.

Evelyn was immediately brought up short by her husband’s words.

“What?” she asked, as if she couldn’t understand what he was saying, before becoming incensed at what Warren was saying. “If he’s sick, then why would you let him go!?”

“I didn’t say he was sick. I said there’s something wrong with him!” Warren said once again as he raised a glowing hand to his face to slowly mend his mouth.

“So, you noticed it as well.” Gerome stated as he closed his eyes and nodded his head.

Hearing this, Naeri tensed as she clasped her hands together on the table in front of her.

“I noticed something a while ago, after Ezekiel and I returned home when he activated that damned Relic a month ago.” Warren explained. “I just didn’t think much of it at the time given the situation, but after seeing what he did today....”

Warren trailed off as he thought back to the exploding sword Ezekiel threw at Theo.

“Noticed what? What is wrong with my son!?” Evelyn exclaimed, looking back and forth between Warren and Gerome.

Warren was silent for a moment as he finished fixing his mouth. Turning his gaze towards the table to stare at nothing. Theo and Reya were looking on in curiosity, as they too wondered what was apparently wrong with the cub that they had both helped raise.

“It is a very rare skill, and only the most talented of Radiant Mages can do it, but were you aware that Radiant mana, when used in certain ways, can affect a person’s mind?” Warren asked gently as he addressed Evelyn’s question.

“Are you saying that our son’s mind has been tampered with?” Evelyn asked. “Who? Who would be able to do this?”

“The Ancient Void.” Warren stated calmly.


The sound of a teacup hitting the ground as Allon dropped his in shock was the only sound heard within the now utterly silent room.

Gerome and Naeri let out sighs as Warren continued to look at nothing as he gazed at the table.

Sherra held a hand over her mouth in shock, and Allon just gaped in astonishment.

“What do you mean, ‘the Ancient Void’?” Evelyn asked once she’d finally regained her bearings. “The Ancients are gone.”

“Yet their Relics remain.” Warren said. “Relics that we both know showed Ezekiel something. Something that neither of us know the truth of.”

“But you used ‘Orb of Revealing Light’ and he told us what he saw.” Evelyn argued. “How could he have lied?”

“I’m not saying he did, but there might’ve been something that he didn’t tell us about.” Warren explained.

“Would this something be something you’re willing to share?” Gerome said as he and Naeri looked to Warren with questioning gazes.

Warren let out a sigh as he leaned back in his chair, placing his arm over his eyes in distress at how difficult this day was being.

“Evelyn, sit down, we’re not finished here just yet.” Warren said to Evelyn, who moved to sit down as Warren requested. “Allon, Sherra, you both stay. I trust you both completely, and I may need your help moving forward.”

He then explained the truth, in full, regarding what Ezekiel had told him that he saw when he accidentally used the Void Relic. How a figure that appeared exactly like the Ancient Void had spoken to him, had explained that he had the key, but hadn’t opened the door, and how he wouldn’t survive the coming trials unless he did.

Gerome and Naeri were silent as they processed Warren’s words. The fact that they were apparently said by Ezekiel under an Orb of Revealing Light meant that they couldn’t be considered a lie. They both knew Warren wasn’t lying either, as they were of a high enough Tier to sense these things.

Allon and Sherra, on the other hand, were a bit more shocked. Having never dealt with a Void Relic at any point in their lives, this was something they had never heard of. Even the knowledge that Radiant magic could affect people’s minds was something they hadn’t known before.

“Naeri, what do you think?” Gerome asked after he’d finished sorting his thoughts. “I haven’t had many interactions with Void Relics, though I’ve seen and sold off a few in my life, I’ve never seen the effects of one being used before.”

“Unfortunately, I believe that Warren might be right.” Naeri stated, causing Evelyn’s heart to skip a beat in fear. “It is, in fact, a recorded phenomenon within the higher authorities within the Church of Ten that Void Mages, in the past, have experienced changes after interacting with knowledge Relics left by the Ancient Void.”

The entire room was quiet as Naeri revealed this fact to the rest of the room.

“I would rather this not leave the room, but in times past, Void Mages were sometimes given pure mana crystals for the sake of activating Void Relics, so as to obtain the knowledge within, or to discover what the Relic in question did.” Naeri spoke up again. “Sometimes, the person who activated turned into a gibbering mess. Sometimes, they forgot who they were entirely, becoming a blank slate with no memories at all. Other times, they would seem to be possessed by another person, with new memories of a life in a different world.”

Fear and horror grew within Warren and Evelyn as they imagined these things happening to their son. Allon and Sherra weren’t very different as they imagined the child of their closest friends turning into anyone of the things that Naeri was describing.

“Luckily, it seems like your son has experienced the most beneficial possibility. One that should alleviate some of your fears.” Naeri continued. “Very rarely, Void Mages who interacted with Relics like this one, would receive world shattering information, or portents of things to come. As your son seems to have experienced.”

Evelyn and Warren looked incredibly hopeful at that. The last thing they wanted was for their son to go insane from some Relic from a time long since passed.

“For now, I would advise you to allow him to explore what he believes he needs to, but continue to keep an eye on him, like Gerome most certainly will.” Naeri said as looked at both Warren and Evelyn. “I have no doubt that he has obtained additional memories, he’s far too mature for a child of ten, even as a genius Void Mage. But we all know that souls exist. Death Mages wouldn’t be so useful outside of battle if they couldn’t put restless souls to rest after all.”

Warren and Evelyn tensed up once again.

“So, our son is possessed?” Warren asked.

“I didn’t say that. I said he might have some additional memories.” Naeri clarified. “It is recorded in our oldest writings, in the teachings of the Ancients, that souls cannot be destroyed. Merely wiped clean and sent beyond. Perhaps the Ancient Void left a relic that could awaken memories of a past life. It would certainly explain why he seems to know so much about Void Magic, if he awakened memories or obtained knowledge of Void magic, in addition to his portent, then his advancements could easily be explained.”

“But Ezekiel said he’d been experimenting since he first awakened.” Evelyn said.

“And the Awakening Orb is a Relic that was originally created by the Ancient Void. One that we have managed to recreate through runes and glyphs acquired from the gibbering mutters of a Void Mage who lost his mind after activating a Void Relic nearly two hundred and fifty years ago.” Naeri stated with an emotionless tone of voice.

Warren and Evelyn both felt like they had been hit upside the head with a hammer.

Reya and Theo, who had been watching their bonded partners closely, were both worried, and confused. Worried because of all the emotions Warren and Evelyn were feeling but confused as to why Ezekiel’s memories and knowledge was a problem. To them, Ezekiel was still Ezekiel.

Listening to their bonded Spirit’s thoughts on the matter, Warren and Evelyn relaxed, ever so slightly, as they thought long and hard about their son as he had grown up during the years.

He was smart and quiet as a child, and that was that. Other than learning to read really fast, he developed at around the same speed as other children his age.

After his Awakening Ceremony, he still acted the same, but he started reading more and more about meditation and elemental visualization techniques. Which, given he couldn’t go to school due to the changes implemented by Count Harkem, wasn’t out of the ordinary, especially since he was given less supervision and more freedom, as all children who had awakened were.

Finally, the Relic from a month ago. Ezekiel seemed to gain an almost frantic need when they had discussed his training but hadn’t otherwise changed. Given the portent he had received, the desire to get stronger to face whatever was apparently coming to kill him was actually a smart thing.

He also still made time for family and friends. The only change there was that he spent much of his time at the cathedral trying to learn and study as much as he could under the supervision of the Scholars.

Ultimately, if Ezekiel really had been possessed, had his memories altered, or taken over by another person, it likely would’ve shown up by now, but it hadn’t. Not really.

“It is highly likely that, after his Awakening, Ezekiel began to experience dreams from whatever memories he gained. Had they simply been inserted into his head; it is far more likely that he would have experienced extreme personality changes and would basically have become another person entirely. One completely unrecognizable to the son you know and love.” Naeri further explained. “As it is, he simply grew up faster, but he is likely still your son. Just with a little bit of extra seasoning added in.”

Reassured that their son was still their son, Evelyn and Warren slumped into their chairs with a sigh. Warren then looked to his side, staring at his wife as she started to sniffle with tears running down her face.

“Why?” she asked. “Why does our son have to go through all this?”

No one had anything to say as Warren went to give his wife a hug, holding her tight as she cried into his chest. Theo and Reya joined in as they tried to comfort Evelyn as she released all the emotions she had held in throughout the day.

Allon and Sherra looked to the ground, not wanting to see their friend breaking down like this. They didn’t judge, however, as they knew they would be far worse off if it was their own child that was going through this.

Thinking back to all they had been told, Allon had a startling realization. One that held his chest in an icy grip. He would need to speak with Warren in private later, after Gerome and Naeri had left.

“I know you don’t want to hear this. But there is one more thing you should know.” Naeri spoke up once again.

Everyone turned to look at Naeri, somewhat dreading what she had to say.

“It is recorded that every major advantage we’ve acquired in this ongoing war against the Cruor was made by a Void Mage who had recently interacted with a Void Relic.” Naeri explained. “The Awakening Orb, the newer and larger Void Pouches, the Float Stones, the Far Speakers, and more. All were obtained through the Church’s request to receive aid from Void Mages who were provided pure mana crystals for the express purpose of activating a Void Relic.”

Even Gerome was shocked at this revelation. So many discoveries, or rather, rediscoveries, that had been made by the Church of Ten were actually made by Void Mages.

“As well, there have been many battles that were won when a Void Mage received a portent like the one your son says he did.” Naeri continued. “Off the top of my head, the initial incursion by the first generation Broodlords. Had it not been for one Void Mage relaying the information he’d received after activating a Relic held by the Church of Ten three hundred years ago, the casualty’s mankind suffered would have been far worse than they were. Humanity may very well have been wiped out entirely in those first few years of war and despair.”

The severity of the situation had risen once again, but no longer was the concern about what had happened to Ezekiel. Now, the concern was what was going to happen to them, and possibly the rest of Harkem, if the message Ezekiel had received about the trials to come was true.

“Honey.” Evelyn whispered softly. “What do we do?”

“... We help our son, in whatever way we can.” Warren said as he held his wife closer.

Nothing more was said as the meeting was resolved. Further talks and plans could be arranged later. Gerome and Naeri left methods of contact as they left the meeting room, knowing that their welcome had come to an end.

Allon and Sherra left the room as well, leaving Evelyn and Warren to themselves. There had been too much to deal with after today’s events were said and done, and there would be even more to deal with in the days leading up to the expedition.

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