Taking stock of the supreme myths, all characters in the world are broken!

Chapter 6

Looking at the Xuantian Yuxu Palace filled with the sound of the avenue and the aura of immortals in the sky, all the living beings in the world felt shocked. They wondered whose palace this was and why it was so sacred?

Just listening to the immortal sounds relieved everyone’s worries and answered many doubts in their hearts. It seemed that their cultivation had improved a lot.

“Whose palace is this? Why is it so majestic?”

“Is this the residence of immortals?”

“None of our Immortal Emperors have such magnificent residences!”

“Even the Zixiao Palace cannot be compared with it!”

“What on earth is this place? Is it the residence of the Supreme God?” All the living beings in the heavens and the worlds were a little confused, wondering whose palace this was.

“Holy shit! Is this the palace of the immortal?”

“Are the immortality elixirs growing in those places?”

Zhang Chulan drooled as he looked at the immortal fruits and immortal medicines on both sides of the palace in the sky.

He guessed that this must be the residence of a supreme immortal, and if one could eat one of these natural treasures, he would definitely become an immortal and become an invincible existence in their world of aliens.

Not to mention eating them, those immortal treasures and precious medicines all have Taoist shapes, like dragons and phoenixes, lifelike, as if one could become an immortal just by smelling them.

This palace is really amazing.

Especially the magnificent scene, which made Zhang Chulan drop his jaw.

Outside the Yuxu Palace, there are billions of galaxy waterfalls falling.

As the picture is enlarged, each galaxy has countless stars.

And among those stars, there are countless huge Thousands of worlds!

Each of these worlds contains infinite heavens and myriad worlds!

How terrifying it is!

If he hadn’t seen what was displayed on the sky screen, Zhang Chulan would have thought it was just an ordinary galaxy.

But he didn’t expect it to be so big!

It’s really terrifying!

Is this the Supreme Myth World?

I was scared to death!

Moreover, these millions of waterfalls are just some insignificant decorations hanging in the huge fairy palace.

Compared with the huge fairy palace, these millions of waterfalls are like dust and cannot be compared.

When Zhang Chulan saw this, his head was buzzing, as if his IQ was ruthlessly crushed at this moment.

This is the sense of oppression brought by the Supreme Myth World!

It is not something that their low-dimensional world can touch!


Super God World

“This palace is really too huge!”

“The millions of galaxy waterfalls were just two plain decorations next to the Jade Void Palace.”

Kesha was so shocked that her scalp was numb.

You have to know that this is not an ordinary galaxy. There are countless stars in each galaxy, and in each star, there are countless worlds.

Each world is countless heavens and worlds! Each of the heavens and worlds contains endless planes and countless universes like the super god world.

Their super god world is not as good as a speck of dust in the galaxy!

This is really terrible!

What surprised Kesha even more was that there were countless fairy treasures and medicines on both sides of the fairy palace. Each of them could fly into the sky and hide in the ground. The magic power was extremely powerful, like a dragon or a phoenix. Just a glance at it would cleanse the soul.

If you can smell it once, it might be enough to achieve immortality and become an immortal.

Kesha couldn’t help but smack his lips when he saw this.

“High technology is only powerful for a while. If you want to be strong, you still have to cultivate immortality and practice Taoism!”

For the first time, Kaisha felt that the technological world was being ruthlessly crushed. It was time for her to change direction and study this Taoist mythological world carefully.

If she could get some of the things she had, she would definitely be able to greatly enhance the combat power of the angel civilization, which would be more conducive to the righteous rule of the angel civilization in the super-god universe.


The World of Shade

“Is that the fairyland?”

Ye Fan was very excited.

He heard the roar of the real dragon and the cry of the fairy bird.

He also saw the countless natural treasures that could be heard to become a fairy.

Especially in the fairy palace, the sound of the supreme avenue seemed to instantly improve his cultivation.

It made him further improve his strength in the mortal world, as if he was about to make a breakthrough.

It was incredible!

This must be the fairyland!

And whose residence is that fairy palace?

Is it the residence of the supreme god?

Ye Fan didn’t know.

The always calm white-clothed empress saw the scene in the sky, and her heart was actually rippled and a little excited.

She could feel the fairy sound coming from the fairy palace, which made her understand a lot of things at once, and her mind was cleansed. It seemed that she was a lot more relaxed and her strength was improved a lot.

The improvement in strength means that she has a better chance of resurrecting her brother.


Emperor Domination World

“I didn’t expect that this fairy palace would be so magnificent. Those galaxies actually have such a big world. It’s unbelievable!”

Li Qiye was numb and dumbfounded.

The world he was in only had nine realms, ten realms, three fairy realms and other places.

It couldn’t be compared with this Taoist mythological world, let alone the mythological world, and even with a galaxy next to the fairy palace.

Any galaxy can completely crush the Emperor’s World.

You must know that there are billions of galaxies hanging on both sides of the fairy palace, and each galaxy has countless stars. Each star is countless worlds, and each world is countless heavens and worlds, endless planes.

How can this be compared!

Just from the comparison of the size of the world, his Emperor’s World is already billions of streets behind, and even countless streets can’t see the end.

In this Taoist mythological world, any heavenly soldier is stronger than his fairy emperor, right?


Li Qiye didn’t dare to think about it anymore.


All living beings in the world were shocked by the size of this palace. They were also curious about whose palace this magnificent residence belonged to.

At the same time, the sky began to change.

【This is the residence of Yuqing Yuanshi Tianzun. It is located outside the world, in the top layer of the thirty-six heavens,”Daluo Heaven”. The immortal palace where he lives is called”Xuandu Yujing”.”】

【Xuantian Yuxu Palace is just a drop in the ocean of Xuandu Yujing. 】

Everyone in the heavens and the endless planes looked at the sky.

Everyone seemed to be there, and came to this fairy palace.

Looking at the infinitely high thirty-six heavens, one after another magnificent ancient palaces are hidden in the dazzling white fairy mist, surrounded by endless purple rays of light.

This endless fairy light exudes the breath of the avenue, which is extremely sacred.

Everyone came to the central palace Xuantian Yuxu Palace, just like the stars moving, appearing in a chaotic and boundless universe!

In the chaotic and boundless void, there is a figure of a Taoist, sitting cross-legged on a golden lotus.

And that Taoist is infinitely high, and the infinite world is just a tiny speck of dust beside him.

He exudes a sacred and supreme breath, which is immeasurable, unpredictable, and cannot be blasphemed, filling this chaotic and boundless universe.

This place seems to be the most original chaos. Every breath is an endless chaotic world.

Infinite chaotic worlds constitute this vast chaos.

What a magnificent and tall figure is that?

With a round light on his head, wearing a Taoist robe of 72 colors, he sits cross-legged on the Supreme Avenue!

His left hand is empty, his right hand is empty, his head is covered with divine light, his face is blurred and invisible, he is the supreme and highest existence in the heavens, and no one can see his true appearance.

All living beings in the world tremble in their hearts and their souls are horrified when they see that supreme figure. They can’t help but kneel down and worship.

When all living beings worship, it seems that there is an infinite and supreme way, ringing in their ears, making people intoxicated, as if they are about to transcend everything and ascend above all ways in an instant.

Obviously, this figure is the origin of all things in the heavens, the ancestor of all immortals, gods, kings, saints, spirits, things, laws, and ways, and the source of everything in the heavens, the myriad worlds, and the endless universe! For the first time, all living beings in the myriad worlds experienced this scene in person. Everyone screamed with joy at this moment, and they were so surprised that their souls seemed to be leaving their bodies!

All mortals, the strongest, and the transcendent were shocked. The impact of this vision and feeling was too strong!

In an instant, all the heavens and the myriad worlds were reveling and talking about it!

“Holy shit! Have I really arrived in wonderland?”

“Fairyland? I feel like fairyland doesn’t even fit this place!”

“Is that the figure of Yuqing Yuanshi Tianzun? He is so tall and supreme! Compared with him, the supreme being in our world is nothing!”

“Our Emperor of Heaven is not even worthy to carry His shoes!”

“Our saints are like ants in front of Him!”

“This kind of supreme majesty, perhaps even the Great Dao does not possess it? Could this be the Supreme Dao? An existence that transcends everything?”

When the eyes of all the people in the heavens were focused on this figure, it seemed as if they heard the magnificent sound of the Supreme Great Dao, and the sound of infinite Supreme Mantras!

【In the boundless chaos, there are figures sitting cross-legged humbly, looking devoutly at the Jade Pure Yuanshi Tianzun at the top of the chaos.】

【They are listening to the Supreme Figure preaching the Pure and One Dharma of the Lingbao.】

【Every living being had an intoxicated look on his face.】

【Each of them is so powerful that it is unimaginable, and they exude an aura that transcends the avenue.】

【Every figure seems to be the ancestor of all things and spirits, with magnificent divine power, supreme and immeasurable, majestic and boundless!】

【Each figure is flawless, having experienced countless calamities, without dust or dirt, as if transcending everything, free and at ease!

All living beings in the world are horrified when they see these figures, and countless powerful people in the highest planes feel inferior to them.


Young people sing about the world.



Xiao Se and Lei Wujie immediately knelt on the ground and worshiped devoutly.

The figures in the sky were so tall and so supreme that they blinded their eyes. They were even more powerful than the immortals in their legends. Those powerful people in the mysterious realm, those immortals, were probably vulnerable to these figures and as fragile as weeds.

In order to express their infinite admiration and not to anger these supreme strong people, Xiao Se and Lei Wujie could only kneel on the ground. They had no other choice.


The World of Shade

“The strength of these figures is far above that of the Red Dust Immortals. I didn’t expect there to be so many strong people there.”

Ye Fan felt more and more that the Immortal Palace was where the Immortal Realm was, which was where they were about to go.


The world of mortal cultivation

“”Gill turned purple!”

Han Li muttered a few words.

This supreme myth world was too terrifying and horrifying.

He had never thought that in addition to the Supreme God, there were so many powerful beings.

Each of them could crush him, Han Li.

It was too terrifying!

Han Li said nothing and reinforced the defense of the dojo again. Although it was useless, it at least made him feel more at ease.


Emperor Domination World

“Are those beings above the Immortal Emperor?”

Li Qiye was stunned. It was just as he expected.

In the Taoist mythological world, there was not only the powerful Supreme God Yuqing Yuanshi Tianzun.

The people who listened to his preaching were all stronger than Li Qiye!

Those figures were like the ancestors of all living things. They were majestic and could not be looked at directly. Each of them was extremely powerful, terrifying, and transcended all existence.

There was no doubt that he, the first emperor of all ages, was not as good as a person who listened to his preaching.

And the people who listened to his preaching seemed countless.


Primordial World


In Zixiao Palace, Zhunti, Nuwa, Fuxi, Laozi and other great powers in the prehistoric world all exclaimed in such amazement.

They found that the countless figures listening to the Tao in the sky exuded a sense of majesty, which they had also sensed from Daozu Hongjun!

That was the breath that only saints who transcended the boundless, eternal, and immortal could exude!

What was even more terrifying was that they felt that this breath seemed to force Daozu Hongjun to be even more terrifying and unfathomable!

Moreover, these densely packed figures were actually countless at once, as numerous as the stars in the sky! Innumerable!

In other words, in this fairy palace, saints were everywhere! Everywhere!


In an instant, the three thousand guests of Zixiao exploded instantly!

The hearts of all the Taoists were in a panic.

They didn’t dare to believe that this was true. Now there was only one saint in the prehistoric world, Daozu Hongjun.

And the Taoist mythological world, only There are countless saints in the Immortal Palace!

What is this concept?!

Everyone is numb, dumbfounded, and confused!

Everyone suspects that it is fake, but this scene cannot be faked at all!

That kind of supreme majesty and that terrible aura cannot be faked at all!

And they are all experiencing these scenes in person, as if they were walking in the Immortal Palace!

In other words, the scene in front of them is real and real!

But how is this possible?

Saints are everywhere! This is unimaginable!

And the strength of those figures seems to be above Hongjun Daozu, which makes everyone even more terrified.

This scene instantly disintegrated everyone’s self-confidence.

Especially the six beings who will become saints in the future, all of them were confused, dumbfounded, and hit!

It turns out that the prehistoric creatures they are proud of are just frogs in the well!


Holy Ruins World

“These are all beings above the Dao of Sacrifice!”

Emperor Huang Tian was numb, dumbfounded, and took a breath of cold air.

The shock this Daozang mythological world gave him was too great.

He originally thought that there were only a few supreme beings like Yuqing Yuanshi Tianzun in this Daozang mythological world.

But he didn’t expect that in the fairy palace, there were countless people listening to Yuanshi Tianzun’s preaching, and each of them was an existence beyond everything.

As an existence above the Dao of Sacrifice, Emperor Huang Tian could feel at a glance that those strong men were at least as powerful as him, and there were even many who were more powerful than him.

Because the aura emitted by many figures actually suppressed him, and was unpredictable.

The existence above the Dao of Sacrifice was actually everywhere, how terrifying it was!


Dragon Talisman World

“”It turns out that I am the frog in the well!”

Gu Chensha already had an invincible mentality, thinking that he was omniscient and omnipotent, and was not bound by realm strength.

He used to think that there was no one in the heavens and the worlds who was stronger than him.

Therefore, he disdained the protagonists of any plane. When he met those supreme challengers, he threw them all into his infinite multiverse like throwing away garbage.

However, now seeing those listeners in the fairy palace, Gu Chensha actually felt a lot of terrifying auras.

Every one there seemed to be stronger than him, and the aura burst out by everyone could suppress him instantly.

He used to think that in the Taoist myth world, only Yuqing Yuanshi Tianzun was stronger than him, but he didn’t expect that anyone he picked at random would probably crush him.

This greatly frustrated his confidence in being invincible. It turned out that it was not that his opponent was too weak, but that the dimension of the world he was in was too low, so he didn’t wait for a stronger protagonist to appear, and didn’t wait for the protagonist who could end him.

If he went to the Taoist myth world, he was afraid that Gu Chensha would be nothing.

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