Take Eldritch surveys! Noted!

Chapter 7: A world torn asunder and a meeting in the dark.

Without wasting any more time I appeared in front of Ultraman already swinging with another Burst Air primed. Ultraman frowned at that, and did his best to avoid the swing aimed at his neck.


He managed to dodge, but he felt the heat of the attack as it went past his skin and obliterated more of his world. He raised his fist to counter attack as soon as he deemed it safe enough too.


I corrected my stance nearly instantly and swung my sword horizontally with yet another Burst Air to try and bisect him in half.


Widening his eyes in surprise Ultraman gawked out, “You’re kidding…”


He cancelled his attack and “jumped” so he was now parallel with my sword, as my attack once again just skimmed past him. As I was at the tail end of my swing, he finally managed to counter me.


His fist smashed into my cheek, and sent me hurling down to the Earth and impacting with the same force as a meteor. The ground around me caved in for tens of metres as the force of the attack pushed me into it.


‘That… didn’t hurt at all. Oh, this just became even more unfair.’

Causing the mana around me to explode out to clear an area for myself, I shot out of the rubble towards Ultraman in the sky.


Ultraman frowned as I was approaching him, “No damage? You’re kidding…”


Bending down backwards to avoid my attack, he kicked at my hands causing my sword to leave them. As my sword was about a metre away from me, time seemed to slow down again.


Ultraman had straightened himself out, and was making a punch towards my chest with his right hand. As my hands were still above my head, I instead sent a kick towards his incoming fist. Kicking his fist to the left, and before he could even properly react I summoned back my sword and swung down at his outstretched arm.


Ultraman’s already wide eyes seemed to want to pop out of his head as he tried to save his arm from being cut off.


Sadly, he was not fast enough as the sword covered in black light and red-black flames cut through his wrist like it wasn’t even there. He once again felt the extreme heat of the attack as he watched his severed hand disintegrate along with several centimetres of his forearm.


Gritting his teeth in anger, he saw a prime chance to counter attack, and went for it. As he raised his remaining hand in a fist to attack, he saw a dragon's head form out of the light and fire around me and chomp down on him.


Ultraman: “What the actual fuck!”


The dragon construct mauled him for a second, shaking him to and fro before sending him crashing down to the Earth. As he was falling I sent a Burst Air to him as a gift.


Looking at the incoming attack Ultraman grunted, “I really fucking hate magic.”


— P.O.V switch 3rd Person —


Back on the Earth Artoria and Lucifer left, there was yet another meeting taking place with Artoria being the hot topic.


Sitting in an unneededly darkened room, several supervillains were seated around a large table. They were: Lex Luthor, The Joker, Cheetah, Poison Ivy, Gorilla Grodd, and Killer Frost.


Lex: “So to start with, have we found out what exactly happened to the Justice Leagues fancy space station, and why it has two massive holes in it?”


Joker: “It seems that good ole Batsies made a rare error in judgement! Ha! My spies-”


Cheetah: “You have spies? Really?”


Joker: “Hey!”


Lex: “Enough. Continue Joker.”


Joker: “AS I was saying. My spies, THAT I TOTALLY HAVE MIND YOU!, have found out that the Bats had brought something to the station, they did some things, pissed that something off, and BAM! Two holes in the sky!”


Raising an eyebrow Lex asked, “And? What was this something?”


Joker: “No idea! I have a video tape of this event, but it’s weird! Also, getting this tape was hard! Okay, I am lying. A little bit of joker gas here, and some money there and I got it.”


Sighing Ivy said, “Just show us the tape already.”


Joker: “Hey, don’t get your plant-based panties in a twist! I was getting to it~.”


Giggling at his own joke, Joke input some commands on the table in front of him, and a video of the meeting started to play via a hologram.


Grodd: “Who or what are they talking too?”


Joke: “See?! WEIRD! And people say I am crazy, but here we have three capes talking to an empty chair!”


As the tape played everyone started to get a small picture of what was going on.


Frost: “King Arthur huh? And he was actually a she?”


Lex: “I don’t think that is ‘our’ King Arthur. So, they’re talking to some kind of Ghost? Didn’t the League have measures to record such events now?”


Grodd: “It would seem they are insufficient. Typical for humans, really.”


Cheetah: “Oh, don’t start please.”


Suddenly, they saw several League members crash to the ground. And then Flash tries to rush the supposed Ghost, only to be seemingly caught and thrown.


Lex: “Most impressive.”


Grodd: “Agreed.”


Joker: “I am conflicted. I love seeing this side of the Bats, but I am not the one causing it!!”


Then they saw Superman and Wonder Woman get punted out of the room by seemingly nothing.


Ivy: “Okay, that was great.”


Frost: “Ha!”


Cheetah: “Oohh, I wish I could see Wonder Woman's face after that hit. Did you hear her arm break? Music to my ears.”


The video then skips to a hallway view. Where they see Superman swing a punch at nothing, only to shoot upwards through the roof again.


Grodd: “She is manhandling the man of steel like an adolescent.”


Lex: “Yes. This is most interesting…”


The Vid skips again to the teleportation room, and shows Hawkgirl attacking but suddenly having her mace stop in mid air.


Grodd: “Not even Nth metal is enough? This Ghost or whatever she is, is dangerous.”


They all nod at that as the video continues to play. Suddenly, they saw a massive pillar of black light with red-black flames shoot upwards and through the station. And then again in a horizontal attack blowing out a huge side section of the space station.


Ivy: “Damn! Talk about girl power.”


Frost: “It’s a shame she clearly wants to kill us.”


Lex: “Indeed. And if their technology truly doesn’t work on her, then ours won’t either. We’re going to need to send this to everyone. We need some mystical defences, as much as I loathe it.”


Cheetah: “Why do you not like magic, Lex?”


Lex just shook his head, and ignored the question. Shrugging her shoulders, Cheetah asked for a plan of action.


Lex: “First, let’s call in some of our more Magically inclined members. I am sure the League is also preparing for her in their own way. We might not even have to do anything.”


Joker: “Doesn’t mean we can’t kick the hornet's nest! Maybe sacrifice someone to her and see how much damage she can do? Could be fun~.”


Ivy: “Go for it, Clown. I am staying very far away from something that can play with Superman of all people like a toy.”


Frost: “I am with Ivy on this one.”


Joker: “Oh, you’re both boring and no fun!”


Lex: “Anyway. Here is what I am thinking we do…”


—P.O.V switch Artoria —


Where there was once a beautiful field, is now a wasteland of molten and cooling rock. In front of me, on his knees is a broken Ultraman.


Ugly cuts, nasty burns, and now missing his entire left arm, he is just glaring at me.


Lucifer’s voice rings in my mind again, ‘Impressive Artoria. Though, you did a massive number on the planet. Really don’t hold back, do you woman?’


Artoria: ‘Nope. Give it your all, all the time. Is my motto.’


Lucifer: ‘So it would seem. Well, claim your prize and let’s head back.’


Artoria: ‘Sure thing. This was so fun, but also one sided. Funny he had no way to actually hurt me.’


Lucifer: ‘Not surprising really. Not a lick of magic in his bones.’


Walking up to Ultraman, I raise my sword one final time. Charging one final Burst Air.


Ultraman: “*Cough* You… Arg… you bitch. Who the… the fuck even are you?! WHAT ARE YOU?!”


Not even gracing him with a response, I bring down my sword. Just before the attack is about to hit him, I hear him mumble.


Ultraman: “I really… really fucking hate magic.”


The sword and attack connected moments after. Cutting him in half from head to toe, and then vaporising the two halves.


Dismissing my sword, I simply turn to Lucifer and give him a nod.


Artoria: “I am ready. This was super fun. To be able to fight like this without having the world suppress my magic.”


Lucifer: “Liberating, isn’t it hmm? Well, let’s return then.”


With a little fanfare of snapping his fingers we were back in his club, Lux.


Artoria: “It’d be nice if I ever got as powerful as you one day, Lucifer.”


Lucifer just gave me a wry smile and said, “I weep for your enemies the day you are.”


‘Oh? Can he tell I have seals on me? Speaking of, when will I unlock my first one? Or even know how too…’


Walking over to the bar, Maze turns to us and says, “So?”


Lucifer just sulks, causing Maze to laugh.


Maze: “Told you! Haha! I am so going to enjoy this next week to the fullest!”


Still sulking, Lucifer sighs and says, “Yea yea.”


Maze: “So, what dimension did you end up in exactly?”


Artoria: “Basically just a world with an evil Justice League called the Crime Syndicate. I killed several members. Including their version of Superman.”


Maze let out a whistle.


Maze: “Nice. I knew you were powerful when you released your hold.”


Artoria: “And getting to fight like that just reaffirmed how much I like to fight. But anyway, did anything interesting happen while we were away?”


Maze: “Nah. You’ve only been gone for several hours after all.”


Artoria: “True, true.”


Clapping his hands once to get our attention, Lucifer had a playful smile on his face.


Lucifer: “Alright, Artoria. Now that you have that spell down enough to use it, it’s time I taught you the universe one. It functions much the same way as the Dimensional one, but has a few tweaks. Naturally, a much larger cost to activate. As you are now, you won’t be able to even activate it to randomly hop like the other spell.”


I give him a nod in acknowledgment.


Artoria: “Yea, that’s not a problem. I’ll get the power eventually.”


Lucifer: “Oh, I agree. The strength I feel from you that is locked away is, quite frankly, staggering. Now then, shall we begin?”


New chapter~. On the shorter size, but it is what it is. I feel like I am bad at writing fight scenes... Anyway, hope you all enjoyed it all the same~!

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