Take Eldritch surveys! Noted!

Chapter 45: Evil needs hugs too you know~?

Artoria: “Hello, Tearwyn.”


I smiled and dismissed my armour as Tearwyn dove on top of me and cuddled into my chest. She wasted no time in covering both of us in her tails as we continued to just lay there without saying a thing.


After what felt like a comfortable few hours, Tearwyn spoke up. But her voice was so tiny, and filled with regret.


Tearwyn: “I am sorry, Artoria. If I had found that Reincarnator sooner, you wouldn’t have nearly died like that…


Wrapping my hands around her tiny body, and caressing her hair, I simply shook my head.


Artoria: “No, it’s fine Tearwyn. Honestly, even though I nearly died and got a power up like a damn anime protagonist, that fight was really fun. Mind you, I have to ignore the fact I was fighting a fake Gilgamesh. Honestly, I still can’t decide what I hated more about that: if it was his face, or some pissant using it.”


I could feel her tails tighten slightly around us as she asked, “You’re not mad at me? Not disappointed?


I lifted her up a bit to bring our faces closer so I could snuggle against her check.


Artoria: “Never.”


She released a little giggle at the action before I let her get comfortable in the crook of my neck. As she snuggled to get more comfortable, I couldn’t help but think about the strange event that happened near the end of the fight.


‘A random god, and an alternate Raven huh. I can tell she has taken a dunk into an inferior version of my Black Waters. The resonance I have with her has strengthened considerably.


I wonder what would happen if she were to take a dip in the full power of my Black Waters with Pandemonium buffing it? Would she become my servant like the others? Or take what she can from it and become more? I would be fine with either honestly, but if I had to guess, I’d say it would be the former. She seems... different from the standard Raven’s of the multiverse. Well, she has the attention of a god after all. And the strength of her soul is honestly staggering for a mortal like her.’


As I was lost in thought I felt Tearwyn poke my cheek, causing me to hum in curiosity.


Tearwyn: “What are you thinking about?


Artoria: “Near the end of my fight. Some god, I think anyway, and an alternate Raven appeared from a portal for a few moments before they ditched.”


Tearwyn: “Right, I forgot about the pulse of Divinity I had felt.


Artoria: “Are you able to tell how powerful that god was?”


I felt her shake her head at my question before answering, “Not really. He was pretty good at suppressing his presence in the universe. But, the fact he was in a universe at all means he is strong enough to evade Divine Law to a degree. So he must be rather old and has an impressive amount of power when compared to the upper level of Gods.


I hum in acknowledgement at that.


Artoria: “Well, as long as he’s not after you, I don’t care what his motives are really.”


Tearwyn: “Agreed. He might be a neutral type of God, that does his own thing. Kind of like big sister Lilith.


Artoria: “Well, hopefully that Raven is going to get stronger, as having the attention of one god like that will inevitably attract others. Do you think my Black Water could help her?”


I could feel Tearwyn tilting her head to and fro as she mulled over my question.


Tearwyn: “She would have to be absurdly powerful to withstand your Waters, Artoria. I don’t think you understand just how… unique they have become. One second, I am going to ask big sister Lilith something quickly.


Nodding my head, I started to give Tearwyn some head pats as I waited patently. It only took a few seconds sadly, but I resolved to continue to give her head pats anyway.


Tearwyn: “Okay, I am allowed to tell you. So, you know that when an entity ascends to Godhood, they usually start to claim an Authority right? Like, with me it's Fluff, Fate and Darkness. The last one is just a general one though, as all Dark Gods have that in some form.


I raise an eyebrow at that and say, “Fate, huh?”


I could feel the smugness and pride in her voice when she responded, “Yup! I am rather powerful for a new Goddess you know!


Artoria: “And Fluff?”


Instead of answering, she just rubbed one of her tails against my cheek.


Artoria: “Point taken.”


She giggled for a few seconds before she continued, “Anyway! You have done what only a few have done before. That is to say, you have claimed an Authority before ascending. You’re kind of like doing it in reverse, is how big sister Lilith explained it to me. Instead of ascending and claiming an Authority because you are great at something, you are instead ascending BECAUSE you practically ARE that something. And that something is Corruption, War and Darkness.


I frown a bit in thought for a few minutes as I digest the information.


Artoria: “Doesn’t that mean my corruption is like what the Light Gods and Reincarnators are doing?”


I could feel Tearwyn’s head bob up and down slightly as she said, “Yes but actually no. The key differences between the two is you are warping them to the Dark. But you leave their core relatively intact. So, they become the Darkest Reflection of themselves if you use the full ability of your Black Water; like what you did with the RWBY world. 


The reason they are subservient to you, is because of your budding Divinity. It formed a link between their souls and yours, like what happens when someone follows a God or Goddess. This link isn’t permanent and can be broken if you treat them like garbage however. Mind you, it takes a LOT to break that link, but it can be done.


I nodded my head at that.


Artoria: “So, if I want to keep them around, I should keep them happy?”


Tearwyn shook her head and said, “No, you don’t need to babysit them like that. Like I said, your link is really strong to them. It would take you destroying their world and killing most of them for no reason other than shits and giggles for the link to even start to wane.


Artoria: “Doesn’t that practically make them slaves?”


Tearwyn: “A little, yeah. They can refuse you, but the likelihood of that is next to nil. After all, you are already a Goddess to them. Serving you fills them with satisfaction that can’t be attained via mundane ways. It’s why Gods have so much power over mortals most of the time, we’re like a drug to them. Naturally, there are exceptions! So, don’t take my word as Divine Law.


Tearwyn then snapped her fingers, and I found myself sitting against a tree with Tearwyn in my lap. Smiling at her antics, I just scratched her ears some while giving her more head pats. It didn’t take her long to summon some of her now iconic cotton candy to nibble on before she continued.


Tearwyn: “And finally, for the Light. What they are doing is not warping someone to the Light. They are rewriting them, core and all. When someone becomes fully attuned to the Light from that corruption, they are practically a new being at that point. Soul and all. Big sister Lilith said the Light used to warp(corrupt) like how you do it, as it does have a MUCH stronger effect, but they didn’t like their agents not having 100% unbreakable loyalty.


One thing you should note about this corruption method is that the slower they do it, the more power they can shove into the person converted. However, no matter how slow they take it, it'll never match the power your corruption can give.


I could only really say “huh” to the whole thing.


Artoria: “The Light seems more evil than the Dark gods…”


Tearwyn giggled at that and said, “Oh, the Dark Gods do that as well. You are the only one who actually warps these days, Artoria. After all, unbreakable loyalty is too much for the Gods to pass up, even if the subject will be weaker over all.


And you should know that the Light and Dark faction war is not a Good vs Evil war. The Light can be just as evil as the Dark can be just as good after all.


Artoria: “True.”


As Tearwyn went back to her candy, I fell in to thought about my own Authorities I apparently already claimed.


Artoria: “So, why did you say that Raven would need to be absurdly powerful to survive the full power of my Black Water?”


Tearwyn quickly finished her candy stick and as it dissolved into pink light she said, “Because of just how overpowering your Black Water is. It’ll force a link between you two and she’ll start to see you as her Goddess. And while her core will remain intact like I said, her values will be completely warped. 


An example is this; let’s say she loves her family with all her heart. Currently, she’ll do anything to save that family right? But, she might hesitate to say, destroy an entire universe of innocent people to protect them though and instead try to find a better way, or even take the hard way that could very well end up with her family dead. After being corrupted by your Black Water however, she wouldn’t even bat an eyelash if she had to wipe out an entire omniverse of innocent people to protect her family. Her love for her family wouldn’t leave because of your corruption, it instead will take on the absolute darkest form of it.” 


Artoria: “And all the while, I’d get her loyalty, but said loyalty wouldn’t be permanent. Would she gain anything other than becoming warped?”


Tearwyn: “Correct! And of course! Much like the RWBYverse people, her body (and soul) would be reforged. However, she would go to peak Demi-God levels.


Artoria: “And if she could resist my Waters?”


Tearwyn then giggled a bit and shook her head.


Tearwyn: “No no no, Artoria. That IS her ‘resisting’ your waters. If she wasn’t strong enough, her soul would be destroyed and she’d become an empty shell.


My eyes opened wide in shock at that.


Tearwyn: “I know what you are thinking, but you had asked about ‘the full power’ of your Black Water. At its full strength, it can now corrupt a God of below average power, si…si…sister!


My thoughts ground to a halt as I registered what she had just said. Then the memory of our little chat when I was having my ,frankly, shounen-like powerup came rushing back to me.


Artoria: “Tearwyn!”


I couldn’t help but almost squeal out in joy as I practically smushed Tearwyn's blushing face against mine as I rubbed our cheeks together. Tearwyn started to giggle as she wrapped her arms around me to hug me back.


Artoria: “I honestly thought I may have been delirious when I was dying and just imagined you saying we were family. I also thought I couldn't really call myself your sister until I ascended.”


Tearwyn: “No no! We became a true family the moment we merged our dimensions! Hugs hugs hugs!


I started to giggle like a child myself after her declaration.


Tearwyn: “Let’s play some now, Sister! You killed all the growth system users, so you can relax for a few!


Smiling wide I gave her a nod and said, “That sounds great, Tearwyn.”


— P.O.V Swap 3rd —


~ Unknown Reality ~


Several entities made of pure Darkness were around a rather large table, discussing amongst themselves. Suddenly, they all stopped when they felt two ripples in the omniverse.


???: “It seems that the newborn has found herself a very capable champion.”


???: “Selling it a bit short there #$!@$#@. She has already claimed a few Authorities, surely you can feel it.”


???: “I can, as I am sure even the Light can. A true Corruption Goddess. This doesn’t bode well. Should we send some of our own Champions after her?”


???: “I think that would be a good idea, yes.”


???: “You know she is watched by Lady Lilith... right?”


Several members started to murmur amongst themselves when one of them raised its hand.


???: “That is fine. Lady Lilith likes to be entertained and this will provide it, I would like to think.”


???: “Bah! Who cares about that old fossil? While it was amusing watching the newborns champion wreck some Light champions, and even take a world from them, I don’t want to risk her getting more powerful, let alone ascending into Godhood. I’ll just wipe her from existence when she leaves her dimen-”


Suddenly, the entire room somehow became darker, and a light giggle could be heard echoing out.


Lilith: “Oh~? You want to ruin my fun, now do you #$%^!@? It seems that all of you children among the first born have forgotten just who I am~.


A finger snap echoed out, and the upstart Dark God started to scream in agony as he slowly gained a mortal body. All the other Dark Gods watched in horror as the third oldest amongst them was stripped of everything that made him Divine. Several minutes of screaming later, all that was left was an average looking male, instead of a ancient and powerful Dark God.


All of the attendees shuddered in horror when another giggle echoed out.


Lilith: “Anyone else feel the need to ruin my entertainment~?




Lilith: “Good kids~. Do not mess with my entertainment. No, let me rephrase that. Mess with them if you like~. But do NOT simply remove them from the board. Send your champions, enjoy it like I do~! And when she is strong enough to give an entertaining fight, you could even fight her yourselves~.


Suddenly, the now very much mortal and powerless man started floating.


Lilith: “Don’t think I forgot about you~. Hmmm… I have no use for you, maybe Kimblee would like a new toy~? Thoughts for later, I guess. I’ll give him the option, and  until then you can suffer~. Bye bye now children, make sure you behave~.


Then the former god vanished as he started to scream, and the Darkness became just a tiny bit brighter as the presence of Lilith vanished.


???: “Fool. He nearly destroyed us all... Anyway, you heard her. The newborns Champion is free game as long as we stick to the normal Divine Laws. Let’s shelve that for now however, as there was a second ripple. From your failed planet no less it would seem.”


One of the dark entities that had dragon-like horns that curved backwards on his head sighed and nodded.


???: “Yes, so it would seem. She has some light in her as well. But it’s faint.”


???: “Still think it was a good idea to try and make a world with your… brother?”


The horned entity merely shrugged its shoulders. 


???: “Could have been something wonderful at least. It’s likely my brother will act though. He has quite the temper for someone of the Light.”


Several of the other Dark Gods scoffed and one said, “They all have a temper, this is not new. So, what do you plan to do?”


???: “Wait and see what my brother will do I think. We can’t convince the newborns Champion to join us, as we clearly burnt that bridge I feel. But, maybe this one from my world could be swayed?”


They all nodded their heads and agreed.


???: “So, we’ll take a wait and see approach for now. Alright, moving on…”


And the meeting between the Dark Gods continued, with several of them looking at the spot where one of them used to be every now and then and shivering slightly.


And so the plot thickens some more~. Hope you enjoyed the massive info dump and cooldown period, hehe~. See you in the next chapter~!

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