Take Eldritch surveys! Noted!

Chapter 28: But make sure you do not simply trade one Evil for another…

Artoria: “My name is Artoria Alter. As for what I am?”


I turn away from Salem back to the Grimm Pool and bend down. I reach out to try and touch it, only for it to lurch away again.


Artoria: “I am a summoned Corrupted Heroic Spirit.”


Salem: “A ‘summoned’ Spirit, is it? And, what are you corrupted by, exactly?”


A small smile forms on my lips as I stand back up and face her. My own Black Water starts to drip off parts of my armour, splashing lazily on the ground only to move to my feet and disappear.


Artoria: “All the World’s Evils.”


Salem's eyes widen ever so slightly at my display.


Salem: “Now, that is very interesting. I can tell this water falling off of you is like the black pits the Dark Brother God left behind. But, also not.”


Stopping my display, I give a nod while I motion to the pit behind me with my hand.


Artoria: “It is the same with me. Do you know why your pits do not want to touch me?”


Salem frowned slightly at that and walked beside me and reached down to the Black Tar.


Salem: “No, I do not. I have never seen such a reaction from the Grimm Pools. Normally, they are all to eager to embrace someone.”


She scooped up some of the pool and started to pour it between each hand, like one would move a slinky. She then motioned for me to hold out my hand, which I did.


But as she went to tip her hand to have the Grimm Waters fall into mine, it just stayed in her hand unnaturally.


Salem: “Most curious.”


Frowning lightly, I looked toward the pool and asked Salem a question.


Artoria: “Are you willing to sacrifice this pool for an experiment?”


Salem hummed in thought for a few seconds before responding.


Salem: “Yes. While it is one of the bigger ones, in the end it’s not a keystone pool. What are you thinking of doing?”


Giving a nod, I start to walk into the pit itself. All of the Black Tar started to move away, like I was splitting the Red Sea.


Artoria: “I am going to force this.”


When I was about waist “deep” in the Grimm Pool, I started to release my own Black Water, and had it backtrack the way I walked in. Soon, more and more of my lovely Black Water started to rush out, and surrounded the pit.


Salem had taken several steps back to avoid touching my Black Water, and was watching with great interest.


When I felt like I had enough Black Water flowing around the entire pit, I made it create a dome over the pit. As the Black Water was forming over the Grimm Pool, it started to violently vibrate. It almost looked like the Grimm Pool was looking for an out, for some way to avoid what was about to happen.


Artoria: “There is no escape, so stop struggling.”


I had no idea if the Grimm Pools were sentient in some way, but I spoke out regardless. Soon, the dome was finished forming, and I smiled as I gave my next command. With a thought, the Black Water obeyed, and it all came crashing down into the Grimm Pool.


But much to my shock when the Black Water started to merge with the Grimm Pool, the pool started to release a loud and unnatural screech. It sounded like the dying screams of some great beast.


While I winced at the volume, I was also just blinking in confusion.


‘What the hell was that?’


The screeching only lasted a few seconds before it blessedly became quiet once again. As soon as the scream stopped, the mix of the Grimm Pool and my Black Water started to rush towards me.


I did nothing but stand there and let the liquid run over me completely. Soon, I could feel it start to change me. I trust my Black Waters, so I did nothing to resist this, but I could feel I was changing on a fundamental level in some way.


—P.O.V. switch Salem —


I had watched with great interest as this new creature, this spirit of sorts, had entered one of my Grimm Pools. It was intriguing to see the Pools react in such a way to her presence. As I told her, I have never seen the Pools reject someone in all my life.


I was even more surprised when the dome she created collapsed, and there was an unearthly scream. It couldn’t have come from the woman, by the simple fact it was too feral sounding. Much like a beast in its last desperate throws of life. I wasn’t given much of a chance to ponder the source or meaning of this scream before the Pool changed.


I was now staring at an egg shaped mixture of her Black Water, and my Grimm Pool. Though, you would never be able to tell they were different at this point. There was a symbol of sorts on the front of the egg facing me. I had no idea what it was, but it was purple, and had what looked like… fox ears?


‘Strange. This whole situation is so strange. But I welcome it.’


When I first sensed such a dark presence entering my lands, I was greatly shocked. The darkness I was sensing was almost like myself, but not quite. I wouldn’t say more powerful, but chaotic.


‘Yes, chaotic is what I would say now that I am near her.’


With my darkness, and my Grimm, we had one purpose. Death and Destruction. But with hers, it was everywhere all at once. Like she would destroy a city, only to turn around and save another one the next second.


It was this great chaotic darkness that made me seek her out, and open a dialog.


‘It is also interesting that none of my Grimm can see her. I can’t even see her through their eyes. I’ll need to ask about that.’


I was broken out of my thoughts by a pulse of power from this dark egg in front of me. Several seconds later, the egg started to get glowing red “cracks” all around it, while the power I could feel inside was building ever more.


I was prepared to leave should the egg explode outwards, but much to my surprise everything just stopped. And then there was a sound like glass breaking and the egg shattered and fell down turning back into a liquid.


The woman was soon revealed as the liquid dropped off her floating, changed, form. The feeling I got from her now, was much darker than before, if such a thing was possible.


When she opened her eyes, and looked at me, I couldn’t help but shutter a little in an unknown feeling as I looked into those glowing golden eyes.


—P.O.V. switch Artoria —


As I opened my eyes, I saw Salem staring at me. Choosing to ignore her for now, I noticed I was floating above the Grimm Black Water pool. As I floated down to the ground near Salem, I tried to take in my changed form.


For I was indeed changed. I could feel it. My connection to my Black Waters was as firm as it has ever been. I could feel it “flowing” through my veins as if I had a real body. The anger I would always feel just under the surface was also tamer. It was still there, even more so, in greater amounts still. But I felt like I had a lot more control over it.


Waving my left hand, I created a mirror out of ice, like I had done the first day I became the new me. As I took in my new look, a cruel smile seemed to find its way on my face.


(But with black sclera and glowing gold eyes. Source: https://oceanofwallpapers.com/wallpaper/anime-fate-series-fatezero-saber-alter-silver-hair-armor-sword-black-ribbons-red-eyes-21306?page= )


Just now I noticed I was holding both my beloved sword Excalibur Morgan, and its sheethe (not)Avalon and how they had also changed. I quickly finished gazing at my new form, and with a nod I turned back to Salem as the mirror shattered into mist.


‘I feel absolutely amazing. I would even say I feel more complete. Not fully complete, but more. Which is strange. I need to ask Lady Lilith what is going on with me.’


Salem: “It seems your experiment was a success?”


Giving her a nod I say, “Yes, it would seem so. I feel great, and more complete. Would you like to take a dip?”


She shook her head at my question.


Salem: “No. I can tell that new substance will change me on a fundamental level. I have come too far to change who I am now.”


Artoria: “Suit yourself.”


With a thought, the Grimm Black Water came rushing at me, and was quickly absorbed. I instinctively knew that I could change the effects my waters had on people if I so chose too, or they could mostly stay the same as before. I also felt I had another new ability with my water.


With a thought, Black Water started to bubble on my right shoulder. Soon however, a raven with a Grimm mask was formed. It spread its wings out and let out a little “caw” as it got comfortable on my shoulders.


Salem narrowed her eyes at the raven, and simply stared for a few seconds.


Salem: “That is not a Grimm.”


Shaking my head, I pet the “bird.”


Artoria: “No, it is not. It’s simply my Black Water, taking a new form. But it is still very much my Black Water.”


I held out my left hand, opening my palm up. The raven caw’d once more, before it jumped from my shoulder and splashed down on my hand like water. It quickly reformed in less than a second later however.


Artoria: “This is a simple construct, really. But also so much more dangerous than a mere Grimm. You can’t kill water, after all. Well, it’s not even water really, but you understand.”


Salem gave a slow nod at that while keeping an eye on the raven. With another thought, the raven melted back into Black Water and was absorbed in my hand. Lowering my hand, I spoke to Salem.


Artoria: “By the way. I had a talk with a soul that was as old as yours. His name was Ozpin. During this talk, a woman named Raven compared myself to another. Calling me as much, or worse than ‘her’. I have a feeling it is you?”


Salem's face seemed to get a little darker as she responded to my question.


Salem: “I see you meet my ex. And yes, if Raven was comparing your darkness to someone, it was indeed most likely myself. Why were you talking to Ozpin?”


Artoria: “My summoner is attending his school. And I saw how old his soul was, but how weak he is. It caught my attention. You are much like him. Old, but not nearly as powerful as you should be for your age. Why? He was going to tell me before Raven interrupted that.”


Salem: “You can see souls? Interesting. As for our strength, I don’t know what to say? I have tried numerous things over the course of my existence, but I have found that knowledge gives me the most power. Knowledge and experience.”


Artoria: “I guess that is fair. Not everyone can keep growing I guess.”


Salem: “You said you were a summoned spirit. I have a few questions about that.”


Artoira: “Why not. We’ll take turns asking our questions to each other, to keep it fair.”


Salem gave a small nod as she asked her first question.


Salem: “You said you were summoned. Summoned from where?”


Artoria: “Another world, obviously. I am normally summoned for something called a ‘Holy Grail War.’ I honestly have no idea how that little human managed to summon me to this world. It doesn’t have the Grail on it to begin with…”


Salem frowned slightly as she mumbled “Another world.”


Artoria: “My turn. Why do you not want to take a dip in my Black Water?”


Salem waved her hand dismissively when she answered.


Salem: “As I said, I do not want to change on such a fundamental level. It would inevitably change my goal. And I have worked so long that that can not happen.”


Giving a hum in acknowledgment, she asked her next question.


Salem: “Speaking of goals, now that you have been summoned here, what is yours?”


I cracked a cruel smile at that.


Artoria: “To crush the Light in this world, and subdue it. Make this world mine, as I have a plan for it.”


Salem frowned at that and said, “Do you now. I think your goal, and my goal are very much opposed.”


Artoria: “Oh? And, what exactly is your goal, little witch?”


Ignoring my little jab she said, “A few things. I will gather the relics left by the Brother Gods, and summon them. They will see a humanity divided, and destroy everything. If even this fails to kill me, then I will wait until humanity will inevitably return again. And when they do, I will rule over them as a Goddess for eternity.”


Artoria: “So, you seek death. And failing that, you seek to rule. Why go and summon some gods just to try and die though?”


Salem: “I have been cursed with immortality by the Brother Gods. I will always revive after being killed. The Gods curse states that so long as this world exists, I will live. So I will have them destroy everything.”


I hummed in thought while crossing my arms over my chest.


Artoria: “Do you remember the exact wording of your immortality curse?”


Salem’s face lighty twisted in anger and said, “Yes. ‘So long as this world turns, you shall walk its face. You must learn the importance of life and death. Only then may you rest.’”


After hearing the curse, I could only laugh in her face.


Salem: “Please, do enlighten me. What is it that you find so funny?”


Artoria: “Your plan will fail. All ‘normal’ plans will fail. The key to the curse is the last bit.”


Narrowing her eyes, she asked me to clarify.


Artoria: “You have to LEARN the lesson those ‘gods’ want you to learn. Nothing will free you of this curse until you do. Hell, I bet this entire planet could explode, and the curse would simply reform the planet with you on it.”


Salem: “And why do you think this to be true?”


Artoria: “Because most ‘gods’ can be assholes from my experience. And that is something I would expect an asshole to do. They cursed you with immortality in the first place right? Why would something as simple as ‘destruction’ free you from it?”


Salem looked down in thought over my words, as I just shook my head at her.


Artoria: “So naive. But, to be expected of one so young.”


Salem looked up and scowled at me.


Salem: “Young?”


Artoria: “Indeed. Ozpin said he was around 150 000 years old. I assume you are also around that. If so, yes, you are young in my eyes.”


Salem: “And, pray tell. How old are you?”


Giving her a cheeky smirk, I say, “I am over three and a half million years old.”


Salem eyes widened a smidgen at my retort.


Salem: “Oh… I see. Then yes, I would be young to someone such as yourself…”


Shaking my head, I then sigh.


Artoria: “Anyway. It looks like our end game goals will conflict. Why not skip the attempt at suicide by gods, and just skip to ruleing? I do not care if you oversee everything, honestly. I want to give this world to the Dark Goddess Tearwyn. It matters not to me if you rule it. What DOES matter though, is if it’s a pile of rubble or not.”


Salem: “Goddess Tearwyn? I have never heard of her.”


Artoria: “And what a big shocker that is. Look, I am giving you a choice. Either I have you rule this world, and lead it into a (dark) golden age, kicking and screaming if need be, or I remove you from the chess board as it were.”


Salem huffed as she crossed her arms over her chest.


Salem: “I have just told you, I am immortal. Your threat is meaningless.”


Giving her a cruel smile, I draw Excalibur out of its sheath.


Artoria: “Salem. I can, and have, killed gods with this sword. Your little curse will not save you.”


Salem had taken an involuntary step back when Excalibur Morgan was fully drawn.


Salem: “You expect me to-”


With a small rush of air blowing past her, she flinched a little. I then sheathed my sword and smiled at her. She raised her right hand to her cheek, and touched the blood that was slightly leaking from the cut.


Salem: “I couldn't even see that attack… and it’s not healing. It’s. It’s not healing?”


Salem’s eyes widened at the realisation that her wound was, for once, not healing after she had received it.


I was about to say something when I felt a tug from my “master” as he called for me.


Artoria: "Tch. Seems my summoner needs something. Think it over, Salem. I could kill you. But, you have the knowledge and skills to run this world better than anyone else. And as you said, a dip in my Black Waters would change you. Think it over.”


Salem was still standing there holding her lightly bleeding cheek in shock as I sunk into my shadow. Seconds later, I rose out of the shadow of my summoner who was standing in a bathroom of all things.


Artoria: “You desire something from me?”


Hearing my voice from behind him, he spun around and started to whisper yell at me.


Jake: “Saber! What the fuck did you… tell. You look different. I really like it. Wait no, nevermind that! What the hell did you tell Ozpin when you visited him?! He wants to talk to me about some knowledge I shouldn’t have?!”


I tilt my head, and feign ignorance.


Artoria: “I didn’t lie to him or anything? I followed your instruction, and was very careful that what I told him was the truth as I knew it.”


Jake’s eyes widened at that as he yelled, “THAT’S NOT-”


He coughed and spoke quieter, “That’s not what I meant when I said that, damn it!”


He turned away from me as he brought up his hands to his head and growled in frustration.


‘Heh. Serves you right, you little horn dog.’


He started to mumble to himself, but a word caught my attention. I smiled internally as I started to pick on my “master” some more.


Artoria: “Reincarnation?”


Jake startled, seemingly to have forgotten I was here.


Jake: “Ah, yea. I am a Reincarnator. Not originally from this world. But that doesn’t matter. What does matter is what I am going to tell Ozpin about how I know things I really have no place or reason in knowing…”


Artoria: “Indeed. How do you know these things? You seem like you can see the future.”


Jake’s eyes lit up like he had just gotten a great idea.


Jake: “That’s it! I’ll just say it’s a part of my Semblance. That I can see parts of the future to a degree. He’s rather stupid, so it should work.”


Raising my eyebrow, I then remember I do not have my faceplate on. I quickly remedy that situation and summon it.


‘May not cover my entire face, but it does help hide some of my reactions after all. And Ozpin, stupid? Yea, no. The man is so much older than you will ever be, little boy.’


I was broken out of my thoughts by Jake slapping his cheeks.


Jake: “Alright, I’ll go with that. Nothing could go wrong. Okay, Saber, I want you to just go back to my team's room and wait for me to return. I don’t want you fucking up my meeting with Ozpin. I can salvage this, I know I can. I’m me after all. Right, I got this!”


With that, he left the bathroom with all the confidence in the world.


Artoria: “Tch. Idiot.”


I sank into the shadows, and appeared in the team's dorm seconds later. Looking around as I stepped out of a shadow on the wall, everyone was in their beds sleeping.


With a small whisper to myself I say, “I think I have played around long enough.”


I then started to summon my new and improved Black Water and began to flood the room with it. I also started to form ravens and had them leave to go and take a dive into any Grimm Pool they could find.


Artoria: “Time to get the show on the road.”


And here is chapter 28 for everyone~. The chapters will be a bit slower to be released for awhile, sorry everyone. My dumbass slipped on some black ice while taking out the garbage and I sprained my right hand pretty badly. It took for-FUCKING-ever to write this chapter~. Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed it, and I'll see you in the next one~.

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