Take Eldritch surveys! Noted!

Chapter 19: The honour and wrath of a warrior can be boundless.

As Cocytus and I were making our way to the city proper, leading a massive army of undead, I decided to fish for some information about my target.


‘I honestly can’t believe I forgot to ask Tearwyn what that Light Spawn called herself. Really, she is just too adorable.’


Artoria: “Cocytus, do you remember any of your Masters talking about a powerful High Seraphim Angel ever?”


A plum of icy mist escaped as he hummed in thought.


Cocytus: “I. Do. Not. May. I. Ask. Why?”


Nodding my head to his answer I say, “I am hunting one. She doesn’t belong on this planet. And she has her eyes set on Nazarick. She is the reason I have been sent by the Dark Goddess Tearwyn. This little pigeon schemes to change your Master from who he is, who he is destined to be, into a paragon of Light instead. Or kill him if she can't.”


Another puff of mist escapes as he responds with a bit of fire in his voice.


Cocytus: “The. Insolence! We. Must. Find. This. Foolish. One. And. Destroy. It!” 


Giving another nod I say, “Yes. Your Master has a wonderful destiny ahead of him he can forge for himself. The Dark Goddess Tearwyn wants to see him achieve it. Naturally, the Light gods do not. So they sent an agent to try and convert or otherwise stop him. But they made two major mistakes.”


Cocytus tilted his head as he asked, “What. Mistakes. Are. Those?”


The area around me gets a bit heavier as a small amount of killing intent leaks from me unknowingly.


Artoria: “One: They dare go against Tearwyn. And two, they dare to target your Master. I know you and the rest of the guardians feel the same towards Ainz as I do towards Tearwyn.”


I look up to the insectoid warrior and say with hatred, “And we will not tolerate anyone to so openly go against them as if they do not matter, will we?”


A large cloud of mist escapes him as he proudly states, “No! We. Will. Not!”


I smile slightly and nod my head.


Artoria: “Spoken like the true warrior you are, Cocytus. You truly understand what it means by the gods of Light so brazenly acting in the open like this.”


Nodding his large head Cocytus says, “I. Do. But. We. Will. Speak. Of. This. Later. With. Everyone. We. Are. Here.”


Artoria: “Sure thing, Cocytus. So, show me how you will remove this puny gate from your way.”


Cocytus: “Observe.”


Stepping forward, I felt the mana around Cocytus stir. He then cast an ice-aspected spell, and the gate and a large swath of the walls on both sides of it were obliterated. He then summoned several Ice Maidens and also turned on some kind of aura as the temperature around us plummeted and ice began to spread rapidly around us.


Cocytus: “I. Trust. This. Cold. Does. Not. Bother. You?”


Giving Cocytus a nod, I joined him as we moved inside the city and started to march towards the castle.


Artoria: “The temperature has no effect on me.”


I look back at all the Ice Maidens and nod my head in approval. They were all quite beautiful, and all looked the same. I could imagine a lot of people would love the situation of 10 identical beauties attending them.


Artoria: “Your entourage are beautiful Cocytus. And have stronger than average souls, I am impressed.”


All Ice Maidens: “We thank you for the praise, My Lady.”


Nodding my head in approval once more, I turn back to face the front.


Cocytus: “Thank. You. Artoria. You. Are. Able. To. See. And. Appraise. Souls?”


Artoria: “Correct, Cocytus. It is something I picked up in my long long life. Only souls of sufficient strength may even see or hear me to start with. One of the ways I judge if someone is even worth paying attention to.”


Cocytus: “Interesting. Thank. You. For. Sharing. I. Agree. That. Is. A. Good. Way. To. Judge. Someones. Worth.”


Artoria: “I like to think so. Speaking of worth, there seems to be a lone human waiting ahead for you.”


Cocytus: “Indeed. There. Is.”


As we approached the human swordsman, he popped several potions if the glow around his body after each one was any indication. When we came to a stop just before him, he only looked at Cocytus, which didn’t surprise me.


‘His soul is weak. He may be a strong human, but his soul never got many opportunities to grow it would seem.’


As the man finished looking over Cocytus, with some self mockery in his voice he said, “Oi oi oi. My back’s already against the wall.”


After a few moments of what I assume is him having some internal monologue he takes a stance with his sword.


???: “Even so! Brain Unglaus.”


The Ice Maidens start to move forward before Cocytus holds up one of his hands to stop them. They back off without a word as Cocytus introduces himself to the brave human.


Cocytus: “I. Am. A. Servant. Of. The. Supreme. One. Sorcerer. King. Ainz. Ooal. Gown. Cocytus.”


Brain looks taken aback that Cocytus even responded to him. Brain sheaths his sword and takes a deep bow.


Brain: “My thanks.”


Cocytus: “Unnecessary.”


As Cocytus slammed and embedded his polearm into the pavement of the road I spoke up.


Artoria: “You are doing him a great honour by even acknowledging him. But I understand why.”


Cocytus just silently nodded his head, and reached into a black hole that appeared near himself and pulled out a sword.


‘So that’s what the inventory spell looks like. I wonder if I could learn that. Seems to be just some basic space manipulation with a touch of dimension magic. Speaking of dimension magic, maybe I could use the spells Lucifer taught me to somehow lock the area down around me like their Dimensional Lock spell, to prevent teleportation?’


My internal musings about magic were interrupted by Cocytus announcing the weapon he had taken out.


Cocytus: “God. Slaying. Emperor. Blade.”


Looking over the sword, I was honestly unimpressed. There was no way that thing could hurt a god, let alone slay it. I decided to keep that information to myself however.


After a few moments both of the warriors took up stances, and prepared for their clash.


Brain: “ ‘Seek life when facing death’ was it?”


Brains face then got even more serious as he started to use his abilities. First his little sword zone thing appeared around him, then he started casting self buffs on himself. You could easily see the strain of these actions were taking on his body. From his buffs, to the potions he took early, it was too much apparently as he started to bleed from his eyes and nose.


But he held on, and was determined to make a stand against the impossible. As Cocytus stepped inside his sword zone, Brain let out his attack with a loud yell filled with determination.


Brain: “True Nail Clipper!”


It took everything I had to not laugh in the face of such a stupid name for an attack. But I knew where the name came from, so I did my best to suppress it.


However, it was not meant to be. Cocytus ignored his attack completely, and cut a massive gash into his chest, catching his heart with the tip of the blade if the amount of blood was any indication.


Brain fell to his knees, dropping his weapon. He managed to die with a smile on his face as he slumped forward a bit.


Artoria: “As weak as he was, that was an impressive resolve he had as a warrior. You did right by him by slaying him in combat, and not insulting him by asking him to change sides.”


The words I spoke were true, and not me playing around. I could respect Brain for his actions here. He displayed great will to stare death in the face like that, and not flinch.


Cocytus: “I. Am. Glad. You. Also. Think. That. Artoria. If. Someone. Of. Your. Callibure. Thinks. That. Then. I. Think. My. Creator. Would. Approve. As. Well.”


Artoria: “I would agree that he would.”


Cocytus then walked over to Brains body, and bent down to take his sword.


Cocytus: “I. Will. Take. This. Trophy. In. Remembrance. Of. A. Fine. Warriors. Resolve.”


He then swished the blood off his blade, and put both his and Brain's old weapon into his inventory. Turning to his Maidens, he commanded them to freeze his body. Freezing his body in seconds, Cocytus then looked up past him at the castle.


Artoria: “Come. Let’s take another way. I am sure your Master will not disparage you for showing honour to such a warrior by not stepping over his body.”


Nodding while exhaling icy mist Cocytus said, “I. Agree.”


We backtracked a little ways, before finding the right alleyway. Following it around the block a bit we came upon the main road again soon enough. Stepping out of the alleyway, Cocytus stopped for several moments to look at Brain's corpse before moving on to the castle.


Artoria: “Always a shame, and yet a pleasant surprise, to meet such warriors on opposite sides of a war.”


Cocytus: “You. Are. Correct.”


We walked in comfortable silence as we approached the castle. I noticed that the homes that he was freezing over were actually killing the humans inside.


‘Hah, to be so weak that you die to a bit of cold.’


Ignoring the dying humans we thankfully didn’t take as long as I would have thought to get to the castle proper.


‘Still, that was a good thirty minutes of just walking.’


Breaking from my internal musings, Cocytus told his Maidens to freeze the outside of the castle. It took them only an impressive 10 seconds to freeze the whole thing.


Artoria: “Nice speed, and look how much better it looks while frozen. Good work, Girls.”


Maidens: “We thank you, My Lady.”


‘Not going to lie, seeing so many beauties bow to you at once? I can see why a lot of people want to reincarnate into this world.’


Several minutes later, we made it to the throne room. It was just Cocytus and I as he had sent his Maidens off to go and kill everyone else still left in the castle. As the two of us entered the room, we saw the King on the throne with Princess Renner standing next to him.


I noticed that Renner was able to see me, so I spoke to her.


Artoria: “So you’re able to see me, little girl?”


Renner: “I can? Though, you are a little transparent and sound a bit far away.”


Cocytus: “Oh?”


Artoria: “She has quite the soul, Cocytus. Look, her Father is totally clueless to whom she speaks.”


Both of them looked at the King, who was looking at Renner with a raised eyebrow.


Artoria: “His soul is as decrepit as his body. Little wonder he can’t see me. It’s more interesting that he is even alive with how his soul is.”


A glint passed through Renner's eyes as she looked at her dad.


Renner: “I see…”


Turning to look up at Cocytus, I ask, “So what’s the plan here Cocytus? You kill them and claim the castle?”


Renner’s face paled a little at that before Cocytus spoke up.


Cocytus: “No. One. Moment.”


Renner breathed out a little sigh of relief as Cocytus made a call to his Master.


Ramposa: “Renner, what is going on?”


Renner: “One moment Father, something interesting is bound to happen soon.”


No sooner than when she finished speaking did a black portal open up in the middle of the throne room.  And out stepped several of the floor guardians, including the main man himself, Ainz.



— P.O. V. Switch Ainz Ooal Gown —


As my floor guardians and I stepped out of the Gate to the throne room, I quickly took stock of who was already there. Up on the throne, was the soon to be dead old man, King Ramposa III. With our little human spy turned imp, Princess Renner at his side.


She caught my interest, if I am being honest. Love can do strange things to people it would seem. I take a quick peek at Albedo and shake my head slightly.


‘I really messed up with her, haaahhh.’


Moving on from the same thought that has been plaguing me since I arrived in this world, I turned to look at the other two in the room. My floor guardian, Cocytus. And the strange newcomer, Artoria Alter.


‘I just know that name from somewhere. But I can’t place my finger on it. This is driving me nuts, it’s on the tip of my tongue, I can just tell.’


Demiurge broke me out of my internal musing by talking to Renner.


Demiurge: “Now then, Princess. It’s time to carry out the last part of the plan. [King Ramposa, move down from the throne, and kneel over there].”


Demiurge had used his command word ability, and forced the King off his throne, and to move to the spot where he pointed. I took that as my queue to go and claim the throne. Taking the throne as my own I looked at Renner.


Ainz: “Do it.”


‘Honestly, this is kind of cool. Being a conqueror is pretty fun when I don’t have to worry about the logistics of everything.’


Renner gave me a nod with a bit of a creepy smile on her face, and she drew the sword that Gazef Stronoff once used against me.


‘I’ll finally be able to get that thing under my banner. Still disappointed I couldn't collect Gazef himself, but I will respect his choice. I owe a man of such calibre that much at least.’


Ramposa: “Renner? What is going on? What is hap-”


Before he could even finish the sentence, his own daughter ran him through with the national treasure of their kingdom.


Artoria: “Heh. Irony at its finest.”


Ainz: “Agreed. Now, let me properly introduce myself. I am Ainz Ooal Gown, Master of the Great tomb of Nazarick.”


My guardians all took up positions around myself as I was introducing myself. With Albedo taking up her normal spot to my right, and Demiurge and Cocytus to my left.


The armour clad woman nodded to me, and walked to the middle of the room and introduced herself.


Artoria: “Greetings. My name is Artoria Alter, Agent of the Dark Goddess Tearwyn. Sent here to remove an invader of the Light.”


‘Dark Goddess Tearwyn? Never heard of her. Also, invader of the Light? That sounds troublesome…’


Demiurge: “You should take a more appropriate stance when talking to the Supreme One. [Kneel]!”


However, much to my shock and Demiurge she stood standing like nothing happened.


Artoria: “I kneel only to two entities, little demon. And your Master is not one of them. Try that again, and we will have issues.”


‘Better not let this escalate further.’


I raised my hand to stop Demiurge from responding.


Ainz: “Sorry about that, and please excuse him. He can be rather enthusiastic when it comes to me.”


She, thankfully, gave me an understanding nod and said, “As he should. But he should know his limits, and not presume.”


I nod my head in agreement. My guardians could very well one day get me into trouble with actions such as that.


Ainz: “I thank you for your understanding, Artoria. Now, you said you were sent by a Goddess?”


Artoria: “That is correct. The Dark Goddess Tearwyn watches over this part of the multiverse, and as such, you all fall under her area of influence. Some uppity gods of Light however, wish to steal several universes from her by sending agents to worlds she owns. Their job is to change the normal fate of such worlds, and make it lean towards the light, thus taking it from her.”


I bring up my hand to my chin and rub my non existent beard as I mull over that little information dump. Sadly though, before I could delve to much into it, Albedo just had to speak up.


Albedo: “Humph! Like such a weak and useless sounding Goddess could rule over Ainz! I bet she’s only after him like all the other hussies and-”


Cocytus: “Albedo! No! Sto-”


And that’s when all hell broke loose. I could see the very air around Artoria start to warp as an unbelievable amount of killing intent flooded the room. The very air became heavy, and tinted with red as her killing intent actually manifested in physical form.


Even I was starting to feel the pressure of her intent as it was starting to overwhelm my undead passive. The power that normally keeps my emotions in check was going off the deep end, as it struggled to keep me calm in the face of such overwhelming killing intent.


‘Oh fuck, holy shit. This is insane! I am undead, and I am slowly starting to feel the pressure and fear from her killing intent! Is this the power of someone who has lived for millions of years? Scary in more ways than one… damn it Albedo!’


My guardians were not faring well by the looks of it. They had all crashed to the ground, and looked like they were choking on the very intent that filled the air. The pressure only got worse as Artoria walked up to Albedo.


‘Damn it Albedo! I have tried to tell you, there can be stronger people than us, than me, out there! But she never listens!’


With Artoria being so close, my undead passive was going ballistic. With a wave of green energy passing over me faster than everyone's hearts were beating.


‘Fuck, this is just her intent no less! She is WAY more powerful than any of us! Her boast about all of Nazarick not being enough was not a boast at all!’


Artoria grabbed Albedo by the neck, and lifted her up with her left hand. In her right, she summoned a sword that gave off such an immense feeling of dread and evil and held it across Albedo’s neck. Yet at the same time, it gave off the feeling of a holy weapon.


‘If this situation wasn’t so fucked, I would love to take a look at that weapon. It looks so fam… WAIT A MOMENT! I KNOW THAT SWORD!!!’


As I was freaking out over the revelation of who and what was standing in front of me, Artoria spoke to Albedo in a calm and even voice. Which honestly just made her seem even more scary to me.


Artoria: “I respect your views you have towards Ainz, and I do not correct them. However, should such shit flow from your mouth again Albedo, I will show you that your views about Ainz and the world are not entirely correct. And after I have killed the man you love in front of you, I will break your body. Slowly. And after I am done with that, I will then break your soul. And I won’t stop until there is nothing left.


Am. I. Understood, little demoness?”


When Albedo failed to answer, the amount of killing intent increased even more.


‘Just how much intent can she emit, fuck! I am starting to freak the fuck out over here! ANSWER HER DAMN IT ALBEDO!!!’


Thankfully Albedo answered before my undead passive was completely overwhelmed.


Albedo: “Y… ye..”


Artoria then threw Albedo down like a piece of trash, and stopped emitting her killing intent. The air cleared up, and everyone started to cough and breathe a sigh of relief.


‘Holy shit, that was horrifying.’


As Artoria made her way back to the middle of the room, she dismissed the sword she had in her hand. Seeing it vanish reminded me of my revelation through that horrible experience.


Artoria: “I will not apologise for that outburst. Let that be a lesson to what kind of entity you are dealing with. As I said, if anyone speaks ill of Tearwyn again, I will obliterate them.”


As my guardians were pulling themselves up from the floor, I tried to centre myself and calm down. Once I was confident my voice wouldn’t break from the absurd amount of fear I am sure would be present if it were not from my undead nature, I asked the question on my mind.


Ainz: “It is fine, Artoria. But, I have a question. That sword you summoned. That was Excalibur, wasn’t it?”


She smirked a little, as she re-summoned the sword and held it out so I could clearly see it.


Artoria: “Correct, this is Excalibur Morgan.”


‘Then that means….’


Ainz: “Then… you are King Arthur Pendragon?”


Nodded in conformation to my question she said, “Yes, that was one of the names I used to go by when I was human, long ago.”


‘God damn it. I am dealing with someone straight out of an anime?! No, something more than that. I am sure the Saber Alter I am thinking of is not this powerful…’


Lightly coughing into my fist, I decide to shelve this for later.


Ainz: “Now, you said you have a mission here by the Dark Goddess Tearwyn? Stopping an invader or something?”


Artoria: “That is correct. This agent of the Light will also be after you. As you are a key existence in this world's future.”


‘While it’s nice knowing I am so important, I guess, it’s also not great to learn I have a damn target on my back. But well, better to learn it now, instead of at sword point or something.’


Ainz: “I would like to continue this, but at Nazarick. We would have more enforceable privacy there. Would I be able to trouble you and ask you to wait in Nazarick while I finish things up here?”


Shaking her head she said, “No, that is fine, Ainz.”


Nodding my head, I opened a Gate to Nazarick, and turned my head to Cocytus.


Ainz: “Cocytus, since you are the most familiar with Artoria here, I would like you to accompany her to Nazarick, and make sure she is comfortable. And that no-one bothers her unnecessarily.”


Cocytus bows to me and says, “It. Would. Be. My. Honour. Ainz-sama.”


When both Artoria and Cocytus entered the Gate and it closed I turned to Albedo.


Ainz: “Albedo. You and I will have words later. I hope you now finally understand and take my warning seriously when I say there are stronger entities than myself. Her killing intent alone disabled my all of my guardians like you were children. Look, even the little imp we recruited ended up killing herself to get away from the intent.”


Albedo: “I am most terribly sorry, Ainz-sama!!!!!”


As she bowed heavily to me, I could only sigh.


Ainz: “Demiurge, get someone to resurrect the imp, and her pet human that is also dead just outside the doors… then let's finish this little play. We have more important matters at hand all of a sudden…”


Demiurge’s voice cracked ever so slightly as he responded, “Yes, Ainz-sama.”


‘I am glad Artoria didn’t just up and murder all of us for that insult. She must really care for this Dark Goddess. I don’t remember such a Goddess in her anime though? Well, this is real life, so who’s to say what’s what in the universe?’


Chapter 19~. I won't be posting one tomorrow most likely, as I need a bit of a break. Maybe a week or so? We'll see how long that actually lasts though~. I hope you enjoyed the chapter, and I'll see you in the next one~. Bye bye~~~

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