Take Eldritch surveys! Noted!

Chapter 14: Good plan? Great plan!

As I was dangling my feet off the ledge of a random building I stepped on to a bit ago, I sighed. When I found out where I was, and made my way to Musutafu, a thought crossed my mind.


'AFO is not a good choice to help. Sure, he’ll lead this world down a dark path which is good, but he wants to “destroy humanity's future.”'


The fucking weeb fancies himself a demon lord. And Tearwyn said she doesn’t want to rule over rubble, which is exactly what I expect AFO to leave the world as.


‘He’s no good after all. I need a new plan. Maybe I should kill him after all?’


As I continued to mull over my options and watch the little ants (people) scurry about their lives an idea smashed its way into my skull.


‘Oh yes, this will be perfect. And I have just the person in mind to test my theory. Well, “person.”’


Smiling as I got up, closing my eyes and pushing out my senses to search for some strong souls. It didn’t take me long to find a small cluster of above average souls and a single decent soul.


Opening my eyes, I turned towards the souls and started to make my way in their direction via rooftops. As I was making my way, I heard a shout that caught my attention.


???: “Back away hero! You will back away or I swear I’ll melt this child's brains!”


‘Tch. Almost forgot this world has way more garbage than even the DC universe.’


Stopping at the edge of a roof near the location I heard the shouting from, I leaned over and looked down.


In Front of what looks like a small store there is some dude with a glowing red hand holding a child by her neck. He’s currently yelling at a hero who looks really fucking dumb honestly.


‘Why are you dressed like the number 9? How is that costume practical in any sense?’


And behind the dumb looking hero were two cops hiding behind their car, with their shitty little pea shooters trained on to the villain. Along with several civilians along the sidewalks watching the whole thing.


9: “Let the child go, Sir. You don’t want to do this.”


Villain: “Fuck you, 9’ers! You have no idea what I want! NOW GET LOST!”


Shaking my head at the stupidity of the situation, I step off the ledge of the building and drop down behind the villain with cat-like grace.


‘Really? I know I didn’t make a lot of sound but… oh right. He can’t perceive or hear me, and I didn’t crack the cement this time.’


Shrugging my shoulders I walked up to the villain and coated my entire body in some mana, causing it to glow red with a black outline.


‘Don’t need this shits blood all over me after all.’


Arriving directly behind the trash, I raised my right arm and thrusted it forward through his chest.


The villain's eyes widened as he looked down to see his heart floating outside of his chest.


Villain: “W-What? How?”


Letting go of his useless organ, I withdraw my arm from his chest violently. This causes him to drop the child as he screams in pain. When he collapsed on the ground, I walked over to his head and raised my foot.


Artoria: “Garbage.”


And with that, I stomp down causing his head to explode like a watermelon. Hearing some screams and puking sounds I look up to see the hero hunched over puking his guts out while the civilians that were watching are screaming in horror.


‘Weaklings, freaking out over a bit of blood.’


Ignoring them, I jump back up and start heading to the souls again. Arriving in about ten minutes, I got a good look at the school.


‘Heh. That really does look like a solid wall for a school. But it’s not very high, so anyone with a ladder could climb that shit. Nothing more than a fancy privacy fence I suppose.’


Noting how high the sun is in the sky, I assumed that school was in session. Sinking down into my shadow, I head towards one of the stronger souls. Staying in the shadow and peering out, it seems this shadow belongs to All Might. He’s currently in what looks like the teachers lounge or something talking to my target: Nezu.


‘He was weird in the anime, but this is just freaky in real life. A cross between a mouse, bear, and a dog indeed.’



Moving to Nezu’s shadow, I make note of his soul. 


‘Not very strong at all. I know he’s an animal, but you’d think his soul would have grown a lot from the shit he’s been through. But I guess not.’


Fortunately for me, it seems I caught them near the end of their conversation as they soon stopped talking and separated. Nezu made his way to his office with me inside his shadow.


Once he was in his office, and seated I raised out of his shadow and took a quick look around. It was a good size office and well lit from the window in the back behind him.


‘Doing pretty good for yourself there little guy. Now, time to get the show on the road.’


Looking to the good size conference table that was in his room, I started to summon some water from AWE. It quickly spread over the table and started to release that pleasant feeling to myself.


‘Really does feel nice to be around this stuff. Maybe I should start summoning it more often…’


Nezu: “What in the world…?”


Returning my attention to the little creature in the room, he was now standing on top of his desk looking at the black water.


Walking up to him, I grabbed him by the neck and started to carry him over to the blackened water.


Nezu: “What?! Let… let me go! Help! S-somebody!”


Just as I tossed him into the water, a knock was heard on the door and a female voice could be heard.


???: “Principle Nezu? Did you say something?”


Even though the water was only a few centimetres thick, when Nezu hit it he splashed down like it was a deep lake.


Nezu: “Ack!”


This was the only sound Nezu was able to make before he was pulled under. The voice behind the door got worried though by the sounds of it.


???: “Nezu, I am coming in. Don’t be mad if this is a mistake on my part! I am worried!”


Opening the door and stepping inside was none other than the R-rated hero Midnight.



Midnight: “Nezu? Nezu!”


She quickly took notice of the black water on the table, and made her way slowly towards it.


Midnight: “Nezu?”


I walked past her to the door, and closed it softly, trying to make as little noise as possible.


‘Not being perceived by like 99% of the world's population is really helpful sometimes, heh.’


As I turned around, Nezu made his appearance, wildly thrashing at the “surface” of the water.


Midnight: “Nezu! Just hold on!”


Midnight quickly made her way over to Nezu and helped him out of the black water. As she pulled him out and got him onto the floor I walked over to them.


Nezu was on his paws and knees coughing out the black water that made its way into his lungs while Midnight was rubbing his back.


Midnight: “Nezu, what hap-”


But before she could finish asking him what happened, I yanked her by the neck and plunged her into the water next.


Midnight: “What?!”


Much like Nezu, she was quickly pulled under into the dark abyss.


Artoria: “If I can’t find villains with the ideals of heroes to run this world, I will just have to make them.”


This was the plan I had come up with. If Tearwyn wants to rule, but not a pile of rubble, then villains are out of the solution immediately. They are garbage anyway, and are not really worth it. So instead, why don’t I help make a sort of injustice world from DC. I will corrupt all of the good quality heroes, and have Nezu lead them.


Turning my attention back to Nezu, I look over at him and took note of the changes. His white fur is now ash coloured. Walking over to him, I look at his eyes when he finally stops coughing and looks around the room. His black eyes are now even deeper, and have a wonderful glint to them.


Nesu: “Well, that happened.”


Standing up, he looks down at himself and starts patting all over. Not long into his self inspection does his head snap to the water as Midnight breaks the surface. He quickly heads over to her, and helps her out as well.


The changes to Midnight are much more pronounced. Her skin is now a pale ash colour, and you can see red corruption lines running up her face. Her hair is also much lighter in colour, almost grey like. And her eyes went from their sky blue to a dull golden yellow.


‘Huh, must be because she’s actually human, and not an animal.’


Much like Nezu, she starts to cough out the black water from her lungs.


Nezu: “Kayama-san, how are you feeling…?”


Coughing some more water out of her body, she wipes her mouth with her sleeve before answering.


Looking at Nezu she says, “Fine. But not at the same time. I can feel the change in me, Nezu.”


Nezu: “As can I. Honestly, it feels… liberating?”


Midnight flashed a cruel smile and said, “It does, doesn’t it?”


They both look back at the water that is resting silently on the table.


Midnight: “We need to get the others into that water.”


Nezu: “Agreed. But the one we really need to get to take a swim is currently heading to the U.S.J with the Class 1-A children. Oh… speaking of them, we should also get them into the water.”


‘What wonderful timing. I’ll head there myself, and see if the Reincarnator is with them.’


Midnight: “Alright. I’ll get the rest of the teachers to come here then, and we can force them to take a dip.”


Nezu: “Good idea. I’ve got to come up with some plans in the meantime. Things need to change, and I have a few ideas on how to make them change. But we really need All Might and his protégé to make the transition smoother.”


Midnight: “Sounds good. I’ll leave the thinking to you. You leave the action to me.”


Midnight licked her lips, as a malicious glint passed in her eyes.


‘Damn, kinky woman. Anyway, good thing I ran into All Might with Nezu. I can just search for his soul to find my way to the U.S.J.’


Leaving these two newly “reformed” heroes to their own devices, I sank into my shadow. Appearing in All Might's shadow I noticed how fast he was moving.


‘Seems he is healed. Excellent. Too bad he already gave up his quirk, but I can just throw the broccoli kid into the waters. And he can still make a good mentor in any case.’


All Might, with me in his shadow, made it to the U.S.J in no time. In fact, they are just getting out of their bus.


???: “Get out of the way, you extras!”


‘And there is the loud mouthed sentient explosion.’


Izuku: “Sorry, Ka-chan. But you really shouldn’t yell so much…”


Katsuki: “What did you say to me, you pe-”


Shota: “Knock it off you brats. Hurry up and get into the building already.”


Katsuki: “Tsk. Whatever.”


‘How could anyone like him? Honestly…’


Ignoring the teen drama for now, I look around for the Reincarnator. But sadly, I don’t see anyone, and no-one's souls stood out to me like how Tearwyn said they would if a system was attached.


A bit disappointed, but there is nothing I can do about it for now. It didn’t take long for the students to make their way into the building and for the weird space suit hero to explain what was going on.


While he(she?) was explaining to the kids what the building was used for and such, I caught a little snippet of a conversation between Momo and Mina.


Mina: “It’s a shame Aizan-kun couldn’t make it today.”


Momo: “I know. When I called to ask why, he said he wasn’t feeling so hot and he’d be back to school tomorrow.”


Mina: “Oooh, maybe we can go after school and nurse him, hmmm?”


Blushing Momo said, “Th... that’s a good idea…”


I just stared blankly at what I was seeing and hearing.


‘Alright, harem Reincarnator confirmed. “Aizan” huh…’


While I was musing what this Reincarnator could look like, the show was about to begin. A black mist appeared away from the class and formed a portal. Soon hundreds of villains started to step out while eventually the man child himself appeared with his zombie pet.


‘Nothing really changed there. I guess the Reincarnator isn’t changing too much yet?’


Once all the villains were out of the portal and it closed, the man child started screaming at All Might.


Tomura: “ALL MIGHT! Good, you’re here!”


Not wanting to deal with any of this really, I rise from Tomura’s shadow while summoning my sword in my right hand.. As I am, I looked over at All Might and our eyes "met".


‘Oh? Can he see me? Impressive.’


Turning my attention back to the man child, I raise my sword up past my left shoulder and swing at Tomura’s neck.


All Might: “No, stop!”


Sadly, there was nothing the Symbol of Peace could do. My sword passed through Tomura’s neck like it was not even there.


All Might's shout had confused and attracted everyone's attention, so no one was looking at Tomura as a red line slowly began to appear along his neck.


The soft thud sound his head made however, did attract some attention.


Kurogiri: “Hmm?”


Kurogiri turned to look at what made the soft thud, and as he saw Tomura’s body slump backwards splashing blood from its neck, his eyes widened.


Before he could properly process the situation I grabbed him by the metal collar around his neck and slowly started to crush it.


Kurogiri: “What is going on?!”


As he was opening a portal, I decided to test out one of the many spells I know, but have been neglecting.


Artoria: “Flames of Purgatory.”


Kurogiri was then covered in sickly green looking flames.


Kurogiri: “AHHHH!!!!!”


He managed to scream for all of two seconds before the spell completely obliterated his body, turning it to ash.


‘Interesting to find out that he had no soul. Same with the Nomu, but I guess that makes sense. They are dead after all.’


Shota: “What the hell is going on?!”


As Kurogiri was turned to ash I took my sword into a two handed swing position. Filling the blade with mana, I swung my blade horizontally towards the large cluster of villains.


A beam of red and black light was released from my slash, and cut every single villain in half, while also destroying a good portion of the dome behind them.


All Might: “No! I said stop!”


All Might then jumped from where he was, and came barreling down at me with his right fist raised to strike. As his fist made contact with my cheek, the area around us was lightly destroyed from the kinetic energy.


I however, was completely unphased and didn’t even need to use magic to prevent myself from moving.


All Might: “What?”


Ignoring All Might, I turned to the Nomu and filled my sword with mana again. A quick vertical slice and it was cut in half. Turning my face back to All Might I just stared at him blankly for dramatic effect as I sank into my shadow.


Returning to Nezu’s shadow, I just decided to chill and wait for tomorrow to come around.


‘I’ll make sure things go smoothly for the conversions Nezu has planned, while keeping an eye out for the Reincarnator for now.’


And chapter 14 is out~. How'd you like my bait and switch with AFO?! Hehe. Anyway~. Hope you enjoyed the chapter and I'll see you in the next one!

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