Take Eldritch surveys! Noted!

Chapter 11: Darkness approaches with malicious intent.

It’s been several days since Lucifer has suggested I try to control my Aura, and I have made next to no progress. My power, by what I can feel, by its nature is chaotic and free. It WANTS to run wild with me, and destroy and consume. Trying to tame this power is clearly going to take a while, if I am even able too.


‘Honestly I am doubtful at this point, but Lucifer has the right of it. It will become very problematic if I don’t get this under control.’


Sighing, I just flop backwards onto the little pile of pillows I gathered. Reaching for the TV remote, I turn it on and start surfing for any activity to release some of my pent up battle lust.


As I was flicking through the channels I heard the elevator ding. Turning my head around lazily I see Maze step out, and give her a wave.


Artoria: “Hello Maze.”


Maze: “Hey, Artoria. No luck still?”


Shaking my head I stop changing the channels on the TV, leaving it on a news station, and sigh dramatically.


Artoria: “Nope. I can tell a part of myself resents the idea of having to hold myself in check. One thing I have confirmed though, is that my new ‘base’ as it were, is my old self using Mana Burst. So I also took some time to train myself not to break anything.”


Maze: “You mean anything else. The look on Lucifer's face when you somehow tripped on the rug and put a three metre hole in his wall was priceless.”


Grinning slyly and turning around embarrassed I scratch my left cheek with my finger.


Artoria: “Yea, that kind of snuck up on me.”


Turning back to the TV I sigh as the reporter said it was another miraculous day of peace and quiet.


Artoria: “This world has smart Super Villains it seems. They all but fell off the grid after the Bane kill.”


Maze just laughed at that and said, “Yes, and it also has nothing to do with you slaughtering several other no names.”


Artoria: “Hey, I kept one alive!”


Maze just gave me an amused look and said, “Artoria, he stole a purse and you cut off his legs.”


I just cross my arms and pout while looking away.


Artoria: “He shouldn’t have stolen the purse then!”


Maze just gave a sly smile and came to sit near the cough near me.


Maze: “So, what are your plans for today?”


Dropping my act, I once again flop down on my pillows with a sigh.


Artoria: “Don’t know. Honestly, I want to find a hero and fight them. But I don’t think I can hold myself back, and I’d end up killing them.”


Maze: “Ha! Yes, I can easily see that happening. With that seal removed, do you have enough mana to target dimensions yet?”


Shaking my head I say with clear disappointment in my voice, “No, sadly I don’t. I’ve been going over the spells Lucifer taught me, and they are not exactly ‘efficient.’ Most likely by design, but meh. The next seal should give me the mana needed for targeted dimensional hop. At least I can use the random ‘feature’ on both spells now, so there’s that.”


Maze hummed in acknowledgment.


Maze: “Any luck on your scabbard thing?”


Artoria: “You mean Avalon? Not much, but I do understand now that it no longer has anything to do with a ‘promised utopia’ or some shit. So I am thinking that not only has the purpose of its name changed, the name itself is also different. And just calling it Exavalon won’t do, heh.”


Maze gave a light chuckle at that and nodded.


Maze: “So, why don’t you go searching for some of the hidden bases of Super Villains? You have the knowledge no? Since you were on a world where God released ‘Comics’ of these worlds… which is fucking strange, but hey it’s God. He can do whatever the shit he wants.”


Artoria: “Too lazy, and I don’t know everything. I only read the comics in passing really. So while I know the strengths and weaknesses of a lot of heroes and villains, I don’t know exactly where they shore up.”


Sighing I look up at the roof.


Artoria: “If I am being honest, I thought it would be a lot more fun to meet the heroes and shit. But you know the saying, ‘Never meet your heroes.’ Ha. I have so much more experience than all of them and yet they don’t even consider that my way is just as valid.”


Maze: “And a lot more bloody. You’ve killed a lot~ of people since coming here, Artoria.”


I just shrug at that.


Artoria: “Meh. They are not my subjects and honestly, I am not a king anymore. I have too much hate for… well, a lot of things now to even want to rule something. I’d rather keep fighting and having fun while doing it while also taking trash out.”


Maze: “You realise that you could very well be described as the ‘trash’ you talk about? With the amount of innocent deaths by your hands?”


Again, I just shrug.


Artoria: “Eh, they are just collateral damage. I don’t go out of my way to harm or save. Mortals such as them die eventually. What does it matter if they get caught up in a fight of mine and die sooner than intended?”


Maze: “True, but what about the people whose souls you destroy because of your Aura? They won’t get reborn or anything.”


I slightly frown at that.


Artoria: “Yea, I’ve been wondering about that. Are they truly destroyed? Or, are they like the rumours in my old world about soul destruction. In that they are only destroyed down to their base, and become something akin to a new soul. Having all of their knowledge, karma, and all that jazz destroyed. Essentially just being reset.”


Maze also frowned at that.


Maze: “That’s an interesting theory. Maybe Lucifer would know?”


???: “Know what?”


The two of us turn our heads and see Lucifer getting a drink from the bar he has in the penthouse.


Maze: “That souls are not truly destroyed, but more like reset?”


Lucifer: “Ah. From her Aura I take it?”


We both nod.


Lucifer: “They are reset. At least for now. But I suspect that once you get powerful enough Artoria, it will actually start erasing them.”


Giving a hum, and looking back at the roof.


Artoria: “While interesting, it ultimately changes nothing. Lucifer, do you kno–”


Before I could finish my sentence I sensed something and my head snapped towards the direction.


Lucifer: “Oh? Looks like they already started.”


Maze: “They? And what did they start?”


Lucifer: “The heroes of this world have decided on an interesting choice. They can’t fight Artoria, so they are going to just basically banish her from this universe and lock her out.”


Maze’s eyes widen slightly and her eyebrows raise.


Maze: “Are they nuts? She clearly senses it.”


Artoria: “Yeah. This feeling like something is trying to push me is weird. So, they want to tangle a bit huh? I hope they have some entertainment prepared.”


Lucifer: “Oh, I bet they do. I am going to assume this is the last time we’ll see each other for a while, Artoria. Was a pleasure, truly.”


He raised his glass to me in a cheers motion.


Maze: “Yea, I am going to miss that sexy body of yours~.”

Artoria: “Ha. I’ll be back eventually Maze. Rocking your world was fun. Anyway, time to see how they want to play. Never know, I might stop them.”


Waving to the goodbye, I start to sink in my shadow.


‘Alright then heroes, let’s play!’

~Some desert far from any civilization, an hour ago~


—P.O.V switch 3rd—


Several heroes could be seen going around the area like busy little bees preparing for a fight. There were several runes carved magically into the sand all over the place, and in the middle of all of it was Dr Fate carving the largest rune.


Off to the side, Zatanna could be seen crying softly in the arms of John Constantine.


Zatanna: “It’s not fair. Why him? I am a failure… I couldn’t find anything else!”


John had an awkward look on his face as he hugged the poor girl.


John: “That’s life Zatanna. We tried our best, even going to Lucifer again. But he confirmed that this was the only spell that could even remotely remove Artoria from our reality.”


Zatanna: “But it’s not even permanent! My father is going to die just to what? Buy us time?!”


John: “Time we need, Zatanna.”


Zatanna: “Even worse, is that we’re simply throwing her to someone else to deal with!”


John: “It’s not perfect by any stretch, Zatanna. We know. But we can’t save everyone, and sometimes the lesser of two evils isn’t all that lesser.”


Further from the two, there was Superman and Batman with Wonder Woman going over the plan again. Superman looked at Zatanna and a sad look took him over.


Superman: “This whole situation is leaving a horrible taste in my mouth. I don’t think I have ever felt this bad about a situation like this.”


Wonder Woman: “That is because this is a unique situation. I feel for the woman, to lose her Father like this. But his sacrifice is not meaningless, and will save a lot of people. Perhaps even our planet.”


Batman: “Agreed. We need more time to come up with a real solution. It would be foolish to think this will keep her away forever.  We are about to slight her with our actions, and I very much doubt she will forgive that.”


Floating down to the trio, Green Lantern spoke up.


Green Lantern: “I spoke with the Guardians about Artoria. And what they did and said… Well, it’s not good guys.”


Superman: “What do you mean Hall?”


Giving a sigh, Green Lantern said, “When I explained what she is and what was happening, they immediately told every Lantern to mark this section of the universe as “Dead” and to avoid it.”


Wonder Woman and Superman's eyes widened at that.


Wonder Woman: “Why would they say that? They clearly know something it would seem.”


Batman: “Agreed. And whatever it is, scared them enough to abandon the duty they took up. This is not a good sign.”


Green Lantern: “When I asked, they said I wasn’t cleared for that kind of information. But they strongly suggest I leave this planet as well, and follow the order. And they said if I engage Artoria, we will get no backup from any of the Green corps.”


Superman: “Well, that is not ominous at ALL, is it?”


Wonder Woman: “Now I am thinking I should have consulted the Gods. But it’s too late for that.”


Nodding her head to Dr Fate, it seems he was done drawing the final rune.


Fate: “I am done everyone. Once I start to supply this with magic, it will be like a beacon to Artoria and she will come.”


Everyone gathered around to talk about the plan once more. The ones who will be fighting will be Superman, Wonder Woman, Shazam, Black Adam, and Etrigan. These were the heroes who they hoped would have strong enough souls to withstand Artoria to defend Fate while he cast his magic.


All the other heroes were going to be far away from the fight to try and keep any splash damage contained if the need arises.


Shazam: “I am honestly surprised you showed up Black Adam.”


Black Adam: “Hush child. I know the danger this spirit is to my homeland. I also know I wouldn’t be able to take her myself. I know when to set aside my misgivings and work with the lessors.”


Shazam: “Lessors, right.”


Etrigan: “Black Adam has the right of it. This will be a fight that some of us will not come back from.”


Shazam: “No rhymes?”


Etrigan: “That is just how serious this situation is. I don’t want to waste anyone's time trying to figure out what I am saying.”


Shazam: “Wait! You rhyme for fun?!”


Etrigan just gives Shazam a smug smile.


Superman: “Okay. To go over the plan, which is very simple honestly. Do everything we can to keep Artoria away from Dr Fate. Try to stay alive, everyone.”


Zatanna and John then went to opposite sides of the runes and started to cast a spell. Moments later a barrier formed around it all. Zatanna looked at Dr Fate with eyes filled with sorrow.


Zatanna: “I love you Father.”


Dr Fate removed his helmet as he sat down on the ground. He looked up to his daughter and smiled.


Giovanni Zatara: “I know, my Daughter. And I am sorry, but Fate is right. Artoria is too powerful to be left alone. And fighting her is just asking for our world to be destroyed in the crossfire.”


Tears started to flow from Zatanna’s face as she looked at her father for the last time.


Zatanna: “I know… I know… but it’s not fair.”


Giovanni Zatara: “That’s life, kid. I want you to make me proud though. Be the hero I know you can be. I know you will find a way to prevent Artoria from ever coming back eventually. You have it in you, my precious Daughter.”


As he was lifting the helm of Fate back up, he gave her one last smile.


Giovanni Zatara: “I love you, Zatanna.”


Zatanna: “I love you too, daddy.”


With that, Giovanni Zatara put the helm back on and once again became Dr Fate. He started to float in a seated lotus position, and went into the middle of the runes.


Fate: “I am ready to start everyone.”


Superman gave a hard nod and everyone but the people who were staying started to be teleported out. Before going as well, Batman turned to Superman.


Batman: “I have satellite feed and will send drones as well. They won’t be able to see her naturally, but it should help since we can see her attacks.”


Nodding to him, Batman was covered in light as he was also teleported away. The only people left were now Dr Fate, Superman, Wonder Woman, Shazam, Black Adam, Etrigan and Green Lantern.


Green Lantern: “Alright guys, I am also going to head off. Her Aura before caused me to crash down, so I doubt the Ring will be able to save me this time. Good luck.”


Shazam: “Thanks Green Lantern!”


He was then covered in his green light, and shot off to the sky.


Etrigan: “And then there were six. Is everyone ready? As harsh as this sounds, I fully expect a few of us to die today.”


Everyone gave a serious nod at that.


Fate: “I am starting then. Expect her soon. And good luck everyone. This will take 100% of my focus and energy, and I will be unable to do anything.”


Wonder Woman: “We understand. We will keep you safe. How long will this take?”


Fate: “It is unknown. It all depends on how much she can resist. It could happen instantly, or take as long as an hour.”


Shazam: “Yea, let’s hope it’s not an hour.”


Black Adam: “Agreed. Now, let us be done with this. The sooner that spirit is gone, the safer my homeland will be.”


Fate: “Very well. I will now begin.”


As soon as he said that, the runes all around the sand lit up blue and gold, and lifted off the ground to surround Fate.


About a minute later, Black Adam’s head snapped to the front of them.


Black Adam: “She comes.”


Everyone turned to look at the spot, and what they saw was worrying.


A black pool of sorts was starting to grow away from them. As it got larger and larger black with red outline ribbons started to shoot out of the black substance. They all started to combine into a big ball after several seconds. And once they all formed a cocoon of sorts, black light was starting to shine from within.


Everyone made note of the dark purple mist flowing through the area, as it blackened the sand it passed over.


Shazam: “Guys. This wasn’t included in the briefing. What the hell is this? You can literally FEEL the evil in the air.”


Black Adam just glared at the black substance and the mist and said, “This must be the “All the World’s Evil” that was spoken about. Do not touch the water or mist.”


Everyone gave a nod while Shazam let out a little gulp.

Soon enough, the cocoon of ribbons exploded outwards and revealed Artoria Alter.


Thankfully for the heroes, the black water and mist stopped progressing after she appeared.



~With Artoria before she appeared~


—P.O.V switch Artoria—


While I was travelling through the shadows to where I could feel the pushing sensation coming from, I had an idea.


‘I wonder if I can use the corruption in me to do a few things that happened in the shows. Like her appearing in the ribbons and tainted sludge. I should be able to. I can just use illusions for the ribbons if all else fails.’


Arriving at my destination, instead of normally using a shadow to exit, I instead focus on the point of sand away from all the shadows the heroes are casting.


Focusing on my will and the corruption in me, a black pool started to form. As it got larger and larger I walked into the middle of it. As soon as I touched it, I felt a connection. It felt like coming home, of all things.


Focusing again on what I wanted to happen, I saw all the ribbons exactly as I envisioned them form around me. I then felt myself being pulled out of the shadow world inside the cocoon that formed. And my connection to the black pool grew stronger and more firm.


Smiling down at it, I couldn’t help but bask in the feeling it was giving off. Shaking my head after a few seconds, I pushed my will into the ribbons and they exploded outward revealing myself to the heroes.


‘Superman, Wonder Woman, Shazam, Black Adam, and Etrigan eh? Should be fun fighting Black Adam.’


Superman and Wonder Woman suddenly frowned at me and looked troubled.


Superman: “This isn’t good.”


Shazam: “What do you mean?”


Wonder Woman: “I assume it’s the same for him as it is for me. She is slightly transparent.”


Shazam’s eyes widened greatly at that.


Shazam: “What?!”


Black Adam: “It is not surprising. Their souls are not as strong as ours. Nor are they nourished with as much magic as ours.”


Superman: “This is going to be a lot harder than I initially thought.”


Having heard enough, I internally smirked at the fact that two of their “heavy hitters” were no longer in such a strong position of power against me.


Artoria: “Hey guys. So, what are you doing?”


Shazam: “What am I doing?”


Artoria: “What are you doing?”


Shazam: “Nothing much.”


Artoria: “Thwartin’ my plans?”


Shazam: “Thwartin your plans?”


Artoria: “Are you?”


Shazam: “...Yes.”


I summon my sword in my right hand, and used Mana Burst. Immediately the area is covered in my Aura, and the barrier around Fate lets out a groaning sound. 


Meanwhile Superman and Wonder Woman slouch over and also groan in pain. While Shazam and Black Adam frown heavily.


Black Adam: “This is a great deal more than what I was expecting honestly. This is no joke of a spiritual pressure.”


Shazam: “Are you two okay? I am even feeling the strain.”


Superman: “We’ll.. be.. fine. But Fate better hurry, because I don’t know how long I will continue to be fine.”


Wonder Woman: “It is so much… worse than the first time. Superman, I can not fight like this. It is taking nearly everything I have to just stand. It feels like my soul is going to crushed to dust.”


Superman gave her a nod as Wonder Woman was covered in light and was teleported away.


Etrigan: “Well, the evil I am feeling from her takes the cake. And I’ve been to literal hell.”


Black Adam: “Agreed. All of my instincts are screaming at me to run if possible. This has never happened before. And that’s not even taking into account what I am feeling from the sword.”


Shazam: “Yea. It feels just as bad as her. Be careful everyone. That thing can most definitely cut and kill us with ease. Looking at you Superman.”


Nodding, Superman had a grave look on his face.


Superman: “Our outlook is looking bleaker by the second.”


Having enough of their chatter, I raise my sword and prepare a Burst Air.


Black Adam: “Shit!! Shield now! As powerful as you can manage you two! NOW!”


With my Burst Air done charging, and their shield coming into being, I swing my sword downward and let my attack go. The entire area is covered in red light with red-black flames.


Oohh, the fights going to start~. Now, what world should she end up on? I have plans, but some of you might not like said plans~. Oh well~! Hope you enjoyed the chapter, and see you in the next one~.

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