Syrilblia: I Reincarnated as a Doomed Noble Villainess Girl, so I Will Seduce my Mother to Survive!

Chapter 1: Ah, I Died…

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Note: Due to the nature of this novel, no one was really willing to publish it, haha. I also cannot place it on those supporter sites, as I do not wish to be banned on them.

Chapter 1: Ah, I Died…

What do you think your death will be like? Maybe from some sickness? What about from murder or an accident? Or maybe a stupid fucking truck. For me, I never thought that I would die in such a way like this.

To explain how I died will take a little bit of time. It wasn’t anything special, so I am sure that it will be a very boring recap. But this is MY new afterlife of an empty, black void, and I will think about things as I please! Just ignore the fact that I’ve thought about my death over and over, countless times, by this point…


Today was supposed to be very special. It was my 19th birthday, and I had finally gained financial stability just a few months ago. In my state, there was an odd law that required you to be 19 before you could purchase a house.

I wanted to get away from my family, but I had no intentions of moving out of state. Such a thing would take a long time to do, and I don’t want my life to be upended like that.

As such, I had to keep my having a lot of money, a complete secret from my family. This worked out, and on my birthday, my present was being able to live on my own, miles away from my abusive family.

I had to take a bus, though I already purchased a house. In fact, I just had to take a short trip there to reach my new home. Well… it wasn’t short, as it took six hours of riding on a bus to reach it.

But when I finally did, I was so damn happy. Finally… I could live happily without my family bothering or hurting me anymore. Since it was my birthday, I had a cake delivered to my new house. Time to celebrate!

Much Cake Eaten Later.




The doorbell rang like crazy, and the banging on the door rarely stopped for more than a few seconds. Looking out the peephole, outside was my entire family. A car could make this trip faster than a bus, I guess. Why were they here?…

Mom: “You unfilial girl! How dare you run away without giving us money first!” She yelled.

Okay… they know about the house, but how did they know about my money!? Did I tell anyone?… No… Fuck! I did tell one person… The realtor was very curious about how such a young person could afford a house like this.

Taking my smartphone out of my pocket, I saw a notification. I have always been good at not having ANY notifications, so this one is new. I had my phone on silent since it was my birthday. It was an email.

Shit… Inside the email, she congratulated me on getting rich and buying a nice house. The problem was that she had knowledge of my father's email, probably due to some legal requirement, and she sent him the email as well…

All that secrecy, just for my boasting to my damn realtor. But can you really blame me? I haven’t been an adult for that long, and anyone would want to boast of their newfound wealth.

If I had just made a few hundred thousand, I wouldn’t have boasted. But instead, I became a multimillionaire overnight by stupid luck. Current me speaking, how did I get rich so fast?

Simply put, I got lucky with cryptocurrency. My life wasn’t exactly set up for me at all. My parents didn’t even bother to send me to school. They much preferred boys to girls, you see. Instead, I had to do all my own learning via the internet.

But none of this was enough to get me into college. All I could do was work shitty part-time jobs. Fortunately, my parents never asked me to give them the money that I made from work. They assumed that it was practically nothing.

But I worked from age 15 to just a few months ago, when I made it rich. Probably in stupid desperation to escape my shitty living situation, I put most of my money into just one single cryptocurrency.

For many years, and I worked three jobs, I ended up making well over $200,000 grand. Frankly, as my parents had access to my bank account, and I didn’t want to arouse suspicion by revoking their access to it, so I put the money in crypto.

Not expecting to make any money on it at all, honestly I was fine with it losing a decent bit of value. This amount of money that I saved up was more than enough to live freely and get my feet on the ground firmly.

How was I supposed to know that a specific cryptocurrency that I just so happened to invest in, would skyrocket in value? Imagine how surprised I was to wake up to well over $200,000,000 Million in my trading account… It was shocking, to say the least. Anyway, back to how I died!

Dad: “Open up the door this instant!” He yelled in anger.

I was about to call the cops, but since the realtor leaked the total amount of money that I came into, my family was clearly not in the right minds. My father, being an idiot, brought his shotgun.

Using it on the door, he fired his shotgun at it, probably forgetting that it was loaded with slugs and not buckshot. The door was destroyed, and there was a new, and very large hole in my stomach.

Clutching the new hole, I fell to the ground. My family barged in, and rather than look sad that my father just accidentally killed me, they rushed into the house. Probably looking for some way to claim my money.

As I was dying, I cracked up laughing until the very end. This death was due to my young stupidity, but I wasn’t completely stupid. As such, my money, in the event of my death, is to be donated to various charities. My family won’t see a single dime of it. Continuing to laugh, my vision blackened, and I finally died.

Flashback Over!

What a stupid way to die, huh? Yeah. After thinking it over for a few thousand times, even I still laugh at my own stupidity. For one, I shouldn’t have told anyone about my wealth. And two, I should have moved out of state.

Regrets, regrets… Nothing that I can do about that now. In fact, all that I can do… is just float around in this empty void with no goal at all. What even is this place? Is it limbo?

Frankly, I was a pretty decent person in my life. I highly doubt that I belong in Hell. If so, where is this? Is my mind not fully dead, and is just playing tricks on me? Before I could contemplate this any longer, the world flashed. Soon, I was in a very annoying new situation…

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