Synopsis: You Are Actually A Dragon in the Heavens!

Chapter 244

Chapter 246 I, My King! Never Get Fat!

Chapter 246 I! My king! Never get fat!

The two girls hit it off, Lin Ye would definitely be very happy if he knew what they were thinking.


Watching the Sakura cakes enter the mouth of Ganlu Temple Mili, watching Ganlu Temple Mili’s belly getting bigger and bigger, seeing that Ganlu Temple Mili’s mouth was so full that she even wanted to stuff it into her mouth, Lin Ye It’s almost impossible to watch.

Lin Ye doesn’t care about others, but this is her own woman. Especially Lin Ye used the authority to hear Ganlu Temple Mi Li muttering softly while eating.

“Eat a few more, and if you eat a little more, you’ll be able to grab the Dragon Ball for Lin Ye.”


Mi Li of Ganlu Temple grabbed Dragon Ball for herself? Why?

For a time, Lin Ye was very moved. When a girl wishes “Nine Six Three” to do her best for you, how can a caring person not be moved?

But, how could Lin Ye have the heart to let them endure for themselves? Eating is a very beautiful thing, but it is a very painful thing to eat.


“Mili! It’s alright! You’ve worked hard! I don’t need Dragon Ball! Come back to me! 35

Lin Ye’s voice sounded directly, and the moment his voice sounded, Ganlu Temple Mi Li, who was eating, immediately reacted.

“Lin Ye!”

Brush! Ganlu Temple Mili found Lin Ye’s figure in the crowd instantly, and her eyes were full of joy.

“Lin Ye! I just need to work harder…”

“I don’t need Dragon Ball to fulfill my wish, I just want you to be happy!”


Lin Ye’s words instantly made Ganlu Temple Mi Li burst into tears. She heard that, in Lin Ye’s heart, is she more important than Dragon Ball?

Some people’s words are so false, but in Lin Ye’s words, she only hears sincerity, she will not feel wrong, in Lin Ye’s eyes, she is indeed more important than Dragon Ball!

Not only Ganlu Temple Mili, but at this moment in the audience, many people close by also heard Lin Ye’s voice

“Is it Lin Ye?” Ji Guoyuan smiled when he saw Lin Ye in front of him. “It’s really as expected of him.””

Lelouch “What the hell is Dragon Ball in his eyes?”

Namikaze Minato “Is emotion more important than Dragon Ball? His body is full of brilliance.

Nakano Yotsuba “Wow, so romantic. If someone is willing to give up Dragon Ball for me, I’m afraid I will die happily.”

Nami “This…is there really such a person in the world? That’s the Dragon Ball that can make all wishes come true!

“Of course there is.” Robin on the side said leisurely, “It’s just that there are too few such people.

Even Robin’s cold personality would want to rob Dragon Ball and revive everyone in Ohara, especially his own mother. Zoro has a dead childhood sweetheart, and Nami should ask for a lot of treasure… But a man like Lin Ye who regards Dragon Ball as dung, I am afraid she will never see a second one in her life.

After all, people have weaknesses.

“Lin Ye…” Ganlu Temple Mili looked at Lin Ye in front of her moved.

“Mi Li, be obedient, come down.” Lin Ye said softly with toughness. If he doesn’t know the opponent’s information, he may let Ganlu Temple Mili fight, but look at the remaining opponents…

What pervert is every one of them! It’s useless to smash the stomach of Ganlu Temple Mi Li! In the end, the stomach is broken and the Dragon Ball has not been grabbed, so why bother?

“Okay, I’ll listen to you.” Ganlu Temple Mili nodded obediently. She knew that Lin Ye would not harm her, she also understood that Lin Ye was for her own good, and she knew that Lin Ye would never make mistakes.

Finally, Ganlu Temple Mi Li raised her hand and said

“I… quit. 39

Ding Ding Ding!

With Ganlu Temple Mi Li abstaining, this game officially ended.

“Lin Ye!” Mili of Ganlu Temple, who stepped down, stood obediently behind Lin Ye, like a child who made a mistake.

And looking at the honey glass of Ganlu Temple, Lin Ye naturally couldn’t bear to scold her. Lin Ye stretched out her hand and kept rubbing her belly while saying, “Don’t force yourself in the future, do you know?”9

“Yeah, I know.” Ganlu Temple Mi Li nodded obediently. And at this time, Lin Ye secretly controlled the broadcast in his heart and said

[Finally it’s the final round, this time our food of choice! Dumplings!]


In front of the remaining four people, a plate of dumplings appeared directly! Dumplings can also be said to be a kind of balls. Looking at the balls in front of them, the faces of Natsu, Wuwang, Luffy and Kagura Also full of eager expressions…

[The number of dumplings in this competition is unlimited! There is only one rule! The person who eats the most dumplings within an hour is the champion of this big stomach king competition! So, all the contestants! Come on! Let me see your determination! I announce the final round of the Big Eater competition! Officially started!]

Brush! Brush! Brush! Brush!

In an instant, the final battle finally begins!

[The final decisive battle has finally begun. Now, let’s focus on Artoria players first! Look, Artoria players are slowly tasting the balls in the plate, although the movements are very elegant, but please pay attention! At this moment The Arturia player has already solved 30 dango!]

Listening to Lin Ye’s explanation, everyone focused their attention on my king.

Nakano Erno “What? She eats so elegantly, how did she eat so fast!”

May Nakano “It’s a good question, I don’t know. And I want to ask, why doesn’t she get fat if she eats so much!” May Nakano rubbed her belly with a little fat, she obviously ate that much “A little bit” began to gain weight on 2.3, why can’t that woman see any fat at all.

While listening to Nakano May’s complaint, Mordred on one side clasped his arms proudly and said, “Hum, I don’t know, the father’s body was fixed the moment he pulled out the sword in the stone. Now, in other words, no matter how much the father eats! Her body can’t have any changes! 99


Hearing Mordred say this, for a split second, almost all the girls present looked at the king who was fighting with Maruko with three points of grief, three points of anger, three points of jealousy, and one point of loneliness.

How many girls don’t want a body that never gets fat?

“Woooooo! I’m so envious! I want to have a physique that will never get fat. 35

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