
Chapter 3: Fallout – Part 3.

Short section!  To compensate, I will release another section an hour after this one.  I just wanted this to stand alone.

Striding into the large executive room alone, Deputy Director Powell greeted the two attorneys on the opposite side of the long mahogany table. “Good morning, councilors.”  She put down her briefcase and the few items that she’d carried under her arm.  Taking a moment to sit in one of the plush chairs, Sarah then opened her briefcase and laid out a few files and then placed the leather carrier on the carpeted floor. “I apologize for making you both wait, I needed to get the necessary agreement forms and have a little meeting with one of my agents.”

Adorned in a white dress suit, a woman who appeared to be in her mid fifties stood up and held out her hand. “Tatum Blackwell.”  She waited for the director to shake her hand before sitting down again and shaking out her light brown and gray hair. “Think nothing of it, Deputy Director Powell.  I take it you have everything that was agreed to by your superiors?”  Tatum blinked her hazel eyes and turned to the man beside her. “My apologies as well.  This is Councilor Douglas Dunbar, representing the interests of Miss Casey Rivers.”

Taking a second to pull her red hair into a tight ponytail, Sarah reached out and shook the older man's hand as well. “Good to meet you as well.”

“Likewise.”  Doug briefly stated and then pointed to Tatum, “She will be doing most of the talking.”

Sarah leaned back in her chair and nodded, “Up to you.  I think everything has been settled though.”

Tatum handed Sarah a huge stack of paper that was held together by heavy metal pins from the top. “The government’s copy.  You as the representative need only sign the top page of both copies and the issue is settled.”

Deputy Director Powell raised one eyebrow with a concerned look on her face. “You expect the government to just sign a document that we don’t fully know what is in it?  How do I know that you haven’t…massaged the wording?  I am no lawmaker, I leave that to the folks in D.C.”

Smiling confidently and folding her arms across her chest, Tatum countered. “You don’t.  It’s a matter of trust really.  It is certainly within your rights to get a team of attorneys and paralegals in here to go over every word on the..”  She bobbed her head thoughtfully for a second, “..about two thousand pages, or trust my office.”  Tatum watched as the elder FBI agent stood up to leave, “Your choice, Deputy Director.  I caution you though.  Everything in these two thousand pages will go public, trial by opinion to start.”  She laughed and patted Doug on the arm, “Then the real battle begins.  I am willing to go the distance, is the government?”

Imagining the fallout as well as the yelling from all of the department heads, Sarah once more resumed her seat. “Fine.”  Sarah grabbed the unwieldy stack of papers and signed the top sheet, and witnessed Tatum do the same.  Opening her own folder, Director Powell handed Tatum another set of documents. “Your NDA.  You say a word about this and the contract is null and void.”  Glaring at Tatum with her hard and intelligent brown eyes, Sarah nodded as the woman in white signed the last of the formal documents. “Here, as was the government.”  Writhing inside, The Deputy Director handed over all of the illegally obtained evidence from the Crow farm. “Be lucky she used a drone after the fact, and not during the initial search of the property.”

Gathering up all of the items and smiling with the dog tags in hand, Tatum started packing away all of the documents. “It wasn’t luck.  I am not responsible for the lack of detail when it came to the government issuing warrants of the property.”  She tapped her chest lightly, “I am responsible to my client and my client only.  This was all supposedly settled months ago.  False accusations of explosives, chemical agents and illegal slaughtering of animals.”  She winked, “Without checking what permits were in place.”  Tatum stood up and snapped her fingers. “Gone in an instant.  You have a nice day Deputy Director.”

Unafraid of any lingering fallout, Sarah waited until the two attorneys reached the door before popping a simple question. “How’d you do it, Miss Blackburn?”  Sarah gathered her things and stared directly into the older woman’s eyes, “How’d you charm them?  I have seen it time and again, when the government wants something, they get it.  I have seen legitimate claims get tossed out on a technicality.”  She pointed at Tatum. “How’d you do it?”

Carefully looking around the executive room, Tatum smiled as she spotted at least twelve different cameras with matching recording equipment.   Tugging and flattening out wrinkles in her immaculate white suit, the older woman lightly smiled, “Deputy Director Powell.”  Tatum paused and waved her hand so that the agent would get closer. “Ever seen the Wizard of Oz, my dear?”

“I think we all have.”  Sarah chuckled.

Lightly placing her hand on Sarah’s shoulder, Tatum continued. “Unlikely events happen all the time, right?  It just so happens that a house landed on a bad woman and Dorothy had to have a little adventure and come to terms within her own heart to get home, does that track for what you know, Director Powell?”

“Yes, but…”  Sarah tried to comment, when Tatum raised her finger and she felt compelled to quiet herself.

Content that the director wouldn’t say anything for the time being, Tatum finished. “In 1947 a small chunk of debris caused mass panic about UFOs and aliens, didn’t it?”  She watched Sarah mindlessly shake her head. “Good.  The greater good, right?”  Sarah again shook her head. “Then I leave you with this, my new friend. A quote from Glinda herself. ‘You don’t need to be helped any longer.  You’ve always had the power to go back to Kansas.’  Questioning me isn’t the answer, you already know what you need to do, Deputy Director.”  Tatum used her right hand and touched Sarah on the nose. “Boop.”  Spinning on her heel Tatum darted through the door and out of sight.

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