Swordsmaster Fox-girl

110 – Ratatutu?

The Maus Maids’ leader (cute) scooped up the soup with a tiny spoon (cute) and slurped it. Her eyes widened, but she still tried to act aloof (cute).

“Hrnnn, passable.”

She suddenly snapped her head toward me and glared.

“Oi! Don’t look at me with that perverted face! Wipe that drool off!”

Eh, what kind of face was I making? Whatever it was, I wiped the drool and smirked.

“So, does that mean you accept me as the chef?”

“Hrnn, that depends. Remember to be on time to prepare dinner.”


I squealed and burst out of the kitchen happily. My joy was so great that I didn’t particularly mind it when the same maid as before waited right outside the kitchen to stab me.

“Ehehehe~ Did you hear that? The cute little thing praised me!”


I grabbed her hands and pulled her in for a short dance. During that time, I observed her features carefully.

Dark blue hair, pink eyes. That was it. Oh, and there were freckles, too.

With a face full of smiles, I leaned close to her ear.

“Hehehe~ I don’t know who you are, and I don’t want to waste my kill limit on you. However~ I might just do it if you annoy me too much~”

I threw her through the window and dusted my hands. I skipped my way to the Grand Chamberlain’s office and knocked.

-”Come in.”

I entered, and before he could say anything else, I handed him a paper form.

He adjusted his glasses and read through it.

“You want to go out? Why?”

“Oh, just to buy some stuff. I heard that there’s a caravan going through the closest village from here.”

He pressed his lips into a thin line and nodded. “Fine. Just be back before sunset—you still need to prepare dinner.”

“Will do.”



The village wasn’t really that far away from the estate. Despite that….

‘How horrible.’

It was dirt poor. The hundred or so houses were so flimsily built that a slightly strong gale could make them crumble. The people were thin and skinny; their eyes dull and void.

They were so different that honestly, the commoner’s clothes that I was wearing weren’t enough to hide my identity as an outsider.

Thus, I had to endure stares. But it was fine. I was only here for the caravan anyways.

A shrewd merchant noticed me and rubbed his hands together as I approached.

“Welcome! What wares would you like to buy?”

“Uhhh, a Futa potion, please.”

“Good choice! Good choice!”

He rummaged through his wagon and came back with a box.

I looked inside, expecting a box full of pinkish potions of different shades, but all I got was a singular pink one.


“This is the only one we have left. You’re lucky, dear customer.”

This was… troublesome. The only time I’d seen a Futa potion was years ago, and combined with the fact that this was the only potion left, I couldn’t compare its shade of pink to other potions.

“What version is this?”

“...What do you mean?”

The merchant seemed totally clueless. Ughh, he probably heard that Futa potions were getting popular and bought them without caring to find out more.

“Nevermind. I’ll take it.”

“That’ll be ten Silvers.”

I flicked him the money and took the potion in my hand. Nn, by the way, I heard Hannah explain how Futa potions work when I was a kid.

I didn’t remember much, but I got the general idea. The potion gave girls a penis, but said penis wasn’t a set shape or size. Instead, it was the penis that the girls would’ve had if they were a boy.

Something something genetics something, I didn’t care to learn much beyond that.

With my back turned toward the caravan and the village, a grin formed on my face, and so did a blush.


I heard yawning followed by a loud “thwack” as Nira probably fell on the floor…. Imaginary floor? Soul floor? 


‘Can we, um tonight…. Can we….’

Even though I was speaking in my mind, the embarrassment was unbearable. I felt fear for the first time in a long time.

W-What if she rejected me? What if she thought of me as a slut—

{Do you really think I care if you’re a slut?}

Nira suddenly materialized and lifted my chin up with her finger. She stared deep into my eyes and then smiled.

“Just, you have to be my slut and mine alone.”


Nira pressed her lips onto mine, and I let out sighs of happiness. Her chest was pressed against mine as she groped my butt.

In a moment of weakness, I parted my lips to moan. Nira seized the chance and messed my mouth up by pushing her tongue inside. 

‘Shoo good~!’

My tongue laid dormant, letting hers do whatever it wanted. And what it wanted was for her saliva to drip into my mouth.

At the same time, Nira’s hand slipped past my pants and panties and caressed my outer folds gently. Even through the wet sounds that her tongue made in my mouth, I could hear the slickness of her fingers caressing my wet folds. 

The message was clear.

-You’re mine and mine alone. Don’t hesitate to ask for anything later, you little slut-

Just as I realized that, Nira stopped. She pulled her hands and mouth away from me, ignoring my whimpers.

“Too bad I didn’t get your first kiss…. Well, I don’t mind if it’s that genius girl. You have my permission to do whatever to her if you meet her again.”

‘Is she talking about Ihwa Leinfall?’

Before I could question her, Nira made me suck on her juice-covered finger and smiled cruelly.

“Let’s leave it until tonight, my Esty.”

And with that, she dematerialized again.



“Esther Raze, are you fine?”

“Eh? I am. Why do you ask?”

I checked my hands to see if I’d accidentally brought the Futa potion with me here. The answer was “no” since I remembered putting it inside my room’s closet.

The Maus Maid frowned.

“Your face looks a bit red, and you haven’t even squealed at me yet.”

Heeey! What did this girl think of me, that I’d fawn over her at every given chance?

…She was absolutely correct. However, my encounter with Nira made me overheat so much that I didn’t have the strength to do so.

“Nothing happened. L-Let’s focus on dinner.”

The Maus Maid nodded. She suddenly hopped on my arm and climbed on top of my head, right between my ears.

“About that, we’re running late, so please cooperate. [Controller]!”

A soft white glow emanated from her tiny hands. With those same hands, Eileen grabbed my ears and pulled on them.

Like a stringed puppet, my hand was raised up.


“It’s going to be a bit slow since you don’t trust me completely, but it’s fine.”

Without waiting for any more confirmation, the Maus Maid began controlling me to cook. 

I, well, I could’ve broken out of this at any time since the Mana she used to supply her Control was so flimsy that even a toddler could break it. 

With that safety net in mind, I let her do whatever she wanted and watched as my body moved to her will…and ears tugs.



“Nn, how tiring.”

Since the Maus Maid didn’t feel my tiredness, she kept going until my arms and legs were sore—not that I blamed her since we barely made the meal in time. 

After my job was done, I went back to my room and plopped down to my bed. I didn’t even bother to put on my sleepwear and just laid asleep naked. 

That sleep lasted for but an hour before I felt something hard and hot pressing against my lower lips. 

I opened my eyes, only to find Nira nibbling on my nipples while rubbing her hard rod down there.

“What are you….”

She pulled her mouth away with a loud plop. A string of saliva connected her mouth and my right breast, and the latter sprang back into place despite just being average and not big.

With a smug smile, she stabbed her rod all the way inside me.

“I’m fucking you silly, my dear Esty.”  

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