Surviving the Scaly Slow Life

Chapter 11: Whale Then



Thanks for the meal~ 

I would've eaten more, but those big shrimp thingies were just so good, I blacked out. 10/10, would do it again, though. 


What a lovely morning to wake up to. Sunlight starting to shine through the window, birds chirping away, most people would enjoy it all, right? Right?

 Well I'd certainly love to enjoy the day, buuut...

My back hurts. A lot. I can barely move, someone send halp. I need a two liter pitcher of juice, a plate of fried shrimp thingies, a nice pile of fruit, oh, and some cookies to, uh, alleviate the pain. Yep.


I just wanted to keep sleeping, you know? But then, all of a sudden, my back REALLY started hurting in the middle of the night! I tried to move around a little in case I slept wrong, but I can't move cuz it hurts too much. Then, I tried to drink some water if I was just dehydrated, but Mira's not here to feed me. And now, because of all that moving around, my fox is at the other end of the bed and things got cold (not really) again.

Haah. I tried going back to sleep, but obviously that isn't really possible without my fox or someone holding me. So it's just been me, myself, and I for the last few hours. Yup, pretty boring if I do say so myself. Oh whale. 

On the bright side, Mira should get here pretty soon since it's almost dawn and she always comes to my room starting at dawn. Hehehe~, I always try to wake up before she does so that when she comes in, I can pretend to be asleep but actually, I was awake all along! 

Sometimes I try to spook her, but that never works since she always just ignores it. This one time, I tried playing dead and she started poking me and tickling me a bunch. I also tried jumping on her shoulders to touch her fins once, but she turned around and caught me midair. 

Hmm, I would try and do something today, buuut I kinda can't. I'll just have to stare at her until she realizes something's up. Is that too creepy? Probably.


Nah, we're just having a staring contest without her knowing. Yup, yup, no random excuse to look at her and admire her. Nope. None of that going on. 

Hey Mira, can you hurry up and get here already? I'm being corrupted by my own thoughts.




"Your Highness, I see you are already awake. I certainly appreciate the lack of pranks this time as I was holding your morning tea. It is still piping hot, so please-Your Highness? Why have you not moved? Is something the matter?" [Mira]

"Mmm." [Lucillia]

"I see. Well, you should have your tea before anything else. As I was saying, it is piping hot, so please be careful not to spill it." [Mira]

"..." [Lucillia]

"Your Highness? Are you not going to take the cup?" [Mira]

"...feed..." [Lucillia]

"What was that, Your Highness? I could not quite hear you." [Mira]

"F-fff...FEED ME!!" [Lucillia]

"Very good, Your Highness. While you may have this tea available as a treatment for your communication disorder, it is very important to practice speaking without it as well, lest you depend on it for the rest of your life." [Mira]

"Hmph." [Lucillia]


Grumble grumble, I can talk perfectly fine without my tea, I'll have you know, grumble grumble. I just choose not to speak out loud so you never hear it.


"Once again, Your Highness, the tea is very hot, so please be careful." [Mira]

"*Gulp gulp gulp*" [Lucillia]


Fwahh~, that hit the spot real good! Now I feel all warm inside. Or maybe that's just because Mira's right next to me. Hmm, so just having her next to me and not even touching is enough to warm me up, huh?

Eheh~, eheheheheh~


"For the nth time now, Your Highness, I believe you are much too young to have those kinds of thoughts. Now then, may I ask what is bothering you?" [Mira]

"My back huwts!!!" [Lucillia]

"Your back? Ah, I understand. Her Majesty warned me about this last night and gave me instructions on what to do." [Mira]


Instructions? So this was supposed to happen? If so, then it would've been nice to have a little wa-AAAAAHH?! 


Waaaaah, I-I need some time, you know? T-to prepare myself. I-I'm not ready yet! Maybe in like ten-NO a hundred-


"*Blub blub blub*" [Lucillia]

"My apologies, Your Highness, but it would do you best to stay completely still for a few minutes. Thus bubble is filled with some herbal essence that should help relieve the pain a bit. Please remain here while I go get Her Majesty." [Mira]


Oh. We're not doing that, huh? Ahem, uhm, yeah obviously, haha. Why would we ever hold hands like that? That's way too lewd for me, you know? Haha, hahahahah...

Kill me. 




On the bright side, this bubble really works at making my back hurt less. On the down side, I can barely move around before hitting the edge of the bubble. 

Fumu...yeah I got nothing. I don't know what to do. Mira's been gone for a couple minutes and hasn't come back. know what? It worked last time, so maybe it'll work again.

Hey Mama! Can you walk faster?! If I wait any longer, I'm gonna pop!


Huh, would you look at that?


"Look at what, sweetie?" [Corinna]

"Notheeng." [Lucillia]

"Hm? Well anyways, your back hurting like that is supposed to happen, so don't worry about it. In fact, I think you might like what ends up happening with that." [Corinna]

"?" [Lucillia]

"Just sit back and relax for a moment." [Corinna]


I have no complaints about that, but why are we going to the mirror-oh. That's why.

My horns are bigger! Also am I taller, or is it just me? Like, wayyy taller. I'm talking ten whole centimeters!


"9.7 to be exact, but yes, you have grown taller. Anyways, that isn't the highlight of today as you will see in a moment. Mira, pass me that hand mirror...thank you." [Corinna]


Oh, is there where we find out why my back hurts? Mama just flipped me around and is trying to find the right angle to hold the small mirror. 


"Mama, Mama! Hiyah and weft!" [Lucillia]

"Thank you, sweetie. Darn thing must be feeling the weather. Ahem, well, go ahead and take a look. It might be a little surprising, but I promise it's nothing bad, okay?" [Corinna]


What's that supposed to mean? I'm looking at the mirror, and all I can see is my hair that apparently reaches past my shoulders now, my naked and very pale back, and then-


"GYAAAAAHHH?!!" [Lucillia]





"Shh, shh, it's okay sweetie, it's okay. Everything's alright." [Corinna]

"But..." [Lucillia]

"You're only scared of them because you don't know what they are. The reason you have these is because your wings and tail have started growing. They just haven't broken through your skin yet, which is why it hurts so much." [Corinna]

"...Weally?" [Lucillia]

"Really. For this next part, it would be best if you left the room, Mira. Things might get a little dangerous for one of your level." [Corinna]

"Understood, Your Majesty."  [Mira]



Shortly after Mira left the room, Corinna began massaging her daughter's back. The young dragon squirmed a bit from the pain but managed to hold it all in.

Then, holding her a little tighter, Corinna formed a claw and quickly cut a slit in each bump. Tears quickly formed as the little one bit her lip and shoved her head into her mother's embrace. 

Within moments, golden blood started dripping from the openings, and bones quickly formed to take the shape of a small pair of skeletal wings and a tail. 

Corinna immediately released a large amount of her aura and filled the room with enough divinity to murder just about anyone below the level of an elder dragon. 

The young dragon's body began absorbing divinity and channeled it directly to the new additions to her skeleton. Golden blood, then muscles, then a layer of pale skin, and finally, white scales more silver than the moonlight. 

Soon enough, the process was over, and the young dragon could finally spread her wings and take to the skies. 



Lucillia it over yet?

That really hurt...

At least now, everything feels better. Nothing hurts anymore. *sniff*

Haaahh~ Mama's so warm~

I wish I could stay like this forever.


"You could, you really could do that if you wanted to. But then you wouldn't be able to eat or drink anything. Nor could you run around and be the cute little menace you are." [Corinna]

"Hmph. I'm not cute, I'm deadwy!!" [Lucillia]

"Cute and deadly, how about that, hm? Anyways, I think it's time we get you dressed. You'll need some new clothes now, after all." [Corinna]

"Mmm." [Lucillia]




You know what? I almost forgot about my new thingies. They feel too natural and I can move them around as if I had them for years. When Mama was putting my new clothes on me, she told me to move my wings a couple times, and I did! 

Just like that. No previous experience necessary. 

What am I wearing now? Pretty much the same thing as usual, but with room for my wings and tail. Oh, I guess the real difference is that my sleeves, which were previously very poofy and loose, are now tight-fitting and almost cover up my hands. My skirt is also longer now, going from above my knees down to my shins. It's still pretty poofy, though, just slightly less than before. 

Ah, I should also mention that I'm taller now! Earlier, I couldn't really tell how tall I was, but after using my trusty eyecrometer in the mirror, I am now around 110 cm.

That's cool and all, but the real star of the show issss...well, you already know.

My tail's pretty short, only like 15 cm, and my wingspan, according to Mama's eyecrometer, is around 25 cm, which is also pretty short. BUT! Mama said I'm still going to be growing for another 300 years or so, so hopefully, I'll get big and stronk! Or I stay cute. I like being cute. Cute is good.



"Pardon me, Your Highness, Your Majesty. I am here to inform you that I have just received a reply from Naida a few moments ago." [Mira]

"I see. What did she say?" [Corinna]


Hm? I dunno who this Naida is, but I was expecting it to be a letter and not a fish with wings. It's just floating there and flapping its wings (fins?) in place. 

Oh wait, it started blowing some bubbles next to Mira's ear. 


"...Haah." [Mira]

"Wat's wwong?" [Lucillia]

"Nothing, Your Highness. She simply said that she would visit with Her Grace, Queen Titania as well as her children." [Mira]

"Eh?" [Lucillia] 

"Ah right, I forget to tell her about Lia's hatching." [Corinna]

"Who dat?" [Lucillia]

"You'll find out soon enough." [Corinna]

"To be specific, Your Majesty, Naida has a terrible habit of sending her replies after she embarks on the trip, meaning they should arrive any minute now." [Mira]


Hmm, more strangers to meet, huh? I don't know how I feel about-hey! Who turned off the lights?


"Looks like they're here. Alright, let's get going, then." [Corinna]


Well that was quick.




If there's one downside to being taller, it's that Mama doesn't carry me anymore. I tried my best to get her to do it, but she told me to walk and get used to balancing myself with the wings and tail. Booo~

Oh well. We're almost at the front door anyways. At least now, I'm tall enough to reach the handle. Just reach over, turn it, and walk through. Simple as that. 

Time to see what turned off the sun earlier. 

Uhm, well, there's really only one way to react to this. 


There's a giant freaking whale in the sky! Not only that, but there's also two smaller whales behind it! Looking closer, all of them seem to be carrying a bunch of stuff, too!

The big one has a bunch of buildings on top of it while the others are probably hauling a bunch of cargo.

Hm? There's someone else walking toward us. Looks like she's a dragon based on her horns and tail. 


"Greetings Your Highness, Your Majesty, Mira. As you may have noticed, your guests have arrived." [???]

"Are you ever going to stop talking so formally like that? It's not like you're required to. The same goes for you too, Mira." [Corinna]

"I do not mean to disrespect you, Your Majesty, but as you have said, I choose to speak this way to show my gratitude and respect for you, and I have no intentions of changing it." [Mira]

"I just do it because it's fun." [???]

"Haah, I don't know why I try anymore when I already know the answer. Anyways, are you going to introduce yourself or what?" [Corinna]

"I was about to, actually, before you interrupted me. Ahem. Greetings, Your Highness, I am Kiralyne, a fellow elder dragon and the head of the so-called military our land offers." [???]

"She's only in that position because no one else wanted to do it. That, and she's addicted to exercising." [Corinna]

"Hey! There's nothing like a good run to start off your day. Or a nice flight around the mountains. There's some really good scenery right at sunrise, you know." [Kiralyne]


Uhuh, this one seems...interesting. Not sure how I feel about her yet, but she passes, I guess. 


"Uh, Your Majesty, does she always do that?" [Kiralyne]

"Not by her, well, not entirely by her own will, but yes. You get used to it after a while." [Corinna]

"Gah! Sowwy." [Lucillia]

"It's fine. If anything, I'm happy I passed whatever test you gave me." [Kiralyne]


The rest of our conversation was interrupted by the whales who started to descend. I wonder how they'll get down here with how big they are. 


"Watch closely now, sweetie. This is where the fun part begins." [Corinna]


Hm? Oh! One of the smaller whales went up on top of the big one and is carrying Or like a carriage? Whatever it is, it looks like something someone would ride in, so I guess that's where this Titania person is?


"Correct." [Corinna]


Cool. But what about the other whales? They still have a bunch of stuff on them. 


Uhh, did anyone else hear that? Or see it? There's a big crack in the sky and the whales are now shoving everything they were carrying through it. Huh. That's one way to get rid of stuff. 

By the time they were done with that, the other whale landed with the people-carrier. Soon after, the other two whales landed and transformed into regular-people forms. 

So now, we have three whale-people with fins for ears and big giant tails. They're also kinda tan with gray-ish hair and wearing beach clothes. Then, there's the last lady who's pretty tall, almost as much as Mama, has pointy ears, blond hair, and wings that are kinda see-through. Oh, and she's wearing this fancy-looking green dress. 


"Long time no see, Tia. How have you been?" [Corinna]

"Hmph. 'How have I been?' Well, I would have felt better if someone bothered to tell me about her new daughter. Speaking of which, I take it this little cutie is her?" [Titania]

"Hi." [Lucillia]

"Hi sweetie~ My name's Titanita, but you can call me Auntie Tia. What's your name?" [Titania]

"Luciwwia!" [Lucillia]

"Hmm, what cute name for a cute little dwagon, aren't you~ Come over here so Auntie can give you kisses~, mwah~" [Titania]

"Awawawawa." [Lucillia]

"That's enough of that. She's my daughter, not yours. Don't you have enough of your own?" [Corinna]

"Pah, hardly any of those kids ever stuck around, let alone talk to me. Those little devils left their mother oh so lonely. You'll keep Auntie company, won't you sweetie?~" [Titania]

"Awawawawa." [Lucillia]


So. Many. Hugs. And. Kisses! TOO MANY!!! TOO TIGHT!!! I'm...gonna...blehh...





"It has been a while, Naida." [Mira]

"Sure has, hasn't it? How's the new princess doing? She trigger your maternal instincts yet?" [Naida]

"Perhaps. I...she has changed my life a lot, I admit." [Mira]

"Haah. I've always told you: just settle down with a couple kids in your life and they'll turn that frown of yours upside down real quick." [Naida]

"For the last time, I have no intention of ever marrying or having children." [Mira]

"Yeah, yeah. Seriously though, you look way better than the last time I saw you." [Naida]

"How so? I do not believe my appearance has changed in any way for the last few decades." [Mira]

"I wasn't talking about that, dummy. I was talking about your spirit. You're a lot happier than you used to be. That's good. Really good. It means your sister and I can finally stop worrying about you." [Naida]

"Maya? She was worried about me?" [Mira]

"Who wouldn't be after seeing the state you were in? You were gloomier than a stormy night and a bigger pushover than a loach! For the longest time, you were just drifting around without any drive, any purpose in your life! I'm just glad you finally found it." [Naida]

"I...I see." [Mira]

"Maya was really happy, you know, when I told her you found a place to stay here. Of all places you could have gone to, you ended up at one of the best." [Naida]

"Yes...I realize that now. I am happy here, especially after serving Her Highness." [Mira]

"Good. Keep at it then. Haah, that's enough heavy topics for one morning. Hey! Ren, Raine, what are you calves just standing around for?! Go say hi to your favorite aunt!" [Naida]

"Huh? There wasn't exactly a good time to say anything since we didn't want to butt in like that." [Ren]

"Nah. You're just too shy, Big Bro." [Raine]

"It has been a while, you two. You have grown quite a lot since I last saw either of you." [Mira]

"Hi, Auntie." [Ren]

"Hiya! Hey, Auntie, are you ever gonna talk to us normally? It always feels really weird when you keep talking all stiff and formal with us." [Raine]

"See? Even the kiddos are telling you to loosen up." [Naida]

"...Haah. I'll try, but it's been a long time since I last spoke like this." [Mira]


Whales and co continued catching up and conversing while Mama Dragon attempted to get her daughter back from the clutches of the lonely Mama Fairy. 

After many minutes and failed attempts, the little dragon was finally freed, and everyone made their way inside.




Many apologies if this chapter is lacking compared to usual. My brain has been functioning at 30% efficiency for the last week or so. It probably doesn't help that I am writing this at almost 5 AM. Unfortunately, I would not expect another chapter this week since I have a project due as well as midterms this week, so please be patient with me. As always, thanks for reading and somehow tolerating my totally amazing writing, stay safe, and take care everyone.

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