Survival on a deserted island: Sign in to epic weapons at the beginning

Chapter 1 Start Sign-in, Epic Handaxe

Chapter 1 Start Sign-in, Epic Handaxe

A gust of sea breeze blew past, Lu Chen shivered all over, and then slowly opened his sleepy eyes.

Lu Chen's eyes opened a crack, and then closed again.

The moment Lu Chen opened his eyes, he seemed to see the sea.

"What's the matter, I actually saw the sea. It's been a long time since I've been to the sea."

Another gust of sea breeze blew, and this time Lu Chen suddenly woke up. He looked at the blue sea in front of him. It was neither a dream nor an illusion, it actually existed.

"Where is this? Why am I here?"

Lu Chen sat up suddenly, his sleepiness instantly dissipated, his eyes filled with doubts, and he slowly stood up.

Only then did he realize that this was actually a deserted island a hundred meters in diameter, and he was the only one on the island.

Surrounded by ocean.

[Welcome to the Jedi Jedi Island Survival game, where you will start a new life and reach the pinnacle of life, Sao Nian, live well. 】

what sound?
At this moment, a small blue translucent screen appeared in front of Lu Chen, and the screen read, Rules of Survival.

1. You have entered a brand new world, this world is waiting for your exploration.

2. The initial backpack is a good thing, there are things you need in it, don't discard them.

3. Remember, food is the most important thing, don't throw it away, you will die without food.

4. Don't trust anyone who is drifting, because everyone has ideas about your resources and will even kill you.

5. There will still be day and night here, be careful, there will be things coming out of the sea at night, you'd better stay in your house because it's safe.

6. Be very careful when exploring the sea, because there are not only sharks in the sea, but also other terrifying creatures.

7. Explore everything you may find, because they may be very useful to you. Before you have no strength, don't think about plundering other islands.

8. To live, you must live well, so that you can have a chance to leave here.

I wish you a happy game!

Then the blue screen slowly disappeared, Lu Chen lowered his head, and there was a gray backpack under his feet.

Backpack lv1: It can hold a lot of things, open it quickly, there will be unexpected surprises.

Lu Chen quickly opened the backpack, and there was a cube in it.

Base (broken): It is broken, try to find more materials to repair it, maybe it will give you a different surprise, your eternal home, you can open it by thinking about the base in your heart.

Lu Chen tried to think of the base silently in his mind. Then, he saw the cube with a generous white light, and the white light spread around the cube as the center. The next second, with the flash of white light, a simple and crude shape appeared in front of Lu Chen. The house made of ten blocks is not so much a house as a cave dwelling, because the exterior of the house is made of stones.

Then Lu Chen pushed open the wooden door and walked in. The house was empty, not even the most basic bed and chairs. It seemed that Lu Chen needed to find these by himself.

"Heh~ It's really a family. Did I just enter a difficult mode at the beginning?"

Lu Chen laughed at himself. By chance, Lu Chen suddenly found a book page in the lower left corner in front of him. Generally speaking, this thing should be a chat box. Could it be possible that this game can also chat?
Lu Chen opened the book page icon in confusion, and a large dialog box appeared in the lower left corner. It was divided into several different pages: world, general, regional, transaction, and system channels.

There are still people in the world channel in the dialog box who are sending chat records.

"Is anyone there? Where is this, why am I on an island, who made it, is it a reality show?"

"I am the chairman of *** Group. I will give [-] million to anyone who rescues me."

"Hahaha, it's finally the end of the world, that's great, let's all die together."

"I saw a big shark, did you see it?"

Avatars and each person's real name are shown on each chat channel, along with gender.

Lu Chen also wanted to send a message, but a blue screen immediately appeared in front of him: The world channel can only send a message once a day, and you need to enter the regional channel if you want to chat freely.

It turns out that there is still a limit on the number of chats, Lu Chen resolutely gave up, this time the opportunity to chat should be cautious.

Now Lu Chen understands, it seems that there are more people trapped on the island like him, so it seems that he is not the only one who entered this game.

Lu Chen closed the chat box. People are very irrational now, everyone is asking for help, but what is the use now? People say that the most important thing is to survive.

Lu Chen left the house, closing it silently in his heart, and the stone house became a cube again.

At this moment, Lu Chen vaguely saw something floating on the sea.


That's right, it was the box, a box glowing with white light, and the box was floating towards him.

Lu Chen ran over expectantly to pick it up, but at this moment, he saw a blue fin swimming in the sea in the distance.


Lu Chen thought of the chat records of those people before. He was sure that the thing he took was a shark. He immediately gave up the idea of ​​going into the sea and waited for the box to float over by itself.

Maybe the box had its own ideas. It didn't float over, but floated away along the sea water.

Lu Chen was in a hurry, there might be some supplies in that box.

He suddenly thought that there seemed to be a rope in the backpack, and then he opened the backpack immediately. Sure enough, there was a rope and a grapple inside, which could be used to hook the wooden box.

Later, Lu Chen came to the shore and threw the rope towards the wooden box. The first attempt failed, but Lu Chen was not discouraged and started the second attempt. The result was still failure, and finally the fourth attempt was successful.

Lu Chen excitedly grabbed the wooden box and finally dragged it to the shore.


Lu Chen hurried forward and pried open the wooden box.

[Congratulations on getting Iron Plate*3, Wooden Plank*6]

A blue panel appeared in front of Lu Chen.

'The daily sign-in system is successfully bound. Whether to sign in or not, you will get a novice gift package when you sign in for the first time. '

Lu Chen thought that he had triggered some newbie gift package, so he decisively chose to sign in.

'Daily sign-in is successful. '

'Acquire construction god-level skills, an epic-level hand axe, 30 wooden boards, 10 iron boards, 3 steel boards, 5 ropes, 30 seeds, an ordinary pistol, and ten bullets'

'Note, equipment levels: Common, Exquisite, Rare, Epic, Mythical, Holy Spirit'

'Wooden box levels are unlocked, white, green, blue, pink, red, orange, colorful'

'The construction system is activated, and the host can use the construction function to construct items. Note that sufficient materials are required for construction. '

Lu Chen didn't expect that a sign-in system would allow him to obtain so many things, which would allow him to take off on the spot.

"System, can I sign in every day?"

'Yes, daily check-ins get different items. '

Great, daily check-in, it would be great if I could get more advanced weapons tomorrow.

But where is the so-called epic handaxe?
Not even the things I received when I signed in, where did they go?
Lu Chen thought of the backpack, but how could there be so many things in such a small backpack.

With doubts, Lu Chen still opened the backpack.

The items in the backpack were arranged neatly and orderly. Lu Chen took out the epic hand axe. It was a red hand axe. It felt very textured, like steel, but it was harder than steel.

Please note: The remaining space in the backpack is 40.00%. Players are asked to clean up the backpack as soon as possible to avoid unnecessary trouble.

Lu Chen didn't expect the space in this backpack to be so small. Just a few things took up 50.00% of the space. I don't know where to upgrade the backpack or find a bigger backpack.

"By the way, the construction system, I haven't seen it yet."

Lu Chen quickly put away his backpack and pinned the hand ax to his waist, just in case.

Meditate on the construction system in mind.

Then rows of construction interfaces appeared in front of him.

The construction system is divided into several interfaces. Upgrading is to upgrade the currently owned buildings and items. There is a backpack and ax in it. The backpack is so far ordinary and the carrying capacity is not much. Only by upgrading the backpack can the carrying capacity of the backpack be increased. If Being able to upgrade the backpack to the holy spirit level, it can actually carry unlimited loads.

It's just that it's still too far away, even those materials, and the distance has never been heard.

Upgrading to exquisite quality requires 3 palm leaves and 1 shark skin.

Seeing the shark skin, Lu Chen was in a bad mood.

(End of this chapter)

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