Survival In the Wilderness: My Luck is 100 Million Points

Chapter 56

Chapter 56:

This is not fair, but it is also a status quo, and it will take time to change!

Closer to home, among the ten female players, in addition to Su Xiaoqi, there is also a foreign female player, who also has such a problem.

And the time is a little earlier than Su Xiaoqi. Now her live broadcast is basically closed, because her pants are dirty and there is no cleaning and nursing supplies, so she is very distressed.

Her luck is not as good as Su Xiaoqi, Su Xiaoqi is taken care of by Ye Han, and she is willing to work hard to make paper for Su Xiaoqi.

But this foreign female player’s teammate, who is also a man, was very disgusted and did not give her a good face.

At the same time, Ye Han had reached the bamboo forest.

The more times you come, the faster the speed will be.

Because when you go down one after another, you will open a road, which is easier to walk.

A gentleman once said that there is no road in the world, and the more people walk, the road becomes.

After arriving at the bamboo forest, Ye Han started chopping bamboo without saying a word.

There are still a lot of bamboos in the bamboo forest, and he still needs to continue to work hard to get all these bamboos back as soon as possible.

Very useful.

He even has an idea, that is to transplant it back, but this is a bit more difficult.

Ye Han waved his shovel and chopped down bamboos one by one.

At the same time, he was also paying attention to all traces of this bamboo forest.

According to various traces, many clues can be obtained, such as the last time he found the bamboo rat’s nest.

It is impossible for a large bamboo forest to live without animals, and the bamboo rat is just one of them.

Through Ye Han’s observation, he made a preliminary lock.

In this bamboo forest, at least two other animals should have been active.

One is chicken!

The reason is simple, he discovered chicken feathers.

Another, most likely sheep.

But judging from the footprints, it should not be an antelope.

There are many kinds of sheep, and Ye Han didn’t dare to determine what kind of sheep they were.

Still don’t quite understand.

After all, Ye Han is also a human being, not a god. It is impossible for him to be familiar with the footprints of all animals. This is not his true specialty.

He is best at extreme sports.

But judging by the feces of sheep, it is absolutely impossible to go wrong. The shape of sheep dung is the most iconic, sheep dung beans!

“Come back to hunt next time.”

“The most important thing now is to make paper.”

Ye Han took the time to chop bamboo.

After three o’clock in the afternoon, when it was close to four o’clock, Ye Han finally came back.

Su Xiaoqi was waiting for Ye Han with her eyes wide open.

Seeing Ye Han returned safely, she breathed a sigh of relief.

This time Ye Han came back with a bundle of bamboos, ten, the same as before.

In fact, bamboo can also be used to make paper, but it is more troublesome, and Ye Han does not have this ability now.

Relatively speaking, reeds and cattails are relatively easy plants.

Because the process of making paper, it is necessary to mash and soak the raw materials to form a flocculent and pulpy shape. Bamboo is too hard and is not suitable for Yehan.

“I ate too much at noon, and I am not very hungry.”

“Don’t rush to cook, I’ll prepare for papermaking.”

Ye Han said, took a sip of water, and then started to work.

The audience was also excited. After a whole day of preparation, Ye Han was finally about to start making paper!

Chapter 60 It’s the tenth day of the pot boy Zhu Legend

Why did Ye Han bring bamboo back?

Audiences who don’t know how to make paper will only have all kinds of guesses.

For example, using bamboo to make paper is an unreliable idea.

Of course, in the live broadcast room, the prostitute teacher has already given an explanation.

But without seeing it with their own eyes, everyone is still dubious.

Now, Ye Han is starting to do it.

The bamboo is split and made into a bamboo mat.

The specific method is similar to making a bamboo mat.

But it is thinner than the bamboo strips used to make bamboo mats!

The finer the better!

Then there is the criss-cross, forming a dense web, with edges fixed around it.

At first glance, it is a product similar to a bamboo mat.

But it is smaller and more delicate, like the kind of sieve with very fine mesh.

This is the tool used to make paper, and it is also the reason why Ye Han wants to chop bamboo.

“Boss, is this a screen?”

Su Xiaoqi watched from the side, and couldn’t understand.

After all, she doesn’t understand papermaking.

“You can understand that.”

“It’s used when making paper.”

Ye Han said, and compared the size of the sieve with the size of the pot.

This screen can just be placed flat into the pot, and the size has reached a limit, there is no way to make it bigger.


“Every piece of paper is made this size.”

Ye Han said.

Su Xiaoqi nodded.

Next, Ye Han checked the reeds and cattails again.

These are the raw materials for papermaking.

After drying for a long time, it is almost ready to be used.

Ye Han started mashing the ingredients and soaking them in water in a pot.

That is, they have two pots, otherwise they will delay cooking!

The pots distributed by the program group are definitely not too small, but they are not too exaggerated.

For paper making, Ye Han still feels that it is a little smaller, and it can only be used reluctantly.

Fortunately, there are two pots!

“Thanks to Zhu Legend’s pot!”

Su Xiaoqi came up with such a sentence.

Anyway, no matter who belongs to the pot that fell from the sky, she believes that it belongs to Zhu Chuan.


“Then let’s thank Zhu Chuan Chuan for the pot!”

Ye Han followed her words.

This sentence directly detonated the effect of the program.

At this time, some viewers are watching the live broadcast while eating.

When I saw this sentence, I burst out laughing!

“Hahahaha, thanks for the pot sent by Zhu Chuan?”

“Park Changji, a player from plastic surgery country, cried and fainted in the toilet!”

“Park Changji: That’s my fault, not Zhu Chuan’s!”

“Zhu Legend: ??? What’s the matter with me?”

“Ye Han has the taste of the anchor, thank this old iron for the pot!”

“Zhu Legend has another nickname. In addition to Zhu Laoba, there is also the boy who sent the pot. Anyway, it’s not a legend of the wilderness!”

This sentence swiped right off the screen.

Even the program team was moved.

The exclusive gifts that belonged to Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi’s live broadcast room, and now there are gifts such as bamboo buildings, Swiss army knives, and wild boars.

Everyone feels very creative.

So why not add a pot?

Just do what you say, call some people from the technical department to work overtime on the spot, and make a new exclusive gift.

But then again, today is the ninth day, and it’s almost over.

Zhu Chuan’s condition is getting worse and worse.

The two of them broke up on the third day, which can be said to be very fast.

Now the ninth day is coming to an end, which seems to be a week away.

Facing this wilderness alone for a week, without a big heart, it is really difficult to persevere.

Zhu Chuan’s symptoms became more and more serious, but he still persisted.

Some viewers who used to scold him every day are now embarrassed to continue scolds.

After all, he is already so miserable, and his spirit is not normal.

In fact, the current Zhu Chuan can still choose to withdraw voluntarily, but he has never done so.

Perhaps this is the last pride in his heart!

On Ye Han’s side, he smashed a lot of plants, threw them into a pot, and soaked them in water.

At the same time, Su Xiaoqi also started to prepare dinner.

They had a big meal at noon, and neither of them are very hungry now, but they still have to eat.

If you don’t eat at this time, you will definitely be hungry in the middle of the night.

For dinner, still eat hot pot.

Because there was still the bottom of the pot at noon, Su Xiaoqi smelled it and it didn’t spoil.

Because throughout the afternoon, she would heat up from time to time.

In the evening, the two ate another hot pot, and this hot pot was completely delicious.

Even the bone broth that served as the bottom of the pot was drank a lot by Ye Han.

Now both pots are empty, and Ye Han used them to soak the paper making materials.

The preliminary preparations for papermaking have been completed, and we are waiting for papermaking to begin tomorrow.

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