Survival In the Wilderness: My Luck is 100 Million Points

Chapter 31

Chapter 31:

They are all waiting to see the completion of Ye Han’s bamboo building!

The prostitute teacher and the small group, as the commentators of Ye Han’s live broadcast room, did not leave either.

But very dedicated, continue to explain.

For network anchors, the main time for work is originally at night, but they can hold on.

“It’s already three o’clock, Ye Han should be almost there!”

“It’s a miracle that a two-story bamboo building rises from nothing!”

The prostitute teacher was very emotional and took a sip of ice American.

The little dumpling’s eyes lit up, and he was looking forward to it. He had been waiting for this moment.

The number of online viewers in the live broadcast room exceeds 10 million!

You know it’s three o’clock in the morning!

This data is very scary, and it is far ahead of all the players in the world’s live broadcast rooms.

Many of the official staff of the program group are still working.

And now, they have sent out an updated notice.

That is, according to the data detected by the meteorological department of the program group, at noon today at the latest, the entire island will usher in a wave of heavy precipitation!

This is a huge test for each group of players!

Someone on the Internet has even boldly predicted that after this rain, the first group of eliminated players may appear!

This further stimulates the nerves of audiences all over the world.

At this moment, on Ye Han’s side.

He is doing the final repairs, and this bamboo building will be finished soon!

Chapter 33 Bamboo Building Completed Gazelle

It was dark and only the bonfire was burning, bringing a little light.

Ye Han is doing the final repair work on the bamboo building.

The roof is now up!

Ye Han is installing the door.

The door here is also made of bamboo. Ye Han used a Swiss Army knife to drill holes in the bamboo, and then used vines to pass through it and bind it firmly.

Finally, it is fixed with the house as a whole to make a door.

“There’s still a window, but don’t worry about it.”

“Open two more windows later.”

Ye Han was relieved and let out a long breath.

The whole person has been exhausted to a certain extent.

Next, he stood on the second floor of the bamboo building and let Su Xiaoqi

Su Xiaoqi used all her strength.

She knew that Ye Han wanted to test the stability of the bamboo house.

Sure enough, with Su Xiaoqi’s attack, the bamboo building remained motionless, and Ye Han was completely relieved.

The most important thing for a house is stability.

If the wind blows and it falls, it’s a waste of work.

To Ye Han’s relief, the hard work was not in vain.

He is still very satisfied with the stability of this bamboo building.


“Get the thatch out of the shack, let’s go to bed quickly!”

Ye Han greeted.

Su Xiaoqi went to the shack and carried the thatch that the two of them slept with.

At the beginning of sleep, covered with thatch, I always felt a little scratched.

Much better after a few days of sleep.

So Ye Han didn’t want to use the new thatch for the time being, so he just used the old one, which was more comfortable.

The same reason, such as straw sandals and the like, will wear feet when they are new, but they will be fine after wearing them for a while.

Ye Han spread the thatch in the bamboo building and finally lay down.

He let out a pleasant cry.


Su Xiaoqi lay down against him.

“The boss has worked hard, take a rest, it’s almost four o’clock now!”

Su Xiaoqi felt sorry for Ye Han and took the initiative to hold Ye Han’s hand.

Her little hands were cold, while Ye Han’s big hands were warm.

The two snuggled together and soon fell asleep.

“Have you ever seen a desert island at four in the morning?”

“Ye Han actually worked until four in the morning, that’s amazing!”

The prostitute teacher yawned and looked tired.

The small group was also flabbergasted.

Every day’s commentary work is very tiring, and now there is no rest so late.

The two of them couldn’t stand it anymore, so they hurried off the broadcast to rest.

“Ye Han is finally done, I’m going to bed too!”

“It’s over, I have to go to work tomorrow!”

“I’m already planning to ask for leave. I have a hunch that tomorrow’s live broadcast will be even more exciting!”

“Hey, I don’t need to ask for leave, I’m the manager!”

“Evil capital, Gan!”

The audience in the live broadcast room sent barrages one after another.

Subsequently, the number of people in the live broadcast room began to decline wildly.

All went to sleep.

In other live broadcast rooms, the situation is similar.

There are many players who also choose to sleep, so hurry up and take a rest.

But the cold wind continues!

This time, it was hard for the commentators and the audience on Lengfeng’s side.

“I can’t stand it anymore, brothers, I’m going to die suddenly if I don’t sleep.”

“What are you sleeping for, get up and hi!”

“Isn’t it fragrant to see the cold wind cutting down trees?”

“Don’t cut it, don’t cut it, the cold wind is starting to build a house, he has no intention of going to sleep!”

“I’m in good health, and I can do everything well. Leng Feng’s physical fitness is the first of all the contestants. I’m afraid it will be very easy for him to work all night!”

“Cold Breeze Cow Batch!!”

Looking at this posture, Leng Feng has no plans to sleep at all.

His teammate Li Guang, who has been laying hands on him, can also hold on.

They are all people who have worked in the military, with strong willpower and good health.

Anyone who has been a soldier knows that it is very common to be called to gather in the middle of the night.

It seems that a lot of people will follow through the night tonight.

In the blink of an eye, another four hours passed.

It’s eight o’clock in the morning on the fifth day!

Ye Han woke up and stretched out.

In the past, I woke up in a shack, and it was not very pleasant to stretch my waist.

It’s fine now, and it can be deployed.

The bamboo building has a lot of space.

Ye Han didn’t have the habit of sleeping late, no matter how late he slept the day before, he could get up early the next day.

This is the role of the biological clock.

However, Su Xiaoqi didn’t have such a biological clock anymore, she was still sleeping, and her whole body was hugging Ye Han.

Ye Han got up lightly, walked out of the bamboo building, and opened the door.

Sure enough, today’s weather is overcast.

The mountains and the rain are coming and the wind is filling the building!

The wind is howling in the sky!

“A storm is coming.”

Ye Han’s eyes sparkled.

He is not afraid of storms now, but for other players, that may not be the case.

This time, it is very likely that the players will be eliminated!

Ye Han was looking forward to this.

After all, everyone is a competitor, and no one wants a competitor to do well.

Ye Han opened the door, but still woke up Su Xiaoqi.

She opened her eyes in a daze, grunted twice, looked at Ye Han’s back, and then looked at the live broadcast bracelet on her hand.

“Boss, it’s only eight o’clock…”

With that, she turned over and fell asleep again.

Ye Han smiled, took a smoked fish, took the engineer shovel, and walked out of the bamboo building.

There is no way to make a fire in this weather.

No sunlight.

If you want to make fire, you can only use the method of drilling wood to make fire.

But now, Ye Han has more important things to do.

He just nibbled on the smoked fish and walked to the place where he set the trap.

I didn’t go to check the trap yesterday, I have to check it out today.

Otherwise, wait for the rain, and the trap will be abolished immediately.

will be filled with rainwater.

At the same time, before it rains, we have to collect some firewood for spare.

Otherwise, once it rains, everything gets wet, cannot be used, and needs to be dried, which is too troublesome.

Ye Han walked all the way, ate the smoked fish, and came to the position of the trap.

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