Supreme Dragon Seal

Chapter 142: The Tempest Witch

The Orc soldier’s cry was cut off abruptly, accompanied by the sound of intestines spilling out, as his body fell backward.

At that moment, the Orc patrol soldiers looked at each other in shock.

“Gh… ghosts…” Cat Eyes stammered, suddenly snapping out of it and shouting, “Quickly, blow the horn!”

One of the Orc soldiers who carried a horn was about to blow it when a dark, gleaming bone spike pierced through his chest. He turned his head in a mechanical motion and saw a skeleton standing behind him, with deep pupils burning with two fiery red lights.

One after another, undead beings appeared on the city walls, killing the Orc patrol soldiers in the blink of an eye and then charging towards the city.

Ghosts, skeletons, zombies, and even undead knights.

“Oh no, undead uprising… Ah…”

Piercing screams echoed from within the sharp-cornered city as the undead launched a merciless massacre against the Orc soldiers.

Although the Orc army had three thousand soldiers, due to the lack of timely warning and the late hour of the night, most of them were asleep and unable to organize an effective resistance.

Moreover, the attackers were an army of undead, mostly consisting of high-level and mid-level undead creatures, which shattered the morale of the Orc soldiers upon the first encounter.

In this era, undead beings were considered extremely evil and mysterious in the minds of many intelligent races, seen as immortal creatures of darkness.

It was not until the break of dawn that this tragic slaughter by the undead finally came to an end.

The entire city was in a state of bloody chaos, with open guts and severed bodies everywhere. The sight was horrifying, and the entire city fell into a deathly silence.

After who knows how long, more than a dozen trembling surviving Orc soldiers crawled out from hiding places, witnessing the scene before them. They wailed in despair and fled.

Meanwhile, on a desolate mountain ten miles away from the sharp-cornered city, Qi Bei stood with his hands behind his back, his face cold, gazing at the city. A black longsword was stuck in front of him, and the mysterious runes on the blade flickered dimly.

“This is just the beginning,” Qi Bei muttered to himself.

Within the Orc Empire, there was an outbreak of the dark faction, with one city after another being attacked by undead hordes. It threw the people into panic.

The news spread rapidly, and to be on guard, the border forces of the Golden Leaf Empire pressed forward.

This immediately caused a headache for Lari, the commander of the Bimon Vanguard, who hastily gathered his trusted captains for a discussion overnight.

The Orcs lacked means to deal with the undead. They had no Light Priests or the like, so if they were to encounter a large undead army, the casualties would be severe.

“Commander, let’s contract our stretched-out defensive line. Otherwise, our brave warriors will be picked off one by one,” said the lizardman captain.

“Yes, Commander, the morale in the army is low right now. Only by gathering them together can we calm their hearts,” added another captain.

“Furthermore, the Golden Leaf Empire has stationed their army outside the borders, claiming it’s to guard against the dark faction. They might take advantage of the chaos and launch an attack. They’ve done such things before,” a leopardman captain continued.

Lari pondered, feeling somewhat restless. He sensed that something was subtly wrong, but he couldn’t put his finger on it.

Moreover, what the captains said made sense. Currently, their Vanguard Army was not participating in the attack on the Rhino Tribe. He had extended the defensive line to strengthen their control over this area.

But now, the Golden Leaf Empire was massing troops at the border. He had to be vigilant.

“Send out the order to contract the defensive line and deploy troops outside Meng City. Be on guard against the Golden Leaf Empire’s army,” Lari gave the command.

Meng City was the garrison city of the Golden Leaf Empire. By deploying troops outside Meng City, they would prevent the Golden Leaf Empire’s army from finding an opportunity.

“Lord, the Orc army has contracted their defensive line,” Lie Feng reported to Qi Bei excitedly.

“Very good. How is the deployment of the Divine Dragon Army?” Qi Bei asked.

“They have all been covertly deployed, and now the mercenaries are the only ones remaining in the secluded training camp,” Lie Feng replied.

Qi Bei abruptly stood up and said, “Then what are we waiting for? Immediately follow the plan and cross the desolate and uninhabited mountains, heading straight for the Ironback Orc territory.”

In the pitch-black night, the 50,000 soldiers of Divine Dragon Army silently set off, racing towards the Ironback Orc territory located 2,000 miles away.

With the marching speed of the Divine Dragon Army, it would only take four or five days to reach the destination. To conceal their identity, the 50,000 soldiers changed into civilian clothing, carrying their armor, weapons, and rations on their backs.

And to avoid revealing their tracks, Qi Bei dispatched 5,000 cavalry in ten groups, scattering them at a far distance around the area. If they encountered anyone, regardless of the means used, they must ensure that the main force of the army remained concealed.

Qi Bei, the commander-in-chief, wore leather armor and had a mustache shaped like the character “八” on his mouth. He carried two battle axes on his back.

At first glance, he appeared to be dressed like a lowly bandit, but upon closer inspection of his handsome face and bright eyes, it was an amusing sight, somewhat out of place.

By Qi Bei’s side, Jin Gang and Huan Ying followed silently.

Not far behind Qi Bei, Leng Sufeng wore a robe and held the Ice Jade Sword while silently following. The chilling aura emanating from him was completely restrained.

Qi Bei strongly insisted that Leng Sufeng wear the robe to avoid drawing too much attention to his unique appearance and the bone-chilling coldness. If there happened to be powerful individuals passing by who sensed his aura, it would create unnecessary complications.

Throughout the journey, the scattered 5,000 cavalry continuously transmitted various messages, and everything went smoothly.

At this moment, Yi Shiba led a battalion of cavalry and had already traveled over 100 miles to the south. During this time, they encountered small groups of Orcs several times. They disguised themselves as bandits and even robbed them of their underpants. These terrified Orc civilians naturally retreated in fear, their bodies trembling, and returned home.

“Captain, look, there are more people approaching ahead,” a soldier of the Divine Dragon Army said to Yi Shiba.

Yi Shiba looked forward and indeed saw a group of about twenty Orcs riding Ironhoof Horses leisurely approaching, with a beast-skin carriage in their midst.

It seemed to be someone of importance from one of the Orc tribes. These twenty Orcs were all bare-chested, holding ring knives in their hands, appearing extremely fierce.

“Surround them and seize the opportunity to rob them,” Yi Shiba quickly made a decision.

Immediately, 500 riders charged forward, howling, and archers in the distance began shooting arrows at the Orcs’ mounts. The Ironhoof Horses let out cries of pain and fell to the ground.

“As the tempest passes, not a blade of grass remains. Hand over everything you have,” Yi Shiba roared ferociously.

An elderly Orc man timidly crawled out of the carriage and despairingly glanced at these “bandits,” trembling as he said, “Tempest Bandits, are you really going to exterminate us?”

Yi Shiba was taken aback. What was going on?

“Hand over your belongings,” Yi Shiba, although perplexed, did not show it on his face and continued to speak sternly.

The old man hesitated for a moment, sighed as if accepting his fate, and took out a small exquisite box the size of a palm. A soldier immediately stepped forward and handed the small box to Yi Shiba.

“And hand over everything else you have on you. Pay attention, everything, including your clothes. Put them on the ground and then get lost,” Yi Shiba said.

The old man hesitated and said reluctantly, “Will you let us go if we do as you say?”

“Why are you babbling? Just do as I say,” Yi Shiba said menacingly.

The more than twenty Orc guards and the old man, however, looked excited. After taking off everything they had on them, they stood there naked and started running away.

“Strange,” Yi Shiba raised an eyebrow.

Just as he was in doubt, a sudden gust of wind swept through the air, and green sword aura rained down. The Orc old man and the guards let out inhuman screams and were instantly torn apart.

Yi Shiba’s pupils contracted, and a sense of extreme danger surged within him.

“Retreat!” He shouted.

But at that moment, enormous sword auras exploded around Yi Shiba and his five hundred troops, creating shockwaves that knocked them off their horses.

“As the tempest passes, not a blade of grass remains.” In mid-air, a woman appeared wearing a demonic mask, with a curvaceous figure, and her voice carried a seductive and husky tone.

“As the tempest passes, not a blade of grass remains.” At the same time, the surrounding area resonated with a wave of voices like crashing waves, and over two thousand people appeared, enclosing them in a circle.

The woman in mid-air scanned Yi Shiba’s group with her eyes, and after a long moment, she spoke, “You have quite the audacity to impersonate our Tempest Bandits and steal what belongs to us. Tell me, who sent you?”

So you’re the Tempest Bandits? Yi Shiba couldn’t help but wryly smile. They encountered the real deal. In such a vast northwestern territory, they truly had bad luck.

“So, you’re Lady Tempest Witch. We were just trying to make a living, so we used your name. Your Ladyship, forgive us for our wrongdoing. Take whatever you want, just spare us,” Yi Shiba stepped forward, pleading for mercy, but his words were spoken without servility, quite rare indeed.

The Tempest Witch was the leader of the Tempest Bandits, a mysterious woman who was ruthless in her actions. Anything she set her sights on, she would go to great lengths to obtain.

Her strength was rumored to have reached the pinnacle of a King-grade warrior, and she even had unknown techniques that could contend against Earth-grade experts.

Within just five years, the Tempest Bandits had become one of the strongest bandit groups in the northwestern territory, with over ten thousand subordinates.

With a wave of her hand, the Tempest Witch conjured a gust of wind and retrieved the small exquisite box from Yi Shiba’s hands.

“Take them back and interrogate them thoroughly,” the Tempest Witch said, and with a flicker, she disappeared into the air.

“Lord, we haven’t received any updates from Yi Shiba for an hour,” Lie Feng frowned and informed Qi Bei.

According to the rules, the ten divisions dispatched should send signals every half hour to report their positions and the current situation. These signals were developed by Mi Qi and were invisible when transmitted. They could only be sensed using specific sensing magic stones.

No updates for an hour meant something unexpected had occurred. Qi Bei’s heart tensed, hoping they hadn’t been discovered by the Bimon Army.

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