Supreme Chaos System

Chapter 84 Lian Jinshu is a strict Teacher?

"Like i said before their gain the nick names by the abilities and appearance but primarily abilities. For example the senior Lian Jinshu is tutor of the top class in the academy. After she can concoct High level Holy Rank 4 pills." 

Spoke Ou lan with yearning.

"Not only that has a different personality supposed she friendly with all the elders but with the student she strict. She doesn't care even if the is a daughter or son, even if is the granddaughter or grandson from a core elder. She would punish him if he is wrong." Spoke Ou lan.

"No wonder you were cold sweating so she a has a bi-polar temper. But i guess must have a lot suitors and at the same time is thorn in the eyes of some people." Said Lin cheng with a smile forgetting this was the alchemy guild.

"In fact she might look amicable but that's if your no hitting on her, there were once am elder who pester but she ignore him. Until one day he try something on her and she cut his little brother and make him eat it." 

Spoke Ou lan with trembling hands.

Hearing those word Lin cheng could help but hade goosebumps and even his little brother felt scare. Thinking he just touch her by accident he couldn't help breat sigh relief. Lin cheng believe if she try something like that by a misunderstanding he fight to death.

At the same time he like the teacher attitude and tought perhaps she was a reasonable person. And Ou lan next words confirm it.

"But actually she is considered a goddess because even though the lecture here tend to cost enormous quantities of Contribution points. She actually teach without cost but the requirement is that you are hard working."

Explain Ou lan.

"That's with out saying that lectures from people like her are, extremely previous after having a Celestial Realm that's makes High level holy rank 4 pills invaluable. How many people would break their head yo have a expert on the Alchemy way to teach you."

Said Ou Lan.

"Doesn't that mean that everybody would got her class for free lecture." Ask Lin cheng.

"Even though she is kind for teaching people without cost. It also hard to get in her first class for various reason. One because they full, second because they are already book in advance and finally 3 the people who assist her class are the most of the top young genius on the Holy Alchemy Guild."

"I see so they like they way of her teaching and strictness." Said Lin cheng while nodding 

"Exactly even though she is strict she really teach with passion. That's why many people even in the core elders admire her. After all the priority here is the alchemy way." 

Said Ou lan.

While they were chatting Lin cheng kept watching the view thru the bubble. While the platform kept moving un and instead of from size to size. It flew straight up and then advance horizontal.

Finally Lin cheng and Ou Lan arrived at their destination.

It was on of the tallest points of the floating Alchemy Head quarters. If Lin cheng have seen this view from the same position now in his previous life. He could bet he will definitely tremble after all he didn't like tall views. But since he became a cultivator is like he doesn't care instead enjoy it with gusto.

After getting our of the platform Lin cheng start it walking and the walls were actually transparent meaning you could look down from it.

Mean While a pretty attractive person with stockings was walking in the halls of the college campus.

"Hi Teacher Lian jinshu."

"Hello Teacher Lian Jinshu."

Some students on hall ways would salute her and she would greet them with and smile and hurried them to their class rooms.

"Wait now that i think about how is possible that those 2 got in the transportation platform? After all Ou lan didn't receive his inner token and without it is impossible to use them." Spoke in her mind Lian Jinshu suddenly seem to recalled that the panel even say access 1.

"Hi miss Lian jinshu!" When Lian Jinshu was lost In tought thinking she was crazy. After how could someone had access 1 and more a mere Void King Realm student and a newly Inner Elder. 

She hear a bunch of students saluting, and she realized she have arrived at her class room which was fill with people in the Nirvan realm.

"Okay, Kin Tao God ahead open book the ingredients in dark page 237 section b and start reading it in loud." Lian Jinshu quickly changer her aura becoming a strict teacher.

And the students like good solder hurrieldy took our books while the handsome Kin Tao what he was ask to do with excitement face.

Back to Lin cheng side.

Lin cheng was walking adn start hearing people chatting.

"Hey have you hear?" Said a person.

"What?" Ask another one.

"The Ancestor the alchemy guild after he came back he said he would announce to the world a Saint alchemist!" Said out loud the person.

"I still can't believe since our foundation there's have never been a Saint Alchemist, is it possible to be Ying Ling? After she is one of the most advance genius we had with only 30,000 years she already can do middle Level Holy rank 3 pills." Spoke a female.

"Bah who knows if is actually Kin Tao after he is only 31,000 years old buy he can also make middle level Holy rank pills plus he has a mysterious flame." Spoke Another female.

"Nah in fact is none of them." Spoke the first person as before that was actually a voice.

"So who is it?" Ask a another alchemist.

"Is it Ha Li? After all only has 25,000 years and can also make middle level Pills. It rumored that even the great elder who is Xiao lin is fond of him." Spoke Another person.

"If it's not him Qim lung after he also is a genius from the goddess Lian Jinshu class." Spoke another female.

"Ugh i wish i could take couple of lesson from her, sadly those genius are to domineering and have them all for herself." Spoke another alchemist.

Lin cheng could see this people all of them had the same uniform of Ou lan meaning they were outer elder perhaps waiting to do tasks.

"Actually the alchemis Saint is not from the academy." Spoke finally the first person.

"What!" Exclaimend an female outer elder.

"Are you for real?" Ask Another outer elder.

"Yes i have a friend who is an inner elder, and hear the conversation from the core elders saying that the Alchemy Ancestor actually name a person the Saint alchemist who is not from the Alchemy guild." Spoke outer elder.

"What! This is going to be interesting soon is the genius alchemy tournament. And so many people would like Han Li and Ying Li or even Qim lu would like to see they reaction to compete." Spoke an outer elder.

"In fact even if the genius protest the can't do nothing the Alchemy Guild Ancestor Give his second token to the person." Spoke the first outer elder of the group.

"Well as you know to become the Alchemist Saint of the guild you need to given the second and last platinum token of the Alchemy Ancestor." Spoke a female.

"Ughh who could it be i hope te seeing him." 

Say a female outer elder.

After hearing the conversation Lin cheng wanted to scold that old ghost. He actually trap him, when did he promise to join the alchemy guild wouldn't he have no privacy? After all everybody would he is the alchemy saint..

"You old ghost trick me." Cursed Lin cheng on his mind.

Now he know why did Ou Lan start calling him the Alchemy Saint.

After walking for a while Lin cheng and Ou Lan finally made it the inner elder department.

The inner elder department, it was a place in which only inner elder could enter. And people who become inner elder will get a new uniform which different from the light blue uniform of the outer elder. It was dark blue the same Lian Jinshu was using. Even her uniform was for females, and alos it look personalized with a typical office skirt and stocking so Lin cheng tought perhaps Lian jinshu modified the uniforms for her own gusto.

After who doesn't like to look good even Lin cheng himself. 

"Hello there you should be Ou lan right? Here is you clothes and inner elder token, by the way your going to be in charge of the Holy Rank 2 Alchemy next tournament while we look for another task for you in the mean time feel free to enjoy yourselves." Spoke the pretty Lady she look like in her 28 years old and was in the late stage of Nirvana Realm.

"Oh thanks." Spoke Ou lan quickly grabbing his badge and clothes excitedly he couldn't help but look at Lin cheng deep gratefulness.

"Hey Mrs may I ask a question?" Ask Lin cheng with a smile politely.

"This..?" Ask The pretty lady confuse after Lin cheng was only a mere early stage in Void King Realm. 

"This the Saint alchemist Lin cheng." Spoke Ou lan.

But after hearing those words the pretty lady burst into a sweet laughing that sounded like jingle bells.

"Hahaha i see collegue your good at makin-" Before the pretty lady could keep laughing Lin cheng took out a platinumand out in the counter.

Seeing the token the pretty almost choke by her laughing.

Lin cheng patted her back and wait calmly.

"Thank you." Said the pretty inner elder who just laugh at Ou lan joke. But she couldn't but blush Lin cheng care free.

"Is okay uhmm my name is Lin cheng." Spoke Lin cheng.

"Hi Saint alchemist my name is Yu Qianyan inner elder of the inner task department." 

Spoke Yu Qianyan.

"Well Yu Qianyan do you by casuality where is the olghost.. Cough i mean the ancestor of the guild you see i lost my communication talisman sigh before coming here so I can't comunicate with him." Spoke Lin cheng and said white lie.

He wanted to grab Xu Yi by surprise and solve couple accounts after all he didn't want to become a Saint alchemist. He doesn't know what responsibilities you need to as an Saint alchemist. He didn't want to lose his free time, so he would demand Xu yi to stop this nonsense any way his goal was to visit his mom.

Ou lan was curious why did Lin cheng lie after he saw his communication. But he quickly decided to keep his mouth shut after Lin cheng what his idol. Why does he need to interfere on his stuffs he didn't want cause a disgust.

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