Supreme Chaos System

Chapter 67 A pink Mermaid?

2 hours later... 

Lin cheng finally woke up and felt energized. He stood up clear of the dust of his clothes. And finally saw the notification about the task.

He calmly took out the furnace and start it doing alchemy. After making Some pills he put the on jade bottles.

"Is must be fk up being in cage." Spoke Lin cheng while looking at the Pink haired beauty.

The Woman look at him but remain silent.

"System Buy me 2 talisman with specific location." Spoke Lin cheng.

[Ding! Talisman Rank Grand Master: Categorie Teleport  quantity : 2]

[Ding! Does host want buy the items?]

"Yes." Spoke Lin cheng making his heart bleed.  After seeing the cost.

[Ding! -500 millions mall coins]

"By the way give me heavenly cakes and juices."

Spoke Lin cheng

[Ding! -5 million mall coins.]

Lin cheng couldn't believe more than half a billion was spend just like that.

Lin cheng stood up and took out a diamond and gold spear. And use all his might to hit the chains of the mermaid.

"Snap!" The cage with the chains ended broken after Lin cheng hit.

The beautiful mermaid had still a calm expression but she keep looking at Lin cheng. Seeing him walking towards herself, she suddenly dissapeard making Lin cheng startled.

At the end Lin cheng shook his head and modified her talisman to be transfer to the north east sea close to the Ice island. After all talking with Xu Yi his map of the Central continent was uprgraded..

So he knew more stuff about the locations. And seeing a mermaid he tought she probably was not from around here. So he modified the talisman so she should be send to the sea. 

Lin cheng walk back to the place he slept and put the talisman with a cake full of rich energy and a sweet juice.

"I don't knowbwhere you from but I guess perhaps from the sea. So I left a talisman that should send you back to your natural habitat. By the way make sure you eat the food is healthy anyway good bye." After speaking to the air Lin cheng use his talisman which enveloped him. Making him dissapeard.

2 minutes after Lin cheng dissapeard a figure appeared where he just left. Surprisingly it was the beauty again but what is shocking she actually had 2 tempting human legs. 

She was naked. If Lin cheng were here he would be shock to see that the pink hair beauty cultivation sky rocket to the Early Peak stage of the Celestial Realm!

She was exuding a terrible aura she suddenly look and saw a beautiful female shirt with a fish koi that look cute on the front. 

And next to the shirt there was a plate with cake and cup juice. The female sat down curiously and check the shirt at the end she put it on hiding her charming naked upper body. 

She look at the plate and cup a took a small bite of the cake making her calm eyes sparkles. At the end she eat it like a hamster and drunk the juice. She felt a relaxing energy on her stomach. 

And finally she took the talisman and dissapeard.

Back to the outside the Black water bandits hide out. Two figure were nervously waiting.

When suddenly they say on the phone the GPS of Lin cheng move.

"Shoosh." The next moment a figure appeared on they eyeseight.

"Hey." Spoke Lin cheng.

"Cheng." Came Baishi and hug Lin cheng strongly. 

Lin cheng patted her back after he knew they were nervous.

The next moment Tang sun came and look at him and even caressed him.

"Are you okay Lin cheng you were not hurt?" 

Ask with concern Tang sun

"Nah I'm good." Spoke Lin cheng a little embarrased.

"Sorry for making you girls wo- "Before Lin cheng could finish he was slap by Tang sun hard.


Lin cheng touch his cheek and raise his head and what came into his eyes were 4 beautiful eyes red with anger. Baishi and Tang sun were looking at him with anger.

"Listen well Lin cheng let this be the last time you do pull of some sh*t like this!" Yelled angrily Tang Sun her voice was full of rage 

"Cheng were team, and when we fight we do it together no matter the situation so stop trying to stop us from getting hurt. It's normal what you did back but it cross a line think about." Spoke this time Baishi her voice was mix with sadness, anger and disappointment.

After that both of them turn and left Quickly.

Lin cheng was shock even baishi who has always supportive this time was like this. But he knew he was wrong. But how could he go back on his action.

5 mins later...

Lin cheng was able to catch up with them but they were ignoring him. And we're talking between them as if Lin cheng didnt exist. But Lin cheng decided to kept quiet for now.

While they on the way to the Flamming city. Lin cheng was confused as to why the notifications of success hadn't appeared. After he already let free the mermaid. But he didn't need ti wait too long because th system send him a notification.

[Ding! Unlock the Mermaid princess task complete]

[Ding! Some abnormalities appeared so revaluing Task Grade]

[Ding! Final evaluation rescued the mermaid princess Grade A+: final rewards 1 billion Mall coins + 10 billion exp points + Upgrade Realm Car(mythic)]

Seeing the going up Lin cheng felt happy he didn't lose a single thing even gain xp points and mall coins.

"Check status." Said Lin cheng.

Host name: Lin cheng 


Realm:  Void King Realm Early Stage/1 trillion upgrade 

Exp avalaible : 372,875,600,000 

Spritual roots / Supreme Chaos roots activated 

Blood line/ Inmortal Dark golden phoenix blood activated 

Talent :Supreme heart,Alchemy Heart,Formation Heart 

Pets: Baishi Heavenly Nine tail fox abilities illusions of charm. They can fall under her feets a even people from a higher realm might be afected/ Also can use the power space and increase her speed / can throw purple thunder bolts for her mouth 

Baishi Realm: Rank Holy Rank 3 middle stage (Earn 50% of experience points from baishi when kills) 

Charm:99(Extra info your charm is super atractive to milf like a baby but at the same like some one that can bring the women to move female hormones  so watch out ;) 

Equipment/Spear of gold Mysterious rank/Golden and diamond spear Rank Earth upgradeable/Diamond and gold Ring/Pathek Diamond nautylus 

Alchemy/ Phoenix cauldron God rank 

Techinques:Elementalist techniques Rank God/Spear of king techinques mysterious rank/Divine Spear Intent Technique Heavenly Rank 

Usables: /(Weapon Upgrade Card)x1(Full Realm Upgrade Card 1 times use "Mythic") 

Mall coins: 11,952,137,000 

Lucky Wheel chances:13

Lin cheng couldn't help and sigh. He did realized that getting exp points were difficult.

He also saw the Mythic upgrade card. He was curious about so he decided to ask the system.

"System how that card work." Ask Lin cheng

[Ding! The upgrade card is extremely Rare to appeared. The function is to upgrade the host to by an entire realm if use.]

Lin cheng delighted but for some reason after hearing the "extremely rare" he tought about Something.

"Sister no matter in which realm i am?" Ask Lin cheng.

[Ding! Exactly no matter what realm you are it would raise your Cultivation base by a entire realm.]

After hearing those words decided to save the Upgrade Card. What joke this heavenly defying who know how many exp points would ask the other realm.

It's now is already in trillions he could imagine the amount of exp he would need. At first he tought about using it. It would be a waste even though the current realm ask him for a lot exp points they are still in the scope of reachable.

While Lin cheng was already happy Fantasizing about how he would use the upgrade card.

He suddenly felt his body go numb. Making go numb and the next he fell from the sky.

"Pah!" Lin cheng body fell to the hot sand.

"Cheng?" Baishi and Tang sun who where talking suddenly saw lin cheng buy trying to get up with his face red.

"Lin cheng!" Tang Sun and Baishi hurriedly came to Lin cheng. 

"Agh! i'm okay." Spoke Lin cheng waving his hand but his face still red and he was gritting his teeth.

For some Lin cheng felt a fire on his heart making him heart.

"Lin cheng what's wrong." Ask Tang sun worriedly while Baishi check his body and seem to think of something.

When Tang sun touch Lin cheng body she felt a hotness coming from him as if his body was in heat. 

10 mins later...

Lin cheng body return to normal and Tang Sun and Baishi were pestering to let them help him.

"See im fine it was nothing let's go perhaps is the temperature." Spoke Lin cheng

Tang Sun and Baishi didnt said anything but slow down.

Tang sun couldn't help but we worried when she touch Lin cheng she felt he was not faking it.

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