Supreme Chaos System

Chapter 61 Scaring The Dark Moon Empire prince away

Suddenly Baishi and Tang sun received a message from their Smarphones.

[Lin cheng created a group chat and Add you.]

[Lin cheng : Where you girls at? Lost emoji]

Seeing the notifications and message from Lin cheng both could help but tremble and giggle.

[Baishi: at the neutral zone.]

[Tang Sun: hurry up we've been waiting for you.]

[Baishi: The Fire Qi pool is about to be open. Clock emoji]

[Lin cheng: On my way]

Seeing the last message Baishi and Tang Sun couldn't but both the smile.

"I guess some people are happy." Spoke Wu rud while sipping some tea.

"Is that the companion you have talk about." Ask Li Li.

"Yeah he is coming." Spoke Baishi excitedly while in Tang sun you could see genuine smile.

"Well I'll be excited to meet him." Spoke Tin Gun

"Well let's get another seat for him before he come." Suggested Ji went

While Wu rud took out a seat making 8 in total.

What the group didn't know is that while everybody around them were preparing for the battle and exchanging pills and forming teams or alliances. They attracted the attention of the groups around them. But the group around them could feel that they were not easy to mess with. So they didn't come to bother them.

Plus it was good to see from the a far after all for them is Mort important the fire qi pool.

20 mins later...

Lin cheng finally reach the neutral zone and found Tang Sun and Baishi , with some people he was surprise but quickly reacted.

"Hi." Said Lin cheng.

"Cheng your back!" Spoke baishi while jumping from the seat and came to Baishi and hug him.

"Are you okay? Nothing happen to you let me see." Ask Tang Sun who also came to check on him with concern.

Lin cheng was flabbergasted, but felt warm inside his heart. And even his eyes became affectionally.

This scene stunned the group of 5 not only them even the team and alliance were shock. is not a lie that they haven't beeing paying attention to Baishi group. And now seeing the two goddes come hug and caressed Lin cheng.

Most of them couldn't help feel envious. Even Zhou Ki was looking with jealousy.

"Hello there I'm Lin cheng nice to meet you all." Lin cheng introduced himself.

While Hou Li, Li Li, Tin Gun and Ji went also introduced themselves friendly. When they check Lin cheng they were shock but not surprise that he was in the Void King Realm.

After seeing he was in the Void King Realm they couldn't be more excited after having another Void King Realm would make they chance on the Fire Qi unquestionable. After Baishi and Tang Sun were in the middle stage of the Void King realm. 

1 hour later...

At the end Huo Li, Li Li , Gun Tin and Ji went familiarize themselves with Lin cheng and him with them. The eight people engage in topics and talk about stuffs.

After all Lin cheng in his previous was went to college and socialized so it was not hard for him to make topics and talk.

"I don't intend to be derispectful or anything huo li but i noticed you had you tail color orange, does that mean you a fire fox?" 

Ask curiously Lin cheng.

"Is okay in fact yes i'm a fire fox." Spoke Huo Li.

"In fact our Demon Fox clave have different tribes." Added Ji went.

"Yea could see all types of fox from ice foxes to elementals foxes that's we call ourselves the Demon Fox Clan. Because We are made by different foxes." explained Li Li.

"I once met a fox that was a fire fox. That why i guess after seeing your beatiful tail of same color." Said Lin cheng.

"You met a fox!" Ask Baishi surprise.

"Why didn't tell me?" Ask Baishi.

"In fact it was actually day before we met." 

Explained Lin cheng

"Uhhh, but was it a female?" Suddenly ask Baishi. 

For some reason Lin cheng felt tinge of jelousy but at the same time he also felt a piercing gaze that was coming from Tang sun.

Tin Gun and Ji went couldn't help but sweat for Lin cheng.

"Cough it was a male, and it was send by the big sister to escort me." Explained Lin cheng

After hearing it was a male Tang Sun return to normal while Baishi jealousy dissapear.

"So you where here sister-in-law" suddenly an arrogant Voice sounded.

Hearing that voice Wu Rud eyes show panic.

Zhou Ki walk with Teng Lu and Ku tou next to him. And behind them a bunch Empyream Realms cultivators.

"Stop the wishfull thinking, im never going to be come your sister-in-law." Retorted Wu Rud.

The trio look lust lustful towards Baishi and the girls.

"Sigh you've been hiding all this Sister- in- law, after all you dad search, but who would have tought that your Cultivation would sky rose. It seems you are worthy of my elder brother." 

Spoke Zhou Ki.

What Teng Lu didn't and Zhou Ki is that Ku Tou was trembling. 

"Zhou Ki if you come pester me, than you can go where you came from." Spoke Wu Rud as if seeing the guest.

"So cruel after all i came to cooperate with all of you. How about may i know the name of this beautiful flowers." 

Spoke Zhou Ki towards Baishi And Tang Sun while extending his hands.

"Cooperate? You said but do you have the strength?" Suddenly Ask Tang Sun.

"Girls of course we d-" before Teng Lu could speak and huge momentum press on them.


Zhou Ki, Teng Lu and Ku Tou were bending they knees while the rest of the Empyrean Realm were spiting blood thru they mouse.

Panick suddenly rose from the trio hearts.

Tang Sun was surprise after even though she had try her strength before she couldn't believe she became so strong. After all this was the first tried in using her strength on humans. 

"Could it be the Summoning sun arts?" Tought in her mind Tang Sun.

"Go back where you came from." Spoke Tang Sun.

"Giggle too weak." A sweet laugh came from Baishi that even the people couldn't help but be daze.

Lin cheng was stunned before he could make a move Tang Sun didn't play around. He sigh he forgot Tang sun was fiery woman. Lin cheng waa prepared to hear the typical "Do you know who i am!" Speech but was surprise how the trio quickly stood up and left with the tails behind the butts.

"Who are those?" Ask Lin cheng

"He is the 6th prince of the Dark Moon Empire." Spoke Li Li. 

"Let me guess arrange marriage?" Ask Lin cheng. 

"Cheng don't be a gossip." Scolded Tang Sun.

"No its okay Tang sun, yes i do have a arrange marriage with 3 prince." Spoke Wu rud but with calmness 

"I know they suck, i used to have one you have no idea how i hate those, for me is cruel why would you married someone if you don't love each other." 

Sigh Lin cheng remembering how much his the old body suffer so much that even end up dead. 

At the same time Li Li, Huo Li, Gun Tin and Ji went were shock how powerfull was Tang Sun. With just her aura they couldn't fight back.

"Lin cheng do you have more healing pills and restoring Qi pills on you?  i can buy them at a high price, is because you know i used must my healing pills during this time. And after all were about to have a bloody battle." Spoke Wu Rud.

"I don't have none left on me." Spoke Lin cheng 

Making Wu Rud extremely disappointed but the next words of Lin cheng made her eyes brighten.

"But i can make some for you?" Spoke Lin cheng.

Making even the Squad of foxes amaze.

"Are you an alchemist?" Ask Li Li excited.

"Yea my cheng is a genius in alchemy." Spoke Baishi proud.

"Is that tent yours." Ask Lin cheng pointing at the tent which the had a WY sign.

"Yeah." Nodded Wu Rud.

"Can i used don't worry i won't burn it." Said Lin cheng.

"Okay." Agreed happily Wu rud in fact she tought that those Veins pills were not mamr by Lin cheng. And most likely some elder of the Alchemy guild did, but that doesn't mean she look down on Lin cheng ability to make pills. Perhaps they were pretty good too. Plus she really didn't have pills left. Apart from the Wash and Marrow Void King realm. 

Without saying much Lin cheng went inside the tent.

"Wait!" Suddenly as if remembering something Wu rud quickly went inside the tent.

Inside Wu rud tent.

Lin cheng was standing there was shock to find couples of panties and bras on it.

"Dont look." Spoke Wu Rud with an embarrased expression.

And before Lin cheng could speak his eyes were cover by two white smooth hands. They were from Baishi.

"Cheng your being a bad boy." Spoke Baishi.

"Lin cheng pervert humph." Spoke Tang Sun.

Lin cheng was speechless he didn't know why he was categorize as pervert.

"It's okay is my fault Lin cheng i forgot." Spoke Wu rud.

"At leas she understood the situation." Tought to himself.

In reality Baishi and Tang Sun were not accusing they were just teasing him.

Mean while outside the tent.

"It seem that brother Lin saw Wu rud panties."

Ji Went Chuckle while shaking his head but after saying that he regret it, sure enough.

"I knew i was forgetting something you bastard stole mine." Huo Li suddenly exploded

"Wait! It was a lie Huo li, no big sister no I mean grandma please ahhhh!" Scream Ji went While receiving a deep beating from Huo Li.

"Hahaha." Laugh Gun Tin of Ji went situation.

"Are you done?" Suddenly a cold voice sounded behind Gun Tin making his body tremble.

"Because you and i have pending counts to solve." Spoke in a calm but chilling tone Li Li.

"No, no mom i mean ancestor mercyyyyyyy! Ahhhh!" Scream Gun Tin while he also received a beating.

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