Supreme Chaos System

Chapter 240 Fire Sphere

The Next day...

25 miles away from the Fire Fox city, the Fauna was beautiful and greenish.

The trees reach the sky, and if you look it would look like the were never ending.

Couples of figure were standing on a gigantic cascade, making them look like ants. The water falling sounded ver strongs.

"So let me get this straight, you as the Saints need to found this weird sphere that is very important for the Fire city?" Ask Lin cheng.

On the group there were Lin cheng, Baishi, Yan Shuiyu, Huo Li, Li Li, Tin Gun and Ji Went.

"Yeah, it sopposed to he around here and is not a just a sphere. Is a very important tool for the Fire City to keep running." Spoke Huo Li.

"It was lost on the attack by the Xenos, we had just received it from the Central Capital it was an exchange between us and the Holy Academy." Yan Shuiyu.

"And is very important for our city, without it the Fire formation would stop working. And it would be very detrimental for most of our Foxes of the Fire element that relied it on the formation." Spoke Huo Li.

"If is so important Wouldn't easier for the Matriarch Shui Wuhen to look for it?" Tought Lin cheng.

"Cheng this a very vital task, so we as the Saints need to take care of it." Spoke Baishi with enthusiasm.

"It seem this is more like a training, for this Saints who are the successors of the Matriarch, to get the handle on solving the main issues on the Clan."

Lin cheng concluded on his mind.

"So guys apparently in this place it was were our people were ambush, The fight was so intense that alot of resources scattered and with one of them the Sphere." Spoke Yan Shuyi.

"With this item we can to found the sphere, once we're at least a 100 feet this crystal should start glowing red." Spoke Baishi taking out multiples crystals that were transparent.

"This area is were the council of elders concluded is the important sphere." Spoke Yan Shuiyu taking out a map.

Lin cheng and the rest look at it, showing the map of the Demon Fox clan territory, and it had a Red circle around certain area.

Which apparently it was where the item should be.

Lin cheng suddenly had a worried look, because this area was very big. Searching all of this would very hard.

After a while Lin cheng and the group start speaking about the logistics how and where should they start looking for. They also spoke about the danger in this area.

In the end they decided for each of the to go separate and individually and not in duos.

Since most of the dangers were Beasts, and all of them were below the Holy Rank 2.

Or to be precise the Demonic monsters were from Rank 7 to Holy Rank 1. And perhaps they would be from to time one or two Holy Rank 2.

So it should be very easy for them to handle it and if the couldn't they could escape., plus it would be too slow if they were in duos looking for it.

"This might take a couple of days " Tought Lin cheng while looking a the transparent crystal.

[Ding! Objects successfully scan.]

[Ding! Object: Tracker of Key sphere.]

Even though Lin cheng already knew beforehand what it was thanks to the formation heart. Lin cheng also like the system notifications.

"Okay guys if one our crystals we must inform the other very quickly." Spoke Yan Shuiyu.

Every one nodded.

"Muah♡" Baishi sadly give Lin cheng a kiss.

After that the group dispersed to different directions.

3 days later...

Lin cheng was sighing.

"It's been 3 days and nothing, and if it couldn't get worse the Demonic monsters are spook by my aura." Sigh Lin cheng with annoyance.





Lin cheng who was flying suddenly stop, hearing a huge conmotion.

He could also see the ground trembleling with each movements from the fight.

"It seem someone si is fighting, could it be one of the grouo?" Tought Lin cheng.

Without much tought he shot to where the sound was coming.

2 mins later...

Lin cheng quietly hid himself, while he look at what was happening.

A small person with a Height of 1.5 meters, was beating up a gigantic Monster Ape who was completely golden.



Lin cheng also saw corpses all over the place.

When Lin cheng look again the figure with 1.5 meters of height. Her skin was tanned while her eyes were glowing orange. Her hair was also orange, behind her there were 5 fluffy orange fox tails.

"Isn't she the Aunt's of Huo Li?" Tought Lin cheng.


Huo Lingxu let out a frustated sigh and she did a movement with her right hand.

A huge dominant power gather in her small palm, which made the air distorted.


The golden ape felt death approaching and try to escape. But it was too late, Huo Lingxu swing her hand unleasing a unprecedented energy.




Lin cheng had a unbelievable face.

The attack unleashed by Huo Lingxu broke thousands and thousands of the giants trees. But not only that the mountain behind the area was cut in half. The mountain was above 3,000 feets but it was cut like a pice of paper.

"Talk about anger issues." 

Said Lin cheng while looking at the small Huo Lingxu who went brought another Demonic monsters. And start it beating the Demonic monster in rage.

Seeing Huo Lingxu who was 1.5 meters, beating a gigantic Demonic monster, something click on his head and heart and he suddenly submerge himself in deep toughts.

"The cultivation is ruthless and unfair, but not really be male or female be tall or small it doesn't matter, the cultivation way it challenge every single thing considered logic or laws of universe back on earth. When people cultivate there's no difference in gaining strength."

Lin cheng was in deep toughts.

"The same goes for the Dao, genders,heights, sizes everything is of not use. Is amazing how even though the world of cultivation can be so cruel but is im some very fair, sigh even a ant can rise. You only have to excel in your self cultivation."

Lin cheng tought very seriously.

"Who!?" Huo Lingxu said after noticing someone.

Lin cheng who was in deep toughts forgot his sorrounding making his breath leak.

"Wait!" Yelled Lin cheng seeing Huo Lingxu movement.

"It's you?" Huo Lingxu who had a deathly blow prepared stop.

"What are you doing here?" Ask Huo Lingxu.

"Nice to see you again Mrs.Huo Lingxu."

Said Lin cheng with a friendly smile.

Lin cheng took out the Sphere tracker and start it explaining the ins and out to Huo Lingxu.

30 mins later...

"Oh." Huo Lingxu nodded.

"Mrs. Huo Lingxu do you want me to ask Huo Li for her location? Or are you still gonna be busy." Lin cheng Ask while looking at the piles of Demonic monster corpses.

He even felt a little regret, thinking he could have gain a couples of hundreds billions exp with them.

"No." Responded Huo Lingxu while shaking her head.

"O well sorry for bothering I'll be taking my leave." Lin cheng preparing to leave.

He didn't want to bother other people's personal space, judging by the situation here. He was pretty sure or either Huo Lingxu was extremely anrgy or she was trying to just let out her pent out emotions, or who knows maybe both.

Lin cheng knew very well, that the higher the cultivation base for cultivators be human or races. It was not easy to be shaken after all they been living for who knows how many hundreds or millions years.

So Huo Lingxu who at the second most power Realm in the entire Central Continent must have something going on.

"Wait." Suddenly Huo Lingxu said.

Making Lin cheng who was preparing to leave confused.

"Yes Mrs.Huo Lingxu?" Ask Lin cheng.

"Your alone, let me accompany you." Said Huo Lingxu taking Lin cheng by surprise.

"You want to accompany?"

Ask Lin cheng confused by her actions, after all she didn't bother to look for her previous niece but instead wanted to accompany him.

"Yes, and I'm pretty done here either way."

Spoke Huo Lingxu.

"It's weird why would she want to accompany me? Isn't she a elder she must also be busy. Even though not that much looking at the monster's corpses." Tought Lin cheng.

"Okay." At the end Lin cheng agreed.

(Huo Lingxu Pov)

"The alchemy saint is here alone, he probably has a lot of saving hole cards. But still if something were to happen to him here. It would be not nice, that's without saying that the Matriarch previously informed us about that."

Tought Huo Lingxu recalling Shui Wuhen words.

"Huo Li is pretty safe I can feel her location thru the talismans I had on them. In case of emergency I can also head up there." Tought Huo Lingxu.

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