Supporting Characters in the Game are Obsessed

Chapter 32

In the context of Cyberpunk, perhaps it was inconvenient to chat using a keyboard, an outdated input device.


Among them, InfoSeller7 suggested that perhaps we could discuss the rest of the information over a call.

Anyway, as long as I hid my face and voice, it didn’t matter.

I accepted his suggestion without hesitation.

I called the number he provided.

Eve helped me hide my number.

A short connection tone played.

It was the default tone that hadn’t even been set up.

Moments later, the call connected.

On the screen that should have shown a hologram of the other party, a simple drawing appeared.

It was a cute drawing in the shape of a crawling puppy.

I could hear InfoSeller7’s voice.

[Hello~, can you hear me?]

His voice was modulated enough not to identify his gender.

“Yeah, I can hear you clearly.”

And my voice was the same.

It was a function of the mask I was wearing—a work of voice modulation module.

[Ah, yes. I am the one who… sells information, InfoSeller7. Well, this is just my game ID; people call me ‘Underdog’.]

He spoke briefly.

[Haha, you’ve heard of it, right?]

Naturally, it was the first time I had heard that name.

But isn’t that just how social life works?

Pretending to know things you don’t is the essence of socializing.

So I praised him.

“Oh, the sacred one of the information world…!”

[…I haven’t exactly heard that, but I’m doing quite well lately.]

I might have exaggerated too much.

I cleared my throat briefly and waited for him to continue.

[Ah, and just so you know.]

Seller 7’s voice lowered.

Though modulated, there was a sharp tone to it.

[My tracking is impossible. Like, tracking numbers or accounts, you know? I recommend you don’t even try from the start.]

And then he continued with a confident tone.

[I’ve blocked everything that could be blocked. And if you try again, I’ll notice it, so it’s better not to waste time or emotions, right?]

That was definitely true.

What he said wasn’t wrong.


Eve had already informed me.

[Nickname Underdog, real name Dominic Martin, human male, residing in the middle-class area of Saint Hills.]

Naturally, Eve’s voice was not transmitted to Seller 7.

[Working in an information organization, I found this is the neatest way to do things. You agree, right? Just exchanging information; it’s so nice.]

[His favorite food is pizza, especially the soybean pizza from LAD, which has the highest order rate. He is also particularly interested in a hobby…].

[This part, no matter how important a Guild Master you are, I can’t compromise.]

[—I’m taking great care of it, even to the point of having a small group dedicated to it.]


Both sides were talking, making me feel a bit dizzy.


How much information have you gathered in this short time…?

Was it because she got caught while hacking Smile John?

I felt like Eve’s hacking skills had gotten better.

[So, just call me Underdog. Or 7 is fine too. And feel free to speak casually.]

“…Got it, 7.”

At this moment, I wonder if you understand how much your information has leaked.

[Alright! Then I’ll explain how I found this information.]

He opened his mouth.

Well, as you know, Master of the Guild.

There are only two real black markets in the Lower-Class area, right?

One is Heijiaoi in Chinatown, and the other is Vanta Market located in Little Shinjuku.

This is a story from my experience at Vanta Market—.

“…Wait a minute.”

Hearing that far, I interrupted him for a moment.

“Is this explanation really necessary?”

[Of course.]

“Fine, then go on.”


Little Shinjuku.

It’s always a region that reeks of money and oil.

Being a black market located in such a place, we often discover goods we never expected. Truly.

That’s why I prefer the black market in Little Shinjuku over Heijiaoi in Chinatown.

Just a glance reveals that sometimes military goods are flowing in from wars around the world.

And there are often experimental products from companies that haven’t even passed safety inspections.

That day was no different.

I went to Vanta Market feeling like taking a light stroll.

Hoping to find something new—.

But having heard that far, I asked.

“Is this explanation really, really necessary?”

[Ah, it is necessary.]


Right at that moment.

The store owner of a shop I frequently visited called out to me.

‘Hey, regular! Come over— cough.’

Ahem, sorry.

Impersonating isn’t my specialty.

Let’s try again.

‘Hey, regular! Come here! A really good item has come in today!’

I asked,

What is it, what item came in that you searched for me like that?

With half excitement, half anxiety.

I went to the uncle’s shop.

There was a small drone.

Small, but it was about the size of my head.

And it wasn’t just an ordinary drone.

Product name, ‘Lone Spider’.

Model ‘K2N-7757’.

It could hack and infiltrate by default.

It was an amazing product that could also perform other tactical actions.

I doubted my eyes.

Purchasing that product was destiny.

It was a very high price, but also a very reasonable price.

Sleek design, overwhelming practicality!

I was captivated by its engineering and aesthetics—.



“Is this really the last explanation you needed?”

[Haha, of course! Now the main point comes!]


It’s not a brag, but I’m quite good at hacking too.

With my skills and this robot together?

There wouldn’t be a protective wall I couldn’t break.

Realizing that, my body trembled.

I wanted to test this robot with my skills right away.

That was when.

My sharp instincts kicked in.

In Little Shinjuku, I spotted people I didn’t often see standing before me.

They wore elegant suits.

I sensed something suspicious.

What was coming from there.

Was the very ‘Lone Spider’ I had purchased—.

“Enough, enough.”

[Huh? There’s still a long way to go?]

“I can’t wait anymore.”

I said firmly.



“Just tell me the information!”

My frustration burst out.

To my shout, Seller 7 responded.

[…No, still, Guild Master. The important part is just starting….]

“Do you want to hear my story first?”

I calmly explained.

“Ultimately, isn’t that what it’s about? How to handle those suspicious guys with that robot to…”

I unconsciously got heated in speech.

“Following them, hacking them, how did you manage to get that information, isn’t that what you’ll say?”

[…Well, if we completely skip the process, that would be correct.]


I really wanted to say a bad word.

But I knew I had been patient long enough.

I felt my patience was reaching its limit.

“…Now it’s enough, just tell me the information.”

[Hmm, you won’t regret it, right?]


I could assure that.

[I had mentioned that this is information only I know, but this isn’t super important information.]

“Can’t you just get to the conclusion?”

[…Around the end of this month, a secret party will be held at a hotel in the Upper-Class area.]

Seller 7 said with a cautious tone.

[It’s said that only core figures from companies, like chief secretaries or those in high-ranking jobs, attend this party. To the extent that sometimes mega-corp chairmen also attend.]


[That’s where the information I found shines. Smile John will also be attending that party.]

Gasping lightly, Seller 7 spoke.

[His hidden identity is that of a high-ranking employee from some corporation!]

I awaited his next words.


No matter how long I waited, there were no words.

That was just the end of what he had said.



“Is that it?”


Ugh, was he dragging this out just to say that?

I stifled a sigh, then paused.

Though it was good information.

First of all, the accuracy of the information aside.

It was true that I was closing in on the true identity of Smile John.

“Well then, do you know the list of guests attending or the location of the party? You know that much, right?”



[Haha, I wouldn’t know.]

In a nonchalant tone, Seller 7 said.

[Since it’s a party for high-ranking officials, it would be hard to hack. Plus, the invitations themselves are secretly delivered to each individual, so the attendee list can change every time they throw a party.]

He spoke casually as if it were not his business.

Somehow, Seller 7’s figure behind the holographic image seemed to be smiling.

[Furthermore, how would I know the party location? It’s in the Upper-Class area, how would I know?]

“So this is it, then?”

[Yes! You might be a bit disappointed, but I’ve received my credits and told you all the information I know, so I’ll be leaving now.]

Seller 7 bowed out one last time.

[Thank you for using our service!]


Bee, bee, bee.

The disconnect tone continues to ring.


I quietly thought.


[I’m waiting.]

“Where did 7 say he lives again?”

I need to step out for a bit.


[P2034871140 (Warrior): Oh no, we can’t do the party hunting we were planning. What a bummer.]

[ImARealWizard (Warrior): Hoh, why?]

[P2034871140 (Warrior): Apparently something happened to that guy from the information organization we saw last time.]

[ImARealWizard (Warrior): Really? That’s such a shame.]

[P2034871140 (Warrior): I think the electricity went out suddenly, and all the electronic devices broke down, and apparently the precious robot he was keeping went missing. Something about a spider drone, it’s a real mess.]

[ImARealWizard (Warrior): Yeah, right? Hunting seems really difficult now.]

I stretched comfortably.

My stress relieved.

One problem was solved, and it was time to think about the next task.

A party only high-ranking corporate officials could attend.

Even the location was troublesome.

The Upper-Class area was a region that other class citizens couldn’t easily enter.


Since it was only accessible to corporate officials.

Even with singer Andrea’s help, it would be tough.

Unless there is a celebratory performance at that party.

But I didn’t have any information about that.

I pondered.

Was this method really appropriate?

“…Should I contact him?”

[Who do you mean, I ask?]

There is someone.

I looked through the contacts list I had stored via the visual interface.

Among them, I focused on a short name I had saved.



I wondered if I was causing unnecessary trouble.

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