Superman Delta’s Life Diary

Chapter 613

Chapter 613:

In this temporary command center, a considerable amount of weapons, ammunition and backup energy are also stored. The hot dust generated after the bat dart exploded touched those weapons, ammunition and backup energy, and even detonated it.

This time, the entire temporary command center was completely engulfed by the firelight of the explosion.

The temporary commanders here are still wondering how the enemy found this invisible command post, and how the enemy got in without being noticed.

From the outside, the place where there was nothing suddenly exploded, and in the thick smoke, a dark figure flew out and landed on a nearby branch.

This dark figure is Batman. Tony Stark thought that Bruce Wayne hadn’t come over yet. In fact, he came over early, but he never showed up.

He raised his left arm, and the armor on the left arm armor was retracted to reveal a rectangular screen. He reached out and operated on the screen, and some sounds immediately sounded in his helmet.

This was the conversation of the aliens who were hiding under the appendix of the temporary command post. After confirming that it was correct, Batman turned off the playback of the recording and also put away the operation screen.

Then he turned slightly to the side, dodging a few purple spikes that came at him.

Batman looked into the smoke, and saw a ghost-faced beast walking out of the ruins of the temporary command center with a gun in one hand and a giant hammer in the other.

The ghost-faced beast was panting heavily, seeing Batman dodging the bullets it fired, its face was expressionless, after all, he saw too many “ghosts” tonight, and he continued to shoot again and again.

Batman is like a shadow, you can see him, but you can’t touch him.

His speed is not fast, but his dexterous skills and reflexes are terrifyingly unreasonable.

Batman dodged the bullets fired by the ghost-faced beast three or two times, jumped lightly, and disappeared between the layers of branches and leaves.

Seeing Batman escape, the ghost-faced beast shouted unwillingly: “Ah!!!”

Who was the opponent, how did he find the temporary command center, how did he get in, and how did he escape. No one has answered these questions.

In other words, their temporary command center was easily taken away by an unknown enemy.

Before the ghost-faced beast could take a breath to regain his composure, a pitch-black dart flew out of the woods.

The ghost-faced beast felt that he was underestimated, so he swaggered out a dart as if he was afraid that he would not be able to see it.

But it didn’t dare to use the weapon in its hand to block it easily, because it had seen the terrifying consequences of this exploding dart before.

The ghost-faced beast rolled sideways and avoided the dart, but when it got up, it suddenly heard the crisp sound of metal colliding around itself.

It looked for the sound, and saw a pitch-black dart on the firearm he was holding.

I don’t know where or when this dart came from. There is no reflection under the light source. It is darker than the dark night, as if it can devour everything.

The next moment, the dart exploded, detonating the acupuncture gun in the hands of the ghost-faced beast.

The artillery fire in the distance was still rumbling non-stop, but this small area was completely silent, as if nothing had happened.

In the following period of time, the forest on the hillside, which was used as a natural hideout by the Covenant soldiers, turned into a monster that devoured people. Senior officers kept losing contact, and they were still listening to their voices on the voice channel at the last moment. For a moment, the sound suddenly disappeared, there was no wailing or exclamation, and no special sound was made, and it disappeared without a trace.

No one knows what happened, and even some of the senior officers who lost contact have no idea what happened at all.

A Sangheili commander was knocked unconscious to the ground, with a dark figure standing behind him.

The armor on Batman did not add invisibility devices, but he was good at using night and shadows. In the shadow of the woods, this dark figure seemed to be invisible, and quietly brought down countless enemies.

Batman and Iron Man, two superheroes with the highest intelligence and great wealth of human beings, have completely different personalities, just like the weapons they choose and the color schemes they tend to prefer.

Iron Man is a technological cannon with a gorgeous appearance, great power and loud noise, and he will become the most eye-catching focus on the battlefield.

And Batman is like a dart in his hand, silent and unremarkable, but deadly.

The dark figure stood behind the fallen Sangheili without making a sound, not even breathing, as silent as a sculpture.

Batman slowly walked behind the Sangheili, he crouched down, and recovered the weapons and equipment scattered on the ground into his space equipment.

If you want to ask what makes Batman most happy to come to this world, there is one thing that must be ranked in the top three, and that is the acquisition of space equipment.

With this technology, Batman can carry more equipment and props when he travels, and at the same time allow him to recycle and store more things.

By dismantling and analyzing the space equipment suspected to be obtained from Ultraman, although Batman cannot manufacture new space equipment, he has been able to skillfully transform and use these space equipment.

Just as Batman recovered the Sangheili’s weapons and equipment, a voice suddenly sounded in the Sangheili’s communication equipment.

The voice was a little fuzzy at first, full of noise and intermittent, and then gradually became very clear.

Batman immediately called up the operation panel on his left arm. Before, he put his recorded voice into the system for comparison and analysis, and has transformed some words in the language spoken by these aliens into earth. language above.

He immediately used these converted words to translate what the voice from the communicator said.

“This is… No. 13… Fleet… Unknown… Tell me the coordinates… Support…”

Hearing these words, Batman immediately pieced together several possible words in his mind. He immediately manipulated the control panel on his left arm and connected to the satellite network that Iron Man had arranged in the universe.

“Sir, Mr Wayne is using your satellite.”

Tony Stark, who was fighting fiercely in the battlefield, suddenly heard a message from Jarvis.

“What? Why doesn’t that guy die? Why doesn’t he set up a few more satellites by himself when he is so rich? Why does he always use mine?” Tony Stark complained angrily.

In the last semester, Tony Stark blew up his only satellite at the time because of the invasion of a large mechanical octopus from the Matrix.

After that, Tony Stark, who is crazy about making money, has launched dozens of satellites in space one after another, building his own space defense network.

But well, in line with the life creed of no use for nothing, Bruce Wayne said, your space defense network is very good, but I want to put a back door on it.

So this space defense network is now surnamed Stark and Wayne, and two years later, when the three hairy children grow up, maybe they will be named Parker, Gordon, and Stacey.

Speaking of the three hairy children, they went to bed early at night and ended up having nightmares.

And the three adults who were not much older than them who let the three children go to bed early, found various reasons to stay up late to cultivate immortals.

Fortunately, the three adults were cultivating immortals. They immediately noticed the abnormality of Peter, Gwen, and Barbara, and called the three children up.

After waking up, the three children didn’t dare to sleep anymore. They poured themselves coffee and watched horror movies for excitement. Anyway, they were trying to get their spirits up.

Bruce Wayne and Tony Stark felt that the nightmare they had had was very strange, but they were on the technology side after all, and such a very fantastic thing as a dream was not within their scope of management.

Therefore, they could only communicate this matter to the Bureau of Abnormal Situations through the artificial intelligence New Year’s Eve Girl.

Later, when an abnormal event occurred near Dutian Village, they rushed over immediately.

Peter, Gwen, and Barbara wanted to come after arguing, but Bruce Wayne and the others did not agree, and asked the housekeeper to take good care of the three minors.

Now, Tony Stark is a little fortunate, fortunately, the three children were not allowed to come over.

Because at this time above the sky of Dutian Village, several huge space battleships appeared. These battleships aimed their muzzles at the battlefield, and the bright muzzles indicated that they might be launched at any time.

Moreover, there are constantly aircraft and airdrop pods leaving the battleship and heading to the battlefield of Houshan.

Naturally, these densely packed aircraft and airdrop capsules could not have come to support Tony Stark and the others, but he still took a chance and asked, “Well, this lady, are these warships here to support you?”

“No, this is a Covenant battleship.” Cole 141 shattered Tony Stark’s fantasy with his usual calm and indifferent voice.

Chapter 886 Star Alliance: Who else is the enemy, hurry up, tired, let’s go together


Tony Stark, whose fantasy was shattered by Kerr 141, sighed and shook his head.

“What’s the matter? Are you afraid?” Daisy 023 asked.

Her tone still sounded quite relaxed, even in the face of the battleship in the sky, she did not see the slightest fear on Daisy 023’s face.

This is not difficult to understand. After the birth of these second-stage Spartan warriors, most of the time they have to face more enemy troops than themselves, and even fight against the enemy’s large army by themselves.

“No no no, trust me, I’ve definitely seen something worse than this, I’ve participated in a twisting defense… well I didn’t do it myself.

In short, the sigh I just said did not mean that I was afraid. I just regretted that I didn’t ask Ultraman for a business card. In this case, it would be fine to call him and ask him to come, even if it is paid. ”

Tony Stark was joking, but he really thought so.

Faced with this situation, if you can make a phone call and shake Ultraman over, then things will be much simpler.

Unfortunately, he doesn’t know who Ultraman Delta really is, nor does he have any contact information for Ultraman Delta.

In fact, Tony Stark really has the contact information of Delta Ultraman, but he doesn’t know it.

“Ultraman?” Daisy 023 heard the word from Tony Stark, “Is this Ultraman a person? What does he have to do with this armor?”

“What? Armor? Didn’t you bring this armor? Well, it doesn’t look like it.” Tony Stark said, “Ultraman is also a code name for an alien race, but those people are better looking than the guys in front of them. Many, and easier to get along with. Of course, their strength is also much stronger, after all, they are the space police. Where did you get this armor on your body? Maybe it has something to do with them.”

“Oh, that’s it.” Daisy 023 nodded, but she didn’t tell Tony Stark the source of the armor directly. After all, everyone has their own secrets. And from Daisy 023’s point of view, she and Ayanami can already be regarded as good friends, and it is what she should do to keep secrets for her good friends.

At the same time, she is also more and more interested in the “Ultraman” race.

Although she would like to continue to ask Tony Stark about Ultraman, but considering the current battle situation, there is no problem in chatting for a sentence or two.

The aircraft in the sky began to fire ammunition to the ground, and the steel ship, which was also flying, was the first to be attacked.

“Wednesday, hurry to avoid, don’t let me distract and remind you, I will be very sad if Icarus is scratched.”

Icarus in Tony Stark’s mouth is the name of the red and gold steel ship.

If I knew that he couldn’t afford the name Icarus, don’t get the last ship to crash like the mythical Icarus.

“This broken name is really unlucky. Go back or change to a more fortunate name.”

Tony Stark complained, completely forgetting how proud he was when he named the steel ship.

In addition, he wouldn’t really be angry because the coating was scratched, and he was now a little worried that his Icarus would be shot down.

After all, his time in this world is still short, and the funds he has accumulated are far less than in the original world. If Icarus is destroyed, Tony, a big dog, will feel pain.

Icarus is different from the satellite that Tony blew up before. It is equipped with a lot of new technologies.

When Tony Stark was thinking about how to keep Icarus, the Covenant battleships in the sky suddenly aimed their muzzles at the village below the mountain.

“Forget it, it’s a big deal to build a new one. On Wednesday, drive Icarus to the village and turn on the shield at maximum power. The energy barrier of this battlefield is all maintained by the steel battle suit.” Tony Stark in black Face, gritted his teeth and said, “These aliens, don’t even want to run away today.”

“I see, Mr. Stark.”

On Wednesday, according to Tony Stark’s wishes, five more steel battles were arranged to replace Icarus, and Icarus flew above the village and cast a barrier down.

“Ladies, the ground battlefield is going to be handed over to you, and I will give you air dominance.” With that, Tony Stark flew up.

At the same time in the forest, Batman came to his small bat plane, he and Tony Stark thought of going together, to gain air dominance as much as possible.

And when these enemy warships appeared, there was no need for him to snipe the opponent’s command center on the ground, because the current command center was in the sky.

He knew very well that he had little effect on the frontal battlefield, so he planned to try whether he could sneak into the enemy warship and destroy it.

The Batplane opened the hatch, and just as Batman was about to go in, he suddenly took out a bat dart, turned around and threw it in one direction.

The bat dart did not stick to a person, but stuck to a tree, which seemed to be nobody.

But Batman trusts his own judgment, and he intends to directly activate the bomb on the dart.

The flickering light on the dart successfully forced the opponent out, and in the haystack under the tree, a figure stood up.

Upon seeing the man, Batman did not activate the bomb immediately and canceled the bomb’s delayed detonation.

The man opposite is also more than two meters tall, wearing a dark gray power armor.

If you compare this armor with the Mjolnir power armor worn by Daisy and Kerr before, you will find that although there are differences in details, it can be seen that it is generally the same series of armor.

And on the side of this man’s helmet, the words “unsc” in white can be seen.

“Spartans?” Batman asked, his voice hoarse and gloomy as the machine in his helmet adjusted.

“Human?” The Spartan didn’t answer Batman’s question directly, he pointed his gun at Batman.

“Human.” Batman removed the chin projection on his face armor, then opened the lower half of the mask, revealing his original chin. At the same time, the voice modified by the machine became normal.

The Spartan warrior seemed a little puzzled. He didn’t understand why humans were dressed like this. Is it a new type of rebel army?

Just then, a man fell from the sky, interrupting the confrontation between the Spartan and Batman.

It’s just that this person’s landing posture is very strange, as if his landing was not prepared in advance, but suddenly fell off.

This man is very tall, and he should also be carrying some heavy equipment. He smashed to the ground and made a very loud noise. The loud noise and smoke appeared at the same time, and he smashed a big hole on the ground.

“Ah… If I knew it would be like this now, I didn’t throw away the helmet before.”

There was a voice in the big pit, and it sounded that this person should still be alive, and the state should be not bad.

Hearing this voice, the Spartan soldier kept calm and shouted: “Number five?”

“This voice is… Shouldn’t it be No. 6?” the voice in the big pit replied.

The Spartan warrior known as “Number Six” jumped directly into the big pit full of smoke and dust, and he wanted to quickly pull his comrades up.

The smoke obscured the two of them, but it had no effect on Batman. His helmet switched the visual mode, showing the two people in the pit as a heat source.

“Ha, it’s really you, thank God.”

Spartan No. 6 pulled Spartan No. 5 from the ground and propped him out of the pit.

The Spartan No. 5 is significantly larger than the Spartan No. 6, the power armor on his body is also thicker than that of the Spartan No. 6, and he also carries a huge machine gun behind him. .

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