SuperLuminal – SuperLuminal is Returning!

SuperLuminal - Elodie Elegy

A saucer of sorcery was discovered in the magical land of potatoes, Idaho. 


Aurora chooses to repair the saucer she finds buried there even after finding a shard of Oubliette within. She was faced with a terrible quandary: destroy the shard, or preserve it? How might simply sealing the shard affect Aurora? A space-warping spot of pure darkness, a blight of nature it may be, but it might be the only chance she has at answers. 


Meanwhile, Mocha’s, aka Mechanica's, fate still hangs in the legal balance. Whole books could be written that cover only the last few tumultuous days of their lives. 


Thankfully, the Society of Sentinels might prove powerful allies, having thrown their lot in with Aurora. But one question remains: why are they so willing to go to such extremes in order to support such a green rookie hero in her endeavors? And now, shockingly, Mocha has professed having feelings for Aurora. How will her confession affect their relationship and Leona's relations with everyone else? What will Mistral think of all this? Or what about Sarah?


Speaking of, Sarah Namias has since escaped the custody of A.R.I.S.E. and somewhat like Aurora, has become a fugitive from the law. What will she do with her newfound freedom? Who will she turn to and who might choose to help her? Her fundamentalist parents? No. Aurora wants to do what she can for Sarah, but hasn’t been able to find any trace of her since.


Meanwhile, Inspector Ruffino doesn't easily forgive betrayal, even considering how rocky their relationship was from the get-go. Her anger spurred her to work with Extensive Enterprises as they draw ever nearer in their hunt to locate Mr. Mechanical's heir, their corporate property and Aurora.


Has everyone forgotten that a mysterious invasion of Earth's space was successfully blunted by the Society of Sentinels? Is no one concerned about why Dark Ones have been showing up near Earth so much lately? What are they trying to do? Are their shadowy designs not quite finished?


What will everyone’s fates be? Join us as we find out the answers to this and more soon enough! But, are you ready to know the answer?


Coming Soon (ETA Undetermined)


I've been writing for the last few days and have three chapters completed. But unlike when I started SuperLuminal, releasing a chapter as soon as one was written, I will be writing and waiting until the whole arc is complete to release. That means, if I release it as I intend to, there won't be a hiatus until the end of Elodie Elegy, which means you'll get the whole thing (at which point, how long or if? That depends on how successful Superluminal is. :3)

It's a lot to expect people to remember Superluminal after so many years of silence. The reason I haven't focused on it was because I lacked the confidence to carry Khaizard's torch (my late fiancee) and finish the tale. But I'm the only one who can do it. Except that I lack in some areas. But AlliterativeArts (AA) fills in nicely for the elements that she brought to the story. He really is a gift from heaven. Thanks for your support!

As for everyone else, I hope enough people look forward to the next arc of SuperLuminal. Please show your support in the form of comments below. And please be patient. I'm more skittish these days, though I've learned a lot from my various projects and improved as an author, I'm still fragile. I'll try not to be so weak.



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