
1.19.2 – Banishment

I’m sorry in advance… this is another of those sad facts of things that have really happened IRL, however... this is the turnaround point.  Here we go!

2.0 - Edited by: Rellawing, AlliterativeArts, Raleon, Trismegistus Shandy - 9/15/2020


“THIS IS TERRIBLE!” Leona exclaimed loudly. Both Laguna and Quinn poked their heads out from their respective areas to find out what had caused Leona’s outburst.


It didn’t take much before the two elder Ramses looked at each other and Quinn made a hand motion for Goonie to proceed. “This one’s yours to handle, Mom. I’ve got enough to worry about right now.” While Leona would be a sophomore soon, Quinn was approaching the end of her Senior-year. She had been accepted to the college she had set her eyes on, leaving her even less time while she prepared for leaving the nest. Between her hobbies and her move out in the fall, these things were her main considerations. Quinn took what time she could to help Leona with her problems, but she left much of it to her mother, knowing they were both busy.


Goonie nodded and sighed. “What’s troubling you so?” she asked softly as she pulled Leona into a tight hug. She knew about the fallout after Leona and Sarah pretty much broke up from Leona’s viewpoint, but was more of a distancing on Sarah’s part to keep their relationship from deepening. Leona hadn’t seen much of her since. Something had been seriously wrong with Sarah lately and it was more than the heartache between them.


It was more than just some hurt feelings leftover from their conversation in the diner.  The source of the wrongness Leona sensed became known to her when Leona was finally about to get her to stay on the phone and talk about her troubles. When pressed, Sarah finally confessed about what had been set into motion. The revealed details left Leona thunderstruck. No one could do anything to keep it from happening. 

“Sarah’s being sent to some kind of religious camp for the summer!” Leona chewed her lip. “There wouldn’t be anything wrong with that at all… except she knows where she's being sent. It’s one of those camps that are supposed to cure the ‘gay condition’.” Leona swallowed.

Leona waited impatient for the ringing to stop, hoping that this time Sarah would pick up, but time after time she got her voicemail.


“It’s gotta be just in your mind.” Goonie scoffed. “I don’t seriously think things like those camps exist anymore, hon. The world is a different place these days. People are more open-minded and accepting, and to think that anyone would go so far these days is just…” she tried to reassure Leona.

“They’re sending me to a camp!” Sarah sobbed. “I didn’t do anything wrong. I just told them what I… what I think.”


Leona smiled. “Really? That sounds kinda fun. I mean… There's band camps, girl scouts, all sorts of things. It’s pretty healthy to go outside sometimes, you gamer nerd.” Leona tried to laugh, but Sarah’s crying became more heart-wringing and the sense of wrongness that assailed her at the cafe became stronger as more shards of glass shredded her heart.


“There’s all… all kinds of camps… but this is one that’s supposed to… make me normal…” Sarah said in a tone that sent shivers racing through Leona’s body.


“What’s ‘normal’ supposed to be?”

“When she gets me the name, I’m going to look it up.” Leona yelled, panicking. “Sarah’s parents told her flat out why she was going… what the goal was. She was upset back then, and of course she told her parents why she was crying. Our serious conversation about us is why she’s in this situation! It’s my fault! I knew her parents hated us, practically the second they saw us. I know that’s why her mom’s never offered that pie since the first time. They’re some kinda religious-conservatives… and they’re pushing it past the border of what’s healthy.” Leona was incredibly worried for Sarah. Particularly that she might come back an entirely different person. Maybe just like her parents.


Goonie sighed. “I can see your worries, but I don’t think there will be a problem. Sarah is a good girl. Oh, you have your own thoughts on the subject, but guess we’ll just leave it well enough alone for now. This won't be anything bad.” She stroked Leona’s hair.


“But what if she really is changed? I really like her alot… I know it’s selfish… but I don’t want to lose to some kind of ignorant… bullsh--crap…” Leona had a minor freakout. “Just let me go!” She tried to bolt, but Goonie held her tightly. “MOM!”


“No… I’m not letting go of you until you cool your jets a bit. Relax.” Goonie sighed again as she rubbed Leona’s back.


“She was crying.” Leona practically shouted again. Sarah didn’t want it, either.


“It’s okay, kiddo. Do what you think is best. Just be calm when you think a little more about it, alright?” Leona nodded glumly.


Sometimes it’s terrible to be right even if you seem like you’re stark raving mad.

Leona checked into the camp Sarah was being sent to and it was everything she was afraid of. The camp was a religious studies camp with a bent towards fixing ‘aberrant social behaviors’. They didn’t come right out saying it online, but it was plain enough if you read between the lines. Leona had to wonder if she was a bad influence on Sarah, if she was responsible for Sarah receiving some old-fashioned discipline at best, beatings. 


Learning that Sarah’d be gone until early August was hard to deal with. Furthermore, she wouldn’t be permitted any contact whatsoever with the outside world during that time.


She fretted and worried endlessly for a little more than a month after Sarah was sent to the camp. 

Some time into Sarah’s stay at the camp, Quinn finally stepped in and acted. She shook Leona awake from her restless sleeping at 10PM one night. 


“Wanna go on a little ride?” Quinn asked with an innocent expression while wearing all black. “I think you should put on some appropriate clothes for the trip… like… lots and lots of dark colors and it’d help if you covered your head somehow.” She flashed a grin at Leona, the embodiment of reason.


“What do you have in mind exactly?” Leona blinked groggily. This wasn’t the first time she’d been taken on a late night spin around the city or the urban areas. Leona climbed up out of bed and hurried to her dresser, looking for clothes that would match that description.


“Oh, you know. I just have a very important errand… and I need you to come along with me. Now shut up and do as big sis says.” Quinn’s expression played at annoyance.


“Another gig?” Leona frowned, rubbing her eyes.


“Nope… you’ll see.”

After driving in the pitch-dark night with no moon glowing above for more than a whole hour, the constant drone of her favorite dubstep music began to hypnotize Leona. “Can we put something else on?” Leona, who liked more than dubstep music, complained and reached for the radio dials.


“No!” Quinn slapped Leona’s hand. “It’s how I stay focused late at night. So just, NO!” She groused at Leona who flinched slightly and pouted. The music didn’t help keep Leona up, but her yelling sure did!


Finally after a little more than two and a half hours total, Quinn finally turned the music down, easing Leona’s headache a little. “Okay… we’re almost there…” Quinn flashed Leona a grin.


“Almost where? We’ve never driven this far at night.” Leona yawned, annoyed. City and highway lights had disappeared into the rearview a while ago. They’d gone along dark back roads for at least a half-hour or so.


“Where? To Jesus Camp, of course!” Quinn responded quietly. “You wanna see Sarah, don’t you? A friend of a friend of a friend has some family who works at this place and I scored us some directions. Now all you gotta do is sneak in and say, hello!”


“SNEAK IN?” Leona asked, incredulously. “ME?”


“Or I could crash through the gate with the car, and then you can work for a few years for repairs and the bail,” Quinn shrugged. “You’re a minor… the worst they’ll do to you is to hold you overnight for trespassing. Call me on your cell if that happens, they’ll release you to my custody with a fine but I don’t care. This is for a good cause.”


“What?” Leona raised an eyebrow.


“In my case, I never got more than a slap on the wrist for trespassing.” Quinn shrugged. “Anyhow, we’re here.” Quinn turned off the lights and they drove along in the demi-darkness. After a while she pulled over and stopped. “This is it! This is the ranch end of the camp, so it’ll probably be nice and quiet. Go for it. Find Sarah in there quietly.” Quinn winked.


“Do you have any idea where to find her?” Leona tilted her head.


“How would I know?” Quinn quipped back. “I dunno, use the power of love or something cheesy like that,” she joked. “I’ll wait to see if you make it over the fence.”


Leona stepped out from the car and started in the direction Quinn indicated. It wasn’t awfully long before she found a tall chain link fence standing in the way. Not only was the obstacle tall, it had curled up barbed wire mounted atop. Leona grunted in annoyance and frustration when she saw that and stomped back to Quinn. “There’s freaking barbed wire! If I show up bleeding, I wouldn’t be able to pass as anyone in there, right?”


“Huh… damn… I guess they’re serious. Don’t worry… I’ve got a solution.” Quinn reached into the back set with a big grin, showing something like pliers.


“Huh? You wanna bend them?” Leona asked incredulously.


“No, dumbass. Wire cutters!” Quinn stated proudly. “Just clip a hole in the fence and sneak in.”


Leona looked at them then back at Quinn. “Why do you have these? These are going to cut through fence wire? Really?”


“Yeah! I use them to cut cables and crimp wires all the time… How different could it be?” Quinn purred as she handed the wire cutters to Leona. “Just go on!”


Leona gave her a dizzy expression. “What if it’s electrified and I get fried?” Leona asked. She decided she’d have to say no to this latest craziness from her older sister.


“Nah… if that was the case, they’d have crispy kids on the menu. Don’t you think they’d touch the fence when they’re let out to play?”


“Maybe they turn the fence off when the kids are out and then… back on at night.” Leona grated. Quinn pointed imperiously at the fence and Leona huffed before rushing back over. Is she curious about what crispy kids look like? Peer pressure was a bleep!


Leona struggled with the small set of wire cutters for a while, but finally managed to work through a single link. However, immediately after having succeeded, a light shone on her and Leona froze.


“Alright, enough of that. Get up slowly.” A man’s voice barked. Leona gulped and privately glared at Quinn in her mind. With a sigh, she raised her arms. Her perfect record and sterling reputation was going to be ruined.


“Come along.” The man with the flashlight barked and Leona was marched back to the car not far away where Quinn was already cuffed. “I found this one cutting the fence.”


“Hey, I don’t know her,” Quinn said flatly. “I was just here to tip a cow or two. Who knows about what nefariousness she’s been up to.” Leona glared at her traitorous sister.


“Yeah, right. That’s quite enough. The local PD are on their way as we speak, so sit down and shut up,” the guard restraining Quinn instructed.


Quinn shot Leona a ‘sorry’ look, not that that made up for this debacle. They gloomily waited for the authorities. Thankfully, they didn’t cuff Leona with Quinn.


They were taken to the local police station where they were held for trespassing and vandalism. They were permitted a call and of course they called Auntie Laguna who was bitterly disappointed with the two, even though she was glad they were alright. “Did they hurt you? Thank goodness you’re alright… I worried when I noticed you were gone…”


“Nah, they never laid a finger on Leona,” Quinn said in the phone.


“You fool!” Goonie seethed at Quinn. “Dragging your sister into this kind of mischief! What the hell were you thinking?”


Hours later, after sitting in a cell, Goonie finally appeared, looking more than a little disheveled. “WHY?!” Her eyes bored into Quinn who chuckled lamely.


“It was just a little joyride, y’know…” Quinn played it off.


Goonie shook her head disbelievingly. “The both of you march your sorry butts to the car and sit!” The cell opened and the two left. Leona was chastened while Quinn remained unrepentant.


She explained to her daughters that she’d paid a $1,000 fine for vandalism, and that this wouldn’t be the end of the legal problems they’d caused. Quinn apologized for putting Leona up to it.


“You should have said no! You knew you should have!” Goonie sighed, eyeing Leona in the rearview mirror.


“I basically kidnapped her, and she’d attest to that,” Quinn said.


“ENOUGH! I’m more angry you got caught than you did this at all… It was brave but stupid. You should have considered things more. What about college? They might revoke your application if they catch wind of this.” Goonie yelled.


“College isn’t what matters most. That one wasn’t my first choice anyway. I don’t care if it goes south.” Quinn grunted.


Goonie shook her head. “I quit. I officially quit. You’re both grounded until we figure out whether or not you’re going to college or if I’ll have to murder the both of you for doing this.” That was so not beatnik.


Returning home, they were sent straight to their rooms. Leona lay on her bed restlessly, agonizing about the mistake she’d made. She was consumed with resentment and sadness. It was so stupid. She was stupid. But she was still worried about Sarah, which was why she’d gone so far. Despite how she felt, there was nothing she could do… not a thing. She lifted up Sarah’s gift and cried. A tear fell onto the globe, and while her hand brushed over it, an unnoticed glowing started within its confines. The down fluttered as though some sort of breeze of emotion had stirred it from its quiescence. 


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