Super Treasure Hunter

Chapter 283: Son-in-law comes home

After waiting for twenty minutes, Lin Lu called the middle of the week and said that when he came out with a drink in the middle of the week, he saw Lin Lu, who was standing under the car and waiting.

Today Lin Lu wore a very ordinary-looking white gown with jeans underneath, just like the girls on the street. But even though such ordinary clothes are worn on Lin Lu, they are still so beautiful and full of youthful vitality.

"Mid-week, what did you get?" Lin Lu saw that mid-week had prepared a gift, and a smile appeared on her face. What she cares about is not the gift itself, but the fact that mid-week knows how to prepare the gift, and we can see that mid-week treats it. It is very important to visit their home this time.

Zhou Zhong smiled and said, "Bring two bottles of wine to Uncle Lin."

Lin Lu nodded happily, "Well, let's go, all the relatives in the family are here."

After getting in the car, Lin Lu drove all the way towards home. On the way, he couldn't help but asked Lin Lu in the middle of the week: "Lin Lu, who are the relatives who are here today?"

Seeing that Zhou Zhong seemed a little stiff, Lin Lu couldn't help but laughed, and for a while, the carriage was illuminated by her smile.

"In the middle of the week, you don’t need to be nervous. My relatives are not tigers and can’t eat you. Um... There are six people in total today. They are my elder aunt, elder uncle, second aunt, second uncle, as well as my uncle and aunt. ."

Zhou Zhong nodded. To be honest, he was really nervous. After all, those relatives of Lin Lu are not familiar with each other. What can he say then?

They came to Lin Lu's house not long after, and the two got off the car and walked into the villa. At this time, the hall was very lively. Lin Lu's parents were chatting with those relatives.

"Oh, Xiao Lu is back." A woman in her fifties greeted Lin Lu with enthusiasm.

"Auntie." Lin Lu exclaimed very well.

At this time, the other aunts and uncles all looked over, and Lin Lu greeted everyone one by one.

"Mid of the week, come here quickly and I will introduce you to you." Lin Jianye stood up at this time and pulled the middle of the week in person, said with a smile on his face, the more satisfied he looked at the middle of the week.

Zhou Zhong smiled and put the wine aside, and said to Lin Jianye and his wife: "Uncle Lin, Aunt Lin, I will bring two bottles of wine for Uncle Lin to taste."

Lin Lu's mother smiled and took the box and said, "Mid of the week, you are not an outsider, so what else to buy?"

After hearing these words in the middle of the week, I felt very happy. You see, I am not an outsider anymore, I am a family member.

"Lao Lin, is this Xiao Lu's boyfriend?" The fat man sitting on the sofa now looked at Zhou Zhong and asked, as if he was not very satisfied with Zhou Zhong.

Lin Jianye smiled and nodded: "This is mid-week, a young talent, now studying at Gangneung University, he also started from scratch and started a business."

Then he introduced the aunts, uncles and aunts of Lin Lu to the middle of the week, and the middle of the week respectfully greeted them one by one.

After everyone finished the introduction, Lin Jianye pulled Zhou Zhong to sit down beside him, and then several relatives on the opposite side began to question Zhou Zhong.

"Where is your home in the middle of the week?" Lin Lu's second aunt asked.

Zhong Zhou replied respectfully: "My home is in Dongzhou County."

The second uncle of Zhouzhong, the fat bald man, said in a disdainful tone: "Dongzhou County, I know, isn't it one of the few poor counties in the province?"

Aunt Zhou asked again: "What do your parents do in midweek?"

Zhou Zhong frowned. If it was a normal inquiry between the elders, Zhou Zhong would naturally tell the truth. However, after these Lin Lu's relatives asked questions, they always had to taunt, which made Zhou Zhongzhong uncomfortable.

"My parents didn't have a job. They were laid off a few years ago." Mid-Zhou said after hesitating.

"Laid off? What did you do before?" The second aunt asked.

Zhou Zhong replied: "My father used to be a worker in a factory, and my mother was a weaver."

"Oh, it's a laid-off worker." The second aunt in Midweek shook his head, obviously not satisfied with Midweek's family background.

Lin Jianye also frowned, saying that his relatives were too incapable of talking, so would he be in a good mood in midweek? Now Lin Jianye has not dared to watch midweek as a kid. The energy of midweek is beyond his comparison. He immediately smiled and praised midweek and said: "Don’t you know, midweek is definitely the most outstanding youth in our Jiangling city. Entrepreneurs, the future is limitless."

Several people smiled, obviously not taking this seriously, and wondering where can a child of a laid-off worker excel? Even doing business is a small mess. I really don't know what's wrong with my younger brother. How could he fall in love with such a poor boy, and even agree to let Lin Lu associate with him, really confused.

Seeing that the atmosphere seemed a little embarrassing, Lin Lu's mother hurriedly smiled and said openly: "Okay, it's midweek. Let's go to the restaurant for dinner, are you all hungry?"

Second Aunt Lin Lu stood up and smiled and said, "I'm hungry. I recently lost weight and didn't eat at noon."

In the middle of the week, I glanced at the second aunt of Lin Lu... her stomach was comparable to three swimming laps.

When the group arrived at the dinner table, they were still chatting. At this time, Lin Lu's second aunt said with an air: "Oh, now our old Zhang has gone, and it is estimated that it will take less than a month or two to become normal."

Lin Lu’s second uncle is the deputy director of the Industrial and Commercial Bureau of a prefecture-level city in Zhongjiang Province. He is not too young. He has a good career, just like Han Li’s father, who has become the deputy mayor of the provincial capital. Anyone can become a mayor. And he has been the deputy director of a prefecture-level city for so many years, so he has been anxious about this matter.

Everyone in the family knew his situation. Lin Jianye smiled and asked, "Why, is it going to be promoted?"

The second aunt Lin Lu always said at home that her husband was unwilling to live up to her, and now she is finally going to be normal, so she can't show it off? Said triumphantly: "The chief director of theirs is about to be transferred to the province. This position has to be vacated. Our old Zhang has also been working in the deputy bureau position for several years. He must have sufficient qualifications and capabilities. No, I have not, two days ago. He and Lao Zhang took advantage of Minister Liu of the Provincial Organization Department to investigate in our city and gave him the two bottles of good wine that had been kept for many years at home. There must be no problem with this."

Lin Jianye's expression changed when he heard this, and he hurriedly asked, "It's the bottle of Moutai that your old man has kept for many years? Does it still have the stamp of your old man?"

Uncle Lin Lu nodded reluctantly and said, "No, those two bottles of Moutai are still our old man. The Moutai that was given to him when the Vice Premier received him for a long time, it’s been a long time. I’m not willing to drink it for so many years. Reluctant."

Everyone knows that the grandfather of Uncle Lin Lu is a very famous painter. He was received by the vice premier in the 1980s. The vice premier gave two bottles of Moutai. After returning, the old man printed the seal he used to paint. To keep it forever, this is a matter of Guangzong Yaozu. Now these two men have also paid their money, and even gave these two bottles of wine to Minister Liu.

Lin Jianye smiled and comforted: "Okay, two bottles of wine will be given as soon as they are given. As long as they can be turned into a positive one, it is worth it."

"No, it's okay if you can become a normal person." Uncle Lin Lu said with a smile.

Speaking of wine, Lin Lu's mother smiled and said: "By the way, I just took two bottles of wine in the middle of the week, I think it's good. Why don't you try it now."

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