Super Treasure Hunter

Chapter 15: VIP

When the police heard this, I thought you dare to challenge the Public Security Bureau, and you got angry. You opened your mouth and cursed, no matter how bad you were, you didn't even remember that you called the office landline. , Represents the image of the police.

"Are you tired of living? Tell you, before ten o'clock tomorrow night, I must see the money. If you don't see it, just wait for your son to get well inside. Don't ask, we Who is Captain Zhang, dare to challenge us!"

The little policeman was quick to talk for a while, but what he didn't know was that the other party was not actually Zhou Zhong's father.

That day, in the middle of the week, I was chatting with my cousin Lin Lu, that is, in front of Han Li’s antique shop. An old man with a scar on his face handed him a business card, saying that he would cooperate frequently in the future. Zhong didn't think so much at the time, so he put his business card in his pocket and left. How could he know that this old man in front of him has such a big background?

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The scars on the old man’s face were left behind when he led his troops out in the war. This shameless old man is the retired old commander of the Jiangling Military Region!

Not to mention this little public security bureau, it is a special commando police. This old man can put his headquarters in a pot with a word, but now he is threatened and blackmailed by this little policeman, of course the commander is furious.

What's more, midweek is a "plastic talent" he has always admired. He can beat people and make trouble? The old man would never believe it.

"Well, you son of a tortoise, I won't treat you today. You really don't take me as commander in your eyes!"


The commander hung up the phone, but he couldn't calm down for a long time. He must treat these "little rabbits" who don't know what to do.

The little policeman dared to hang up the phone when he saw the police station for the first time, thinking that the other party must be mad, and he claimed to be the commander of the military area. It was really a rush. I guess he was driven mad by money, but he thought he would receive it tomorrow night. For a large sum of money, I didn't care about it, and went to Captain Zhang to report the situation while humming a little song.

"Captain Zhang, do you think that tubaozi can get so much money from his family?" He asked Captain Zhang tentatively, not sure if his price would be too high.

"Follow him, no matter how much they get, our brothers will make money for nothing. The higher you drive, the more we can get." Captain Zhang said with a sneer.

"But I think that old man seems to be driven mad, and he claims to be the commander of the Jiangling Military Region." The little policeman asked Team Zhang with some doubts. In fact, he was not sure how the other party's words were true or false. But still faintly felt a little uneasy.

"I'm still the king of heaven, I am, hahahaha..."

In the quiet corridor of the Public Security Bureau, Captain Zhang’s crazy laugh suddenly broke out, and then the little policeman also laughed. With Captain Zhang as the backstage, what else is he afraid of.

The two people here were laughing presumptuously, and the commander over there quickly burst his lungs.

What he said, he was the commander of the military region, but now he was threatened by a young man who didn't even know his name, and said that he was old and immortal. He couldn't say that he was embarrassed to say that he was the commander of the military region. So the violent temper when leading soldiers in the war came up, and he went to the phone and picked up the microphone.

"Xiao Li, send me a company, I am going to encircle the Jiangling branch today!"

Xiao Li is an army commander under the commander. It is said that the two have been in friendship for more than ten years, so seeing the commander so angrily asking him to ask him what Jiangling Public Security Bureau is going to encircle, it is estimated that what kind of young guy provokes his old man. Annoyed, he frightened them and frightened them. Without saying a word, he issued an order, approved a company of soldiers, and marched towards the Jiangling branch.

At the same time, Secretary Zheng, whom Han Li was looking for, called and told Han Li that he had found the leader of the Public Security Bureau of the Municipal Bureau and was rushing to the Jiangling Sub-bureau, asking her to get out of the apartment quickly and take a special car to meet them.

Han Li didn't dare to delay time, she had to leave when she got dressed, but Lin Lu heard their conversation and said that she also wanted to "open her eyes" together. Han Li was afraid that things would make a big mess, and she didn't want to hurt the innocent. Simple Soothed Lin Lu and went out alone.

When Han Li arrived at the door of the Public Security Bureau, she saw a car with the license plate number "Jiang A, Police" already parked at the door. She hurriedly got out of the car and the people in the police car came out.

It turned out that the leaders of the city bureau had already arrived before them.

"Xiao Han, Secretary Zheng has already told me about you. Don't worry. With me here, they don't dare to treat your friends like you. These guys are so arrogant!" The city bureau leader said angrily .

Han Li nodded, said to the guard at the door, and asked him to go in and report, saying that someone was looking for the sub-director at the door. Let him come out.

The guard went in to report, but this little guard did not know the leaders of the city bureau and did not emphasize the identity of the people waiting outside. Naturally, the sub-director would not go out to greet him. He was a public security sub-bureau chief, how could anyone see him? Besides, he wants to meet him in person?

"Chief, how old is he, why is such a big name asking you to go out and meet him in person?" Captain Zhang walked in and said hello to the guards. "You tell them, let them come in by themselves. Come and let it go."

After speaking, he sat down with the head of the branch, and lit a cigarette flatly.

So the little guard went out and motioned to Han Li and the others to go in and talk. The leaders of the Municipal Bureau felt a little uncontrollable on their faces, and changed their expressions. Han Li quickly calmed down, "Leaders, let's go in and look again to see what they are going to do."

The two entered the office together with Secretary Zheng and knocked on the door.

Captain Zhang got up to open the door and pulled the doorknob, which really shocked him. He felt a little dizzy and his eyes were not working well. Even his ears seemed to be screaming. He held the door and he barely stood still.

"Zhou... Zhou Ju... What brings you here?"

When Captain Zhang saw Secretary Zheng who was following him, he didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly welcomed them in, served tea and poured water, and showed great hospitality, even letting him out on the hot sofa.

The branch director Brick saw that Deputy Director Zhou was coming, so he almost didn't roll off the sofa. He thought he knew he had just greeted him, but he blamed Captain Zhang, the stinky kid who stopped him, thinking and standing with a blank look. Captain Zhang in the corner kept smirking.

"Sit down at the Zhou Ju. It's been a long time."

As he said, he stretched out his hand and handed over a cigarette with a smile on his face.

"Well, it's been a long time since I saw you, but you don't come here with me," he said, and threw the branch director's cigarette on the coffee table. "I heard that you caught someone called Zhouzhong here?"

The head of the branch office was shocked. He didn’t know how the Zhou Bureau knew about the middle of the week. He thought that the middle of the week was just a poor boy who irritated Liu Shao, who wanted money but no money, and had no background. Why now because of him, Did the deputy director of the city bureau come here in person? Don't think Zhou Ju is the deputy director, but he is the third in the municipal bureau!

"Yes, yes..." the head of the sub-bureau said hesitantly, "it seems that there was such a person who was fighting and fighting, and was arrested by us. Now he is preparing to plead guilty."

"Yes, yes, you can rest assured that our branch will definitely respond to the call of the General Administration to maintain social stability and punish these criminals..."

Captain Zhang quickly added it, but was interrupted by Director Zhou.


Captain Zhang shuddered.

Director Zhou said, pushing Han Li to the front.

"Do you know who he is? The daughter of Deputy Mayor Han of Gangneung City, she told me the truth clearly. Why, don't you even let her friends go?"

Captain Zhang raised his head, looked at Han Li carefully, and suddenly remembered, wasn't this girl the beauty next to the middle of the week when he caught the middle of the week? How could it be the mayor's daughter?

This is over. It is the mayor and the director. Captain Zhang only feels that his title is about to be lost.

He was thinking about it, and suddenly heard a noisy noise downstairs, so he ran to the window and glanced at it, only to see soldiers in special training uniforms and guns in their hands. Surrounded by water.

"Don't move! Raise your hands!"

There was a burst of scolding in the corridor, and within a few seconds, two or three soldiers with live ammunition burst into the office.

"Which is Captain Zhang, the leader ordered, come with me."

Although Captain Zhang is the captain of the Public Security Bureau, they have such advanced assault rifles in the whole bureau. They are usually small pistols. They are worn around their waists to frighten the common people. Today, the gunners and cannons, instead of using themselves Shocked.

"I, I am..." Captain Zhang raised his hand to indicate that he was the person they were looking for.

"Ka Ka Ka", a few rifles pointed at Captain Zhang's head in an instant, and everyone in the room was dumbfounded, wondering what happened.

"Let's go." A soldier came over, pulling Captain Zhang's sleeve and about to pull it out. Seeing that the situation was not right, the branch chief asked cautiously: "Excuse me, what are you doing here? What happened?"

The soldier did not answer, but was using the intercom, as if talking with someone downstairs.

"Chief, the man has been found, ready to go downstairs, the report is complete."

Captain Zhang was grabbed by his arm with a dazed expression, and he was falling down in the elevator layer by layer. On the left and right were soldiers with guns. The soldiers in front were also soldiers. There was another soldier at the back who kept pointing a gun at the back of his head. It’s like a fragment. He doesn’t remember when he offended the chief, and he doesn’t know where these people are going to take him. It just seems that the air around him has frozen, as if his breathing is louder, and the people behind him Will pull the trigger.

After finally getting downstairs, Han Li and Secretary Zheng, the directors of the Zhou bureau and the branch bureau followed them downstairs. They were like Captain Zhang, not knowing what happened.

"Secretary Zheng, are you the one you're looking for?" Han Li asked Secretary Zheng tentatively. She thought it was Secretary Zheng who had hired so many people to support her for insurance.

Secretary Zheng shook his head blankly and said, "No, how can I mobilize people from the military!"

He was also wondering what the background of these people came from, but it seemed that their purpose was the same as Han Li's. Since this was the case, it didn't prevent them from continuing to watch.

The soldiers escorted Captain Zhang to a military jeep.

The door opened and an old man walked down.

A scar on the old man’s face is particularly conspicuous against the folds of his face. Although he is not tall, he is full of energy. His silver hair is trembling slightly in the wind, and his eyes are eagle-like sharp gazes, as if only staring at Zhang. The captain took a look, and he would be pierced by this gaze.

It is the old commander of the Jiangling Military Region!

"My 1.5 million is here, how about midweek?"

As soon as Captain Zhang heard this, he understood. It turned out that the commander of the military region that the little policeman said after the phone call that day was the real commander of the military region. At this moment, he only felt that he shouldn't call Tiantian, the ground is not working, and he was still together just now. In front of this commander, the head of the sub-bureau was just a small ant who didn't care about it.

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