Super Resource Empire

Chapter 3 Su Wen's Secret

Chapter 3 Su Wen's Secret

At dawn, Su Wen got up as usual, he seemed to have forgotten everything.

"Where there is no fragrant grass in the end of the world, I, Su Wen, is now possessed by the system, so I can't find a woman with two legs in the future."

He is an indifferent person by nature, and he never cares about the past.Liu Xiaoshi betrayed the relationship between the two of them. Although he is lost, he will not be devastated because of it.

"According to the plan, I should thank the woman who saved me today." Su Wen thought for a while.

That was a week ago.

Su Wen's adventure also happened on that day.

Since the beginning of senior year, many people are busy looking for jobs.

The same goes for Su Wen. He interviewed more than 100 companies in total.

"You major in archaeology, sorry about that, we don't recruit people with this major, you'd better go and see other units."

"Our museum's minimum education is a master's degree, so don't join in the fun as an undergraduate."

"A major in archaeology? Thinking of our company as a salesperson, isn't it impossible? Do you drink well? Do you have XXOO experience? If customers have special hobbies, will you be satisfied?"

"I know a few back-fighters. Brother, if you can't interview with our company, can you help with back-fighting? Very promising, what, illegal? Stop joking, they are all licensed, okay? Are you dizzy, you archaeologists Aren’t you digging around? It seems I misunderstood.”


The kind of interview that seemed to come from Two-dimensional made Su Wen completely sober. It wasn't that he had a problem, it might be that there was a problem in this world.

A week ago, Su Wen came out of the last interview with a wonderful company. It was already [-] o'clock in the evening, and he ran all the way in grief and anger.Speaking of it, he should be unlucky, that day there was lightning, thunder and storm, and the lightning in the sky struck him for some reason.

If he was hacked, if he really died, it would be a hundred, maybe he could go through time travel or something, but the key is that he woke up again the next day, and he was still in the hospital bed.He asked the nurse to know that it was a kind person who sent him back on the way and paid him the full medical fee, which moved him very much.

After waking up, he found himself possessed by the system.

The reason why he is so confident now is because of the existence of this system.

As for the name of the system, the assistant Xiaotian called it the Datiandao Recovery System.

According to Xiaotian, the Dao of Heaven recovery system is a very powerful system, its main function is to recover all unowned objects in the Dao of Heaven.In this world, many things are owned, but more things are unowned. There are countless unowned things in the sky, mountains, underground, rivers and seas.If you can use the Datiandao recovery system to recover all the unowned things in the world, you can say bluntly that you can have whatever you want at that time.

Although the Datiandao recovery system can recover any ownerless things, it does not mean that Su Wen can get something for nothing.

According to the system settings, unless there are specific items, every time Su Wen recycles something, he will consume his life force. The more precious the thing he recycles, the more life force he will consume. While normal human beings have a life force of 1, Su Wen's current life force is only 0.8.

Vitality here is not a person's lifespan, but a person's comprehensive physique. Vitality can be simply understood as force value.Generally speaking, the higher the vitality of a person, the longer his life and the higher his force value.Although the system also gave Su Wen a set of methods that can effectively improve his vitality, Su Wen has not practiced much recently.

The system also has the ability to detect unowned objects around. Su Wen's current detectable range is 500 meters, and the level of objects that can be detected is level one.

System setting: Every time Su Wen's vitality increases by 1, the detection range can be increased by 500 meters.

In addition, the system also has some specific items that can be recovered without consuming vitality, such as the coins that Su Wen can now recover at will.

The system will release a mainline task every month. Completing the mainline task will give Su Wen a corresponding reward. Su Wen has the right to choose not to accept the task, but once accepted, it must be completed, otherwise one-half of Su Wen's current vitality will be permanently deducted .Su Wen's first task now: to recover one-cent coins.Task requirements: Recover 1000 pennies within one month.Task Reward: Divide the muscles and bones.Current completion progress: 423/1000.

Last but not least, Su Wen got the Great Tiandao Recycling System, and the system randomly rewarded him with intermediate treasure appraisal skills.A few days ago, he relied on his treasure appraisal skills to help Mr. Mu discover a fake in Xinghua Park. At that time, even a few experts were not aware of the fake.


Returning to consciousness, Su Wen shook his head.

The woman who sent him to the hospital, Su Wen has already found out on the hospital admission list.

Name: Yang Feixue.

Tel: 1396666XXXX.

Picking up the cell phone in his pocket, Su Wen dialed out anyway.

"Excuse me, is this Miss Yang Feixue?"

"I am, who are you?"

Su Wen felt that Yang Feixue's voice was pleasant, and continued: "My name is Su Wen. When you drove by Dongyang Road a week ago, did you send a person who fainted on the road to the hospital?"

"Yes, so what?" Yang Feixue seemed a little strange.

"Miss, don't get me wrong. I'm not here to trouble you. In fact, I'm the one you sent to the hospital. Today I'm here to thank you. If you have time, I'd like to treat you to dinner." Su Wen hurriedly said.

Yang Feixue was silent for a moment, then said: "No need, as long as you are fine."

"Miss, I am sincere. Although to you, it is just a trivial matter, but to me, if you hadn't sent me to the hospital that day, I might have been washed down the sewer by heavy rain. You are my savior, I have finally found your contact information, if I thank you face to face, I always feel uneasy, I hope you can understand my feelings." Su Wen said very sincerely.

Yang Feixue was a little moved, and a smile suddenly appeared on the corner of her mouth: "Since you have to thank me, that's fine. Now you come to the Ace Cafe in Starlight World, remember to dress decently, I have something to do later Need your help."

Su Wen was overjoyed: "Okay, I'll be there right away."

Starlight world.

Ace Cafe.

Ai Si, the homonym of Ai Si, this is a famous holy place for dating.

After Su Wen arrived, Yang Feixue stood up and waved to him.

Looking at Yang Feixue, he was a little dumbfounded.

Not only does Yang Feixue have a nice voice, but she is even more beautiful.

Take a closer look at her current appearance, she is fluttering like the snow returning from the flowing wind.

Moth-browed and gnat-headed, resigned from the world and independent, her skin is like creamy fat, her bright eyes are clear and eager, her nose is bright and her lips are bright, her eyebrows are picturesque.

With shawl and long hair, a white one-piece dress just rightly showed her graceful figure, showing her full breasts and soft waist.Coupled with that somewhat cold temperament, people only dare to look at it from a distance but dare not be close to it.With just one glance, Su Wen felt fascinated.

"Here." Yang Feixue thought Su Wen didn't know yet.

Su Wen stopped his mind and hurried over: "Sorry, I'm a little late."

Yang Feixue looked at Su Wen, a little satisfied: "Don't say it, it's not bad, you can barely be my boyfriend."

"Boyfriend?" Su Wen was stunned.

"Yes, from today onwards, you are my boyfriend." Yang Feixue covered her mouth and laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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