Super Prophecy Master

Chapter 163 Wise Chapter Return

Chapter 163 Wise Returns

"World Online Football" published an exclusive interview article on Zhang Yang, and many fans in China know that Zhang Yang, who coaches in Millwall in the English Championship, will naturally be interviewed by the domestic media.

Although China has no TV stations and has the rights to broadcast the Premier League, the domestic sports media still pay a lot of attention to the Premier League. Many media will have permanent reporters, and those big media will send a team to interview the Premier League football.

"XL Sports" is one of the major online media in China.

When the time entered the 21st century, with the development of network information technology, many domestic network media platforms rose rapidly, breaking the monopoly of traditional media on news. "XL Sports" is one of them and one of the largest network media .

"XL Sports" stationed in the UK for interviews is a small column team, of which there are four for the interview media alone, and there are also cameramen, text news editors, translators, etc. The total number of teams exceeds ten. Usually, small The team only cares about the news of the Premier League, even a few giant clubs, and only Manchester City is an exception, because Manchester City has Chinese players playing, Chinese players are the top news, and domestic fans like to see news about players from their own country.

When they learned that there was a Chinese coach who coached the English Championship Millwall Club, they immediately sent someone to interview.

Before the match between Millwall and Leicester City, Zhang Yang received a notification from the club that a Chinese reporter wanted to interview him. Generally, the club would reject such an interview request, but considering that it was from Zhang Yang’s hometown. Reporter, the club is still notified.

After Zhang Yang thought about it, he pushed it until after the game against Leicester City. He had just led the team to win eight consecutive victories. He received the two reporters in a good mood.

In the head coach's office.

After Zhang Yang let the two reporters in, he made them two cups of coffee, just like receiving guests.

There were two reporters, one was Xue Tao, a middle-aged man in his early forties, and the other was a guy in his thirties with a whole body of flesh. After introducing him, he knew that his name was Wang Gang.

Xue Tao and Wang Gang thanked them for their hospitality, and then Zhang Yang sat down and asked in the first sentence, "Isn't domestic Weibo also owned by your company?"

Xue Tao was taken aback, then nodded and said, "We have this business..."

"That's really great. I applied for an account two days ago, but the verification process is too troublesome. You should know someone inside, right? Help me with the verification." Zhang Yang laughed.

This certification is very important!
With the official certification, fans will know that he is the real publicity. When the number of fans increases rapidly, it may also be helpful for obtaining similar skills.

Xue Tao and Wang Gang looked at each other. They didn't expect Zhang Yang to say this at all, but this is an extra gain. In terms of Weibo business, they wish to have more celebrities use it. Many famous people have to spend money to invite them. They use Weibo to gather popularity from the bottom.

"Tell me the account name, and I can quickly verify it tomorrow!" Xue Tao immediately agreed.

This is also work performance.

Afterwards, the interview officially started. Xue Tao asked mostly practical questions, such as 'the goal of leading the team this season', 'whether he will continue to coach next season', 'does he have any plans for the work of the head coach', etc., for The Millwall Club didn't ask many questions, perhaps because it was really difficult for Millwall's name to attract the attention of domestic fans.

Zhang Yang answered carefully.

"This season, our goal is to get promoted. Now we are third in the league, but we are only one point behind Wigan Athletic who is second. I believe the team can catch up at the end of the season. The promotion play-offs are very dangerous. I and I The players said that it is better to fight for direct promotion." (Wigan Athletic lost to Sunderland in the last round)

"If the promotion goal can be achieved this season, and there are no major surprises, I should continue to coach Millwall next season. I am still looking forward to being a Premier League team coach!"

"I just started working as a head coach, and I don't have much in-depth experience yet, but for me, how to achieve better results for the team is the pursuit of work."


Xue Tao asked a lot of questions, and Zhang Yang answered them one by one. Finally, Xue Tao asked a key question, "Many fans don't know whether you can secure the position of head coach, so can I take the liberty to ask..."

Zhang Yang probably knew what he would ask, so he nodded and said, "You mean Wise?"

Xue Tao smiled.

This is not just a matter of domestic relations, but also a matter of concern to the British media.

Dennis Wise was only injured, not released from his contract. He is still the official team leader and a signed professional player. So when Wise returns to the club, can Zhang Yang continue to coach?

Zhang Yang said with a smile, "I welcome Wise back to the team, because he is an excellent player and will also be an excellent assistant coach."


In Xue Tao's final interview, Zhang Yang did not answer directly. Wise returned to coach after recovering from injury, but he made a characterization of Wise's identity-professional player and assistant coach.

This is Zhang Yang's answer.

First of all, Dennis Wise is not a head coach with a contract. He signed a team leader and player contract, which has nothing to do with the head coach career. In the past, he only worked as a part-time head coach.

Zhang Yang is not a head coach contract, but the "additional clauses" state "part-time head coach".

In terms of the contract between the two, Zhang Yang has the upper hand.

But the important thing is not the contract, but the support of the two. Before January, Dennis Wise's recovery will definitely have a huge impact on Zhang Yang's coaching position. Compared with Zhang Yang at that time, it was too far behind.stand still

It's different now.

When Denise Wise led the team, Millwall still had to worry about relegation. After Zhang Yang led the team, in less than four months, Millwall rose to the top three in the league.

There are many Millwalls who believe, "If Zhang Yang started coaching from the beginning of the season, Millwall would have already been the number one in the league."

The same goes for the club's top brass.

When Millwall saw the hope of promotion, it was impossible for them to let Wise take over the team again.

Most of the players in the team also supported Zhang Yang. In the past four months, relying on Millwall's good results, Zhang Yang has established a huge prestige. Compared with Denise Wise, they believe in Zhang Yang's leadership. team ability.

With the support of fans, players and club executives, even if Dennis Wise signed the head coach contract, it is impossible to return to the club to continue coaching.

After Dennis Wise recovers from his injury, there are only two options: either continue to be a player-manager or assistant coach, or he can only choose to leave.

Even the 'opposition' media agrees with this aspect.

In fact, Wise was discharged from the hospital more than a month ago. He has not fully recovered, but his body has recovered almost, and he was able to return to the club in the last week.

This is a big problem.

It is impossible for the media who pay attention to Millwall not to pay attention to Wise, but even the media in London who do not support publicity will not talk too much about Wise's re-coaching Millwall. , the possibility is very small.

With the help of a comment from the "British Football News", "Unless the Millwall executives are crazy! Otherwise, it is impossible for Wise to continue coaching!"

Of course, they will have nothing good to say next, "But even if the Millwall executives trust Zhang Yang, the possibility of their promotion is very small! Now Millwall ranks third in the league, but the end of the league is the critical time to test the ability of a head coach part!"

Wise returned to the club earlier than expected.

Dennis Wise returned to the team the day after Millwall resumed training.

Wise first came to the first team training ground.

The whole Millwall team was warming up in the morning. Frederick and Aldous were directing the field. Zhang Yang ran two laps with the team, and then stood on the sidelines, ready to watch the training situation.

Wise walked into the field.

Zhang Yang turned his head and looked over, suddenly a little surprised, he greeted him with a smile, and gave Wise a small hug, "Dennis, how is your body recovering?"

Wise said with a smile, "It's not bad. The doctor said that it will take half a month to recuperate before I can play the game, but I can already start doing some simple warm-up training."

"That's great, congratulations!"

"Maybe I should congratulate you." Wise looked at Zhang Yang and said, "I really didn't expect that in just four months, we became an upgraded team and ranked third in the league. I have been paying attention to the team. results, but it still feels like a dream.”

Zhang Yang smiled.

"It's like a dream! I watched all the games, and more than once. I watched the live broadcast of the last game against Leicester City. It was very exciting. By the way, your poker cards are very eye-catching." Wise joked One sentence, "The narrator on TV said, you are using this method to mock Mitch Adams, is that right?"

"Of course not, it's just a personal preference."


Wise sighed a few words about the team's results, and then said, "If this continues, we will be promoted, and I will definitely lose. I still remember the agreement, so I came back to be your assistant! "


"Thank you!"

While the two were talking, Frederick came over, he exchanged a few words with Wise, and Wise left directly.

Frederick hurriedly pulled Zhang Yang and asked, "Is he coming back to be the head coach again?"

"Of course not, I'm still the head coach."

Frederick took a long breath, and immediately felt that something was wrong. He had always opposed Zhang Yang as the head coach. Why did he become a little worried about Wise's return now?

When he returned to the game, Frederick was still thinking about this issue. He had to admit that Zhang Yang led the team to allow Millwall to achieve good results, while Wise could only lead the team to avoid relegation.

"How could I think that! Damn it!"

Frederick spat hard twice. He felt that he seemed to be infected with some disease. Otherwise, why would he worry about that annoying Chinese being robbed of the head coach position?
Wise left the court and went to the chairman's office.

Gregory had been waiting there a long time ago. He politely cared about Wise's body, and then the two talked about Wise's problem.

In the Millwall club, the only one who can talk to Wise about work is Gregory, because Gregory dug him to Millwall and promised to let him serve as the head coach.

Now Wise still found Gregory, but not to regain the job of the head coach, but to clarify his own position.

"Dennis, you know the club's situation, it's impossible for us to get Zhang back as an assistant coach."

Gregory set the tone first.

Wise nodded, "Recently, I have considered it clearly. I don't want to leave Millwall yet, but I also hope to have a coaching job. Mr. Gregory, you should have no objection, give me an assistant coaching contract Bar?"

"Assistant coach?"

Grigory was a little surprised by Wise's statement. He was prepared for the worst, that is, Wise chose to leave Millwall after the end of the season, so he said with certainty, "Of course it's okay, but are you sure? Are you willing to assist Zhang in coaching the team?"

Wise said, "Of course."

Grigory took a deep breath, digested the information carefully, and said with a smile on his face, "When the season is over, you and Zhang can both get new contracts."

"Thank you."

Wise wanted that promise.


Wise made a very straightforward decision to serve as Millwall's assistant coach, assisting Zhang Yang in leading the team.

This is not impulsive, but a deliberate decision.

In the past month, Wise has been thinking about the future. He is different from Aldous and Frederick. He is a big star. -Wise's name is still very influential.

With such a good result in Millwall's victory, Wise knew that he would definitely not be able to continue coaching, but he still had many options.

For example, leave.

That's not a hard decision to make.

If the agent is allowed to communicate, he can still find a job as a player and part-time head coach in the third and fourth tier league teams. He used to think that was the best choice. The job of the coach.

It is different now.

Having experienced the failure of Millwall in the first half of the schedule, Wise found it difficult to do a good job as a head coach. He is not fully prepared. If the 'professional player' chip is removed, which team will invite him to coach? ?It is not easy to become a professional head coach. Many equally famous stars find it difficult to find a job as a head coach after retiring. He is not the special one. If he has a failure experience, he will not have the ball The team took a chance on him.

He also needs experience.

Wise talked with his wife, Anissa, and with his agent, Mark Ball, and they disagreed.

Anisa thinks he should be an assistant coach first, "You have never been a head coach, you should accumulate experience first, it must be a new field, if you continue to stay in Millwall, we can also have a stable life .”

Mark Ball believes that he should leave Millwall, "I will help you contact the next home."

So Wise fired Mark Ball.

Wise has long had a similar idea. He has reached the end of his career, and it would be good to play for one or two more seasons. An outdated star, unless he finds new breakthroughs in other fields, he no longer needs the help of an agent. up.

Mark Ball?A vampire!
In the past, Mark Ball knew how to think about him, but now the other party seems to only want to make good money from him, but through Mark Ball's incident, Wise also knows his heart-he hopes to stay in the Millwall's, not only because of the previous coaching, but also hope to see with my own eyes how Zhang Yang led the team to achieve good results.

The latter is the key.

Staying at Millwall as an assistant coach can help him adapt to the change of coaching status, learn what coaching should know, and accumulate some experience by the way.

This is the best choice.

"Can Millwall really be upgraded?" When he returned to the first team training ground and saw the high-spirited training scene, Wise was already full of expectations.


PS: I'm too busy today, and the two updates are gone, so I'll make up for it tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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