Super Ninja

Chapter 45

The small restaurant we chose was indeed quite small. What made it even more interesting was that it catered exclusively to shinobi. There was no place for ordinary people here. Of course, if someone happened to walk in, I don't think they’d be kicked out, but only shinobi from Konoha were truly welcomed. Behind the bar stood a short, older shinobi with a few unpleasant scars on his face. The scars had altered his appearance, making him less attractive. In contrast, the waitresses were rather alluring, dressed quite provocatively.


"Good evening, Jonin-sama," one of the waitresses greeted us, moving with the grace of a kunoichi. "How may we assist you?"


"We need a room," Kiochi-sensei replied, adding, "For working on reports."


"Of course, Jonin-san," she responded. "Please follow me."


We were led to a room separated from the rest of the space by thick walls, providing enough privacy for conversation without fear of being overheard. Honestly, there was no real need for secrecy; we weren't discussing anything particularly important or sensitive.


The room featured a round table with several comfortable chairs and a small desk with paper, pens, pencils, and other writing supplies. There were also a few books with titles like ‘How to Write a Report and Reports from A to Z’. The room seemed specifically designed for working on reports.


There was a knock, and a few seconds later, the familiar waitress entered, carrying four menus, which she handed to us.


"Please ring this bell when you're ready to order," she said, nodding toward a small bell connected by a string to something on the other side of the wall. I guessed that when we rang it, a bell would sound on the other side as well. Not bad.


"Well then," the captain said, "Let’s order something light and get to work."


The menu had a wide selection of both food and drinks. I simply chose sliced carrots and apple juice. I wasn’t particularly hungry, nor did I want to spend too much money. Shiko and Ayamane quickly decided what they wanted as well. The captain took a bit longer but eventually made his choice too. We placed our orders, and the waitress left. Then we got to work on the reports.


Reports are an essential part of any organization, especially one as large as ours. So, we focused on composing the report, which someone would later review and give their verdict—or perhaps not.


The most important thing is to make the report accurate and precise. We needed to record everything that happened and everything we saw so that those who would later review our papers could understand exactly what transpired and how. Captain Kiochi guided us on how to properly write the report because if we didn’t do it correctly, he could get reprimanded for it. We spent several hours working on it.


Night had long fallen by the time we finished the reports.


"Well then," Capitan said, finishing his review of our reports. "What can I say? You did a good job. Now, these documents need to be submitted to the administration. I suggest you do that first thing tomorrow morning."


"Sensei, do we have to submit them ourselves?" Ayamane asked.


"Yes," he replied. "When you become chunin, this will be an important part of your job. It’s the same at the jonin level too."


"Understood," she nodded and tucked her report into her bag. Shiko did the same, while I quickly scanned over my writing one last time, trying to catch any remaining mistakes. But I didn’t find any. Well, if there’s nothing to fix, there’s nothing. I’ll check it again tomorrow with fresh eyes, and if I don’t find anything then, all the better.


"Alright then, Team Thirteen," the captain said, "You have three days off, after which we’ll resume our training. I remember my promise, so girls, things may not be so sweet for you. Get ready."


Shiko and Ayamane looked a bit grim, but they didn’t protest. As long as he’s our captain and sensei, they can’t really refuse training or any other tasks he assigns. They’ll have to do whatever the captain says.


"Goodbye, girls," I waved to Shiko and Ayamane. They waved back, and we parted ways. I quickly leaped onto a nearby building and started heading home, eager to get there as fast as possible.


My parents were already asleep, so I climbed in through the window, changed, and sank into my soft bed. How long had it been since I felt such pleasure? Ahh… Wrapping myself in a blanket, feeling immense satisfaction, I allowed myself to drift off to sleep. For a moment, even my legs trembled with joy at lying in bed. It’s hard to explain.


I had dreams, but I didn’t particularly remember them. I woke up early, not feeling any desire to get out of bed. I wanted to lie there a little longer, but soon realized it was time to get up. While it’s pleasant to laze in bed, that doesn’t mean I should spend all my time there.


I got up and quickly freshened up. My parents weren’t home. They had left a note saying there was enough food in the fridge, and I could heat it up if I felt like eating. I did, so I calmly heated the food and sat down to reread my report. After confirming there weren’t any mistakes, I started preparing to head out.


First, I had to deliver the report to the administration. After that, I could take a stroll around the village and maybe drop by Mebuki’s place to chat—or maybe even relax a bit. Then, there’d be time for meditation to organize my thoughts.


The Hokage’s residence, where the administration was located, hadn’t changed much during the time I was on the mission. Shinobi and civilian staff were busy with their duties, paying me almost no attention. Or maybe not… I was sure that the local Security Forces had already noticed, assessed, and deemed me harmless enough to be here.


Inside the administration building, there weren’t many shinobi—just those handing in their mission reports. I stood in a small line that stretched into the corridor and stared at the wall. There was nothing else to do, and I didn’t feel like talking to anyone.


I heard strange footsteps, different from the usual quiet tread of shinobi. Most shinobi walk very silently, but these were the opposite. It was as if the person’s shoes were made of wood, and they deliberately stomped on the floor.


Opening my eyes and turning toward the sound, I saw a familiar shinobi. It was the same one we had met during the mission some time ago. What was his name? Jiraiya?


"Well, well, look who it is," he said, casually approaching me. "Kid… I saw you not too long ago, right?"


"Yes," I replied. "It was on the mission in the Land of Frost."


"That’s right!" he said, then stood there silently for a moment, looking me over. "Hmm, alright. We’ll meet again."


"Of course," I answered respectfully.


He walked off down the corridor, and I found myself staring at an older shinobi who was studying me from under his thick eyebrows. He waggled them a few times, then pulled out a book, immediately turning red. I wonder what he’s reading to make him blush like that.


Submitting the report was a simple, routine task. Nothing complicated. You just had to enter the office, give the mission’s identification number, and your name. The clerk quickly made some notes in his ledger, then stamped the report with a special number. That was it. Nothing else for me to do.


Stepping outside, I saw Jiraiya again, sitting on a pole, looking at something. As if sensing my gaze, he turned toward me and jumped down.


"Hey, kid, I’ve got a question for you," he began. "Last time I saw you, you weren’t using… ordinary chakra, were you?"


"Uh…" I muttered, not quite sure where this conversation was heading. "I don’t understand…"


"Let’s head to the training grounds," he said, his tone serious. For a moment, I saw a sharp, steely look in his eyes. The feeling of a cold blade hovering near my heart, even if invisible, was unsettling. "You don’t mind, do you?"


"Of course not," I replied. "Yeah… no problem."


"Then let’s go."


Finding a free training ground was easy. It felt as though it had been waiting for me and this powerful shinobi to arrive. Jiraiya stepped back a few paces and crossed his arms, watching me closely.


"So… you used some unusual chakra," Jiraiya said. "Show me."


It was a command. I couldn’t disobey, partly because this man was much stronger than me, and partly because he outranked me. Also, maybe he could teach me something interesting. Or perhaps he’d quietly try to bury me somewhere. But I believed in the best.


"Yes," I answered, closing my eyes and beginning to sense the chakra around me, slowly drawing it into myself, merging it with my own chakra flow. Concentrating, I felt a strong source of chakra on one of the nearby branches. Turning toward it, I saw nothing as the source quickly moved to another branch. Looking back at Jiraiya, I said, "Here."


"Hmm," he muttered, slowly walking around me. He circled me once, thoughtfully rubbing his chin, then circled me again, his gaze sharp and appraising. "Well, just as I thought. You’re using senjutsu without having a summoning contract or any formal training. Interesting."


"Is that bad?" I asked, feeling a bit uneasy under his intense scrutiny.


"No," he said, shaking his head, his expression softening. "It’s actually good, because I don’t see the same limitations in you that others have. How about training with me for two weeks? I’ll be in Konoha for a while, and then I’ll head out on other business."


"Training with you?" I was surprised by the offer. "I’d be honored, but what should I tell my sensei?"


"Don’t worry about that, kid," Jiraiya said confidently. "I’ll handle it."


"Alright," I shrugged, feeling that this could be a unique opportunity. "I’d be glad to train under your guidance, Jiraiya-san."


"Don’t call me sensei," he said calmly. "I’ll just be training you in senjutsu, not teaching you my own techniques or tricks. I hope you understand that?"


"Yes, teacher," I replied respectfully. "I understand."


"Good. Any questions?"


"Teacher, what will our training involve?" I asked, curious.


"I’ll help you develop your skills in senjutsu and set a foundation upon which you can build your own path," he explained. "Everyone who masters senjutsu does so in their own unique way, developing their own style of using it."


"Got it, thank you, Jiraiya-san," I bowed respectfully. "I’ll do my best."


"That’s what I expect," he smirked. "By the way, what’s your name?"


"Suzuki Grandvitara," I introduced myself.


The shinobi looked at me for a moment, then nodded, as if assessing me.


"Then I’ll see you tomorrow at the North Gate," he said.


"Yes," I responded.


Jiraiya turned, waved his hand, and disappeared. I stood there for a moment, then took a deep breath and exhaled. What can I say… training under a shinobi of this level is a great opportunity to quickly grow in skill and power. Of course, he won’t be teaching me anything that isn’t related to this so-called senjutsu, but if I keep my eyes and ears open, I might learn something else as well. The fact that the training will last only two weeks isn’t bad at all. I’ll start learning techniques later, but that doesn’t mean I’ll be wasting my time. No, I don’t think so.


Since I was already here, why not do some light training? A few hours should be enough, I thought. Then I’d continue with my plans. The training I set up for myself wasn’t anything like Kiochi-sensei’s or Might Guy’s. It was light and simple, focusing on my agility and stretches. When I felt my body hum with tension, I began practicing a few techniques I knew.


"Earth Style! Stone Spear Jutsu!" I breathed out, releasing the technique and pouring as much chakra as I could into it. The silhouette of a spear formed from the earth—a sign of my progress and effort.


In one swift moment, a massive and thick spear erupted from the ground, piercing a large, sturdy rock that served as one of the targets. The tip of the spear embedded itself deep into the stone, almost piercing it through.


"Phew," I exhaled, calming myself. Honestly, I had never channeled so much chakra into a technique before.


Looking up at the sun, I realized it was time to move on with the rest of my plans. Leaving the training ground, I began walking through the village and unexpectedly found myself heading toward Mebuki Haruno’s house.


Inside, I sensed only two sources of chakra, both familiar to me. I knocked on the door and waited for it to open.


"Who is it?" asked a familiar voice.


"It’s Suzuki, an acquaintance of Haruno-san," I answered.


The door opened, and Sakura appeared. She recognized me quickly and stepped aside.


"Mom, someone’s here to see you!" she called into the house.


"How are you, Sakura?" I asked the girl. "You’re still in the Academy, right?"


"Yes," she replied. "But in a few months, I’ll have my genin exam."


"How many months exactly?" I asked, curious.


"Five," she replied calmly. "And I can’t wait to finally pass it. Some of my classmates have been driving me crazy."


"What, they’re bothering you?" I asked.


"Yeah, just one… idiot keeps pestering me," she replied irritably, her voice full of frustration and a clear frown on her face.


At that moment, Mebuki appeared in the hallway. She had changed noticeably since the last time I saw her. She looked more toned, fresh, and confident, as if she had gained a new sense of energy. Not that she looked bad before—far from it—but now it was as if she had blossomed again, radiating new vitality and grace.


"Sakura, you said you wanted to go for a walk?" Mebuki asked her daughter, her voice filled with tenderness.


"Can I?" Sakura asked, hopeful for a positive answer.


"Yes, you can," Mebuki nodded with a smile. "But only for a few hours. After that, you need to do your homework."


"Yes, Mom! Of course!" Sakura quickly dashed to her room, probably to get ready, and within a minute, she jumped back out, eager for her walk. I watched her go and shook my head, surprised by her energy and speed. After she left, I closed the door and turned back, approaching Mebuki.


I pulled her close and gently pressed her against the wall, kissing her softly. She responded immediately, without hesitation, showing me she was still mine. Perfect. After a moment, we broke the kiss, and I playfully smacked her on the backside.


"So, how are things, Mebuki?" I asked, noticing a slight shadow in her eyes.


"Honestly? Boring," she replied, her voice weary. "Let’s sit down and talk."


"Sure," I chuckled. We ended up in the living room, where a sofa and two soft chairs waited. The decor was simple, modest—clearly, the Haruno family didn’t live in luxury. It was a typical shinobi home: no frills, but with a cozy, homely feel.


Mebuki started towards one of the soft chairs, but I gently pulled her to sit beside me on the sofa. She followed my lead without protest. Once we were seated, I casually placed my hand on her thigh.


"So, tell me," I said. "What’s new with you?"


"Nothing special, honestly," she said, a hint of sadness in her voice. "My husband decided to leave the family."


"Oh? For who?" I asked, surprised.


"He found some woman in the capital during a mission," she said, waving her hand dismissively. Her voice was filled with disappointment as she leaned against me. "But let’s not talk about him. I don’t need to think about him anymore, my dear Suzuki."


"And how did Sakura take it?" I asked, curious.


"She didn’t really care," she said with a shrug, bitterness creeping into her voice. "She rarely saw her father anyway—he was always away on missions. And he never brought back much money from those, either. I always wondered why... Do you want to know why?"


"Why?" I asked, eager to support her through this difficult conversation.


"Because he was spending it on his new lover."


I was stunned. I didn’t expect to hear that. I had prepared myself for the possibility of something like this, but I didn’t think it would happen so quickly.


"But now I have you," she said, reaching for my pants. Taking them off was effortless. My companion was already prepared for action—there was no need to ask or beg. He was ready.


"You’ll stay with me, won’t you, Suzuki?"


"Not just with you," I replied. "I’ll be with anyone who wants me."


"I see," she said, preparing for the decisive moment. "Alright… I’m a grown woman. I understand. But don’t think we’ll only be together when you want it. I don’t mind, but you’ll have to take responsibility for me and Sakura."


All in all, it wasn’t a bad turn of events. Not bad at all. If I’m going to walk this path, like in any relationship, I’ll have to give something in return. For Mebuki, that will likely mean providing security in every sense. And for other kunoichi, this will matter too. So, I won’t stray from my goal of becoming a strong shinobi. I’ll just need to add one more goal: I must become a very wealthy shinobi.


"Fine," I nodded. "But I can’t vouch for myself if Sakura ends up with me too."


It was a bold move—testing the waters for the future. It felt like I had placed a very tempting hand in the mouth of a hungry dragon, scratched its palate, and yet the dragon didn’t close its mouth. She knelt down, gazing silently into my eyes before slowly kissing my companion, then softly began to pleasure him. It seems I got my answer… or so I think. But I believe it’s best not to tempt the dragon again in the future.

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