Super Evolution Base Island

Chapter 538 - Missing suspect

A month later.

After successfully completing their visit to a number of countries, Yu Xiaohu smoothly returned to Octopus Island.

The one-month outing visit was quite rewarding.

In addition to establishing a cooperative relationship with some countries in the open, Yu Xiaohu’s robots sent in the dark have also collected a large amount of intelligence.

Among those intelligence materials, most of them are about the Third Reich organization and other forces exposed when they were about to move.

It can be said that since Yu Xiaohu went out this month, the chaos in the entire world has intensified.

Although no large-scale war has yet erupted, many countries and regions have experienced multiple armed conflicts and terrorist attacks.

As Yu Xiaohu went to the polar bear party, it was self-evident that the situation in Nichishima caused domestic unrest due to the terrorist attack, and various forces came to power to compete for power. In.

The revolutionary war launched by the Presbyterian Church through the chaos in the Sun Island made it possible for them to successfully occupy the territory of the original hometown of Ryukyu and declare their autonomy, shaking the whole world.

What Yu Xiaohu didn’t expect is that the elders ’attitude changed greatly after they occupied the homeland of Liuqiu, because they urgently hoped that some big countries would support their independence in political ways. Then play emotional cards through Huaguo.

The most unexpected thing is that the Presbyterian Church actually led the wolf into the room, which led the polar bears to the Golden Bay and allowed the polar bears to station in the Golden Bay, in order to add their political negotiation weight.

However, Yu Xiaohu felt that although the purpose of this move of the Presbyterian Church was to pull the polar bear into the water, they went very foolishly. They were based on infringing the interests of the rice country, so that the polar bear did not fire a shot and fire for nothing. With such great benefits, how can the Mi people agree that they will not be resigned? This will most likely lead to a more serious situation in East Asia.

Now the island is chaotic and terrorist attacks continue. The Prime Minister’s cabinet is about to be ousted, and domestic consortium forces control local guards and the army to become the emperor, and the prestige of the Hishima government drops to freezing point.

Although on the surface it seems that the Japanese government has not made any effort to deploy troops to counterattack the Presbyterian forces, but in fact, if the Japanese island calms down the internal disturbance and unifies the outside world. Hishima ’s military strength is still very strong, and the Presbyterian forces are simply unable to resist, without the intervention of the Mi Army. The Hishima people themselves have the ability to resolve the Presbyterian forces and take the opportunity to obtain military independence from the Mi people.

So the elders are walking a tightrope. That is, they recruited the polar bear to deter Shimohito and Riceland, but how good was that bear?

Anyone who is politically sensitive and wise will not do this, but the Presbyterians just do it.

Yu Xiaohu speculated that maybe this was the deliberate action of the two elders who had already obtained the highest rights by suppressing dissidents in the Presbyterian Church. Maybe they did not plan for the restoration of the country, they just wanted to provoke polar bears and rice countries. Conflicts and contradictions between the two great powers to achieve their true purpose.

After the verification of intelligence data collected continuously this month, 60% of Yu Xiaohu’s guess was confirmed to be correct. The elders acted so high-profile after laying a large area of ​​territory. The constant linking of all parties is actually to stir up friction between several interested countries.

The Mi Jun is still trapped in the anti-terrorist war in the northern Philippines. In this war, the Third Reich organization used the biological weapons and cutting-edge nano-equipment that had not appeared in the face of the Mi Jun. After being caught off guard, Mi Jun suffered heavy losses.

The Mi Army suffered significant losses, especially after one of their nuclear-powered aircraft carriers was captured. After reassessing the military strength of the other party, it takes a little time to redeploy. After all, the Philippine battlefield is too far away from the Mi mainland. They need a little time to prepare.

The Third Reich party was unexpected. They actually did not take advantage of the chase when the war gained an advantage, and counterattacked a negotiation around the aircraft carrier with the Mi Army.

Based on the analysis of the information obtained by Yu Xiaohu this month, after the Third Empire captured the Mi Army ’s nuclear-powered aircraft carrier and successfully deterred the Mi Army and other national forces with force, they started negotiations. The main purpose seems to be the secret training base submerged by the earthquake.

During the negotiations between the two parties, each with a purpose in the process of delaying time, although the fighting on the surface has stopped, the infighting battle surrounding the batch of mech weapons has become more intense.

In the process, the Third Reich, due to its geographical advantage, took the lead in entering the submerged secret training base and salvaging the mech weapons.

Special forces from several other countries were ordered to come here. Naturally, it is not to support the Mi Army operations. Their real purpose is also the batch of mech weapons, so the struggle between many parties is more intense.

Only under such circumstances, after the Mi Army got deeper and deeper into the quagmire of the anti-terrorist war in the Pacific, at this time, more serious terrorist attacks broke out in North America, causing the Mi Army to be dispersed for two-line operations. It also makes them lack the energy to take care of other things.

During this month, when Yu Xiaohu successively visited several Asian countries, he also learned through tentative tests of several heads of state that the power of the Presbyterian Church in the eyes of these heads of states was nothing but a mustard and could not be turned over. What a big wave, but the only thing that worries them is that the attitude of the polar bear head is very ambiguous. Since they stationed troops in Jinwan, these heads of state have remained silent for a while and continue to wait and see the situation in Bali.

And just after Yu Xiaohu ended his visit to Asia, he went to Europe, starting with several small developed European countries that have maintained friendly and cooperative relations with Zhongshan.

After all, these small developed European countries have maintained good cooperation with Octopus Island from the beginning, and secretly, the plan for genetic medicine was also started by the nobles and royal members of these small countries. It can be said that the connections between the several parties are very The closeness is of interest. Yu Xiaohu naturally visits these countries first to show sincerity.

As for several European powers, such as England, Germany, France and other traditional powers, in fact, since the octopus island was born and exposed, these countries have not regarded Yu Xiaohu and Zhongshan, a small projectile country in the center of the Pacific Ocean.

It can be said that it is influenced by the pride in the bones of Westerners. They have always despised and scorned Yu Xiaohu and this small Asian country they considered poor and backward. Among the European countries where Octopus had always maintained cooperation with, these powerful countries had always ignored and scorned Yu Xiaohu. He even secretly accompanied the Mi country.

Therefore, for these European traditional powers, Yu Xiaohu once adopted some means to exert influence through the companies established by the senior biological people he controlled in these countries, especially where Tita Industrial Group controls the lifeblood of European industry. Use finance and industry to put pressure on these countries. This forced several heads of state to not interfere at the UN meeting, allowing his plan to proceed smoothly.

During this visit to Europe, these countries are also on the list of visiting delegations, but that is not the focus of Yu Xiaohu. At most, it is just the same as visiting polar bears. After establishing a diplomatic relationship, Just to protect the face of the two sides, there is no substantial interest cooperation.

Therefore, during this visit, Yu Xiaohu was warmly received by members of the royal family or the head of the country in those small developed countries. Both on the bright side and the dark side, the two parties have strengthened cooperation to consolidate the relationship of interests.

However, during his visit to Europe, Yu Xiaohu also learned some important information.

That was the third empire hiding in Europe, and an evil doctor appeared.

This evil doctor named Buai has developed a brand new species through virus experiments. That new species continues to divide and reproduce through genetic parasitism. The reproduction speed is very fast, and through parasites Evolution of genetic fusion. Extremely aggressive.

In the most recent incident, when Yu Xiaohu dispatched a machine team to dig the asteroid mining equipment under the underground temple, he encountered a team of expeditions dispatched by the Third Reich.

Because the robot team eliminated a group of biochemical soldiers and evacuated, Yu Xiaohu didn’t pay any attention to the situation there. So it is not clear that the evil doctor carried out an evil slaughter in order to experiment with the new species she created. Not only did he treat himself as the experimental body of the parasite, the evil doctor took him The biochemical test subject of the raid attacked the local army and brought serious casualties to the local army.

However, this incident involved some religious myths, and several Eastern European countries deliberately covered it. In addition, the eyes of the whole world have been attracted by the situation in East Asia, so the incidents here did not have much impact on the international community.

But for several Eastern European countries, the incident here is actually a terrorist attack. Although this event sounded the alarm for them, they have not made them fully aware of the evil doctor and the experimental new species. How serious is the harm.

However, when Yu Xiaohu and his party were in Europe, when he learned about the history of the evil doctor and the secret events that were covered up by several European countries after the underground temple incident, he had a new virus creature. After further understanding, Yu Xiaohu became alert instead.

Yu Xiaohu feels that this evil doctor and the new species that she created and experimented with are the big killers that may endanger the entire human race on earth.

Once the new species spreads on a large scale, and because of the fragility of human beings, it is impossible to resist the invasion of that kind of creature, that is more terrible than those terrorists.

So after learning this confidential information, Yu Xiaohu took care and sent a team of robots to start an investigation on the evil doctor and the new species she experimented with.

For those terrorists, even if some are transformed into biochemical warriors, after all, they still belong to the category of human beings, they still have a certain bottom line, and they will abide by the rules of human games.

However, those creatures that have been generated by the multiplication and evolution of viral organisms are already completely non-human beings, that is a very serious threat to human beings, and may even extinct human beings. Yu Xiaohu naturally has zero tolerance.

So after he gave the robot team an investigation order, it was a killing order directly. Once he found the whereabouts of the evil doctor and the new biological experiment, he would immediately destroy it in order to eliminate future troubles.

After returning to Octopus Island after ending his European visit, Yu Xiaohu had planned to return to the base of the submarine base to prepare for the early deployment of the space program.

But he returned to the Octopus Island Palace. Before going to the ladder control room, Yun Xiangrong hurriedly came to find him.

In the recent period, Yu Xiaohu’s trip will often bring Yun Yunrong, mainly to let her avoid the recent series of actions made by the Presbyterian Church. As a result, people are unable to grasp certain handles about Yun Xiangrong and the Presbyterian forces.

Although Yun Xiangrong has been following Yu Xiaohu, Yu Xiaohu has not stopped Yun Xiangrong from paying attention to the developments and changes in the Presbyterian Church, as well as what happened in the Presbyterian Church, including the persecution of Shang Xia by two elders. Xiaohu is also clear.

It can be said. Regarding things over the Presbyterian Church, Yu Xiaohu has much more information and information than Yun thought.

It was less than a day after they returned from Europe, but Yun Xiangrong hurried to find him, which surprised Yu Xiaohu.

So after the guard asked Yun Xiangrong to the study, Yu Xiaohu asked, “What’s the matter with you so eager to find me?”

Yun Xiangrong looked a little anxious, looking at Yu Xiaohu, “I just received a secret message about Uncle Xia, and I hope you can help me and save Uncle Xia!”

Yu Xiaohu said: “After Shang Xia escaped from the persecution of Elder Ming and Elder Bu, didn’t he temporarily send to Europe to perform some tasks? You always knew his whereabouts and plans, what happened?”

Yun Xiangrong said, “I asked Uncle Xia to go to England to investigate an incident. During this time, I did not know what exactly Uncle Xia found out. He and his brothers have been attacked by owl bombs. The enemy is in the dark, they are in the dark, and the casualties are very serious.

The last time, the night before we returned from Europe, Uncle Xia’s whereabouts were unknown. The news was sent back by the secret word of our contact after he escaped from the serious injuries of his men, so the news was notified to me as soon as I returned.

However, I asked some British friends to help with the investigation, but there was no clue. And some people evade me when they hear the owl bombs. You also have some relationships in Europe. I can only save my face with a thick face … “

After hearing this, Yu Xiaohu whispered, “Is it an owl bomb?”

Just saying that, Yu Xiaohu looked up at Yun and thought: “I have encountered the owl bomb once, but it was someone who pretended to be the eye of heaven and tried to threaten me. It was not successful. No matter, I have n’t heard any news about the Eye of Heaven since then, but after you say that, I ’m curious, what did you ask Uncle Xia to go to Britain to investigate, and how could you be caught by the Eye of Heaven? And provoke revenge, can you tell me? “

Yun Xiangrong bit his lip and struggled, but shook his head and said, “I’m sorry, I can’t confirm this matter, I’m just guessing, so there is something I can’t tell you yet, I hope you can understand.

It ’s just that Uncle Xia suddenly disappeared. The only clue was that he went to find a man named Wesco. This was a long time ago when the Wesco was originally an descendant of an ancient aristocracy. I do n’t know why his family was destroyed. He lived abroad as a pirate leader. I once encountered a boat collision at sea while studying in the UK. Vesco rescued me and my classmates.

Later, after falling in love with Vesco, my classmates resolutely followed his exile, and sometimes occasionally contacted me to help them get some supplies, etc. Since then, I have been in touch with the Vesco couple, and The weapons and equipment I purchased for the Presbyterian Church for a long time have always been secretly provided by Wesco, so I still trust him in this Wesco, and Uncle Xia went to him and disappeared. I asked for contact After Wesco, he told me that Uncle Xia had asked him to inquire about a Chinese American. Wesco told him some clues about this person. Then Uncle Xia investigated the revenge of the Eye of Heaven in the process of searching for this Chinese and then disappeared. Yes, that’s all the clue … “

After hearing Yun wanted to talk about these clues, Yu Xiaohu was very keen on thinking, and immediately caught one of the key people, that is, the Chinese, and asked: “Shang Xia investigated a Chinese, what is the name of this Chinese, is What’s the background? “

Yun Xiangrong said, “I don’t know the real name of this Chinese person ~ ~ But according to Vesco, this person once had a code name ‘Ghost King’, which is a very powerful professional killer. Employed by several underground organizations, he retired 20 years ago, without knowing his whereabouts … “

After listening to this, Yu Xiaohu thought about it: “So, when Xia Xia was investigating the clue of the ghost king, he might have touched on some secrets to get revenge, but according to the style of the eyes of heaven, if they caught Shang Xia will inevitably use a religious method to judge and publish to the public to scare the enemy, instead of quietly deceasing the corpse. This shows that Shang Xia is only missing, but she should be alive. Maybe she is trapped somewhere.

Listening to such an analysis, Yun Xiangrong’s mood calmed down, and he gradually got some ideas. Suddenly, I thought of a place. I couldn’t help saying, “Your analysis made me think of a place called Mihu. Also known as the Dark Labyrinth, it used to be a tiankeng, which had collapsed and sunk into the sea due to an earthquake along with a nearby noble manor. It later became an adventurer’s favorite place to explore and explore. It has always been mysterious. I have heard it while studying abroad People say that many people have been found near there … “

After listening to this, Yu Xiaohu, especially after listening to Yun Xiangrong’s speech, suddenly felt involuntarily moved. (To be continued.)

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