Super Evolution Base Island

Chapter 533 - Fight begins

Polar bears do not need to apologize, Yu Xiaohu doesn’t care anymore.

No matter how sincere the other party will be, for the visit of this trip, it is only a test for Yu Xiaohu to this over-enthusiastic polar bear.

After landing at Haishengwei Port, the welcome formation of the polar bears was quite large, but there were not many people with the same weight.

After seeing this situation, Yu Xiaohu wanted to show his dissatisfaction.

Although he did not refuse the other party’s invitation to go to the temporary rest house, but about half an hour later, the belated President arrived here.

Even though the President expressed his apology in person, explained the reason for being late, and made an invitation with enthusiasm, Yu Xiaohu did not respond.

The polar bear leader wanted to have a meeting and talk as soon as he met. Yu Xiaohu did not agree. Even if the other party talked about some military or other related matters, Yu Xiaohu only dealt with a few sentences and did not actively talk about the two parties ’wishes. Relevant topics to reach interest claims.

The polar bear president is not impatient. He feels that some things cannot be discussed too early. He just hopes to increase the distance between the two sides through simple exchanges, and at the same time seeks the interests of the other party in the exchange, so as to ultimately reach the two sides. the goal of.

On the first day of the meeting, everyone didn’t have much to say. The arrangement made by the polar bear was nothing more than activities such as eating, drinking and watching performances.

On the second day, the polar bear president also arranged a military exercise to show Yu Xiaohu the military strength of the polar bear and show his muscles.

In this military exercise display, when talking about military construction, the polar bear president mentioned the situation around the Pacific Ocean from the side, and talked about the particularity of the location of the octopus island and the possible blockade of the Pacific Army on the octopus island. The impact. At the same time, he also revealed his intention to launch military cooperation with Zhongshan.

However, Yu Xiaohu didn’t talk much about this issue. He did not mention to the polar bear what he wanted to achieve, in fact, from the words of the polar bear. He can understand the purpose of the polar bear so enthusiastic, but he still wants to influence the political interests of the Pacific.

The bear has always been ambitious. The wildness they showed from their bones, and their contempt for the newly-developed island, Octopus Island, will make Yu Xiaohu feel a sense of arrogance and strength lurking deep in their hearts when talking with polar bear executives.

In fact, the relationship between the bear and the East Asian island nations such as Japan and South Korea is bad, but he wants to extend his claws into the Pacific strategic region, but he has never had a suitable springboard and platform.

The appearance of Octopus Island just made them see the hope of using the octopus island to build a springboard to serve the interests of the Pacific Ocean. Polar bears were naturally very active. They thought that after giving the Octopus Island political help. This King of Zhongshan on Octopus Island will definitely return this kind of favor.

In fact, Yu Xiaohu didn’t sell this polar bear’s account at all. The so-called political help of the polar bear was nothing more than shouting a few bluffs on a situation that favored Zhongshan.

Once Mi Jun was carrying out a substantial economic blockade and political suppression of Octopus Island, the bear was always watching the show, and he had never given any help in secret, even if it was not the least costly benefit. Compared with the generous help of Huaguo to Octopus Island at that time, the good thing was that the bear was quite clever and didn’t get down when the Octopus Island was in trouble.

So today, although Yu Xiaohu has designated the country visited by the second stop as a polar bear. However, he did not intend to obtain any interest here. At the United Nations meeting, the polar bear gave him face, but now he just returned a little bit of face.

Before this comes. Polar bears have studied the current development of octopus island, and they are very clear about some of the demands and needs of octopus island.

The polar bear believes that although octopus island has been engaged in a large amount of merchandise trade with the outside world, it is still in a very weak state in strategic resource reserves and basic industries, similar to the former Japanese island, which is bound to be a bottleneck that limits its military development Even with that magical protective barrier, it is still a weak country to the outside world.

As the so-called weak country has no diplomacy, even the octopus island is made very secure by that protective shell. Not threatened by force from any country, but once they leave the circle. When dealing with other countries, who will care about that black shell when it is difficult?

Therefore, the polar bear was certain that the king on the octopus island had some interests in this state visit. As long as the king dared to raise it, they dared the lion to speak up and put forward the conditions and requirements they considered reasonable.

However, until the end of the second day’s visit, Yu Xiaohu never put forward any interest claims, which made the polar bears very puzzled and did not understand where the king of this small country came from.

But how can this bear know how powerful the base island behind Yu Xiaohu is? Yu Xiaohu is now rich in endless resources around the world, enough to support the splurge and development of a large country for hundreds of years, let alone a small island like Slapfish Island He naturally has full confidence.

So in this way, when the polar bear found that he could not understand the King Zhongshan’s thoughts, he put away a little arrogance and looked for other ways to probe the king’s purpose.

The polar bear does not think that the king went to Russia for a state visit. In the end, there was no plan. The country and the country deal with each other. In essence, it is an exchange of interests between the two sides. Maybe the chips they give now are still Not enough to fail to impress the old king.

However, only on the night of that day, after a top-secret intelligence message passed into the polar bear’s ears, it immediately attracted the full attention of the polar bear, and the existence of the old king was forgotten by them.

Around ten o’clock in the evening, the Polar Bear East Pacific Fleet Command.

Out of courtesy, the president hurried here after finishing the dinner reception for Yu Xiaohu.

After receiving the information from the intelligence department, the president took a closer look and then put down the information: “The armed forces of the Presbyterian Church in Bali are going to move. This has something to do with the current turmoil in Hirishima. Do they want to Take this opportunity to occupy those Bali islands? “

The intelligence chief said: “Yes, sir. After the feedback from our intelligence personnel lurking in that Presbyterian Church, we can be 100% certain. After the secret assembly of the Presbyterian forces tonight, the primary purpose is to eliminate the residents of the Bali islands. The Japanese garrison forces occupied the Bali islands. Then they extended their strategy eastward with the intention of rehabilitating the old land of the Ryukyu Kingdom … “

“Oh. This Presbyterian power was stimulated by Octopus Island. Do you want to become independent?”

The president looked at the information, his eyes flashed a moment of contemplation, and said, “This is another very good opportunity to continue to pay close attention to the situation in Bali, and try to send someone to contact the senior members of the Presbyterian Church. If they are willing to contact me Cooperation, and secretly provide some assistance when necessary … “

The intelligence chief nodded and wrote it down. Dao: “Sir, it is estimated that the Chinese intelligence has also grasped its trends. For the benefit of the East China Sea, the Chinese intelligence organization should also send people to contact the Presbyterian forces. Do the thing of stepping on two boats … “

“This is better. If the other party also participates in it, it can help us share some of the pressure from the European and American world. Now Mi Jun has fallen into the quagmire of the anti-terrorist war in the Philippines. After suffering a lot of losses, Hishima has fallen into domestic turmoil and In the chaos of the violent attacks, the evolution of the situation in those eight miles caught them off guard … “

Think of it here. Mr. President said: “Help me to contact the head of the Chinese nation. I have to talk to him personally …”

At the same time, Yu Xiaohu stayed in the hotel.

A robot guard is posted outside the door. Yu Xiaohu sits quietly at the table in the room, browsing the latest information received through the communication equipment.

That intelligence report reported the movements and operational deployment plans of the Presbyterian forces on the Bali island tonight.

When Yu Xiaohu received the battle plan, the Presbyterian Church that had been lurking in the Bali islands smoothly received Yu Xiaohu’s secret assistance to the arms and equipment and some elite units of the army on Yuwei Island.

In that plan, after the troops on Yuwei Island were led secretly by Yu Xia from Yuwei Island, their targets would be directed at the Japanese island naval station in the western Bali island to implement the sneak attack plan, if the plan succeeds. They will also land there to threaten the back of the Bali Army, in response to the Presbyterian seizure plan.

However, this battle plan is currently in the implementation stage. After Yu Xiaohu browsed it, he let his subordinates open the real-time monitoring system on the warships that he supported to the Presbyterian Church.

Through the real-time monitoring system on that warship. Coupled with the micro-robots that reside there sharing monitoring vision with each other, Yu Xiaohu can grasp the combat dynamics of this army in real time.

And through vision sharing, Yu Xiaohu’s side is exactly like being there, and he can see and participate in the upcoming battle with his own eyes.

Yu Xiaohu was very familiar with the performance of the modified warships that assisted the Shangxia army. When they arrived near the Japanese island naval station through the signal concealment function of the warship, there was still quiet there, and the Japanese army still did not seem to have discovered this The attacking fleet was approaching.

After seeing that these fleets arrived at the target combat area, they had sent a secret landing team to lurk and prepare to cooperate with each other, but the Japanese navy station still did not monitor it.

Yu Xiaohu couldn’t help whispering, “Are you finally going to start?”

“It’s finally about to start!”

At this moment, as seen by Yu Xiaohu ’s real-time monitoring screen, the commander of the army, Shang Xia, was in the middle of the war and saw that the advance troops had successfully infiltrated the Japanese army ’s station. This murmured.

Three minutes later, Shang Xia received intelligence from various departments. After everything was ready, he immediately looked calm and gave a command: “Fight!”


At this time, after a violent explosion came out, the alarm sounded at the Japanese military station.

It’s just that there is no mental calculation. Shang Xia’s army is always in a hidden state so that the Japanese army does not detect their approach. When Shang Xia issued a combat order, it was the Japanese army that was the first to strike. Two patrol ships.

The two Japanese patrol ships were also tragic. The officers and men of the whole ship did not know what happened, and they were attacked by torpedo missiles.

Moreover, the torpedo missile is not an ordinary conventional torpedo missile. It has a very fast rate of fire and is very powerful. When the two patrol ships have not yet made effective defense deployment, the two patrol ships are there. The attack ripped apart under the explosion and sank quickly, with a gap of just five minutes before and after.

The officers and men on the Shangxia warship were stunned for a while.

Shang Xia was shocked by the power of the warship. Although he knew from the bottom of his heart that the weapons and equipment aided by Zhongshan Kingdom secretly would be very strong, he did not expect such a strong force. In the state of actual combat, it was only less than In a round, the two Japanese warships were sunk, which did subvert his perception of the power of the modified warship.

Shang Xia knew that he had underestimated the power of the modified warship.

But at the next moment, Shang Xia took another breath and felt that his underestimation still existed.

After the Shangxia commanded the warship to launch an assault and sank two nearby Japanese patrol ships, the elite special soldiers who had quietly sneaked into the Japanese station also exploded. The Japanese station’s alarm was launched the moment before the alarm sounded and it was successfully eliminated. After a guard, they seized a landing point.

Da da da!

In the alarm sound of the Japanese military station, the bullets constantly shuttled in the night like a fire snake. After the battle started, the fire on both sides was very fierce.

But relatively speaking, after the Xia Xia Army seized the landing site, it also provided a good cover for the landing site when a group of special soldiers sneaked into the site to carry out the destruction.

At this time, a transport ship successfully arrived at the landing site under the repulsion of peripheral warships. Immediately after the bridge was lowered, several special-shaped chariots slowly drove out.


After the chariot drove out ~ ~, the Xiaxia Army ’s combat power was once again mentioned to be strengthened. The chariot fired a gun, and a protective offensive of the Japanese army was destroyed. The power of that gun was very powerful. Huge, again beyond the imagination of Shang Xiajun.

In particular, the chariot was almost invincible in the process of moving forward. During the process of the Japanese army ’s defense and firing, their weapons and bombs could not cause much damage to the chariots. Instead, they were in the chariots. In the course of progress, after the subsequent artillery was fired, the Japanese troops were crushed and destroyed.

Therefore, in the case of weapons and equipment occupying a strong advantage, the situation was unexpectedly smooth.

It is also because of the turmoil in the Japanese island and the destruction of terrorists that made the guards here palpitated. This made the guards here much lower than before, which made the garrisons beaten. It was not easy. When they want to organize resistance, they have already lost the opportunity.

During the ten-minute battle when the batch of chariot troops landed on the Japanese military station, several important strongholds of the Japanese military were uprooted. After the defensive garrison defeated, they had to abandon the station and escape by armed aircraft.

The Shang Xia Army successfully occupied the important military garrison of the Japanese army here and achieved important victory in stages. (To be continued.)

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