Super Evolution Base Island

Chapter 490 - Source of interference wave

Kailat has been quite proud recently.

In the past two years, I have engaged in various material trades with octopus island. In addition, Kailat has quite a wrist and is very courageous. I dare to get all kinds of materials on octopus island, so I have made a lot of money.

Since then, Octopus Island has attracted investment and investment, and Kailat feels that it has great potential for development.

So he became the first tyrant to emigrate Octopus Island again, and took out all his net worth to invest in the hotel industry on Octopus Island.

However, because this island has always been plagued by population problems, although Kellat’s investment hotel industry has been put into operation, the business volume has always been very sluggish, making him very worried.

He knew that the customary immigration policies of the old kingdom on the island were very loose and the conditions were very favorable.

However, the outside world does not know much about it. It is always believed that it is poor and backward, and it is not an ideal place for immigrants. Occasionally, when he returns to Europe, he will publicize and introduce his relatives and friends about the situation on Octopus Island, and even spend it himself Ask for money to help spread the word in the media and tout the many benefits of migrating to Octopus Island.

However, during that period, coupled with the resistance of allied countries such as the Mi country, very few people were willing to emigrate to this small island country not recognized by the United Nations.

Under such circumstances, in order to help the old king share his worries, Kerat even thought of using some coercion or inducement to get a group of immigrants here.

However, he only had this idea, and only revealed that after the old king did severely criticize him, he immediately issued an order that the island is free of immigration. Residents must not use any compulsive measures to immigrate others. It must be voluntary from immigrants.

After the promulgation of this decree, those on the island who wanted to make money through immigration policies immediately lost their minds, and at the same time suppressed some of the momentum of immigration through immigration policies.

Because it was the first to trade with Octopus Island, and the first to actively migrate to Octopus Island, and it was also the first businessman to be granted privileges by the King.

Kailat is now relatively well-known. He is also a person with a status on the island. Naturally, he would not dare to do something contrary to the will of His Majesty in order to improve his industry. In Kailat’s heart, this wise and wise man. The superb old king impressed him and admired him.

It was just that the population and consumption of the eastern city of the hotel industry he invested in were too small. Seeing that the business could not be carried out and the state of development was very sluggish, Kairat could only be anxious. Not afraid to complain to Her Majesty.

Fortunately, Her Majesty’s understanding of his mood and the compensation given to him in the trade taxation made it possible for the hotel industry invested by Kailat to continue to operate.

Until recently, when various tourism projects in the eastern cultural tourist cities gradually opened up, coupled with the first group of immigrants’ residents on the octopus island, their incomes were also steadily increasing, so the leisure and entertainment life has gradually expanded. As a result, tourism and consumption have also increased, which has enabled Kailat’s hotel industry to increase with turnover.

But Kairat is most pleased that the recent terrorist attacks in various parts of the world have caused some chaos. In addition, some well-known super companies in the world have shifted the focus of their investment strategies, favoring octopus islands with great security advantages, and investing here, which has led other commercial companies to follow suit and trigger a new one. Round of investment boom.

In this investment boom, because of the increasingly complicated external war situation, many businessmen who have been stationed on Octopus Island have stayed here to watch, because of their long presence, and they have experienced Octopus Island. After the environment here, I would recommend or bring friends and family to go sightseeing here.

And this way. Kailat’s hotel industry also increased its turnover with this tourism boom, and finally reversed the difficulties that Kairat faced.

Kailat is very happy, because the tourism projects here are open, so I recommend some of my friends to come here for sightseeing. Because of his privileged status as an merchant on the island, his relatives and friends are also very willing to cooperate with him, and will also bring his family to travel and sightseeing when engaging in trade with Octopus Island.

But this time, one of Kairat’s best friends brought a caravan to trade with Octopus Island. At the same time, he came with a tour group of their family and friends.

Actually. This tour group is also the concession of Herat, the old king, a tour company he established in Europe, specializing in tourist routes between Europe and Octopus Island.

It can be said that although the European tour group that came to Octopus Island this time is composed of Kailat’s friends and relatives and family members, it will be guaranteed by Kailat, but this can also be regarded as Octopus Island preparing to the outside world An attempt by an open tourism project, Kerat attached great importance.

However, what surprised Kailatt was that the tour group he got passed through the Golden Corridor. When they were about to arrive at the port of the eastern city of Octopus, all the merchant ships suddenly had problems and they were anchored there. Move in the slightest.

Even the caravan’s mechanics couldn’t figure out why those ships were malfunctioning, and they had to turn to Kerat.

This kind of thing was encountered for the first time by Kerat. He didn’t know what to do, and on the public route opened in the waters of that octopus island, although the official maintenance agency of octopus island could apply, there was a delay. Give an answer.

Therefore, in the anxiety of Kailat, he had to rush to the main palace of the main city to see the king, hoping that His Majesty the King could send the military boat support.

After all, this is an important attempt to open a tourism project between Octopus Island and the outside world. If something goes wrong that affects the development of tourism business in the future, this is not what everyone wants to see.

He came to the palace and, anxiously waiting, the notified guard quickly returned to give a reply, saying that the king wanted to see him.

Kairat’s spirit was refreshed. After finishing his clothes, he followed the guards into the palace where the old king usually handled government affairs.

Entering the hall, Kailat salutes solemnly: “Her Majesty the King, Kailat expresses sincere greetings and wishes to you!”

Yu Xiaohu was in a state of doubt and inquiry about the unknown biological signal that would interfere with the creatures near the coast of Octopus Island.

Hearing Kerat ’s greetings, he stopped the inquiry and said, “Mr. Kerat, I have been informed about what happened near the eastern city port, but this is a tourism company established by you from the outside. It is the first time to organize a tour group to Octopus Island. This is very important for Zhongshan to open up its tourism industry projects in the future, but this fleet has an accident near the eastern port. I would like to know about some details … “

Kairat said: “Dear King, if you have any questions, please ask!”

Yu Xiaohu said: “Mr. Kairat, what kind of cargo is in the current merchant ships?”

After hearing that. Kailat took a stun, he didn’t understand why His Majesty asked this question a lot, he knew that when the merchant ships that came with goods and supplies passed through the golden corridor, they were supposed to be inspected. It should be understood that the merchants were carrying What goods.

However, Her Majesty asked, and Kailat said: “Your Majesty. This batch of merchant ships is trading a batch of rare minerals, which were shipped in the same proportion as last time. This is a transaction that you agreed to …”

Yu Xiaohu nodded and said, “So I think the source of these rare minerals is different from the last one?”

After hearing this, at the same time, Kairat could not help but hesitate, saying, “Your Majesty, is there something wrong, the source of supply this time is really different from the last time, this time is more pure. It is not from the mining companies They came here in bulk from private folk collectors … “

After hearing this, Yu Xiaohu had a good idea in his heart, so he nodded and didn’t ask any more. At this time, the deputy Mo Xing from the base island sent a message. Several purely electromechanical hybrid robots had been sent to the east port.

After receiving this information, Yu Xiaohu told Kairat that he would immediately send someone to handle the matter, let Kairat take over in the past, and explain to the tourists of the tour group.

Kerat heard that His Majesty the King would help solve the problem. Without saying much, he left.

After Kairat left, Yu Xiaohu returned directly to the ladder control room to open the light curtain.

As seen on the light curtain, several robots dispatched by Mo Xingyi have arrived near the area where the merchant ships anchored.

But these fairy people did not board those ships. Instead, a micro-robot was released into the ship, and more detailed exploration and search were conducted to find the source of the abnormal biological interference.

Yu Xiaohu saw through the analysis screen transmitted in real time on the light curtain that every time the micro robot arrives at the location, everything related there will be scanned out.

As Kerat said, the rare minerals that came on the merchant ships. The purity of the micro-robot scanning is really high, and the quality is better than the last time, about five tons.

After all, these rare minerals belong to the strategic materials that are stored in all countries in the world. At the same time, they are importantly related to nuclear weapons research and manufacturing. They are also prohibited materials. Many countries in the world prohibit the trading of these materials. It is illegal.

However, Yu Xiaohu doesn’t care about these. These rare prohibited materials are not found in the ocean. They can only be found in some special places on the land. To enrich the reserve of strategic materials on the base island, it is natural that the visitor does not. Reject.

And it is precisely because of the very high purchase price that he gave, and those merchants who privately resell it to Octopus Island are very profitable, without taking too much risk, they will naturally find ways to deal with it.

However, it also depends on people. At first, Kailat was doing these banned and rare material transactions. After he grew his career, he also had a certain status and influence in European society. This kind of thing is not convenient to continue. So he did these things secretly through his friends.

Relative to the outside world, because Octopus Island has been engaged in trade with merchants who have been identified as engaging in illegal smuggling of prohibited materials by many countries for a long time, some countries are very dissatisfied and demand that the World Trade Organization This behavior was rectified and regulated, and Octopus Island was ordered not to accept illegal materials obtained by illegal smugglers through illegal channels.

However, Yu Xiaohu doesn’t care what he thinks outside. At present, the mainstream countries of the United Nations, led by the United States and other countries, have been reluctant to acknowledge the existence of Zhongshan on Octopus Island, and Octopus Island has not joined the World Trade Organization. Naturally It is not subject to the restrictions of the WTO. As for the prohibited materials that the merchants obtained from him, he does not care. Since the merchants are capable of transporting them, he will naturally collect as much as possible, never too much, and not too much trouble.

The micro-robot sneaked into the prohibited materials that were searched among the merchant ships. Yu Xiaohu probably looked at it. At least it was worth 600 million euros. It was indeed more than the former Kailat. The quality was better. According to the base island, According to the assessment of resource standards, the value of the batch of prohibited materials obtained by Kairat’s people is above B +.

It ’s just that Yu Xiaohu ’s focus is not on these rare mineral resources. After the micro-robot quickly searched and inspected the cargo ships carrying the materials, it did not find an unknown creature that would interfere with the structure of the biological person. magnetic field.

However, these cargo ships are not on top, which makes Yu Xiaohu feel a little confused.

As a result, after Yu Xiaohu targeted the merchant ship that transported the guests of the tour group, he issued an order to let the micro robot enter the merchant ship that carried the passengers to search.

After receiving the order, the micro-robot dived into the merchant ship immediately and began a detailed scan and search.


Just then, when a micro-robot passed through a cabin, Yu Xiaohu suddenly received an alert.

The analysis and scanning data on the light curtain showed that ~ ~ In front of the cabin where the micro robot passed, there was a mine field signal with obvious biological mechanism interference spreading, its wavelength was long and short, and Irregular, and move a bit at any time.

After confirming that the source of the disturbed magnetic field of the unknown biological mechanism was in the cabin, Yu Xiaohu was so excited that he ordered the micro-robot to enter the cabin.

However, this cabin is a luxurious small suite. The furnishings and decoration styles are very stylish and luxurious. I think it should be a private room of a certain local.

However, just after the miniature robot entered the luxurious cabin, the source location was locked through the interference mine for the first time. When Yu Xiaohu saw the scene picture at the source through the search lens, it looked very much. Surprised.

It can be said that the scene picture seen by Yu Xiaohu is very fragrant-yellow and 旎-旎, because in that luxurious suite, a woman with a very **** figure and a beautiful appearance and temperament is bathing naked in the bathroom .

However, the micro-robot searched for the source of the biological magnetic field interference wave, which came from this woman. (To be continued.)

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