Super Evolution Base Island

Chapter 477 - Shang Rong\\\'s Army

Yu Xiaohu took the report and read it.

The information listed in that data report is very detailed. It counts the number of users who bought the smart biological LCD TV, as well as the user ’s power-on status and viewing status during today ’s broadcast period, as well as filtering users’ feedback through the smart assistant in the TV Some very useful advice and information for TV stations.

It can be said that Yu Xiaohu puts out the transformed intelligent biological LCD TV to the user, plus the equipment and instruments used here are also transformed. In the future, the television station on Octopus Island will be able to communicate with the unique television network platform. Those viewers interact with each other in real time and collect information and suggestions from users in real time, which will be of great help to the development and operation of television stations in the future.

After reading the report, Yu Xiaohu put down the information, and then turned to Zhang Dexian and said, “The TV station was officially put into operation today. The user feedback of the effect of the program broadcast during this time period is really good, but this is just that the people are in a fresh period. I am curious about the output of the program after the TV station operation started, and this ratio should continue to decline at any time. Therefore, in the production of the program and the output of the content, I hope that the Department of Radio, Film and Television will continue to work hard! “

After hearing this, Zhang De nodded his head, hesitated, or said: “Your Majesty, have an idea for the minister, I don’t know if I should speak it properly?”

“But it doesn’t matter!”

Zhang Dexian said: “Your Majesty, although the television station is currently established and put into operation, there are relatively few talents in related industries such as film, television and media on the island, and the cultural and entertainment industry is temporarily in a blank period. Therefore, there will be a lot of program production and content output. inconvenient.

And in order to enrich the cultural and entertainment life of the people and the demand for TV programs, when we plan and produce some programs ourselves, can we consider cooperating with the outside world or introduce some suitable octopus island values ​​output, which are the types of programs that viewers prefer plan? “

Yu Xiaohu didn’t think too much, now all aspects of octopus island are developing together. Moreover, he also intends to achieve the pace of octopus island’s integration with the world in the short term. Naturally, considering the development of octopus island’s elements in culture and entertainment, he nodded: “Of course, we don’t have to be too conservative. Program The content output can be bold and innovative. After all, the development of Octopus Island has always been people-oriented. As long as the programs accepted by the public are welcome, it is a good program.

In addition, although the number of immigrants on the island is currently increasing due to continuous terrorist attacks and other incidents. However, the number has always fallen short of expectations. In addition to the development of various industries on the island, the cultural and entertainment industry must also keep up.

Considering that the cultural characteristics of this island are close to that of the Hua Kingdom, there are also a lot of Liuqiu survivors. It can also draw on some of the traditional cultural content of the Hua Kingdom, and then combine with some traditional cultural customs of the Liuqiu to form our unique culture of Octopus Island. After the characteristics, in order to facilitate the formation of good values ​​and world outlook on the next generation of education on the island … “

After listening to the old king’s words, he began to lay out the future generation on the island so early. Zhang Dexian secretly admired the wise and long-term strategic vision of the old king. He was also impressed by the charm of the old king’s personality. At the same time, he was very fortunate to be able to emigrate to this stable and peaceful island without any external threats to live.

Yu Xiaohu also didn’t talk to Zhang Dexian on these issues. After all, Zhang Dexian is a professional authority and has rich experience in this industry.

He will only put forward some wishes he wants to achieve with the position and identity of the old king. Then he believes that Zhang De will definitely arrange these tasks, so the cultural, film, television, media and other aspects of work will be given to the Zhang family. Responsible, Yu Xiaohu is still very relieved.

After the inspection of the Radio, Film and Television Department and the unveiling of the operation of the TV station were completed. Yu Xiaohu didn’t plan to stay there for a long time either, so he set off for a trip to his mother, and by the way appeased the dissatisfaction of his pretty wife.

However, on the way back, the robotic guard around him reported to Yu Xiaohu: “Your Excellency. Yun wants to see you, has arrived at the palace, waiting in the lounge, saying there are important things to discuss!”

Upon hearing this, Yu Xiaohu thought about the recent report by Yunxiang Robot Guard on Yuwei Island.

As far as he knows, Yun Xiangrong has obtained the fishtail island that Yu Xiaohu assigned to her. It can be said that it is full of enthusiasm. Recently, it is continuously developing and constructing a small island.

He didn’t know how much money Su Shidao and Yun Xiangrong had accumulated over the years of preparations, but recently, through Yun Xiangrong’s frequent actions on Yuwei Island, she can probably estimate that she invested in the small house. Funds on the island are at least tens of billions of meters.

Moreover, most of the facilities on the Mermaid Island were military facilities, led by some mercenaries deployed through Soviet divisions, and Yun Xiangrong’s military weapons continuously purchased from the outside world as a Princess of Qiuqiu. At present, Yun Xiangrong has successfully completed the establishment of a battalion-level unit on Yuwei Island.

Of course, Yun Xiangyu also knows the details of those military weapons purchased from various countries around the world as Princess Liuqiu.

At present, Yun Xiangrong’s formation is mainly equipped with naval and army establishments.

In terms of naval equipment, they purchased nine warships, and obtained a second-hand aircraft carrier that was about to retire from the Royal English Fleet through their own channels.

In terms of army equipment, Yun Xiangrong mainly develops mechanized troops, purchases advanced tanks and missile armored vehicles, and information combat platforms. At the same time, they are using elite mercenaries as seeds and are developing special operations forces. At present Strict training is being carried out by Yu Xiaohu on the coast around them.

Because of the strange weather environment over the sea around Octopus Island, Yun Xiangrong said that they did not purchase Air Force weapons such as fighters, but they did not relax the training of Air Force pilots. They used the simulators for training. Obviously, they did not want to give up the development of the Air Force.

The composition of these military personnel was also very clear to Yu Xiaohu. One group came from the Daomen organization under the control of Su Shidao, and the other came from Yun Xiangrong, an early armed group of secretly formed forces on the Ryukyu Islands.

As these military personnel came to Yuwei Island in succession, at the same time, Yun Xiangrong’s Presbyterian Church on the other side of the Liuqiu Islands also brought about 20,000 people to Yuwei Island.

According to the agreement between Yu Xiaohu and Yun Xiangrong, while bringing a population base of 20,000 to Yuwei Island, it is natural to introduce a permanent population of about 10,000 to the island of Octopus Island.

Of course, these populations are not the forces that Yun wants to allow those forces to use, or use illegal deception and kidnapping to get on the octopus island, nor are they some criminals with a criminal record.

It is through their influence in those areas of influence. This information was disseminated to some poor people living at the bottom of the society, with closed news and dissatisfied with the current life situation, to publicize the preferential treatment given by Octopus Island in terms of immigration policies. Make these hardworking people yearn for, and voluntarily sign up for mass migration.

Only now, Yun Xiangrong ’s forces in the Ryukyu Islands have only provided a relevant list and information for the review of the octopus island immigration department. Those people are still on the way.

Thinking of Yun Xiangrong’s meeting to see important matters, Yu Xiaohu estimates that the first batch of 2,400 immigrants may have arrived near Octopus Island. She was ready to take over.

Thinking about it this way, Yu Xiaohu would turn around and return to the palace.

After returning to the palace, Yu Xiaohu went directly to the lounge.

When Yun Xiangrong saw the old king coming back, he got up to greet him. He didn’t make any more courtesies. He just looked at the guards who followed the old king and seemed restless.

When Yu Xiaohu saw Yun Xiangrong seemingly worried, he just nodded slightly towards the guards behind him, and the guards retreated outside the door.

Yun wanted to see Yu Xiaohuping retreat from the guards around him, and said, “I’m sorry. I have two bad news to discuss with you?”

Yu Xiaohu said, “You can tell!”

Yun wanted to admit: “One of them is about this group of immigrants. The number of immigrants who were about 10,000 was counted by us, but the first batch was about to reach Octopus Island. There were some surprises over the Ryukyu Islands.

The elders will find that some of the immigrants in this batch are older, and are from poor old fishermen, and a considerable part are hunters. They have no skills except hunting. Before the registration review, they concealed us, but Just before departure. This group of people clamored for the immigration of octopus island, the octopus island side must allocate land for them, but also allow them to hunt in the forest, while also providing housing for free. Otherwise, they will refuse to emigrate. In addition, some people will publicize the unfavorable opinions on Octopus Island, which will make some people retreat and give up. Therefore, this number cannot reach the number agreed between us for now …

In fact, Yu Xiaohu had already expected it. When Yun Xiangrong provided the list, Yu Xiaohu sent a reconnaissance robot to conduct a detailed field investigation.

Based on the findings. Yu Xiaohu has learned that these poor people who live at the bottom of the society and want to emigrate are actually a minority tribe that is more excluded by the Japanese and the locals of the Ryukyu Islands. They belong to the marginalized people in the local society. All of them work in the lowest and lowly industries, and a considerable part of them live on fishing and hunting. Their lives are extremely poor and primitive.

But despite this, this minority tribe is notoriously united, because it has always lived a more primitive life, has a simpler heart, and is easier to trust others, but it is always easy to be deceived by deceitful people and easy to be deceived. use.

This time, Yun Xiangrong’s elders wanted to reach an agreement between the two parties to achieve the goal of 10,000 people. They thought of this minority tribe, which was about 4,000 people scattered in barren places, and they contacted The patriarchs of these tribes communicated.

After listening to these tribes, they learned that the Zhongshan Kingdom on the Octopus Island was established by the descendants of the former Royal Family of Liuqiu. They still follow the ancient style and are compatible with their lifestyle, and they are on the verge of being oppressed by the Nichido people. When he was trying to find a new place to live, after listening to the other party’s narrative, he also intentionally immigrated and decided to relocate 2,000 people in advance.

According to Yun Xiangrong, the two sides had already negotiated and the tribe had promised to deliver a batch, but when it was time to relocate and board the ship, those tribes suddenly changed their views and made various unreasonable requirements. Some tribal chiefs simply stated that they would give up in violation of their agreement.

Afterwards, after conducting a secret investigation, the people of the Presbyterian Church discovered that the Japanese island spies were involved in the incident. They learned that these tribes wanted to move out of the Ryuchi Islands and wanted to go to Octopus Island. Obstacles and sabotage were carried out, and threats such as abduction and assassination were used to force the tribal chiefs to submit.

So after listening to Yun Xiangrong’s explanations, Yu Xiaohu was not surprised, and for Yun Xiangrong, this was indeed not very good news, so he said, “What is the other bad news? “

Yun wanted to see that Yu Xiaohu did n’t have any displeased expression when he heard the news, as if he had already known it in his chest, and he felt a little guilty. He said, “The other bad news is that we secretly told Octopus Island this time. News of the migration of people, the transfer of weapons and private forces were leaked.

It is only learned that it is not the intelligence organization of the Hijima country, but a right-wing organization located in the Kawaga Islands and Kyushu Island. This organization also has a certain amount of power in the politics of the Hijima country. low.

According to the information my dad provided to me, this right-wing organization was actually a folk river and lake gang long ago. After receiving a huge amount of funding, it soon grew and developed in the island of Japan. Status and influence.

In fact, the final details of this organization’s high-level are the support of the Third Reich in East Asia, and those people are descendants of the famous Class A war criminals during World War II. They have been planning to launch the so-called Jihad plan.

And this time, when the organization learned that we were developing a secret armed force ~ ~ and was preparing to move, they sent spies to interfere with the destruction, because they seemed to be doing something in the near future. The population of those ethnic tribes, according to the latest news I have received, this organization is already dispatching troops to prepare to carry out a surprise attack on us in an attempt to swallow our batch of unremoved armed forces for their use … “

After hearing this news, Yu Xiaohu didn’t have many surprises.

After all, since his conflict and intersection with the Third Reich organization, this terrorist organization has always been a confidant of his confidant, so their movement intelligence Yu Xiaohu has been secretly arranging a group of robots to secretly monitor and follow.

Moreover, Yu Xiaohu has always known that a secret branch of the Third Reich organization is hidden in the Japanese island country. Unlike the secret experimental base destroyed by him in Southeast Asia, this is a violent institution composed of pure armed forces, and this organization has recently received After the secret experimental project left over in Southeast Asia, the last monster ’s invasion into the waters of Octopus Island was a tentative act of this organization, and Yu Xiaohu was always alert to it.

So after listening to Yun Xiangrong’s news, Yu Xiaohu just said: “Since a terrorist organization lurking in the island of Japan intends to carry out a military raid on you, how do you respond?” (To be continued.)

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