Super Electric Eel Avatar

Chapter 216 - The Python’s Behavior that Made Us Bristled with Rage

Chapter 216: The Python’s Behavior that Made Us Bristled with Rage

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio  Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

This was unacceptable!

Water is a thermally conductive medium. For it to turn into ice, it must release all the internal heat, and the length of this process depends on the room temperature. The freezing point of seawater is usually approximately below -1.5 degree celsius to -1.9 degree celsius.

As such, how low should the temperature of the belched air be for the seawater to freeze up into chunks of ice cubes, within a short span of two to three seconds? This would definitely be way cooler than the “rapid-cooling semen cryopreservation method”!

“It became so powerful, just by eating about 50 of those blue rocks. If it consumed 350 of those rocks…” The electric eel shook his head, as it looked at the white python from the corner of its eyes.

With its current ability to attack, when it encountered the green water beast, all it had to do was spurt out cold air to brutally injure it. Based on the python’s bloodthirsty nature, it would be rather out of character if it did not pick a fight with the green water beast.

“Bloodthirsty…..” The eel stroked his chin and pondered: He is pretty much like this as well!

Putting the research on the python’s characteristics aside, after the python spurted out cold air, it emitted a resounding scream twice, and its beadlike eyes kept rotating nonstop.

We are well aware that animals can express their emotions through their gazes. For example, when a cat is feeling sad, happy, or angry, it will use its gaze to communicate its feelings or mood.

The simplest experimentation with this phenomenon is to gently caress the back of its head. It will then squint its eyes with pleasure, as it snuggles itself in your embrace. It is best if you step on its tail whilst petting it, to then get a firsthand experience of “fury” and “hatred”!

However, the massive difference became apparent the moment it stood before the python. It was as if their minds were connected as one. Chen Fan could read his gaze immediately.

Four words!

“Floating on cloud nine!”

It was a gaze that could only be intuited, but not verbally expressed! Chen Fan even suspected that, if the python was given a voice, it could probably communicate like an ordinary human being.

“Come on, missy. Mind giving me a smile?” The electric eel raised its eyebrows at the python, but unfortunately, the latter only gave it a cold shoulder.

The electric eel pouted. “How rude!”

It is extremely easy to identify the gender of a snake. All you have to do is to look at its tail. Female snakes have an overall shorter tail than their male counterparts.

A male snake’s body is evenly slender up to its tail, whilst a female snake’s tail shortens and tapers from the lower end of its abdomen. Both have rather evident traits. Of course, there are many ways to determine the sex of a snake, but this is one of the most convenient methods.

I am afraid that, even the master of psychology, Dai Yu, would not be able to interpret the message behind the electric eel’s gaze, so what more of this white python? After staring at the electric eel, its gaze was filled with bewilderment, as it slithered toward the cliff in satisfaction.

Since the python had left, the electric eel decided to just lie flat on its belly in the waters, ready to fall asleep and digest the ghost moon incense tissues in its stomach. Once the electric eel was fast asleep, Chen Fan drew out his conscience. After lingering with Xiao Xue, who had already gained over 120 kg, he got up and walked toward the computer room on the second floor.

After taking a glance at his Swiss bank account, he saw that Ohno Group from Japan had yet to transfer the compensation. If he did not see the compensation money in his account in five days, Chen Fan had decided that he would rock their oil wells as payback.

Since the money was still not transferred, there was temporarily nothing else to do. He closed the bank’s webpage and opened an already bookmarked website for web novels, aiming to continue reading from where he had left off.

The very next day, at nine twenty in the morning, Chen Fan was roused from his deep sleep by a few, loud resounding howls. He opened his eyes, resentment written all over his groggy face. Then, after five seconds, he closed his eyes again.

The electric eel, who just opened its eyes, gave the screeching python a death glare. He was ready to chase it away with high-voltage, but he was humored by the python’s furtive acts.

The eel squinted his eyes and stared into the python’s mischievous gaze with full relish.

“Howl!” The python cried out softly. It moved his head in a serpentine manner twice, motioning the eel to follow it.

As he followed the python, Chen Fan could not help but surmise in his heart: Did it somehow target other gathering places of the green water beasts, and decide to holler at the eel to wipe them out? His assumption was evidently wrong!

The two fellows of similar body size, one black and the other white, crossed the grotesque and variegated ripples in the bottom of the sea to enter into another environment. After swimming for a moment, with its belly stuck close to the bottom of the sea, the python raised his head up 90 degrees, then quickly swam toward shallow waters.

Why was it swimming toward shallow waters?

Suppressing the doubts and questions in his heart, the eel followed it closely in order to figure out what it was actually up to! The python’s aim was soon crystal clear. It wanted to go up the shore.

After reaching the shallow waters, without hesitation, its head appeared from the water like a “Queen Elizabeth’s Dreadnought” which has braved the winds and the billows, then dashed toward the left side of the shore. After six seconds, this stupid battleship reversed its “engine”, because it realized that its companion, the “Black Pearl Battleship” had not appeared by its side.

Chen Fan hesitated. He had no knowledge about this place. Was it uninhabited or not? How developed is the level of technology here?

As he was hesitating, the python swam back to his side. It kept wobbling the pink hyacinth, the message being clear: Follow me quickly!

“Gosh!” The electric eel suddenly slapped its belly, as if it was giving a wake-up call.

This place was obviously a world filled with monsters, including a golden eagle with a wingspan of 80 meters and a 90-meter long white python. So, the addition of a blackish electric eel was nothing peculiar. There was no reason to fear, even if there were human activities in this place. This was not the world that his original body was living in, hence, he could do whatever he pleased.

Thinking about it, the electric eel stopped hesitating and observed the sky several times. After realizing that there was no trace of the lightning-fast golden eagle, he scurried off to the python, then lay down next to it.

The shore on the left was not too far away from the two “reptiles”. After approximately 30 seconds, the electric eel crawled up the shore silently, along with the python. Four black beady eyes stared at each other, and the look of “treachery” was reflected in each other’s gazes.

What lay in front of the two creatures were gray rolling hills, which stood at an average height of approximately 600 meters. The area halfway up above the hills was covered by dwarf-like vegetation, whilst the coast was covered by a barren stratum of rocks. Perhaps this was because the vegetation had all drowned in the high tide.

After vomiting out two hyacinths, the python gave him a meaningful glance, before stealthily slithering along the rocky walls, heading toward the peak of the hill. After swallowing a big mouthful of seawater, the eel used the chloride secretory cells in its cavities to filter the salt content in the water, before swallowing it into its stomach. He then swallowed another few mouthfuls of the filtered seawater, and started waddling like a penguin toward the python.

The python, unlike its usual counterparts, was not an amphibian. It could not directly inhale air, but had to use electric currents to break down the water components in its body into hydrogen and oxygen. Oxygen would directly enter into its blood circulatory system, whilst hydrogen would be released into the air during exhalation.

The method of breaking down water components using electric currents might sound mysterious and technologically advanced, but in fact, it is an easy task, and every electric eel knows how to do it. We are well aware that water is made up of hydrogen and oxygen, to which both elements are weak electrical conductors, and that ionization equilibrium exists internally.

By using electricity to stimulate the water, the ionization equilibrium in the water molecules will be broken. As such, both the elements of hydrogen and oxygen will no longer be able to exist as a water molecule.

Thus, the water content in the electric eel’s body allows it to temporarily breathe on land for almost two hours. When the body loses too much water, it must replenish itself with water, or else it will die of dehydration.

After climbing about 600 meters to get to the peak, all that could be seen was still an endless stretch of rolling mountains, but the vegetation on the abyss of the mountains was much more lush than the other parts. A few towering trees could also be vaguely seen.

After patiently waiting for the arrival of the electric eel, the white python continued its journey toward the mountains in front. It was as if a tank had charged the grounds that it had slithered through, just as all the vegetation along its path had been flattened. Obviously, following the “tank” close behind, was a heavy duty “excavator”.

“Ang!” After moving along the mountains closely for about 10 minutes, the python stopped, after arriving at a peak that was evidently taller than its surroundings, and peered at it. If the electric eel made a slight exaggerated movement, it would signal him to stop doing so with its gaze.

Cold wind sighed, as it blew across the lush and verdant mountains. If the sighs of the wind could be translated into human interpretations, they were probably ducking — preparing for an ambush at a hidden corner, silently waiting for something.

Chen Fan was confused about this particular watch. The landmass of the peak was huge, and the view of the peak had been blocked by jagged rocks and trees. Is it truly worth it to keep watch of a peak like that?

Time slipped through their fingers. After half an hour, Chen Fan was getting a little impatient. He was afraid that the electric eel’s body would dehydrate.

Suddenly, a thunderous cry could be heard from the mountains. The sound was high-pitched, yet distant, and it was rather unpleasant to the human ear.

It seemed to be the cries of some sort of large bird. After 10 seconds, the electric eel noticed a little yellow dot pierce through the sky. This ultimately proved Chen Fan’s assumption to be right. Shockingly, the bird was actually the golden eagle that had previously swooped down to catch the electric eel, thinking that it was actually a delicious delicacy.


Before the golden eagle could fly any further, the python appeared from its hiding spot in a swishing motion, then headed toward the peak to kill the great bird. Chen Fan did not want to be left behind, so he controlled the electric eel, ensuring that it followed the python’s trails closely.

After knocking down a few shrubs that were in the way and flipping across two enormous boulders, the electric eel’s line of sight began to widen. It sort of gave him a taste of what it felt like to be the king of the world.

The mountain stood at 900 meters. Looking ahead, he could see that the picturesque view was filled with artistic beauty and grandiosity that could easily surpass the masterpieces made by calligraphy masters.

Evidently, the python had no interest in admiring the breathtaking view of the majestic rivers and mountains. It definitely did not have the free time to bring the electric eel along to admire the scenery. Instead, it had its eyes set on the concave ground in the middle of the peak, eyes that shone with greed.

Four greenish brown, oval-shaped eggs, which stood at about half a meter tall, laid in the middle of the dried vegetations. No doubt, the python had intentions to devour the children of the golden eagle, whose gender was unknown, while it was away.

“Clouds rose, and my eyes strained to see the birds flight, as it tried to ascend the mountain crest. It dwarfed all the peaks under our feet, and isn’t this… a rather vile act…”

His voice trailing off, the electric eel stood to the side, shivering from head to toe. Such acts were much more thrilling than even the previous kidnapping of Nakagawa Emi!


Several parts in these chapters have explained the skills of the electric eel and the python, so the readers could experience something more realistic and logical. Such explanations will not be repeated in the future.

PS: Sleepy, terribly sleepy, the kind of sleepiness that cannot be curbed by merely drinking coffee…make me want to study assiduously and tirelessly — too bad I couldn’t find an awl and a beam!

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