Super Brain Telekinesis

Chapter 66: Clinical Trials

The following time, Wu Hao first checked the existing experimental materials in the laboratory. After organizing and analyzing them, he compiled a list and started ordering the necessary ingredients.

These ingredients were not particularly special. In just a few hours, Wu Hao purchased all the materials he needed and then closed the laboratory's doors to begin his research.

This process would undoubtedly require a long period of experimentation because Wu Hao needed to cultivate various chemical substances and eventually synthesize an element that could prevent the spread of cancer cells.

To ensure that nothing unexpected happened during this process, Wu Hao had decided that he would stay in the laboratory 24 hours a day for the next few days, without any other important matters to attend to.

Although the batches of goods he had previously ordered from abroad would gradually arrive in the country over the next few days, Wu Hao could simply use some means to have them temporarily stored in the logistics company's warehouse. It wouldn't matter if he collected them after he finished his work.

He had already taken care of the origin and relevant customs procedures for these goods, so there shouldn't be any problems during transportation.

If there had to be an issue, it would be if the transportation vehicles were involved in an accident, but the probability of such a situation was very low.

Time flew by, and in the blink of an eye, five days had passed. "Finally, it's done!" Wu Hao exclaimed as he looked at the two test tubes filled with blue liquid in front of him, feeling relieved.

During these days, Wu Hao had barely left the laboratory. He had been observing the changes in these chemical reagents as they interacted with each other. After all, he was the only person in the laboratory, and there was no one else to oversee these tasks. He had to complete them by himself.

Fortunately, apart from a few minor issues, the entire development process had gone smoothly.

"Alright! The next step is to conduct a clinical trial." Although Wu Hao had confidence in the drug he had developed, he decided to conduct a clinical trial first before administering it to his father, in order to achieve further perfection.

So, during the early stages of development, he had prepared two doses of the medication.

As for finding subjects for the clinical trial, that was also an easy task. In the hospital, there were almost daily cases of individuals who couldn't be cured of cancer and would soon pass away.

Since these individuals were destined to have only a few hours or even less time left, why not give them a chance to live one or two more years by conducting a clinical trial on them?

After all, Wu Hao had extensively calculated and simulated this drug in his mind, and he could confirm with 100% certainty that even if it couldn't kill cancer cells, it wouldn't pose any substantial harm to the human body.

Therefore, this clinical trial was, in essence, a psychological effect on Wu Hao himself. After all, if he were to administer the drug to his own father, there would always be a hint of personal motive.

With this factor in mind, when humans tend to consider a problem, certain uncertainties arise in their minds.

With that, Wu Hao tidied up the traces of his experiments, placed the two vials of medication in a specialized container, and left the laboratory to prepare to go to the hospital.

Upon arriving at his father's ward, after a brief conversation, Wu Hao's mother, with a curious expression, asked, "Son, what exactly is your relationship with that girl, Xiaoyun?"

Wu Hao was slightly taken aback by the question. Only then did he recall that during his absence over the past few days, Li Xiaoyun must have already visited his father, and now his mother even thought there was something between them!

"Oh, this matter, Mom! Xiaoyun and I are just friends! Nothing more!" Wu Hao smiled and replied.

有兴趣知晓了,因为这对武浩来说早已经成为了过去式。 ChatGPT

"Are you sure it's just a friendship? It doesn't seem that way to me! You're not young anymore, and it's about time you had a girlfriend. Besides, I think that girl is quite nice. She has been visiting your father every day these past few days! I'm sure she's interested in you; otherwise, why would she come here every day and do all those things?"

Wu Hao smiled awkwardly upon hearing these words. He was well aware of Li Xiaoyun's feelings for him, but at the moment, he didn't have any romantic feelings toward her. He simply considered her as one of his few friends.

To be honest, over the years, Wu Hao hadn't had any particularly close friends. He had one friend who got along well with him and was quite close, but they lost contact after high school graduation.

During his years in college, his relationship with his roommates could only be described as ordinary classmates, and there were even two among them who were quite annoying.

So, when it came to his former classmates and such, Wu Hao would occasionally exchange a few words in the group chat, but it was nothing substantial. During this period, Wu Hao hadn't even spoken in the group chat. He would occasionally glance at the various topics being discussed, but he had no interest in them.

As for the topics being discussed, they were mostly about working in certain companies and salary-related matters. Wu Hao had no interest in such discussions.

After listening to his mother's nagging for a while, Wu Hao found an excuse to leave. He really didn't want to discuss this topic with his mother. As for finding a girlfriend, Wu Hao could only leave it to fate for now. After all, he was still young.

In addition, after breaking up with his college girlfriend, Wu Hao had become quite indifferent towards romantic relationships. He hadn't told his parents about that relationship during college. Initially, he had planned to inform them after graduating and securing a stable job, but it ended before that time came.

Moreover, after the breakup, the other person seemed to have deleted his phone number and QQ contact. The only means of contact was through the class group chat.

However, during this period, Wu Hao hadn't posted anything in the group chat. He no longer had any interest in knowing the current situation of the other person because it had become a thing of the past for him.

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