Summoning America

Chapter 43: The Fall of Esthirant

Author’s Note: 



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Esthirant, Parpaldian Empire 

A stoic darkness befell Emperor Ludius’ young face, his eyes radiating uncertainty for the first time since his childhood. His worries gradually faded when he took the throne, but now resurfaced as he found himself faced with a problem he couldn’t solve. Born into power, he always had things his way. This facet of his life was not only maintained, but also amplified by the fact that the Parpaldian Empire was the most powerful entity in Philades. A cultivated sense of superiority led Ludius to desire more, and he expanded his goals from the domination of the Third Civilized Region to the entire world. 

His ambitions attracted the attention of Remille, a beautiful noble from a prominent imperial family. Together, they developed a close friendship, causing Ludius to grant Remille a top position in his empire. As they shared the same ambition, Ludius found her to be best suited to handle international relations. The longer the two worked in tandem, the closer their relationship grew, or so Remille thought. 

Now, as she looked into Ludius’ eyes, she wondered if he cared more about her, or about his power. The only concern reflected on his face continued to be that of Parpaldia’s dwindling strength and probability of victory. She noticed fierce determination in his eyes, fueled by denial of defeat and a desire for vengeance. Recognizing herself in Ludius, she realized that if he didn’t break away from this dangerous path, he might lose everything to the Americans. In turn, she would lose everything as well. 

Emperor Ludius sighed, walking up to his subjects as he prepared his words. Shadows danced around the room while his footsteps echoed throughout the underground complex. 

Remille turned around, seeing that all members of His Excellency’s inner circle were now present. She analyzed their behavior, sensing tension from their overly rigid postures. Have they realized something grave about their fight against the Americans? Or are they simply nervous, scared of retribution for failing to fend off the invaders?

“Arde, what is the latest report?” Ludius asked with an exasperated tone. 

“Your Excellency, we have lost the Imperial Capital Defense Base. Nothing remains of it. The same fate has also befallen our base in Duro, as well as our defensive installations along the harbor. My units have cleared sections of the city neighboring the harbor and are currently waiting for enemy landfall. It appears though that the enemy has ceased their attacks. They may be preparing a diplomatic message.”

“Hmph, a call for surrender? Well, they must be quite stubborn to continue along that path. Director Kaios, have you received any communications from the Americans?”

All eyes landed on Kaios. Many seemed to stiffen up in anticipation, including Matal, Arde, and the Foreign Affairs Directors. Elto in particular began to fidget, gripping his clothes in order to prevent himself from displaying too much nervousness. Remille wondered why everyone was so tense, growing suspicious that Kaios had something planned. She looked over at the imperial guards, who adjusted their stances ever so slightly. It seemed to her that they too sensed a shift in the room’s atmosphere and were preparing for a sudden development. 

“I have,” Kaios spoke. “They have demanded our surrender, and will allow us to keep our independence, provided we agree to their terms.”

Emperor Ludius’ expression edged toward anger. “And what might these terms be?”

“We are to pay reparations for damages incurred to the Kingdom of Altaras, release all states who are our unwilling vassals, demilitarize, abolish slavery, and sign key economic and strategic deals that favor the Americans.”

“How arrogant can they be, to ask for so much?” Ludius wondered aloud, oblivious to the irony of the situation. “They have yet to even set foot on our lands, and already they ask for the destruction of our identity and the confiscation of all that we’ve built. Tell the Americans that we shall never surrender!”

Kaios shook his head. “Your Excellency, I implore that you review the situation.”

Ludius raised an eyebrow. “Speaking out against your emperor?” He smiled. “I should have you excommunicated or perhaps even executed, but your defiance intrigued me. Go on.”

The guards stepped forward once, ready to bring their rifles into action. The room fell into a profound silence, becoming so quiet that Remille thought she could hear people’s hearts beating. Time slowed down, seeming as if the fate of the Parpaldian Empire was about to be decided at this very moment. 

“They have yet to even set foot on our lands,” Kaios began, “But already they have rendered our entire navy useless, grounded our surviving wyvern units, and destroyed our most fortified bases. They accomplished all this without losing a single life. How then, Your Excellency, can we expect to win? We are at a consensus here regarding the futility of this conflict.” He gestured around him, referring to the other people in the meeting. 

Ludius’ anger subsided, replaced with confusion. “Supreme Commander Arde?”

“Kaios speaks the truth, Your Excellency. As much as I hate to admit, our forces do not compare to those of the Americans. I doubt that even the Holy Mirishial Empire’s forces can compare.”

Ludius meditated on Arde’s confident reply. “So… who is in league with Kaios?”

In response, people slowly started to gravitate toward Kaios’ side, lining up next to him. First, it was Arde and Matal. They were closely followed by Directors Elto and Rius, then the other administrative personnel present in the room. Only Remille was left standing beside Emperor Ludius. Remille was the only person who Kaios hasn’t spoken to. Despite this, he could see the indecision plastered across her face. His influence, combined with the pressure of making a decision, was clearly affecting her. 

“Remille…” Kaios said, beckoning her to make a choice. “Esthirant still remains unravaged by war. Let us keep it this way.”

Remille looked at Ludius, her eyes begging for an answer. 

“Whatever choice you make here will be yours alone. I will not interfere with your decision making.”

The stakes were made even higher for Remille. Thinking logically, she wanted to side with Kaios in order to save the Parpaldian Empire from destruction. War has not yet reached their cities, having mostly been restricted to foreign lands and out in the ocean, save for a few domestic bases. Kaios’ group also had a convincing argument with regards to the power discrepancy between the Parpaldian Empire and the United States. For someone as esteemed as Supreme Commander Arde to go as far as saying that even the Mirishials couldn’t compete spoke volumes about American military strength. A man of his caliber wouldn’t say such hyperbolic language unless he was completely sure of his analysis. 

Then, she recalled the pictures of American cities and the magic broadcast from the Mirishial News Network. The pieces aligned; no longer could she live in denial. It was clear to her that if she wanted to save the Parpaldian Empire, then she should side with Kaios. 

On the other hand, doing so might cause her to fall apart with Emperor Ludius. His actions made it hard to discern which answer he preferred, so Remille couldn’t pick one based on favor. Forced to pick objectively, she reluctantly went with the most logical decision: she joined Kaios’ camp. She walked over, turning her head as she approached the other side of the table. Ludius barely reacted, merely sighing moments later. Remille began to regret her decision, her mind fighting with her heart. 

Ludius stared in silence for several lengthy seconds, neither side able to utter a word. Deep in contemplation, Emperor Ludius spoke, “You have no faith in the strength of the Parpaldian Empire,” he lifted a finger and pointed at everyone standing beside Kaios. “I can see why. We have experienced loss after loss, without even being able to strike back at the enemy. However, we have something greater than their military might: resolve. Their weapons are not cheap. Eventually, they will tire of their invasion, and will agree to a peace agreement that is not heavily favorable to them. We will fight in every building, on every street, until they realize that we will never surrender to them! I am saddened by your actions today,” he said, locking eyes with Remille. “Nevertheless, it is understandable that those of weaker wills would succumb to fear. At least, I hope it is fear, rather than traitorous intent. Guards, escort these cowards outside. They are hereby stripped of their ranks, but are free to leave otherwise.”

The guards moved forward, weapons ready. It seemed as if they were carrying out Ludius’ orders until they stopped beside Kaios’ group. Like statues, they stood still. 

Emperor Ludius grew suspicious, “What is the meaning of this? Will you not carry out your emperor’s orders?!” His eyes darted around as fear crept up within him. He hoped that this wasn’t part of Kaios’ plan. 

“I’m afraid not, Your Excellency.” Kaios made a fist and held it up, signaling for the guards to raise their weapons. “I was optimistic, hoping that you could be reasoned with. That was unfortunately not the case.”

Ludius scoffed, leaning forward on the table as he faced Kaios. “And so your secondary plan, if you failed to convince me, was to stage a coup?”

“Yes. I intend to end this war between us and the Americans. Continued fighting will only see the Parpaldian Empire lose its prestige and power.”

Ludius remained silent as he thought of a way out of the coup. 

Kaios noticed Ludius’ plotting and recognized that he wasn't convinced enough to surrender peacefully. He bargained, “You know, the Americans once fought and defeated a great empire in their world — the Empire of Japan. Despite this empire’s atrocities during their war, the Americans allowed the emperor to maintain his title. Your Excellency, you will be allowed to keep your position as Emperor, although it may hold little influence in the coming years.”

Ludius hung his head downward. “I see. I suspect that this entire complex is full of men loyal to you?”

“That assumption would be correct, Your Excellency.”

Ludius laughed. “So you’ve thought this through. Well done, Director Kaios. I hope you know what you’re doing.”

“Worry not, Your Excellency. The Parpaldian Empire will continue to be as glorious as ever, if not more.”


Arlington, Virginia

“Mister President!” A voice called out from the hallways of the Pentagon. 

President Lee turned around, his hand on a fridge handle as he searched for the source of the voice. He located Steven running toward him, waving. 

“Good news?” Lee asked as he pulled a can of Coca Cola from the fridge. 

“Sir, Kaios’ coup was successful! He had Emperor Ludius issue an order to stand down and surrender!”

Lee broke into a grin, “My goodness, that’s amazing! Send word to Foreign Affairs right away. Oh, thank God!” Lee sighed in relief. His fears of a drawn out guerilla war disappeared. Worries about losing men to the Parpaldians left his mind, causing him to feel more reassured in his election next term. Not only did he have a smooth economic recovery under his belt, but he now also had two victories with zero casualties. 

“I’ll do that right away, Mister President.” 

After Steven left, Lee slumped down on a nearby couch. He raised his can in the air, offering a toast to the ceiling. “God Bless the United States of America.”

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