Sucked into a Fantasy Game

Chapter 19-Queen Fraxxenus’ Stats

Kiyomi messaged Sako and told her to meet her outside the palace walls when she was done talking with the king. Meanwhile, she fiddled with her UI and the buttons on the menu then started reading the Demon Lord’s stats and abilities that Mod Aelis had sent to their inboxes the other night. The info was incomplete though as Mod Aelis had said she was still working on revamping the explanations in the DL guide to make it easier to understand, and she would send all the info much later when they were ready to confront her. It would also take a while for the revamping since she was busy with her many other tasks all over the game.

Maximum number of players allowed in each encounter: no limit. But the typical amount is 100 to avoid overcrowding.

Queen Fraxxenus

Level 100M

Info 🛈



Affects physical power; attack damage, lifting ability against Weight, and Carry Weight.



Affects HP and Defense.



Affects damage of magic attacks, MP capacity, and MP regen. rate. Also affects overall wisdom.



Affects physical speed and perceptive speed



Affects deftness in minor tasks and movements, especially with the hands. Also affects accuracy of projectiles.



Affects stamina and stamina regen.



Affects resistance to status ailments and elemental damage.



Affects charm, leadership, and persuasive skills.

Exclusive effect:

Drives Terror into everyone alive after the start of the fight.

Terror: Drains everyone’s stats by 99%.



Affects drop rate by a small amount and crit chance.

Exclusive effect:

Continuously warps Causality.

Causality: Able to decide what happens and what doesn’t happen. Can be negated.

Class: Demon Lord




Note: The fight should typically last about 1 hour and 20 minutes. For a perfect speed kill, 1 hour.

Magic Immunity (passive)

Her Mark grants her immunity to all magical attacks.

Mark of Fraxxenus (passive)

A power that is unique to the Demon Lord. Her Mark transcends all in the mortal world and can’t be overridden. Her Mark also cancels attacks that are based on the enemy’s max HP.

Otherworldly Blessing (passive)

Always has elemental advantage, while all opponents always have elemental disadvantage. Elemental advantage increases damage (magic and physical) and crit rate significantly and reduces the chance of Glancing Hits.

Demon Lord’s Will (passive)

Damage from physical attacks is reduced by 99%.

Conditional Regen. (passive)

Gradually recovers to full health and replaces missing body parts whenever HP drops down to 90% or less.

Tail Swipe (demonic)

Swings her tail to strike and injure the target, depleting its HP by 95%. Applies Bleed and Poison for 30 minutes. Or swipes her tail across a really wide area as an AOE, depleting all targets’ current HP by 95%. Applies Bleed and Poison for 30 minutes. 

Tail Jab (demonic)

Thrusts her tail to penetrate the target. Applies Paralysis for 1 hour and 59 minutes. Guaranteed critical hit.

Wing Swipe (demonic)

Swipes a wing when in melee distance to strike the target and stun for 30 minutes. Guaranteed critical hit.

Contemptuous Tongue

Irritably clicks her tongue, generating a wave of Dark Energy. The Energy disperses in all directions and prevents everyone from receiving buffs for 10 minutes. Anyone within melee distance is blown away. Additionally, everyone becomes Marked, preventing them from dispelling the effect.

Mana Thirst

When out of MP, raises a hand and steals 50% of current MP from all sources if possible.

Sealed Fate

At the start of the fight, all party members die instantly from the Demon Lord’s gaze. Or: if at the moment of death, and if there are survivors, all party members die instantly from the Demon Lord’s gaze.

Supreme Presence (passive)

The closest party member becomes infected with her Mark. The party member has their max HP instantly burned off by 30%. As the fight progresses, their max HP continues to burn at a rate of half of her highest rage %. The max HP burned off can’t be regained even if the rage drops. At 90% rage for example, the max HP burned off would be 45%. If the rage decreases or the victim steps away, the max HP burned off can’t be regained. The new max HP value also becomes the real value for attacks that deal damage based on the victim’s (not the enemy’s) max HP.

Icy Trickster

She smirks. “Careful!” The ground freezes and creates the Slippery effect. Can’t be melted or broken. Anything on the frozen ground will also freeze even after casting for the duration of the fight. She is able to walk on the frozen ground.

Dimensional Block (passive)

At the start of the fight, her Mark automatically prevents anyone from teleporting for the remainder of the fight. She will target anyone who attempts to teleport by firing a Marked, unavoidable, unstoppable beam from her finger aimed at the heart. The beam may split into multiple beams depending on the number of targets.

Summoned Arsenal

Conjures a Marked forcefield around her that can’t be rendered ineffective for 30 seconds. Summons a Marked book with detailed information and diagrams of everyone’s gear and items. “Let’s see here…” Quickly skims through the book, gaining a deep understanding of the content then summons anything as a copy from the book at her discretion. Duration: indefinite.

Borrowed Power

She chuckles. “I’ll be borrowing this now!” Extends her hand toward the target with the highest attack power. Steals the skill that uses the most MP. If there are several, steals one at random. Uses the skill immediately with a cost of 0 MP (and locks onto a random target if a target is needed) then returns it to the target, putting it on a 6-hour cooldown. Cooldown continues even after finishing the encounter.

Reversal Taunt

“I’m smarter than that!” When taunted, dashes towards the provoker and swings a fist that penetrates all types of defenses and knocks the target back. Applies a stun for 30 minutes. Cleanses the Provoked status from herself and taunts the party member with the lowest attack power, forcing the target to only use basic offensive skills while under Fear. Fear results in 50% less damage. Duration: 30 minutes. Scales up to 10 targets depending on party size.

Unbridled Fury

Produces a deafening roar, draining all MP from all sources. Applies MP Block and prevents MP recovery from all sources for 1 hour.

Supreme Queenship

“KNEEL!” All combatants are forced to drop to one knee. For targets who have succumbed to this move, leisurely walks over to each one (while being invulnerable due to her Mark) and taps their forehead, cursing them with her Mark. After 60 seconds, all heads affected will explode, causing instant death. Victims can’t be revived through usual means.

Undivine Immortality (passive)

Her Mark prevents her from being killed in a single hit. Any attack with a one-shot potential will be reflected to all party members with an infinite damage multiplier, meaning that all party members’ HP and defences will become irrelevant.

Fair Fight

“Let’s have a fair fight.” With the help of her Mark, flicks her tail and places a curse on everyone’s inventories and characters, preventing them from equipping weapons until she equips one. All currently equipped weapons will be unequipped. Additionally, may sometimes select a handful of combatants to fight for a short time, excluding everyone else from the fight by erecting a Marked barrier. This occurs only when there is a large party (20+).

Chaos Field

Flies into the air. Her horns glow, building up Dark Energy. Points her hand down at the center of the arena and summons a dome that quickly expands and covers the whole arena. The skills and stats of everyone in the dome will be randomly switched for 5 minutes. Descends into the dome, having immunity to its effects due to her Mark.

Darkness Incarnate

Dimensional Block is disabled during this time. Materializes up to five mirages proportionate to the number of players. Each mirage lasts for 10 minutes. All mirages have 30% of the Demon Lord’s stats and constantly regenerate. Meanwhile, she is invulnerable as she channels a devastating ball between her horns above her head. After 10 minutes, she releases the ball into the ceiling. It bursts and scatters Dark Energy, annihilating everything.

The Lord’s Order

“Don’t disobey me!” With a pointed finger, Marks the player with the highest attack power and forces a command onto them. This player acquires an overall stat increase by 5000% and is forced to attack the player with the lowest HP for 10 minutes. The target penetrates all types of defences. If the Minion gets defeated, either by Knockout or depleting the HP to 1 (Minions can’t be killed), regains 50% of their max HP but is stunned for 20 minutes. The number of targets increases up to 20, proportionate to the party size.

Sword of the Queen:  Fraxxenus

Summons her iconic sword Fraxxenus that is capable of cutting and piercing through anything regardless of distance.

Absolute Intent

“Now you have done it! Now you shall face the fury of the QUEEN!” Occurs at 90%+ enrage. Occasionally empowers her intent with her Mark for a short time. Her intent becomes absolute. Her actions can’t be blocked, silenced, stunned, or otherwise interrupted in any way. All applied debuffs become Marked.  Marked debuffs ignore cleanses. Each instance of activation lasts 5 minutes.

Undivine Blessing (passive)

Periodically transfers all debuffs from herself to all party members every few minutes.

Containment Reversal

“YOU THINK YOU CAN CONTAIN ME? I’LL CONTAIN YOU!” If somehow bound to one spot for more than 5 minutes, or is constantly bound too quickly, she breaks free with her Mark and waves a hand, increasing the gravity around everyone exponentially, eventually making it nearly impossible to move for 20 minutes.

Stun Reversal

“Tch!” If somehow stunned for more than 5 minutes, or is constantly stunned too quickly, she breaks free with her Mark and strikes the last culprit with her tail and stuns for 20 minutes while Marking the culprit. While Marked, each attempt to free the stun will double the remaining duration. After 5 failed attempts, the Mark instantly kills the culprit.

Grand Theft

This occurs occasionally when there is a constant upkeep of buffs, especially if some combatants have over 20 buffs at once for a long, uninterrupted period of time. “You cowards!” Her tail smashes the ground, causing an intense earthquake. Everyone’s buffs are then transferred to her. The duration of stolen buffs is tripled. Fortifies her Dark Energy and gains a shield that is twice her max HP for 10 minutes. Although the stolen buffs can be stolen back, there is a penalty: the Demon Lord spitefully takes the chance to absorb 90% of the culprit’s current HP, adding it to her own and applying a Marked Heal Block for 10 minutes. Marked debuffs ignore cleanses.

Unique Skill: World’s End

After awakening into her full potential, she flies up into the sky after breaking through the ceiling and opens her arms. She charges a tiny Dark Energy ball before her for 10 seconds. After 10 seconds, the orb falls and hits the ground. “Death to all!” The Realm implodes, leading to its explosion afterwards and ultimately, its end. All safe-zones and damage resistances are ignored, if there are any. The Demon Lord snatches everyone’s possessions, keeping them permanently unless defeated in a subsequent encounter.

Condition: Rage meter must be at 100%. Meter typically builds to 100% after 2 hours of being in combat. It is ill advised to drag out the fight for this long. 

Rage meter:

Throughout the fight, her rage will gradually climb. There are numerous factors that affect the progress of the meter. Exchanging witty remarks and cheeky comments with her can help to control the meter; mind games can be an effective way to lessen, stall, and even increase the meter.

What in the fuck… Kiyomi thought.

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