Sucked into a Fantasy Game

Chapter 15-Invasion, I

A guard stood in the center of the town square being bombarded with questions from the surrounding crowd.

“How bad is it out there?”

“You’ll do something, right?”

“Is it anything you can’t handle?”

“How long until we can go out again?”


The guard raised his hand. “Please, please! Calm down, citizens. We will protect this town with our lives. I swear to you, no harm will befall you.”


The guard ignored that outburst and went on: “The adventurers and guards are organizing and preparing themselves. We will solve this issue shortly. In the meantime, please stay put. I assure you, Chelsea, the captain, will prevail.”

“How strong is she?” A man from the crowd asked.

“As strong as an A-rank adventurer,” the guard answered. “You’re all in good hands.” 

The people marveled at his answer. They were in awe. Many even smiled.

Kiyomi left the crowd and followed Sako’s magic signature.  She turned a corner. When she found Sako, she and Luna had their arms linked. “This isn’t the time for a date.”

“Oh? Jealous?” Luna smirked.

Kiyomi ignored her. “Sako, what’s the plan?”

“I say we help however we can,” she replied.

“What’s in it for us though?” If there weren’t any rewards waiting for them, Kiyomi was less inclined to help, especially when there was already help: the situation should be fine with the guards and adventurers around. Maybe. She didn’t live here in the capital, so she couldn’t care much.

“Do we always have to get something?” Sako frowned. “It would do you some good to be nice and selfless for once.”

Kiyomi stayed quiet, unconvinced.

Sako pointed to her. “As leader of the party, I’m ordering you to fight alongside me and help defend the capital! I’ll not take no for an answer.”

Kiyomi had seen this coming. If Sako was going to do it, she might as well join in to back her up. “Damnit.”

“Oh, you’re the dominant type. Lucky for you, I’m into that…” Luna moved her lips closer to Sako’s…

“U-um…” Sako flushed. “This really isn’t the time for that.”  She unlinked her arm from Luna’s and stepped away. “Anyway. We’ll be heading off. It’s best that you stay here. Sorry.”

“Why? You think I’m weak?”

“No shit.” She would hold them back. Kiyomi also didn’t want to continue tolerating her.

“But both of you are weak too! You’re level 5s.”

“Yeah, but the thing is…” Sako didn’t know how to continue.

“The thing is,” Kiyomi picked up, “our levels don’t matter.”

“What does that mean?! I don’t want my Sako dying—”

“We don’t have the time to explain.” Kiyomi looked to Sako. “If you’re going, let’s go. Do you want buffs?” 


She moved to her, put a hand on her shoulder, and mentally cast Skill Share to share all her buffs.

Sako took on a radiant glow.

Kiyomi still had the problem of accuracy, which was why it was best for her to be as close as possible to her target for many of her spells. She cast flight on herself, which enabled Sako to fly too.

Sako bowed to Luna. “I’m sorry. I’ll come back to you. I promise.”

Luna hung her head with something in her eyes Kiyomi didn’t quite get. Her eyes were calm, yet it was as if they held a subdued rage. After a while, she lifted her head and smiled. “Alright. I’ll be waiting, dear.” She waved as they both lifted off into the air.

In the distance, a woman in a crisp, white uniform with a white cape and long, white hair flew through the air and hovered high above the horde of monsters approaching the town gates. “WEAPON ART: FULL BATTALION!” She pressed her gloved palms together then opened her arms. A trumpet sounded thunderously, and countless magic circles appeared across the sky. Blades fired from all of them, raining down on the monsters—a ruthless barrage, quick and abundant as rain. Most of the monsters were around level 380. Each blade landed on a head and killed instantly. The monsters with wings rushed towards her, but she manifested a sword in one hand despite already having a sheathed one at her side. With one firm stroke of her blade to each target, they fell one by one.

That must be the captain the guard had spoken of. Kiyomi pondered on it as she and Sako stood on a roof and watched. This woman was knightly—smooth, clean, professional movements. Efficient and sharp with each swipe of her blade and turn of her body. Keen senses. Precise and deft as if rehearsed.

Guards fought off the enemies at the wall. They couldn’t move out any further, or they would risk getting hit by her Weapon Art.

Kiyomi remembered reading something on Weapon Arts in the starter guide. Weapon Arts were essentially “special attacks” that were unique to each weapon, but only Epic and Legendary weapons had them. What was truly special about them was that they didn’t use the user’s mana or energy as fuel. They were entirely independent. There was a Weapon Art meter that had to be filled up to activate the Art for each weapon. Once the user participated actively in combat, their meter would gradually fill up with time. And each enemy defeated would fill it up a lot quicker.

Swords continued raining down, unending. The dragon approached the captain from behind. She soared past it, meanwhile driving her blade into it as she went—starting from the mouth down to its tail. As she cut through the tail, the dragon split in two and fell.

“Impressive,” Sako commented.

“Not bad,” Kiyomi said, knowing she herself could’ve done better. She used Telescopic Vision so they could see her clearly.

The horde didn’t stop. New monsters came and replaced the old ones, only to die and be replaced… More dragons appeared from airborne portals and headed her way.

Kiyomi knew Chelsea couldn’t keep this up for long, not alone up there despite being at Level 612. She was constantly fighting off a swarm of dragons. She swung her sword and occasionally fired energy blasts from her free hand. But her MP was going down bit by bit. 

“We should help. Come on.” Sako went up into the air with Kiyomi following.

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